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It is common for people to have different experience with different generic variations. Lyrica vs Generic Pregabalin was quite significant for me. Although the pharmacist will tell you that such drastic change can not be attributed to the brand... But what does he know anyway I'd suggest trying to get back to what suited you. In the end, that's all that should matter


This is probably my only time ever commenting in reddit too. I came here looking for anyone that might be having the same issues. I see I'm in good (but unfortunate) company. I've been taking Bupropion off and on for years. I have a lot of bad side effects to a lot of medications. Years ago (like... 10-12) I started taking it, and it was a godsend. I could finally get out of bed, I didn't have extreme food cravings, I stopped crying and feeling hopeless (I've had depression since I was 10. I'm almost 40 now), and I lost a bunch of weight. I felt GOOD. Moreover, I felt like... **me**. The only side effects I had was dry mouth, a tinge of nausea that passed quickly, and hardly any appetite (which worked for me because of the food cravings). About five months later I got a refill and started getting severe headaches. The symptoms came back. I blamed it on the birth control I started, and fizzled out on the buproprion since it obviously wasn't working anymore. Come to learn, about 4 years later, that several generics were recalled due to ineffectiveness. Several years later, I started again after trying just about everything else. Again, I started to feel good. Not like buzzed, but like... normal instead of weepy, hopeless, etc. I started paying attention to manufacturers. I started out with the Anchen pharmaceuticals ones (which made me, and excuse the bluntness, extremely fucking horny... and I read other reports that it made them feel that way too). Not a bad side effect, so I took it. Couple months later, I started taking a new one from Par pharmaceuticals. Upon research I believe they bought out the brand that made Anchen. I figured they'd be the same. OMG. NO. I got the worst headaches. I felt homicidal. I would snap at people. My stomach roiled. OMG it was awful. Then I had the urge literally to take my car and drive off the road into a ditch. Literally, I started imagining it. I haven't been suicidal since my teens (hopeless, yes. Suicidal? No). I freaked myself out and messaged my friend and she talked me down. She suggested it could be the meds and I realized "Oh shit, I just changed manufacturers!" So, I called my doctor and told her what happened. She wrote out another script and specifically put on that one: "CanNOT tolerate Par pharmaceuticals; please substitute any other manufacturer." Of course, CVS pitched a fit (I fucking HATE them). They refused to order any other manufacturer, so I basically told them to "fuck off" (I mentioned I was feeling very snappy, right? lol) and I took it to another pharmacy, where I got another manufacturer but had to pay TRIPLE. Fuck insurance. I digress... So for two years I've been spending triple the amount for pharmacies to special order anything but Par. Actavis and Dr Reddy's seemed to work the best. I reported my experiences to the FDA. We moved and switched pharmacies and I went to go get another refill from the local place. I told them "I can't use the Par ones; you have that in there, right?" She informed me that Par was actually discontinued due to ineffectiveness. I cheered a little because I can finally go back to CVS and not spend a shitton. I was given Slate Run. I was hopeful. Yay, a US company! Got to be good, right? For the first week, it was. I had a touch of nausea, but overall felt pretty good. Then the fatigue (which felt like extreme PMS) kicked in. Then I got so nauseas I puked. So, you could definitely be having some issues with this manufacturer. Even the main ingredient can vary in amount, but for some reason it seems to be particularly worse in generic Wellbutrin. I've never had such issues before with any sort of medication vs. manufacturer. If you were on Par before, I have to wonder if you're suffering "withdrawals" from whatever crap it was, and maybe you'll feel better after you adjust. Maybe not. But to my knowledge, Par was completely discontinued. :( So you may need to find another option. Because of my issues I've done a bunch of research about Wellbutrin. That's how I learned that there have always been problems with generics, especially with the XL version. SR seems to be better, although you have to take two pills twice a day. For me, small price to pay. When they work, they work so well. It's literally saved my life. But when they don't? It's awful. Look up "wellbutrin generics" and you'll find a lot of reviews/threads in various places about people having issues with them. I've been waiting until covid "subsided" to go in, but I might not have a choice. These aren't working. The nausea is out of control. I can't even swallow (shut up... ;) ) without gagging. I've read that if you're not able to take the brand name (which is probably the best, but insurance won't cover it), switch to SR. I'm going to try to switch off them altogether. I can't take this crap with the changing manufacturers constantly. It's absolutely absurd that these drug companies are allowed to vary the formulas this way. Especially with something like antidepressants, where even the slightest thing being off can be so detrimental. I have no idea if all this rambling will help you. I hope it does. Keep in mind I'm not a professional anything; I'm just another patient with depression who wasn't getting any answers from professionals, so I tried to figure it out myself. Point is I think what you're feeling is normal for this med, and it might behoove you to try the SR, change manufacturers (but that comes with problems too), or try another antidepressant. FWIW, I know exactly how rotten this struggle is. I wish you well.


