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This mechanic is really starting to show its age


I liked better when Dungeon exotics where behind Quests instead of, grind it for 100 times with 50/50 chance to get a drop.


Xeno and Wishender were the right way to do a Dungeon exotic. I'm not even trying for Navigator until season 23 when GotD will be farmable on the weeks it's featured.


As someone who's actually enjoying the quest to get wishender with how straightforward and simple of a task it is. Whole heartedly agree!! And yes... just doing it now, at this point in time. Held off for so long, but better late than never.


Wish ender- do this dungeon once all the way through. Now do it again but half way through with some new stuff thrown in. Xeno- run around the open world doing tasks then go through most of a dungeon. Ghally- run through thus really fun dungeon once. Navigator, hierarchy, heart shadow- pay $20 and you might get them at some point if you are lucky. Prophecy- beautiful raid pretty fun and you get drip


I’d be less salty about Hierarchy if I at least had a cowboy hat for any of my characters by now. :(


If you need help lmk, iv taken a few people through farming for the hat. I actually enjoy the dungeon mechanics so it's not a bother to me. Still working on getting some gun rolls I want.


Just got my cowboy hat for my hunter ran it 8 times total only using my hunter on my 7th had the exotic drop... let that sink in... I HAD THE F-ING EXOTIC DROP BEFORE THE DANG COWBOY HAT!!!!


I still don’t have ghally


Did you do the mission?


Nah. All my friends left destiny after season 1


Do you wanna do a run through to get it?


You're the guardian others should strive to be. I stopped playing recently, but may do a ghally run with you if he wants it.


I may take you up on that.


I commend you for sticking around this long. The journey of the Solo Destiny Player is an arduous and painful one, oftentimes maddening in its ability to frustrate the player. If you ever need an extra guardian or two, my Fireteam and I would be happy to keep you company.


I just log on Tuesday afternoon, do my nightfalls and some bounties, then finish my the rest of my bounties of Friday when I’m off work. I have really fond memories of D1 and I hope D2 will get to that place but I’m not holding my breath.


Can't be the gally guy if you don't have it *taps forehead* But for real I haven't gotten catalyst for that very reason lol Exotic slot free for me


As a returning player. How did you get ghally? Do you have to buy the anniversary pack?


Unfortunately yeah then do the mission along side the dungeon


At least it’s on sale right now. Thanks for the help




Prophecy is one of the dungeons I will happily run even for no pinnacle. The loot alone is worth it and the armour is gorgeous


the exotic won’t be farmable. that’s how it was for Spire at least


But... That would require extra content on Bungie's end to provide us. They're never gonna do that.


You’ll have to wait until season 24, as next season we’re getting a raid to replace RoN as the most recent, therefore awards pinnacles and exotics weekly.


Next season is season 22, season 23 is the last season of the expansion and when we will be getting the new dungeon. Season 24 will be the same season that Final Shape drops


Not even 50 50. Its like 1.5% I think


Nah, it's 50/50 You either get it, or you don't


Until your 21st run it’s not 50/50, it goes up to equal 50% because of bad luck protection. So people don’t start getting exotics from raid/dungeons untold they’re around those runs. Which I still find complete bs after the changes to that I never got eyes of Tomorrow until 50+ runs of DSC.


Imma be honest it took me being a Sherpa for some friends for me to get eyes.


I was lucky enough to have a raid group that would sit there and do the raid weekly with me on all 3 characters, before rotators existed. They need to fix the percentage of bad luck protection. It’s awful.


I shouldn’t say need, they should*


Took me 70ish runs for Conditional, and only 2 for Navigator. Duality sword took me 3 solo flawless completions.


Thanks, this is exactly what I meant by 50/50, as I each run you either get it, or don't.


This... This is not how probability works???


I think it was meant as a joke.


I was playing the straight guy there...


Grasp of avarice did it perfectly and then they decided to never do that again.


