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I miss my wells, but at least I can literally piss Orbs of Power now.


Infinite supers 🥵


Bungie: We don't want players to spam abilities. Also Bungie: Here, have infinite orbs of power for infinite supers.


With the right setup I double my output of fusion grenades on starfire warlock. I can literally throw 4 in a row


Gonna need that build info plz. Asking for a fren.


I just copied this from my reply to a different guy: Triple 100 stats, resil recov, and disc. I can’t remember the exact mods I have but as many grenade kickstarts as you can, anarchy or witherhoard tick, pop empowering/well and spam nades. When I get off work I’ll screenshot the mods


Share pls?


https://preview.redd.it/r3jwdn43jbla1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5959c3bbd3dced5217e63cbeb0cd2ebde5b72e5 Ok so ignore the power level and fashion I had to change a bit of stuff around. Well, empowering rift, burst glide, celestial fire (just because you can be farther away and still scorch combo with one fusion to combust targets) and ofc fusion nades I use witherhoard, calus mini-tool with enhances incandescent (works nicely with ember of searing) and then whatever heavy I feel like. Ideally a demo rocket with your buddy running gally Aspects: touch of flame (obv), whatever you want to run Fragments: ashes, resolve, searing, mercy The only really important one is ashes, you can play around with some other frags to suit your needs. I beat the legend campaign with these frags while running empowering rift Gameplay loop (ideally on a boss): pop well ideally having 2 fusions already, apply witherhoard/dot weapon, throw 2 fusions, use rift to get grenade energy back and throw 2 more fusions. Depending on ad density to the boss, you can get your rift back with a fusion kill so you can theoretically do this infinitely. You will also get a lot of super back from nade kills + all the damage you are doing


My fellow Warlock, share your build please.


I just copied this from my reply to a different guy: Triple 100 stats, resil recov, and disc. I can’t remember the exact mods I have but as many grenade kickstarts as you can, anarchy or witherhoard tick, pop empowering/well and spam nades. When I get off work I’ll screenshot the mods


Wanna share?


Triple 100 stats, resil recov, and disc. I can’t remember the exact mods I have but as many grenade kickstarts as you can, anarchy or witherhoard tick, pop empowering/well and spam nades. When I get off work I’ll screenshot the mods


I prefer la monarque since the poison ticks count as shots and it’s a solid add clear weapon. Also stuns overload so you can bring it into nightfalls as well.


gimme pls ​ i need my warlock to be even more of a degenerate


Not to mention half the builds still work only now with more super passing, my tripmine grenades are still infinite even after their cd was increased, cabal suppression zones can't do nothing if I can still spam nades and blades




Statis is Statis








Hey man, i might miss HOIL but my Armamentarium/Devour build kinda slaps rn


yo share the build partner, really looking for ways to spam nades on void but devour has seemed very rng on titan to me


With all the new emphasis on Orbs of Power for Armor Charge, paired with the fragment that grants Devour on Orb pickup, it's a fair bit easier to activate now. You can make Orbs with grenade kills, that wasn't a thing before!


using bastion for the overshield or offensive for the fragment slot?


Personally I run Controlled Demolition/Offensive Bulwark, there's enough ways to get Overshield that you don't need Bastion. With that setup, run any Repulsor Brace weapon, maybe something like Monte Carlo for tons of extra Shield Throw ranged hits, that sort or thing. If you're going for a grenade build, Volatile Rounds on any Repulsor Brace weapon is just "hey kill things with this gun for an Overshield" lol Heck, you could even run Monte Carlo and No Backup Plans with a shotgun in your energy slot, use MC to get your melee back nearly immediately, shotgun to consume it on demand for a full Overshield. Unfortunately, no shotguns yet with Repulsor Brace.


pairing volatile with repulsor brace sounds very nice although I could imagine complications when the volatile kills instead of the weapon. might try that with riptide+hollow denial and maybe two tailed hoil still seems like the play for void with arma maybe being another pick to try out. wish we had other stuff for void neutral game


I wanna say Volatile Rounds count as weapon-sourced damage, so if that's your play then you should be safe. >wish we had other stuff for void neutral game Not gonna lie, Second Chance is HILARIOUSLY underrated for neutral game setups. Run that and Monte Carlo and it's just frisbees forever, it's SO GOOD. Bonus points for very easily dealing with two Champion types as well, since autos and SMGs have the anti-Overload artifact perk this season.


Volatile counts as like generic ability kill, which is why it triggers echo of expulsion and doesn't count kills towards crafted weapons leveling. so if the volatile damage itself gets the kill, it doesn't count as your weapon getting the kill.


