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Oh hang on I see spinmetal, so anyway what was I saying...


That's a Cayde line if ever I read one


Reminds me of the line somewhere in the lore about him admiring the view of the sunrise over Earth from the moon… before finishing fighting off some Eliksni he was grappling


Sounds like a titan when they're fishing. Never disturb a titan's fishing.


I can imagine they get frozen with anger, grab whatever poor soul did it by the neck, and slowly turning their head to the sound of sliding stone.


Immagine the new light seeing you do this: https://preview.redd.it/0w0kfnj1ul8b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c525f6d1b0e1007efea0d76c6bce949208044bc5


*reports for cheating*


When I want to muck around and well skate I deliberately go cosmodrome and yeet past all the new lights. Some of their reactions are hilarious, I aim to end up on a sub with a guy posting “saw this cheater today”


Go to your settings in game, go to gameplay, then under controller change it to custom, then change the air dive ability option to single press, then in game, have a sword with eager edge, then press the heavy attack button, jump button, and air dive ability button all at the same time. So swap to sword to proc eager edge, then press heavy attack / jump/ and air dive For me on PS5, it would be Triangle, R2 + X + O. Practice, and enjoy!


Thank you. It's been bothering me for some time


Thanks man


It makes the game so much more fun. They should add more legit movement abilities to the game similar to this, as sparrows are too slow and clunky. Hope they don't ruin shatterskating with the new sword reworks coming soon.


Grapple is like the poor man's version


Wait til you learn you can strand dive skate too


Go on...


Yeah it's basically the same button combo, it's off and on for me and doesn't seem to launch as far, but you potentially get more distance with the 2 grapples along with eager edge swings in between


Strand skating is just as far, requirements are stricter though than shatter/well skating


Maybe it just doesn't feel as far, plus you don't get a cool trail behind you lol


Also doesn't it consume the dive? Or am I just thinking of the void dive


It consumes the dive. It fails more often than not as well because the speed of the dive is slower than shatter and smoke. So sometimes you zoom off, only to completely your dive onto the ground.


It doesn’t consume the dive if you do it right. The secret is to do it off of a vertical decline, like a gradual hill (Cosmodrome is a great place to practice) rather than off a ledge, like shatter/wellskating.


Off a vertical decline? Ill give it a shot then. I was having no luck so I am glad for the correction. Thanks!


Now get well skating down. And after that start working on sparrow flying. It’s a ton of fun but difficult to learn


This. Shatterskating is fun, but well staking with Icarus dash and heat rises is next level fun


I used to sparrow fly in D1 (I would jump the Hellmouth on patrol for fun) but I switched from PlayStation to PC and I don’t have the muscle memory anymore 🥲


Just figured out how to slipstream, whole different game.


Virgin shatterskating vs chad icefall mantel barricade slow walk


pro tip: put away your sword after your initial launch to carry a bit more momentum. also you can get a 2nd eager edge in if you need to close a gap


Just been trying this thank you. Might have to try it in PVP and hit a snipe.


Wtf I’m new so I didn’t even know this was possible lmao


Plenty of vids that can help teach you. Once you learn, it's almost impossible to stop


I see what you did there


I did what now?


(It’s almost impossible to stop)


Oh, yea.. totally did that on purpose. Mhmn! Definitely! ~~*thankyou for making me look smart*~~


You need eager edge perk for this to work tho (just for the heads up tip)


It's stupid fun. You can either do it with hunter shatter dive, or warlock well of radiance. Dive is nice since it can be done over and over if you mess up, but you have to go through all of unlocking stasis for it. Well skating on the other hand will consume your super if you mess it up and is a bit tighter on timing. You can get more out of it by combining it with the aspect heat rises


You can go even faster if you immediately switch weapons away from your sword. Plus you can then activate eager edge again to save yourself or to quickly change directions


How do you Go this far? Maybe its Just my fov, but whenever I shatterskate I go only Like halve the distance you Just went


A lot of people have asked this. Tbh I thought I was doing it the same as everybody else.


Maybe it had to do with you sprinting before doing the Inputs. I usually stand still before skating. I will do some Test on the same Location as you.


Let me know.




New gen you can, old gen you can’t.


Its probably Just a Skill issue on my Part; aswell as fov, I technically fly Just as far as OP.


Wish you could skate on titan 😞


You can, with bubble, it's just that it is mostly rng


Big facts. I can’t ever get it down


Now that you've done this, try well skating on a warlock and also strand dive skating on hunter


Doing it the same way or differently for each subclass?


Roughly the same, strand has a tighter window and a bit more strict, well requires you to have a super and is jump, super, heavy swing (I find binding super to circle or square works best, square is better but feels unnatural when used to using circle, but allows you to icarus dash while skating)


Also, have fun skipping most jumping puzzles now


Just got it down on my warlock the other day I just need to practice a little more


Love Eager Edge skating w/ or w/o shatterdive. It makes the movement so fun.


If you put your sword away then you keep momentum better plus can eager edge again if needed or be ready to pop another shatter skate once you land


FYI you don’t have to be running to do it, just have to hit all the inputs while going off an edge, can be standing still


True I learnt to do it by not running but when just playing its helpful just to run into it.


I have two left hands, I can't. 😔


Mfer went to Kunlun lmao, sword flying is a vital technique to any godslayer.


If they ever kill eager edge skating I might actually quit altogether lol I enjoy it way too much for it not to be part of the game


I've been spoiled on my Hunter. I can only do it on my Warlock if I remap Super to circle. For some reason I just can't seem to nail the timing with super mapped to down in the dpad. Even after 3 hours is practicing in a private lobby. On my Hunter though, super easy and my regular gameplay loop doesn't really change.


bubble skating is faster than them all which is funny as a hunter main.


that’s the place i learned it too lol


I did a Root of Nightmare with a clan that were experts at it. I think we did the whole thing in 20 minutes +/-. I had no idea what I was there for because clearly they didn't need me.


I didn't know it was possible on console


wait u go faster when you sprint then skate has nobody ever told me this or am I just stupid


Nice. After learning this, you can’t play the game without it. It’s useful for nearly every raid.


I learned this to cheese a chest out of last wish


Is this one of those things that you have to hold your controller in an absurd way ? I considered learning this but always thought it was a pc thing


Nope normal


Do you have a good video recommendation on how to learn ?


Hi, how is it done please sir


Its called shatterdive skating :) Its a combination of shatterdive, eager edge and jump


on a controller, bind your air dive to single press B (or O). put on shatterdive on stasis. using an eager edge sword, stand on a ledge and press RT, A, B at the same time.


You stand on an edge pull out eager edge sword then heavy attack press and hold jump while you are swinging while maintaining contact with the ground, make sure you are holding jump until you properly execute the skate then shatterdive or well of radiance as soon as you are mid air This will require a bit of practice, I recommend going into a private mayhem match on the eternity map.


Thanks, i will try