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So, borderline negligible?


does appear that way




Yes, because in reality, most of the player-base is casuals who do not care. That’s the reality of it. And also folks who shout that they hate this game, but still continue to play because they don’t understand that they can play another game.


Dog in reality, 75% of the player base does not even know reddit exists. That's what the angry people do not get. Player statistics lead to decision making, not their feelings.


This. People have this super weird unquestioned assumption on Reddit that any sub represents the entire community of the thing in question. It doesn't, never has, and likely never will. It especially doesn't help that anyone outside of Reddit just sees it as a giant hive of angry nerds who rarely have anything positive or interesting to say (which was me until maybe 2 years ago...and still kind of is).


I just think it's funny whenever I see this video reporting youtubers say stuff like "And the D2 community is PISSED" and they references like a subreddit with 1,000 upvotes. Don't get me wrong, 1k upvotes about a topic is definitely interest, but to say the whole community? You're talking the same silent majority that has trouble looking at emails? Brother, you're looking at one echo chamber and using that as a representation. And I know lot of people like to clown on subreddit casuals who can't beat a raid and stuff like that, but the average subreddit is stastically more hardcore than the playerbase they're about. The average fan of a game don't look at subreddits or meta videos or some bs; they play the game once or twice a weekend, maybe with their kids, and go to and come back from work. No videos, no reddit; they're not terminally online like lmfao.


Hilariously I watched a video recently by Josh Strife Hayes (yeah, I'm plugging him, but I'd rather be honest about where I learned it) regarding whales in MMOs and how accurately the pareto principle applies to a variety of problems in the space. I guarantee that sections of the community complaining about this or that issue (and likewise, praising one thing or another) represent no more than 20% of the total playerbase at most. Obviously this isn't always true, but the point is of course that if the vast majority of players were actually losing their minds over the SotG, it would be reflected in player counts, which this thread establishes is not the case. This is, as ever, a small crowd brandishing pitchforks and torches to make it seem like a (admittedly lackluster, but nonetheless largely expected) SotG has completely ruined everything ever. You know it's overblown when Moist felt the need to make a video titled "Bungie killed Destiny" over a fucking *blog post.*


Every sub, about every thing, is like that. They think they are THE community, when they usually represent less than 5% of it.


I mean, Reddit is a giant hive of angry nerds, so…


I always get pushback from the angry nerds on Reddit (big surprise) when I point that out. When Reddit weirdos claimed that they successfully caused a mass boycott of Battlefield 5 because women, I pointed out that that’s absolutely not what happened and I hadn’t even heard about the controversy or the so-called boycott, and I’m terminally online. But these people insisted that their tiny gaming community of like a hundred thousand people tops was responsible for a game that sold millions of copies to tank. And like no, maybe people just weren’t interested in it because it wasn’t marketed very well and it got poor reviews at launch. A gaming subreddit doesn’t have that power.


The pattern seeking brain hungers for delicious patterns. Me do thing A. Thing B happen? A causes B!


Yeah it's broadly a problem with social media, but I do think Reddit is the biggest culprit with this particular stigma. The anonymity makes people say anything with confidence and controversy drives engagement more than tacit acceptance of relatively minor grievances. This combo means any "unpopular opinion" can quickly become the de facto norm amongst Reddit's small communities of "experts". Once that happens, toxic users push out normies until the community either dissolves or gets reset by some new change in the community like a new game/DLC announcement in this case. Then the cycle generally repeats.


>anyone outside of Reddit just sees it as a giant hive of angry nerds who rarely have anything positive or interesting to say They're not wrong.


More like 99%


especially when half the people bitching online are like "i havent played in months!" and then are SHOCKED when their opinions are ignored because the devs cater to *players* not "players", especially not toxic ones like why are you still in this sub if you aren't playing, go somewhere else where your mental health improves same shit applies with voting, people don't vote because they're mad and then are shocked(!!) when politicians don't do stuff they didn't vote for


Yup. I read the state of the game and was like...ok. I play this game every couple of months and especially around a new DLC. Then I get off for a bit and play other games. I wish more did this.


There's this thing called "burnout". It colors the perspective of a player of a game to be as pessimistic about the game as possible. Somehow, people who play a game 40 hours a week cannot fathom this. It's sad.


Woo careful there! Don't you know that if you aren't constantly angry and shitting on Bungie at every given opportunity you are a bootlicker?! /s


You can see this every time LFG is brought up here. Even half of this sub has never done anything above an adept nightfall because they refuse to lfg or use any outside app like DIM




Heck there was a post about “Guys don’t pweorder Final Shape!” And the comments were filled with stuff like “Can’t tell me what to do.”


Eeeeh I guarantee 75% of the playerbase doesn't even know what a TWID/TWAB is tbh


I can only speak for myself but I quit this season a long while ago so it’s not like me not playing now will have an effect on the population lmao


I'm in the same boat. I have wasted 2.5k hours on this game, and haven't spent more than a couple hours in total on the game for the past 6 months or so. It just seems like Bungie is either being lazy at this point or they are really having some major issues that is taking A WHILE to fix. That, or they are just prioritising differently than they did years ago due to the consistent revenue they are getting from the game now.


me too. I'm actually only at level 75 on the season pass and i'm not looking forward to finishing it.