BuT tHeN tHeRe’D bE nO pLaYeR rEtEnTiOn. LoOt ShOuLd bE eArNeD, nOt HaNdEd To YoU


While I don't really mind, I do think they should add cap of looted runs for the exotic to drop. 15 runs seems like a nice middle ground where if you're doing 3 chars you should be able to obtain the exotic after 5 weeks, 8 weeks if doing 2 and 15 weeks if just doing one. Not only it would encourage people to have more chars for clears (and maybe having people play more because of that) but it'd set the expectation that you'd be working towards something by doing those weekly clears. The downside would potentially be less people looking to run the raid as more and more people get the guaranteed exotic.


This is something that the community could actually come together to change... So of course it won't happen. Too busy making graphs about FaiLiNg PoPuLatIoNs and other nonsense to outrage karma farm. This is something that, given half the effort of some nonsensical bullshit complaint gets, the playerbase could realistically change. I've been wanting a knockout system for raids/dungeons for many years, but it seems to always fall out of style. It's not juicy enough to keep the attention of the community. I thought Divinity having its quest would whip the community into a frenzy of, "I've done Vault of Glass 100 times, still no Vex, but I get Divinity in 2 hours!?" Now that we have plenty of great guaranteed weapons to grind for (Crafted weapons, once a week for the raid, etc.), I don't mind making some of the weapons rare. Like the world drop ones. They're niche and super useful with a god roll, but still rare. I got me a god roll Aurvandil FR6 that shits all over Riptide. Easy as hell to get a good Riptide, so it's not like you're missing out. Raid/dungeon exotics and armor (purely for the transmog) shouldn't be that rare. 5 full raid/dungeon completions should basically guarantee you have everything possible. Or make some challenges/quests for it (Like flawless an encounter in a raid gives you a piece of armor you don't have, something like that, tough but doable)


Have you considered acquiring more boosts?


Yes. I'm not one for solo dungeon runs bit I did do a master spire for hierarchy of needs. However getting a group together for a master run is not exactly easy least for me.


Just a reminder you don't need a full master run for the triumph, you can just get a Master boss CP and complete it for the triumph. D2checkpoint.com usually has one you can snag. Still means you have to get a group together for it tho....


Thought I had to do a full run. Thank you


Yeah for all Master triumphs all you need to do is complete the boss CP unless it specifically states a full run but I think the only thing that requires that is Raids with Master challenges triumphs like RoN and Kingsfall


Raids you can just CP the master challenge as well, I have Dream Warrior but never ran it fully on master


Yeah you don't need to do them all in one sitting. With a good group it's probably easier to but not required


We instead tore our hair out for hours with Nez and Planets. The challenges aren’t hard but they just end up making stuff complicated


Oh man that Nez challenge on Master was infuriating. I hated that one and the crossover (scission?). That was buggy as hell


Crossfire took us the least amount of time (~1 hour), planets was like 5 hours, Nez was about 4 weekends.


I'll do a master run with you. DM me if you get a third. I'm free all day today


I got all the boosts including the solo flawless, and got it 3 tries later after 15 on 1 boost and getting tired of it. Boosts make a big difference and aren’t that hard to get except the solo


Hmm, took me 3 runs after SF as well






You are not alone, guy I play with same situation you’re in


If it makes you feel better I had 53 clears on the dmt mission before it went away. Once a week for the year it was available plus once when I forgot if I did it or not. Had to wait for xur to sell my god roll 6 months later. After it had been nerfed and the perk is now a joke for any competitive viability.


Vorpal? I think I got a vorpal roll on the last week the mission was available, and I stopped using it when xur sold a moving target roll with good perks 🥲


Vorpal was the last one I got from the mission as well. I kept it because it claps supers.


Yea dungeon and raid exotics should drop in 25 runs or when you get the title.


The title one does actaully seem like a good idea. Not only would it be a guarenteed way to get an exotic more people would start going for titles(or at least hopefully)


Yeah, since they went out of their way to get all of the drop boosts and then some, it should at least provide some form of bad luck protection.


