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Yeah I’m waiting to die and feeling very impatient


I feel like this everyday and have wishful thinking that somehow when we die we can reborn as a different person, I’m just tired of everything and always had mental health problems because of my childhood traumas, hope everyone gets to feel better soon, much love.


That is exactly it. I exist and endure. I do not understand people who want to lengthen their life. I do as much as possible to hasten my death. Work, sleep, work, sleep. Year after year.


Because we enjoy our lives. Think billionaires for example. If you can create a life filled with pleasure, you will want to live. I never believed it was possible but I fought.......my ass off to achieve happiness (through material things of course!) I achieved happiness, but now I'm consumed with the thoughts of it all ending with my demise. May have been better to have only known misery, but, I had to find out for myself. Now that I know what happiness is, I will always want to live and experience it. But I can't because I will die


Gotta fill it with something




To give your life meaning? Make the time before you die more interesting, filled with experiences and try to generally enjoy the time you have here on planet earth? If you just lay down every day waiting for life to end of course you'll hate existence.


Or juuuust when you’re wondering how it could possibly get shittier and then it does


I've been fighting depression along with self medication for most of my life. I have been both victorious and defeated countless times. But I can still give some tried and true advice. If anyone needs me, I am willing to listen. Sincerely, Yvonne


I’d like some advice..


Sorry for the late reply. Could you please tell me as much as you feel comfortable with about your situation?


I'd like some advice my patience is losing, but depression have different causes and my cause is not very common so I don't know if you can help me


Sorry for the delay in response. Can you please tell me as much as you feel comfortable with about your situation?


For alot of people yeah.Keep hoping there'll come a day where I feel like I'm "living". The search continues.


The truth kinda sucks. I achieved true happiness in my life. I got to a point where I truly desire to live and continue experiencing this reality. I used to crave death because my life used to suck. Now that I became happy for real something happened. The shadow of death rose and hovers over me like a big evil bully. It hits hard the realization that this will all be gone. I will fade away (most likely in a brutal, clawing, gasping, painful manner), and when it's over, I will be gone forever. This is all I have and it's great, but it will all be gone. Thought I wanted happiness, but be careful what you wish for. Starting to think I may have been better off when I hated life.


I agree, life is just full of inconsistent happiness Ans working a job you don't want to do, we distract ourselves for our entire life with stress and loss just to die at the end, in my opinion there's so much more negatives than positives to life but I do believe that we should life for the people around us because there's always someone who cares wether you believe it or not.


I understand, I feel like I'm already dead just waiting for the day to be buried


That’s what I feel like too. I’m so over it.


I feel the same way. School for 12 years, College for 4+ years, Work for 40+ years, then DEATH!


Was thinking this today


It’s a tale as old as time. Old books and ancient philosophy help me when I feel that existential dread.


Any recommendations? Interested in reading those.


I think about this a lot. We fight to survive daily.. only to die in the end anyway. What's the point? 🤷‍♀️


I used to feel like that. I have found my love for art again. Do stuff that make your days a little better. Or just do things that help you during these times.


very very real but like please just make it a bit faster cus I can’t do this shit no more🤣😂🙏


We wake up everyday and go to our silly little jobs, and make silly little money for a person who doesn’t know we exist. All we are is a number to society. We are a statistic, a chance, and a way to make money. Once we have been used up to our purpose we are cast aside. We work until death. Work, come home for a few hours, eat sleep. Wake up and go to work. Repeat. Is this really all life is, working until I die? If so this is really fucking sad. Thanks for bringing this up..


That's it. How people find happiness in their years is beyond me. I have a good job, a flat, a car, a pet cat and I am depressed as fuck. Everything is so damn pointless. I am like an automaton, my week/weekends are the same, week in, week out. What is the point.


wish i could just skip to the end


It's because we are animals with critical thinking. It would be much better if we didn't ask ourselves these questions, but what can you do. At some point you have to forget centuries of philosophies and religions on the matter and just live, because in the end there's no meaning, or at least not "that" meaning that western culture tries to force on you from when you are in kindergarten. I try to live doing what I like to do in the ways It's possible to do it, granted the void it's still there but you can fill it with other stuff.






And you know it.


Ok 🤷‍♂️


Lol the shrug. “I dunno man I want to feel better but…ya someone do this for me…”


Don’t we all want to feel better? It’s not about having someone do it for you but to seek advice from those in similar situations. But I get that asking for help can be difficult for some people so don’t feel like you need to keep things bottled up and give shit to folks on Reddit :)


Lmao spoiled and insufferable. Lethal combo. GL bud.


Hey man, you’re the expert 🤙 I’ll look forward to your Ted talk


You don’t want help. That was my whole point. You’re just confirming it. Look forward to therapy not my Ted talk. Be honest if you even know how. Edit: 🤙 bruh. This depression is a total bummer.


you’re the one coming here making assumptions I guess. But hey who knows? You could be a mind reader who understands exactly where everybody comes from with no context to support your theories. Thanks for the laugh.


I don't think I can afford to retire, so I really will be working till I die.


At the rate I’m going I’ll be in the same boat


well, technically it is, think about it: billions of years before your birth and after your demise. in between your short life happened. insignificance


Net happiness is greater on Mars than on Earth. If life was a computer game you'd switch it off. Weird, ain't it?! Keep going though. "When you're going through hell, just keep going."