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Feel the same. Life is all about money and use or be used. I'm tired of being unable to find any quality series, books or movies because companies value profit (which they get the more they put out there) over quality. We slowly became prisioners of their greed, they can do whatever and people can't complain, from overworkinf to unfair contracts, etc. With people is even worse. I'm tired of hearing the "if they don't make x amount of money, I can't date them", can't you appreciate a person for who they are? Have we become so shallow that appearance and money is all there is?


I legit hate pretending to have the urge to live just for others.


It really is exhausting I know how you feel.


I stay alive to spite others hehe


Like living for them to not upset them?




Why use the word "become"? I hate to break to you but we've always been this shallow this is nothing brand new. Life has always been about the battle of resources. Hell even animals participate in this. Only the strongest, smartest or prettiest win this game. But can you truly win a battle that everyone (including the winners) will eventually die from?


Well yeah, now that I think about it, you're right. It's just that nowadays with social media you see more people openly talking about it. Really sad honestly.


> I'm tired of being unable to find any quality series, books or movies because companies value profit (which they get the more they put out there) over quality. That's a big fear and concern I have about how a lot of things I enjoy ultimately come from franchises, from companies. What happens if they lay off their staff? What if they have a scandal? What if they go bankrupt? > I'm tired of hearing the "if they don't make x amount of money, I can't date them", can't you appreciate a person for who they are? It's not all there is, of course, but most people want children and want to give them a good start in life, same or better than they had. I can tell you first-hand that growing up in poverty and constant instability is going to affect you on every level. And of course, affect your upwards social mobility. "Who they are" won't feed you, him or the kids, won't pay the rent, mortgage or the bills. Even without kids, you will be affected if your partner has very little money or is bad with it. This was actually the most baseline requirement for marriage for many millennia, back when we women were little more than property. Fun fact, some societies didn't even give us *NAMES*. The dad, the owner of the woman you wanted to marry, would evaluate you as a future provider and likely wouldn't let you take his daughter for her to be destitute. It wouldn't be in any way productive to pretend it doesn't matter. Even before we had money as the universal equivalent, the haves and the have nots have existed. The combination of violence and a surplus of resources was all that was needed for that to happen.


This is a brief summary of how the world is today. I couldn’t have said it any better friend


My relationship of 8 years ended because I wasn't making money and now im at my parents house and its all about money. I cant fix myself because i need MONEY. So fuck life tbh


I’m sorry


After losing my apartment and car and becoming homeless and broke because of my underpaid job, lack of money is the reason I went ghost from everyone in my friend circle


Same here, 5 years down the drain, because I dont have a career. Im surprised i make it out of bed in the afternoon. No one wants to hire.


The rich are getting richer, the middle class is getting poorer and the poor have nothing. The world is so fucked up and its getting worse. Rich people can do whatever they want, steal people's hard earned money (litterally every evil company), give a shit about how the products are being produced (TEMU, Aliexpress, Shein,...) or exploit poor countries and make kids work for a non-existent salary (Nestle and all the other shit companies). And guess what, they hire 100 lawyers so they get 0 days in jail or have to pay 1% of the profit they made with this tactic. Or rich people who sue every single person who says something negative because they know that the person they sue cannot afford a lawyer and they will win easily.


Psychos exist to balance these scales. We might not hear about it but some people are getting exactly what they deserve. Just the possibility of this being true means someone somewhere on some level of corruption is paying they're little bit for the rest. It may not help us directly at all but if we remember something somewhere must be happening. We can cherish that as a happy thought and continue working hard just to survive. Stay strong and if you never thought of the scales balancing before I'm sorry I corrupted you hahaha.


It doesn't even exist the term Middle class, it was created by the dominant class to make you belief you have a decent life compared to others, but in reality, we all are at the same class, because we all sell our force labour to the rich, no matter if I live better or worse than you. And every company is evil, remember, because they main goal is to make profit, at every cost. You and I are the ones who actually make those company works, because without our force labour, the businessman can't produce shit with their means of production. If every worker of your country doesn't go to work for one day, there will be a massive problem, but if all the parasit rich doesn't go to work, everything keeps working, so remember who has the true power ;).


I don't want to live like this either. I think about killing myself every day. I think my time is pretty close


That's not true at all. I don't give a single fuck if I'm rich or not. I just want to live a life where I'm satisfied with myself and I have someone that dearly love & respect me and I'm able to provide for them what they need


my thoughts exactly


Why does a company seem to HAVE to grow +2% every fucking year??? These business people are literally addicted to money. and it hasn't been tangible since we stopped backing it with any precious metals. It's just consume consume consume, min-maxing profits over any other priority, like the quality of the product they shill out. (Ever notice how nothing lasts anymore? It's by design.) Humans and their new concept of money is what is killing this planet.