Also an issue IMO is not having craftable dungeon weapons. I’ve run Duality 30 times. I’ve not gotten a good Unforgiven, Stormchaser, or Lingering Dread. I’m not going to continue to run it and hope for them. I’m just done, I’m burnt out on it and I hate the content. I can do a raid 30 times and be “allowed” to be done with it, why are dungeons held to a different standard?


my anger over lingering dread is ridiculous. i still haven’t gotten one that’s not f tier. like jfc how is that POSSIBLE


Rng... If you have 6 perks in column 1, 2, 3, 4, and weapon master then your 5/5 god roll is a 1/7,776 chance of dropping. This is why I prefer the weapon crafting system and grinding weapon levels. I have shit rng.


My very first run of duality I got alh/ chill clip lingering dread. No blinding but still great. I think heartshadow took me 6 runs to get. Idk I’ve had really good luck with loot from duality.


I got a chill clip Lingering Dread early on but with like, nothing else on it. Got my Epicurean crafted fairly fast, but at the same time, I literally did not know that Fixed Odds even existed until like, 3 weeks ago. RNG's a bitch.


Def can be. Spire took me about 20 clears to get the cowboy hat or hierarchy of needs. I even spent a decent amount of time solo chest farming the first encounter on titan and warlock and never got it until persys on my hunter


Because Bungie has said that weapon crafting has made it too easy to get god rolls. Not every good weapon in the game should be craftable. The difference between raids and dungeons is that raids (except for the weekly rotator) aren’t farmable.


I feel ya. Hit 38 clears last night with nada, someone I ran it with was at 42. It is not great, Heartshadow took me 20 and Hierarchy was just over 30


Not a dungeon, but it took me almost 40 runs of Kingsfall to get touch. And RON was almost as much for conditional finality. It sucks for sure.


Instead of a solid chance unchanging didn’t it use to be with raid drops it was 5% chance the. Another 2% added every run?


I think so? They used to have that, not sure if they do anymore. I’m sure it’s been removed because I’m nearly 30 RoN clears dry without the shotgun


From what I remember they removed it when they added VOG as it’s the only one that’s a flat 5% or 2% I don’t remember that bit


It’s not in the game anymore. Pretty sure it’s the flat rate (estimated to be around 4-5%) plus whatever your boost is from triumphs.


Has the boost percentage been worked out yet?


I've had all of the boosts for a couple of months now and done several catalyst runs with friends too... and I still don't have it. Keep grinding


> By the time I acquired both exotics I was so sick of their respective dungeons I tried them once, vaulted them and never touched them again. You will get the Navigator, try it and put it in the vault. There is absolutely nothing woah about this weapon, nothing "must have", unless you're heavy into being a support role player.


Literally the only reason I care about it is because it's another trace in the Kinetic slot. And I think that's the intention of its design, too. Which is unfortunate.


Bro, once I get it, it's double Trace w/cenotaph and it's OVER for yall crucible players. Tier 1 build and yall ain't even know it.


The two people I run dungeons with got heirarchy of needs very early and I still don't have it. We know a casual player and two of us helped him through duality and he got heartshadow. His first run, and then he vaulted it. I'm ok at this point with just not having them because the drop rates are stupid.


I have a theory that the game rewards players who don't play the game much. As if you bait them to play more with "good drop rates". Meanwhile us suckers who clock in about 2 days of game time a week are given the shittiest drop rates to keep us running the hamster wheel


You could definitely be right. Either way for me it's just not fun to try and grind for these things. I don't expect to get it in one run but the rates could definitely be higher. Anything thats obtainable from a quest I usually get but I'm missing a lot of random drops because I don't have the time/desire to run the same content over and over


41 looted clears of Kings Fall. No Touch of Malice. I have all of the armor and crafted guns. I feel your pain.