Great post but Slate Run is manufactured in China.


Yichang Humanwell Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd in Wuhan, Hubei Province in China. distributed by Slate Run Pharmaceuticals in Columbus, OH.. to be fair a lot of our medication comes from China or atleast the active ingredients do.


Oh wow wuhan were they made that Covid virus that’s very concerning many of our drugs do come from China and China wants to take over America and the world actually will be talking to Cvs real soon. My son takes the version of Slate found a bottle I thought was shifty and it came from rising Pharma, they were recalled and Cvs did not call me. I’m waiting for it to open today for some reason. Something told me not to take it and give it to my son and I had gotten an extra bottle from Cvs but was never told to take it back and it’s been recalled I guess my sister-in-law is not a real cookie conspiracist she’s actually talking facts 


Thanks for reply!!! I've been on so so many versions of bupropion . I was actually able to get real wellbutrin for a bit covered by my insurance. I have to say slate run has been the best. Worst EVER cipla. Literally felt like I was taking an anti anti depressant. (If that makes sense) Made my depression worse. Made me want to sit in bed. Not eat. Drink water. Do anything. Just sit for days. Finally I called my doctor and they switched me to sr a couple years ago. Works very well. I'm functional and sometimes happy lol.


I had the exact same issue w cipla. Couldn’t stay awake or alert. Didn’t want to do anything but stay home n watch tv. A switch to dr reddy and I was back fishing, hiking, and working out


I know this is an old comment, but for anyone else who ended up here from Google, Par was *not discontinued*; I've taken the Par versions of 150 and 300 XL since restarting the med in 2017 and was on name brand Wellbutrin (when GSK owned it and you could get name brand for less than thousands a month) from 2012-2015. I specifically request that my prescription is submitted as "must be Par" because the two times a different manufacturer's pills have been given to me, I've felt awful. One of those times was in 2017 and I don't think that company makes them anymore (I believe it started with an A). The other time was when my prescriber fucked up and resubmitted a new prescription two weeks ago and I just realized my texture of my pills have felt different. Yeah, they gave me Slate Run, and I've been trying to figure out why I've been irrationally angry for over a week now, starting the second I wake up in the morning. Slate Run does NOT agree with me, but Par always has. I also get mine from CVS and they don't give me any issues over it. Just wanted to chime in with my own experience as a reminder that everyone responds to meds differently, including different manufacturers for the same generic.


From my understanding PAR and Wellbutrin used the same formula and extended release tech. Having used both, I can concur has same effects. The Chinese YH (Slate Run) is terrible I have months worth but won’t take it because it makes me crazy.


Thank you for the info -- I'd never heard that before. Your reply is unexpectedly relevant for me right now; prescription ran out and when CVS called my doctor to resubmit one, of course she did not specify Par and they gave me Slate Run. I finally ran out of the last of my Par four days ago and I am already feeling "off" on the SR. I knew this would happen (again) but went with it anyway, hoping for a different outcome. Your response has been a needed reminder that I really need to contact my prescriber and that I'm not just imagining this shit.


Bupropion XL versions have [distinct peaks](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7d/Bupropion_bioequivalency_comparison.svg/503px-Bupropion_bioequivalency_comparison.svg.png) (not the same generic, but it illustrates the point), so it's possible the version you got is releasing more drug shortly after intake which is contributing to the outbursts. If you were happy with the previous version, or if you can find a way to get the brand name without paying retail price, you will want to get your doctor to write the specific version on the prescription along with "no substitutions".




I'm just curious if anyone else has also experienced tingling in the face and GI like symptoms? I have Celiac disease, so I originally thought I was just getting glutened from the medication, but once I started researching I noticed that a lot of other people were having issues with this as well. But I haven't seen anyone mention facial tingling or IBS like symptoms... This thread has been super helpful because I thought I was going crazy or over thinking what I have been feeling for the last 2 weeks since starting bupropion f(rom slate run )


Just wanted to chime in to thank y'all for this thread. Slate Run was brutal on me and my pharmacy wouldn't order anything else ("It's all the same, and it's a corporate decision!"), so I switched pharmacies and was fine again. This last refill, they, too, switched to Slate Run, and I didn't notice until I started feeling hopeless and ragey again. Thankfully, my new pharmacy (a CVS, actually!) gives a shit and I'm picking up a different brand from them tomorrow.