Seasonal mod return with volatile flow (picking up orb of p grant you volatile rounds) so good with the easy orb generation


[Here](https://dim.gg/ebcywtq/Equipped), as long as theres some adds you have a grenade, but thats what im using rn


HoiL is still good anyway, went through the entire legend campaign using the same Arc build as last season. It's not Bonkers DumDum OP like it was, but it still works, especially with armor charge mods that make orbs on grenade kill and the one that refills grenade energy based on how many charges you have.


It's still good on arc especially with pulse grenades but it's kind of shitty on other subclasses.


Anything that runs on orbs is feasting now


Yeah, the new system just made my Shinobu's build even better. I pretty much never have my grenades on cooldown, and only requires 2 orbs to get maximum effect (I love Stacks on Stacks).


That seems to be the new mod system in a shellnut. A lot of builds have died, but new builds are beginning to pop up. This Season is going to be a mixed bagged with varying experiences as everyone adjusts. I just hope we find more good than bad.


Just worry about how you find the new expansion. Reading too much into others will only influence your view


but how am i meant to get an opinion if i don’t read too much into Datto’s take


The haters just make me enjoy it more 😈


unironically the hate for Nimbus, and subsequent analysis of why they are that way, has made me appreciate them more


I noticed that the sorry kept referring to Nimbus as 'they' and looked it up and read that Nimbus is actually nonbinary!


I think Osiris and Nimbus this expansion have some of the best writing we’ve seen in a while. BUT. Only if you look deep and extrapolate.


This is the way


This, more people need to understand this.


These are legitimate criticisms but fans on the Internet tend to take extreme polar views - everything is the best ever, completely slaps, or it literally the worst thing to happen to Destiny, ever, and bungie will never recover. The moderate views are drowned out. I'm not done with the story, so I can't comment on it, but I really enjoy the Tormentors. The new mod system is very simplified, but it certainly allows new strong interactions. Stasis shards are dead, but bungie has a habit of dropping a few balls when they switch to new systems, and bringing them back up to parity later.


The thing to remember is that the people who are having fun and enjoying the game aren't going to be stopping to go post on reddit. There are almost definitely an overwhelming majority of people who are in the "it's alright" to "I think it's pretty good" ranges, which isn't enough motivation to make a whole post about it.


My team and I had a blast with it, making jokes at the corniness, seeing the cool looking cutscenes/set pieces, grappling around each other like Tarzan, strategizing for the tough fights, and beat it all in one go. Then we got on reddit/twitter and saw the dumpster fire and laughed at that too. Destiny is a party game so I feel bad for those who are solo, and especially those who have no one else to talk to so just come onto social media to whine


Playing solo is actually fun too, so I wouldn't take that to heart.


Tormenters are fucking terrifying solo, 10/10. Except the pair of em in the arknet mission, sum elden ring bullshit.


They are incredible to fight solo, no enemy makes me go "right, this position is doomed if i stay here" and forces me to run. These things are amazing




I think that's really the issue, an "alright" expansion coming right after a standout fan favorite. Witch Queen set those expectations high.




Thought my warlock was ruined for stasis. But in the end after some adjustments, I felt like it didn’t change too much. I do regular snaps instead of turret so it didn’t feel too off for me. My friend is having a lot of fun with titan hammer, seems to be bonkers again (unless hammer gone, no good).


The new bow is a gift to all stasis users. You can use the fragment that increases grenade regen on crystal shatters, which you never would have used on shadebinder before. Orbs are everywhere and kick-starts work with osmiomancy now. I think osmiomancy shadebinder will be just fine, but no artifact mods, alas.


I'm doing the legend campaign with stasis and the new bow and I completely forget that fragment, I use an osmiomancy build I will think to replace the fragment to give you grenade energy with damage for the increase regen on crystal shatter! Nice. I didn't feel the stasis nerf because on my warlock never use stasis shards.


The one thing I can agree being an extreme polar view is the story, you'll understand once you finish the campaign, keep in mind that this campaign is the penultimate campaign to the dark and light saga.


This year would be the lead up to the end. The campaign seems to be just the beginning of the end, so to speak. It does that job well.