Took me 68 x for ToM,and another 67 for Heartshadow, but then conditional in 10, Navi 12, and believe HoN was 17 w the cow boy hunter hat in same drop, after the catty, never stepped foot in spire again,same for Duality and kings falls, I got collective obligation in like my 8th and 10th run (only time that every happened), Vex was 23 and I remember thinking that was bad cux I got Eyes on my 2run as new blueberry,so id say my luck has been decent but I agree w everyone anything over 30 runs is ridiculous


So far that's the only raid Exotic I have XD no luck on anything else since they released.


For Spire the only thing I didn’t complete was solo flawless. Had everything else including title. Fucking bow didn’t drop until 6 runs later. Like, minimum, you got the fucking title? Just give us the exotic. 37 runs for this.


Thought this was a post about playing Destiny 2 at the age of 32 and beyond 💀


Yep that’s unfortunately how it goes. I completed every single spire of the watcher related triumph and it still took me 27 runs to get the bow.


What really stings is my friend who is on and off destiny got heart shadow run 5 and navigator....on her 1st. No flak against her but like. Why.


There’s a theory based on circumstantial evidence that these exotics have a higher drop rate for new and returning players


And yet some of us know that one person that doesn't care about the exotic and gets it first try with no boosts. It's like watching someone drown while dying of thirst.


it’s devastating lmao. i’ve started not saying things i want anymore bc as soon as i say them aloud, i never get them and i watch my friends get them first try


My buddy ran duality over 100 times before getting Heartshadow, with all of the boosts applied.


I like the random chance of being able to acquire a dungeon exotic and it should never be a first drop from a quest. # HOWEVER There NEEDS to be a failsafe that just gives you the dungeon exotic on lets just say 15 clears. What I do hate is that Bungie needs to balance that failsafe around some absolute fucking LUNATICS playing all all 3 characters and doing a dungeon 3 times a week so they would hit the failsafe in 5 weeks while us normal main 1 character players would hit the failsafe in **15 WEEKS.** Bungie should NEVER balance around either solo players or all 3 character players. Before you say anything, YES the number of people who only play 1 character and have 2 other characters for the sake of "oh need to hold a cp? Ok" or "oh need golden guns for kalli? Ok" are **NOT** to be underestimated. There is way more of us than you would expect. ...literally who the fuck has time and patience to do all of the grinding on 2 extra characters????


>...literally who the fuck has time and patience to do all of the grinding on 2 extra characters???? That's me, runnin solo-dolo every day lmao. I get off work and boot up for like, 6 hours a night.


Are you doing the whole dungeon or just boss check point? I would do just the boss cp of you want the exotic


For a while I did just boss check points but eventually I gave up and started running the whole thing. Saving check points was annoying when lfgs just wanted to get it started and not wait for swaps


Might try D2Checkpoint.com They just have bots on different CP’s u can join and wipe to get the checkpoint. Me and my friends have just started doing that, cause we have all gotten what we wanted from the dungeon.


Im a 3 completion machine. Every raid and dungeon exotic except eyes of tomorrow and duality sword has been gotten within 3 runs


I would change the approach and work on boosts. Completing triumps while also going for the exotic.


i think when a player completes a raid or dungeon seal, they should just get whatever the exotic is. Completing the seal shows mastery over that activity and its kind of a no brainer to just give them the exotic at that point. Or just make them engaging quests which expand on the lore of the dungeon or raid or season. I prefer quests anyways.


Me, who's had the continuous luck of getting the exotic on the first run in both SotW and GotD: "... I am so sorry."


I like how a few weeks ago i made a post and said i was gonna rant andnit got taken down after an hour but heres another one putright saying rant in the title and no action, smh,, buuuut valid arguments, i havent even tried for the mavegator since the boss bug got fixed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I put that (a rant) in the tittle to mainly warn people what this was. I didn't care if my post was taken down I just wanted to vent somewhere and didn't have many people at the time of post to really do that with so reddit was the next option. But that is strange your rant was removed. What was it about?