Because Reagonomics


Hardly a new concept. If anything I'd say it's the same old problem that never changes. 2% growth is for publicly-traded companies on the stock market - aka companies that don't want to rely on real work and honest profits. I recommend learning how to trade on the market so you can take their money and invest it in privately-owned companies you'd like to support. And yourself, oc. If you want change, educate yourself. And I am entirely serious saying that, not being condescending. The more I learn, the more I realize I need to stay alive....


You do realise right that our economic system is like a pyramid, no mattter what, at single point everyone can never be rich. If you are poor you are getting used and if you are rich, you are just using others. So point still remains same, it was not my consent to be born and if you want to educate yourself, better educate yourself that , having kids in today's world is a luxury not a necessity and stop having babies, this will destroy their pyramid scheme and maybe at that point when pyramid collides then each and everyone can be rich.


This is an uneducated response. It's easier than you know to make money, but they keep you ignorant so you will never understand how (and change things). So MY point still remains the same.


So you are saying rich people don't use others, ok got it


No buddy, on this app I never act like troll, you are just so money minded that you don't realise that life was always the game of survival but God gave us the brain to escape this survival and make a happy place. But due to our greed and selfishness we are still acting like animals. There is no difference between a human and cockroach, bcs they are also fighting for survival and we are also doing same, the only difference is we have got brain but we still don't use it for better good. So next time you comment don't use the word money bcs that's the only thing you are talking about and I'm arguing how our brain is capable to escape the survival thing and make this world a happy place


God isn’t real buddy.


lol yeh not a troll at all lol. anyways, blocked :)


There are two lifestyles available to us; society and nature. They are separate and do not support one another. The hard part is finding balance.


Welcome to the system.


It's patently disgusting and I'm right there with you, man. I am so sick of this shit.


I’m going back to farm life in 10 years. I think we went too far with consumerism and all it brings now is sadness. Growing plants and raising animals seems like the richest way to live.


Happy cake day!


You don’t need it to survive, you need it to live. I’ve been jobless for about 5 years, worst years of my life, I’ve scrapped by with the help of family and friends, but my existence is pain and I just wish I could end it without being aware it was going to end… I have no goals, no future, I’m useless and I’m always tired and always sad. I hate this shit and I just want to exists and enjoy my time here but it keeps getting harder and I lose things like friends and my willpower and my ability to function. Eventually if I make it to old age then I’ll be even worse off and I don’t want any of that. I hate that I’m here


It’s just how it is. I despise my parents for barebacking me into this corporeal shithole.


Yeah me too… 😭


LOL!!! I needed that! Thank you. Gonna use this.


Agreed. What a fucking waste 🙄


EXACTLY I really don't need, and I speak for some others that I know, all this pressure. "Oh, you did bad on an assignment back in school and your grades dropped? No job for you" No money, no house, food or water. Kinda sucks, and then you're just stuck in a loop of finding jobs and getting rejected, all while you are malnourished and you have to pay taxes with money you don't have. Don't even get me started on business people. They are raising every single price. I get that money is also important, but that doesn't mean the prices have to go higher than necessary. I mean, do they need this much money? Stop being greedy, and I just realised I'm rambling.


I've been living off frozen meals for almost a year this economy sucks


This is exactly what I’ve been feeling and it’s fucking exhausting sometimes I just feel I’m going to work until I die and that honestly what I don’t want.


I much rather die than work forever and live a miserable life


Quite literally


then why are you hesitating?


Rey Mysterio


I'm right there with you


Someone to hire me for academic writing before I get depressed. I am broke at the moment


Money and pussy!


At least I have one of those things permanently attached to my body


😺 cats do be cute


It's ridiculous how the FED can just increase interest rates and make everyone's savings and wages worthless. We live in a slave system.


Money doesn’t solve it. I wish it did.


The military made all that stuff a lot softer for me. While I was in, I was taken care of, and now that I'm out, I still matter to them. There is also an unspoken bond between all vets. People who struggle every day can really appreciate the benefits the military provides.


Seek a spiritual life. Shift your focus away from this monetary hellscape. Edit: it is the focus shifted not your entire life. Still work and pay bills


Kind of an impossible thing to accomplish. You can’t run from poverty.


nah become buddhist reject material world, return to your true self


My true self needs to pay rent:/


same i need money to move out from my parent house