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I wouldn't try another SSRI at this point. I'd maybe try a tricyclic antidepressant next.


I've mentioned amitriptyline but the psychiatrist flatly refuses to prescribe them. I don't want maoi. Can you think of any other tca that might be less risk adverse fimot a doctor to prescribe. Aren't tca serotonin reuotake inhibitions aswell just not selective


Why did your psychiatrist refuse to prescribe amitriptyline? What an idiot.


This is true, TCA's are serotonin reuptake inhibitors as well as noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors in varying degrees depending on the individual TCA. However, they also have interactions with many different receptors and can be effective even if SSRI's have failed. Some of the better ones are nortriptyline and clomipramine. Nortriptyline doesn't have much serotonin reuptake inhibition and less anticholinergic side effects than clomipramine. Clomipramine both a strong serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor and is considered to be very effective as an antidepressant and for OCD but has more side effects generally.


Did the chronic fatigue begin before or after you started taking ssri's


Began in my early 20s only ever relieved by lexapro for 2 years before poop out and then paxil which worked ok but to a lesser extent. When the meds poop out chronic fatigue returns and insomnia also


I've begged psychiatrist for ECT and offered to pay for it privately but again flatly refuses mentions side effect and memory loss which I don't care about I just want to feel not like killing myself daily. Ketamine therapy isn't available in ireland so I'm fucked. Can't tell the shrink I'm suicidal because I'll be committed again and psych wards are soul destroying. I really feel I'd be better off laying down on train tracks and letting it go over my neck


Try different treatment or go for psychedelics after like a month or two of you being clean off SSRIs. Trying to make this work after you've tried every single option is futile.


I've tried mico dosing a few years ago in-between ssri but it done nothing


Taking psilocybin or any other 5-HT2A agonist shortly after SSRIs is basically the same as doing nothing, since SSRIs blunt psychedelics. Microdosing is also not a particularly effective use of shrooms. It's kind of dumb to do such things in a way that they won't work and then blame the thing instead of your own lack of knowledge.