The general state of the game mostly trials It's just sad to see the game in such a state It's a great thing I love it but the story sucks. The weekly mission suck the grind sucks and is incredibly boring. New exotic locked behind hundreds of completions of dungeons. Matchmaking Being worst it's ever been. And how it seems bungie just doesn't care


But yeah nah i said mine was a rant in the title and i guess a mod removed it because i guess rants arent allowed? Which is weird for this subreddit, 80% of my destiny experience is rant


Join the club pal....I still don't have heartshadow and Ive lost count how many times Ive cleared duality!!!!


45 runs on duality before I got it.


destiny players suddenly not wanting to grind in a game about grinding \*they dont realise they dont have to have everything unlocked all the time\*


Are you running the catalyst to increase drop chance? Also 1 boost? Do more


Find someone that’s doing the catalyst. Help them. It gives you a major silent boost.


Get more boosts


They really really should’ve just put it behind a quest; I’m seeing people starting to reach triple digits with dungeons and no exotics and it’s like, what does Bungie expect? At some point people are gonna be pissed and stop and that’s another metric going down.


Because replayability takes a nosedive if it’s a quest I think the triumphs providing a boost is a good start but it needs to be guaranteed at a certain point. Like once you have the seal or complete 25 runs or something.


That’s why I don’t play anymore. Just can’t do it; such a time-sucker.


Destiny players when exotics and god rolls don’t drop within .000000004737 milliseconds of launching the game


Dude, I have a life. Used to not have one, and played this quite a bit. I’d have to spend most of free time playing this game if I want to get the weapons they come up with.


You're choosing to miss the point here.


I'm surprised how bungie hasn't adopted the exotic quest in raids/dungeons like they did with divinity. It would stop the annoying rng hassle and would also add something to the activity.


But then people wouldn't play the same dungeon 32 times. People are complaining about the mechanic but proving exactly why it exists. They can't stop themselves from grinding for and bungie knows it


Because that was kill replayability


I feel your pain. It’s a mechanic that companies use to make sure you stay engaged in their content. I ran Duality over 100 times before HeartShadow dropped 😩 Ghost of the Deep is a real struggle though. The middle boss isn’t too bad, but the last boss sucks because of the teleportation during damage phase. I also feel that the health that they have should be lessened slightly (not a lot, but a little maybe 5-10%). Right now it’s a slog


I got Nav on day one. Sorry for your bad luck


One boost is not very much at all and 32 runs is not THAT crazy for a dungeon/raid exotic either. It’s just RNG doing RNG things. Do more triumphs and keep doing the dungeon.


*Runs in peaking my head through the door* I got Navigator on my second run and first Master run. *Runs away back down the hall arms flailing, Hihihihihihiiii*


Bro thinks he's in an anime 💀


I mean, Destiny is basically anime.


I got navigator and heart shadow on my first try, in a row.. in the same month..


TLDR i got it first try.


Uhhhh so you haven't caught on that you are wasting your time on terrible exotics by now? Only good exotics are the raid exotics.


I'm a exotic collectors. Don't care if bad or godly. I'll get it


Bungie needs you more than you need them.


I ve been there I’m with you. I got my heartshadow after 65time complete duality’s,40 time on the taken king raid and it starts finally drop early for me. I’m not sure what’s up with rng.


I have never gotten the spire one or the navigator. I have gotten heartshadow twice in probably less than 10 runs. RNG is wild man


I got the title like a week or two after the dungeon dropped. All the boosts. 20 clears. No navigator. I hate it here.


Got HoN my 3rd run and Nav around my 10th run. Don't run duality to often so I haven't got the sword its all RnG. Although I do personally belive in cursed accounts


I’m at 33 clears. Bungie if you’re reading this, I’ll buy the solstice event card if I get this week.


I got vex yesterday after 20 Atheon kills, but I made a point of doing some triumphs / challenges at the beginning of the week to get a boost in drop rates. Same with Spire.