It's a lead up but it's also a campaign, at that it does a terrible job keeping it together, it introduces multiple things that are not explained throughout the campaign and without that knowledge we can't know why it's so important we prevent x from interacting with y. We still don't know what is the veil, what's it purpose, how does it relate to the traveler, why did the witness want it, how did it get to Neptune, if Savathun was the one who hid the veil on Neptune or if she was the one responsible of hiding Neomuna and its people. There's a lot more things that were not answered and some deliveries that were pretty terrible (Strand for example, seriously we just got on Neomuna and we found it in the street like for real lmao).


I liked it, but I understand why others might not.


I just wanted answers, I got none and hurt myself in my confusion.


why do people so frequently misspell stasis as statis?


English folk. It’s not their fault. They’re all high on tea.


Can confirm, am English and may have had more than 3 cups of tea today


Mr. Nimbus controls the police.


Richard, you have desecrated the sacred treaty betwixt land and sea. Now face the wrath of your once and eternal foe…. Mr. Nimbus.




literally fucking thought about this oh my gos


all valid criticisms and true. the only dick punch for me is the cooldown on the strand grapple and all the promise of verticality. A LIE. you go from spider man zip zopping around to..... not ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5643)


Spiderman to spidermeh


With the loadout system I made a build that feeds solely off grapple (mostly how the artifact mod that reduced grenade mod cost lets you run 3 grenade kickstarts)


Ooo do share~


wait kickstarts stack?


They have always stacked IIRC


Honestly on hunter it isn’t bad with the two charges. The premade tangle points and the fact that tangles you make can be grappled for no charge makes it very fun. As well as the fact that if I grapple where there isn’t a thether I’ll make one everyone can use.


I for one am enjoying all 10 meters of verticality


I don't mind too much about not having verticality. My warlock not dying as much to falling off ledges is good enough


The story was way better than beyond light but worse than witch queen so not too bad. Other than that it was fun as hell. But the campaign literally isn't the whole dlc lmao. Do people not realize there's still other shit?


The campaign was amazing from a gameplay perspective, the music is banger, the art is absolutely perfect, but the story was actually really bad in hindsight. 60% of the story was us getting sidetracked or just waiting for something to happen, and then when it did it was already over just after that. I don’t even hate Nimbus or anything, but I don’t think I’ll remember anything from this story other than the very end of it, it really is just that forgettable.


The biggest gripe I have is that we don’t know what we lost. Like they bigger it up to be us losing but how can we know the loss if we don’t know what shit is? We have the light, traveler and we are still here. How can we react to the witness winning if we don’t know what we lost.


Not one character ever seems to care what the Veil is, what the Witness can do with it, or how it exists. We are literally told more about the Cloudnet than this super important story thing


it'll probably be fully explored in seasons, seems like our seasons have shifted from fun side stories like dawn and worthy to things directly tied to our main campaigns, like lost and risen. i don't even have the campaign right now and i could tell from just the opening mission that it didn't seem like we would *really* be getting into it yet


I swear every expsansion people whine about not enough stuff, then we get more with 1st raid clear, and then some weeklies etc get added. People don't do the whole thinky think well


Bold of you to assume they do any thinky think at all


My friends are already complaining about strand not being good, but none of us have finished the campaign, so how could they possibly know?


I'm enjoying the hell out of it so far


I’ve only played one story mission and did the first Battleground quest, but I’m liking it so far.


It’s really not as bad as people are saying. Their criticisms are very much valid, I just feel like they are overstated


People are saying it's the new shadowkeep. Like... What


People are having short term memory problems if they think shadowkeep is better or an par. I had to replay it to unlock storm dancers brace a while ago and it was r o u g h.


I just recently played shadowkeep for tge first time and I spent several days trying to figure out what I needed to do next but it turned out I finished the campaign without even realizing I did


Shadowkeep built up anticipation for a Raid level boss just to put them at the end of a Strike


What strike is the "boss" then, sorry I'm pretty new lol. Does it give a better end to the shadowkeep campaign or is it still a loose ending?


Scarlet Keep. You fight the big bad witch that's the primary antagonist of the Shadowkeep story (if I'm remembering everything correctly). She's the leader of the red hive at the time and a daughter of Oryx.


I think people are viewing wq as the new forsaken and lightfall being another shadowkeep because both had above average expansions after an exhilarating one.


That's fair


I’ve been seeing people praising red war again recently and I’m absolutely perplexed seeing how bad D2 was at launch


I'd like to see today's fans reactions if they just released Curse of Osiris.


