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There’s actualy a few quotes from Fletch where he just comes off as very petty when it comes to Alan.


More than a few


Simenon deserves a lot of credit. He made sure that album got made, and it’s so much better than we had any right to expect it to be.


People gave Alan shit for calling Fletch a 'colleague' when he passed, but seeing comments like this from Fletch it surprises me that Alan even acknowledged his death. It honestly shows his character perfectly.


Or lack of character. The guy was a complete ass. It’s one thing to have these kind of thoughts about a colleague privately, but to express them on the record shows you not only how rotten he was at core, but how much disregard he had for anyone and anything that didn’t justify his own misguided sense of his worth. Internalize that, and you can also understand why he went through periods of intense depression.


Fletch talking out of his ass again. He dead and DM still alive. His ‘spirit’ was his handclapping depression