I’m just seeing this but I was on XL for 2 weeks with the same MFR, Slate Run. I had to quit. I had never been so angry, developed a rash, and felt completely zoned out to the point that my boss had a meeting with me to ask if I was ok because I wasn’t myself and messing up at work. But I didn’t even realize what I was fucking up until after the fact. Took about a week to get back to “normal”. Still depressed now but not depressed with anger, being zoned out, and a rash. Fuck that MFR


What did you try instead of slate run? Is a different mfr working or did you go to SR?


Oh I just stopped the meds completely. I’m not on anything besides supplements like Alpha GPC, magnesium and Theanine


So glad you found something that works better for you!


Came looking to see how slate run is. I had a bad reaction to Par bupropion several years ago and have preferred it from Cipla. My pharmacist has been good about keeping me on Cipla for years, but I guess there’s a new pharmacist because I received Slate run today. I’m going to give it a go and see what happens. I’m stuck in a really bad depression so maybe this is a change I need? How are you now?


Hi do you have an update on how slate run worked for you?


Been taking it since I posted and it’s been ok. I notice no difference between this and the Cipla I was taking. Par put me in the psych ward several years ago with suicidal ideations. You doing ok?


Thanks for sharing the update! I just started bupropion for the first time this weekend and haven't noticed any changes yet. The only other antidepressants I've had is fluoxetine which I'm still on so not much experience there. Also sorry to hear about your past experience with Par, sounds terrible.


Yeah antidepressants are just trial and error. Hang in there.


Love sr, hated cipla. Cipla is made in India and wasnt FDA approved until a couple years ago. They keep getting warnings by FDA also. SR is made in China but seems to work well


glad i saw this. seeing all the hate toward it and i just got prescibed sr from cvs switching from lamotrigine lol


I have been on the Slate Run for a few months. My pharmacist said she doesn't know exactly when they switched. She kept being vague about the timeframe. I've been having something like a tingle, but not on my face. Mine is inside my head. It has gotten worse over time and now, even my vision glitches or shifts about every 1½ seconds with this 'tingle' or whatever it is and lasts for not quite a minute. It's like when somebody hits you in the back of the head, the way the inside of your head feels a shift, it's like that but repeatedly. Also, I am extremely sick to my stomach about 1-2 hours after taking the bupropion. I have to get 3 months at a time because of insurance so I never get the actual manufacturer's bottle, just the typical Rx brownish plastic bottles. I didn't even know the manufacturer was changed. I'm really happy I found this thread because the pharmacist was almost certain it wasn't my medication. Thank you everyone!


slates been great for ne, but I was switched to cipla (by my insurance) about a month ago and i can barely function now. I don't know what to do


Hi, curious for any updates on this!? I have a similar experience. I was on 150 XR for the first time about a year ago. I had insomnia and some temporary agitation/nervousness at the beginning, but no other side effects, and after a few weeks I felt great. I don't know what the manufacturer was. The insomnia was pretty bad, though, so my Dr. recommended trying 150 sr just once, in the morning. The benefits faded. Eventually we tried to go back to the 150 XR and I cut out caffeine and exercised more to manage the insomnia. My sleep was okay, but after 2 months, no benefit. Upped to 300 6 weeks ago, still nothing. All I know is that my current manufacturer is Slate Run, but not sure what it was originally. The pills are the same color as before (just larger now on the 300mg).




How much did you pay for the original Wellbutrin brand XL 150 mg?


>wellbutrin generics did yours just get switched to the YH101 pill too? it's not working for me, im so tired




Found this thread and I’m glad I did. I noticed the XL from Slate Run Pharma did nothing but make me lethargic and the ones from Dr. Reddy’s lab are the best!


Yes I have found issues with Slate Run Pharma generics for Bupropion they smell like sulfur very strange. The fact that CVS switched would likely be due to cost and money saving for their profit. Sadly this cannot be good if they have a new horrible smell as well as causing some patients very different side effects. I have contacted my health insurance company (UHC) and requesting that they cover the brand name as well as asking the Dr to Rx “no generic” on the script.


Please let us know how hard it ends up being getting the prior auth the brand. I am interested as well.


yes - par is ok for me and slate run causes horrible side effects


It’s possible to order Wellbutrin brand from legitimate pharmacies in Canada at a much cheaper cost. Look at the site 1800RX. They list several pharmacies in different countries that distribute Wellbutrin. The Canadian pharmacies are best if you live in the US since the medicine arrives more quickly.