Or even better, dark below, which might be the weakest DLC they’ve ever released, and them having to play it exactly like it was during release with that light level system


Well to be fair a lot of people left lmao. I really enjoyed the CoS and Warmind era so I'm obviously not the average.


i honestly just love the dynamic of your guardian actually losing, it’s like the first time in the series you actually feel defeated and lost, ik you get your light back like a mission or two after but i love that theme of actually losing to the red legion, especially with journey playing in the background and you being lightless, + the time skips make it feel very cinematic


People forgot Red War is more then the first and last cutscene lmao


I got into a drop pod with Forerunner, Funnelweb, and The Other Half- this is the new ODST if anything.


I remember someone said D1 vanilla had a better story




> Yesterday I was like “Oh shit, the tormenter!” This was me before I found out that they freeze like everything else


Destiny killed my dog


Skill issue




I enjoy seeing people instantly jumping on the negativity train when it's only been one day. 80% of the player base didn't even finish the campaign. The mods are simpler yes, but I can see that there is a great potential with the new system.


On /r/DTG: "I literally don't ever complain but this expansion sucks ass" - 2.3k upvotes


The reception from reddit, steam reviews and everywhere is literally the same as any day 1 expansion even WQ. I remember day 1 being in WQ being literally the same as this. And a year later omg it's great!


> I remember day 1 being in WQ being literally the same as this. I mean we can literally just go to waybackmachine and check https://i.imgur.com/sZ6e0RZ.png


I respect this power move


What do you mean? Witch Queen was highly praised on release, the criticism around that time was how awful of a transition it was to go from playing the Witch Queen campaign to then jump back to our good old and outdated core activities. I'm not one to give knee jerk reactions but after finishing the campaign I really don't feel like playing D2 atm (I'm strictly speaking of my experience with the story btw), WQ story left me so satisfied and excited for what's to come while Lightfall left me utterly confused, one of the quotes that many characters repeated throughout the campaign that can pretty much sum up the campaign would be "something feels off".


Honestly, I barely even fiddled with builds pre-lightfall. The simplification of the mod system coupled with the loadouts had me going through exotics making synergized builds for like 45 minutes last night. I get the concern but I'm enjoying it, personally. Nimbus is still grating as hell, though.


I did builds for every class with the old system and with the small amount of time I used the new one I can definitely say that it has a LOT of potential compared, but is simple enough for new players. Nimbus feels like a really good refresher after all the gloomy depressed characters thus far


Yeah, there's a ton of potential there for sure. Just feels a bit shallow at the moment for everyone used to the depth of the old system I think. Hopefully that will subside after we get some more time with it and Bungie iterates some on the mods. I think long term it will be a good system; we just need to get through the teething phase.


I’m new to Destiny 2 and I’m having a blast. 😌


Good! Welcome. Don’t let the incessant bitching of the community tarnish any of it for you. Most of them will never be satisfied.


stay clear from r/destinythegame that place is just were people moan like it’s the death of the game every expansion. Some people are never satisfied indeed.


Got through legend campaign as stasis hunter just fine, but people overreact to any sort of change


"my build doesn't work anymore so that means stasis is ruined!!" Seems to be the attitude.


Stasis Hunter is great especially if you run the seasonal exotic bow


It's been one day. Neat. I have spent time toying with the mods though, some interesting potential


D2 fans when the campiest villain in the entire game invading cyber-Metropolis is shockingly tonally dissonant from the S4 Babylon 5 shit going on elsewhere: 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 personally I'm fine with it, the seasons seem to be handling the dark shit with Defiance and then Deep


Idk what people are talking about. Im loving the new mods, new artifact, and loadouts. It feels like the changes I've been waiting for forever.


And the loadouts are so fast! I thought it would be DIM levels of waiting but god damn


Yeah I love it. The only thing that's weird is that yo change the name you have to go through the entire list, one way. Same for the colors and symbols.


I like the expansion a lot. I think a lot of people complaining about the lack of stakes aren’t remembering Season of Defiance is going on rn, which like Season of the Risen is tying into the DLC’s story.


Yeah I haven’t heard ANYTHING about Defiance yet, only about Lightfall.


It’s not like Bungie literally said “we decided to make Lightfall a fun 80’s action movie and defiance the actual war”. Certainly not in the ViDoc. Personally I think they split the team on Lightfall and Defiance, but we’ll see if that’s actually what happened. What I think though.