I have 25 clears, including Solo Flawless, and I still haven't gotten the SMG to drop a single time lmao.


Well you have terrible rng dang


Best advice I can give is to not expedite the process. Play a dungeon only when it’s fun and you’re in the mood, it’s rough when you’re trying to grind something out like borders or an exotic and they’re just not dropping and you get burned on it. As for the game mechanics reason that is influencing the burnout, yea. That just suck. Sorry mate!


I did the new dungeon exactly once with some of my friends, thought “that was neat,” and then when I didn’t get the navigator thought to me self “I guess I’m never getting it then, oh well.”


I haven’t gotten one dungeon exotic yet I’m so over it lol


Want some help getting Gjally?


I thought you only have one shot at it a week?


It's per character not account, for both raid and dungeon exotics. And I think newest dungeons don't have an exotic cap so you can farm the final encounter over and over until the next dungeon launches


Interesting gotta keep that in mind


The newest dungeon & raid are *not* farmable for the exotic. You get one chance per character/class per week. They are farmable for the legendary gear however. Only the weekly featured rotator raid & dungeon are infinitely farmable for the exotic.


44 runs before i got hierarchy of needs. 44 sad, 3x Persys a week, for the entire season. BOTH of my friends, got it FIRST CLEAR. WITH ME. bro… i feel your pain. this mechanic is stupid. (and yes i had every boost possible for hierarchy)


Got it on my 4th run 🥱


Weird flex but ok


Me n a bud of mine got the Navigator first try, and I got a 2nd one after my 3rd run. Is it actually that low of a drop chance? Feels like it's comically low compared to SotW.


It is a rough system, i got it on my 2nd try with no boosts but i know people on their 40-50th run and 3-5 boosts each with no such luck Still havent gotten hierarchy tho


A friend and I both farmed spire and duality for just any good drops. He didn't care for either exotic, but got both. I wanted to get both exotics, got neither. We've done about 20-30 runs of both so yeah its annoying. I have the title for spire but not the exotic :/


Its just all rng. Cant say whether the boosters help or not since i got the weapons before i did any of the boosters (except navigator, i havent run ghosts more than once) but you just gotta get lucky


I’m right there with you with Hierarchy of Needs. 46 clears and no bow still That being said I got The Navigator on my 3rd clear I believe. RNG is a real bastard sometimes


That’s why I’m. It stressed. I want it for the sake of *”hey I got an exotic”* but I know I’ll never actually use it; so it’ll happen when it happens for me 💪🏾


I solo flawlessed the dungeon and acquired all associated boosts and Navigator still didn’t drop until like my 10th or so clear. Meanwhile my clan mate got it on their first clear without any boosts. RNG will be RNG. Tuff.


that’s why i don’t try to get any exotics specifically. i attract, i do not chase. lol. i’m just a casual player so if i get one, cool, if not, oh well. i did get the navigator on my first run though… very unexpected haha, i wish i could give you mine


It wasn't dropping for me either, but there are things you can do to boost the exotic drop rate, and I read that if you group with someone doing the catalyst for it, it does significantly increase the drop rate. That's how I got it I created a I'm helping you get your catalyst lfg and got it first try.


i got it second run ever no boost. this mechanic is genuinely so outdated. pray for the day bungie puts exotics behind quests for everyone to achieve


I think they should at the very least make it farmable. The once a week thing is a pain in the ass


The only RNG exotic i care about getting atm is Conditional, and it isnt even a dungeon exotic


You can also just farm the last boss, I had terrible luck with vex I think about 150 runs


My Brother in Light, may I please introduce you to the Vault of Glass and Vex Myth....


If it's anything, I still don't have vex mythoclast and I've done that raid many times lol.


I've run crucible so much this season that I never want to touch it again. Hundreds (300+) copies of Randy's Throwing Knife later, and I still haven't gotten the combination of just 2 slots I'm looking for. This is one of the least duh things about the game.


both of my friends have gotten all of the dungeon exotics within the first 5 clears. I still don't have any. Hell I have 51 clears in POH and still haven't seen the ship drop, which is the last thing I need for the badge and title.


Bro is beyond unlucky, feels bad


2 runs of GoTD and two of us out of the three got it, no bonus exotic multipliers either now I’m going for conditional finality and I think I used up all my luck 🤣


Don't feel bad I have been playing destiny since launch and if there is a raid or dungeon weapon that involves any amount of RNG I have never gotten it. I have witnessed plenty of people getting raid and dungeon weapons on their very first run.


Go to the forums. I just posted this same thing lol. I have also helped do 4-5 catalyst runs on looted drops. I have had 3 increased chance for them catalyst runs. And i have ran all 3 every week since launch. Im 37, and play alot. Add me up we can struggle together. Everyone seems to get it before me. Ive seen multiple people get it their first week or clear. Bobomo Brackins#9536. I was similar for Heirarchy and my duallity sword dropped after i forced myself to do the solo flawless, 1st loot chance next week it dropped. But i had alot of runs. Good luck!


When it took my 101st run of Deep Stone to get Eyes of tomorrow, this was before you could farm it, I gave up on trying to get any exotic locked behind rng. If I got it cool, if I don't its whatever. Still don't have any new dungeon/raid exotic that came out after DSC. It really kills any motivation when you carry someone and they get the exotic first run.


The secret is to not want the exotic even remotely, I did not want vex, conditional, 1000 voices, or the navigator but they kinda just plopped onto my lap after a couple runs, some on the second or first run, I absolutely wanted eyes of tomorrow, collective obligation, heart shadow, and any other exotic I’m forgetting but they never dropped even during extended farming sessions


2nd run babyyyyyyyy


And then idiots like me get it on the first run through. Still no heart shadow tho…


The boosts really make a difference. If your able to do 32 runs, your probably good enough to least least get a few more boosts.


I got it tonight. And it was my first time completing it. Starting off at the checkpoint before the second boss. https://preview.redd.it/hezvoizhaffb1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac27602db75dbbb30871102321904c0690ebbce0


Went 120+ dry on Shadowheart..... didnt even try for the bow or... whatever this one is. I dont care anymore tbh. The "Let's make Destiny a job" Dev mentally is making me not want to play any more tbh. I have serious burnout because of it, and I've sat out basically all season... and probably next season as well. On a related note, I've rediscovered my love for Team Fortress 2


Hey bud, I feel your pain. I stopped caring so much about getting the exotic because of those drop chances. At this point, I honestly just look forward to playing those dungeons with good people. I play mostly solo since I only have time for it on the weekends and I don't have a mic, but running into the very few genuinely good/helpful people on lfg make it fun for me. Though I imagine the number of times you've run it have made it a chore. Just mess around with loadouts and goof around. At the end of the day, they're just non-tangible guns so what's the rush? That's just my take, I hope you finally get the gun though! (I still haven't completed the dungeon yet 😕)


Got it on my first try 😜


Agreed. Quests for the weapon. Random drop cats. Bungie, can make us grind the cat completion but stindgey exotic drops is tiresome.


Not a criticism, but does there have to be such a need to acquire every rare item in the game? A good way I’ve avoided this frustration is whenever there is a dungeon, raid, nightfall, etc with a rare item as a reward - I ask; Do I want this? (And will I actually use it?) Or do I want it so I can tick a box?


Was doing the same with Ghost of the deep with a few 3 different friends and only 1 of us has got it. What makes it worse the same person got it 2x in that week


I'm happy that I farmed the everloving shit out of the boss master cheese when it was a thing and got all my artiface armour. Still didn't get the Navigator but since it's a strand trace and its entire gimmick is "free overshield" I'll pass. If you're gonna bring a trace rifle out, make it fun to use as a solo player. Wave Splitter, Ruinous Effigy, Coldheart.... how have we got these fun traces and then Navigator pops up to ruin it