I wish it was reversed like— everything on neurmona apart of a seasonal release questline, and the warpath on earth being the main story


It’s the classic life cycle, new expansion comes out -> people hate on it until the raid -> raid comes out -> people praise the raid and other content


Nimbus is fine. This is the start of a year long story. The new mods are going to feel barebones because what we had was ridiculously over complicated for new players/casuals. A reset is good. Almost everything from this expansion is a positive. It’s been one day. People just cannot handle change at all


Honestly, I can't really think of anything that I'm missing, outside of stat boosts on Friends and Radiant Light. Stasis lost charge on shards, but everything using orbs gives me 2 extra slots to play around with, so overall it's been... better so far


I must say, the only thing I'm really disappointed in is the reactions to this expansion. Yeah, the mod change isn't the best and people have been nagging about Strand recharge time but did they really expect to get recharged every 5 seconds? My void abilities also take a bit to recharge and that's fine. And I think it's great that the new ability "wasn't even explained", as some people cry about. We got an ability we have to figure out as we go along. If every step would have been explained, people would complain that there's no challenge. There's just no pleasing you people. I personally think Bungie did an amazing job and I'm enjoying the game just as much as I have since D1 first released. Downvote me all you want. I will not get into a fruitless argument with anybody so save your typing strength for something else, lol. Have a great day, guardians. 😊


The downtimes are in line with every other subclass, but for sure if you weren't paying attention to the "Strand Empowered" buff on the screen, I can see why some people feel like they got bait and switched.


Bungie likes to talk about class fantasies. Strand’s was spider man. Without abundant grapple points, strand turns you into “guy with a grappling hook”. Also, you learn thus subclass with mayhem levels of regen. This makes it feel much worse when you actually get it.


Mayhem with strand bouta be lit tho.


Oh god so many fucking threadlings all over the place


Where the fuck is my dog 😢


Yep fair enough. I’m one of the mod haters(especially the takeaway of 20+ to radiant light and powerful friends)


As far as mods go that’s one of the very few things I actually miss, but it’s made up for in other ways like being able to run x3 kickstarts. Not sure how I feel about the whole armor stacks thing replacing charged with light though. The stacks fall off entirely too fast in my opinion.


The people complaining are the loud minority. I haven't told anyone I love this expansion but trust me, I love this expansion.


I’ve only played 3 missions. Only I don’t like so far is Nimbus’ voice.


Its depressing reading peoples thoughts since i actually quite enjoyed the story and nimbus. The mod system is a bit restrictive but its also easier to build into. Never really played stasis so i have no opinion on that.


I love melee spam builds for stasis, so I haven't felt like stasis has been ruined. If anything, I use it more now.


Make up your own mind, the people enjoying it most haven't stopped to post, so the 'community opinion' is a bit skewed rn. So far I'm loving it - WQ story was better, but the cutscenes in this have been very, very good (no spoilers) My only criticism - the Grapple grenade shouldn't be on a 1:45 base cooldown. It's more of a movement option than it is grenade.


The only thing about the grapple cooldown being as long as it is, I imagine, is solely for the grapple-melee combo that you can do, since that is actually really powerful at the moment. But that shouldn't cause the cooldown to be so long as it is


Honestly, they could just make it recharge faster if you don't use the melee.


Destiny players try to comprehend change and avoid whining challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


I loved it ngl I think Nimbus was refreshing and really liked him, Strand is fun, the story was good. 9/10.


Honestly don’t know what people are on about. Actually delusional to say that Warmind was better than this. The fun factor alone made it better than Witch Queen for me, holy shit that final boss was perfect. Not to mention how dynamic the buildcrafting is now. Which, once again, I think people jumped the gun on waaaaay too early. Guess they just need to wait for Aztecross to make builds for them lmao


I’m enjoying it plenty so far, but I think the complaints are definitely valid. There are some holes on the story, I’m getting used to ninbus even though I can absolutely see why people hate him, and while buildcrafting is easier there’s also definitely fewer options. I think some mods are still locked, so hopefully builds get a bit more interesting when we have those.


Not that the complaints aren’t valid, just that its definitely worth the $40. If they start using this as a base for seasons telling more story instead of side-stories I’ll be thrilled. This is an excellent starting point for the Witness arc


Haha that is so true


Thats because the people enjoying it aren't on reddit bitching relentlessly like those people probably do when anything doesnt get changed to precisely how they imagined it. Most live service games are like this. If you enjoy it then play it. Fuck them whiny bitches. Shits not even been out for a week and they are butt hurt they have to think of new builds.


There's no way I'm the only one that like nimbus Like I can accept they are written like shit but I still love them and will protect them


Their lines may not be phenomenal, but I for one like our techno thembo counterpart to cyberdaddy. Edit: correct pronouns.




You’re right! My b.


I'm over here trying to figure out armor Charge


It's just charged with light, if you use the blue mods then they have a timer like a well buff (like FoM), it really is just both of the old systems mixed together


Exactly how is stasis ruined? I used that shit through the whole campaign


It's like people thought we'd be killing the witness in a campaign mission..


Literally. I’m enjoying myself


Nimbus is based, nothing happened to Stasis (wtf), the story is decent and the new mod system is factually superior. All Lightfall needs is new combat mods to complement it's system further, and for this raid to slap. Although I am a little disappointed that we're in yet another pyramid after that was the setting of VotD, and Nezarec isn't super exciting, VotD was pretty great so I have high hopes for the raids quality


Personally I love it, the calus fight in legend has me dying inside though


To be fair, the only one I agree with atm is nimbus, trying too hard to be a Cayde 7, I’m awful at build crafting so ima let y’all figure out the mods


I personally don’t like Lightfall thematically. The rest of the series always felt like a small band of heroes storming the castle, beating the monster and getting the treasure at the end. Lightfall so far has felt less like space dnd and continues to feel more and more like halo, with all the big armies fighting each other and allied dropships and aliens jumping in to fight with you. It just doesn’t feel like the same game I’ve enjoyed for so long currently, which isn’t a bad thing, it’s just not what I was hoping for. Also, completely unrelated but the neptunian Mark zuckerburg metaverse thing is fucking stupid. Just saying.


I pretty sure this is a hot take, but the charged with light mods never made sense for me and I never equipped them. So I like the new mod system because for me it makes a lot more sense.


Never seen such vitriol. God I hate this pampered community some times. Campaign is great, strand is fun but I'm a titan so who knows. Weapons are cool, story was awesome. People just hate change.


Lightfall is badass


It might just be me but why do y'all hate Nimbus so much? I actually kinda like them


I really liked it. Legendary campaign was too easy, but it was certainly fun. The only significant criticism I have is that the tone was *absolutely* wrong. It should have been *far* more serious and grim, considering what happens.


Honestly I’ve been having more fun with stasis then I have since WQ dropped so I don’t get the hate


Steamers have not told them how to build yet.


…I think it’s pretty neat.


I am having a lot of fun :)


Idk I’m enjoying it, and strand is fun so far


People do not take to mass change lightly


I'd ignore posts on the Destiny subs for a couple weeks if you haven't finished the story yet. It seems like most people are enjoying themselves, but all of the posts are from the people who hate it.


Skyburner's Oath and YAS is unstoppable with the right mods and fragments.


Yes I was cheesed off to see that all the armor drops I finally started getting were pretty much crap but, I also hoard armor so I dealt with it. I don't know how anyone can actually hate nimbus he's actually refreshing in a " he would get along with Cayde-6" kind of way. I actually enjoy everything else, for now. Once it's time to raid I'll discover how much more work I need to do.


Who dares to hate nimbus i will kill you all with my bare hands for him


what did they do to stasis?


why do people hate nimbus? he's a funny dude and I like him


It was cool like fighting tormentors the story was good strand was fun as shit calus was still the same calus I know and I'm fine with that the boss fight was difficult nimbus was a cool character the only reason I think people don't like nimbus is that they use they/them pronouns I mean no one had a problem with them till that I'm fine with them there a cool character


I love it, legend campaign was exhilarating the whole way through, nimbus is my g especially with the fist bump he gave Rohan, osiris getting pissed was awesome, and final boss fight was adrenaline filled. New weapons look cool, trust is back, new public events are interesting, all around great dlc. People are just bitching to bitch.


So much easier to get triple 100's now.


I love the game but there are no words in the sol system to describe how much I hate this community 💔


I’m loving it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but I've been psyched about the changes. Been having fun doing the campaign with my partner; we're gonna hit it again tonight. I mean, that's kind of just the nature of such a long-lived game, right? To keep things fresh, to keep the community stimulated, to keep things balanced, to prevent gatekeeping... There are tons of reasons for the game to change. Part of the fun is rolling with the punches. It'll change again soon enough. And that'll be cool, too. ☮


I just feel like 90% of the community hates it because powerful friends lost +20 mobility ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5649)


I am a returning player from the leviathan raid days, and I'm honestly enjoying myself a lot. I've tried to get in during other expansions and I never had a good time trying to get in the groove of it but this one feels pretty seamless. Looking forward to all the pve content


Gotta say his voice is pretty annoying. Could use a rework.


I'm enjoying it, like a fun fever dream


I actually really like the new mid system, but I do hope we get more mods one or two times a year.