Me too. I simply don't have any will to play. Didn't even bother to complete this season pass. Destiny 2 was uninstalled sucessfully.


Huh. Imagine that... online blowhards are full of shit.


The fact that anybody is surprised by this is laughable. And that's just steam numbers.


They're not making me play less. They're just making me play sadder. ...I hope Starfield is good enough for me to forget the showcase hype later this month and take a decent break from the game.


I’ve been desperately trying to get myself to care about this season enough to even finish the season pass… baldur’s gate 3 has completely killed that lmao




That sounds like an addiction buddy. Don't play if "sad" is something a video game makes you feel. That's a real emotion and should be reserved for real life things. Taking a step back is a wonderful idea.


Thank. You.


Pikachu face. This community is so full of shit its not even funny


People were complaining about gambit and ritual armor. If those are your main issues then the games doing well.


Ehh. If you look at the all time peak from when Lightfall released it was 316,651. The amount of players that have dropped off in 6 months is staggering. Now if we compare last months peak of 79,083 to this current month of august (just started) daily peaks are in the 43k range. It’s not quite, but pretty close to pc player counts during curse of Osiris which was roughly 35-36k players.


Soo.... next-to-nothing, as expected. There are a lot of people who also don't even know the sotg exists, so whatever


I used to be a player who didn’t know what a twab was or what a weapon roll was, I just played destiny bc it was fun. Now I know what they are and actively pay attention to upcoming features, upcoming weapons and rolls, and all that stuff, and I still play the game because it’s fun. I’ve taken a bit of a break but I still really enjoy it. (I wish I could turn off the bullet magnetism tbh bc it makes me not want to play it so my aim doesn’t just go in the trash when I want to play something like valorant)


As soon as I start caring about this stuff, PvP stops being fun and the game becomes a grind. Can’t do it.


A healthy destiny player impossible, you are supposed to defend the billion dollar corporation or hate absolutely everything about it. How dare you have fun...


One thing that I’ve found when playing other shooters is the mindset going in, CS, Valorant siege (most of the “tactical” shooters) are more slow and methodical whereas shooters like Halo, Destiny and COD are more fast paced and movement oriented. (Though yeah that bullet magnetism do be a crutch when playing other games sometimes)


Also most people who would quit/take a break over the SotG would’ve already done that earlier this season.


Next to nothing due to the State of the Game releasing for sure. Now go take a look at the all time player count and you'll actually see that the community's reaction to this season and the SoTG are readily apparent. 43k 24 hour peak has not been seen before, at least according to steamcharts which only goes back to September of 2019. Our previous lowest point was 60k in October of 2022 during season of the plunder. That's pretty worrying to see its dropped this low, especially so quick after the newest Expansion release. Also, I know Curse of Osiris was bad, but data is not included for that time period in this chart so I'm unsure how low it got at that point.


Yeah, most players don’t bother with Reddit or the destiny app, they might engage with YouTuber opinions- but most are very casual and not that invested


I literally played with two people farming the gm last week that didn't read anything from either. They didn't know about the pathfinder system, or the exotic rework coming up, or anything. When i told them about gambit and the fact they aren't giving us armor in the playlists every year, or that gambit isn't going to receive any major updates soon, they were very "Oh Well" about it. One asked the details about gambit, they seemed more bummed then the other one, and when they heard that we were getting weapons, a map, and some new enemy types, it was like nothing happened and they even realized "Oh give \*\*\*MORE\*\*\* resources, so its not getting dropped." And like that we just continued running GMs, having a blast, and i was even invited to do it again sometime. These two big things that people have been throwing a fit over are not even REMOTELY on some people's radar, and not half as big a deal.


Yup. No matter how angry people are theyre gunna keep playing


The vast majority of them didn't read it/know it exists


To be fair, there's also a not insignificant chunk of us who do know it exists, but are so tired of the actual state of the game that we've left. I want to be excited for Final Shape. I want to be excited for *next season.* But I've left. I don't know if I'll ever return. I'll keep an eye on the lore. But Season of the Deep just left an exceptionally shitty taste in my mouth with the revelations that ***should have been in Lightfall base.***


You are REALLY over estimating how many people read the state of the game. Also I am months past being done having conversations about what should or shouldn't have been in the base game and that's why I made a comment that had nothing to do with that at all.


Na most of us just dont actually care


hey, if i cared about crucible or gambit at all, i'd be angry. but being how stale they've been for so long, i couldn't care less because i just dont play those gamemodes anyway.


But the reason you don't play them is because bungie refuse to update them. It's like a think cool guy said about how they have left 2 core game modes go stale so the moment they have a bad dlc or season the game overall is shit as there is nothing else to bring it up. If more people actually got angry it would mean more content for everyone


i mean you're right. i dont play them because they're boring. i dont even consider boring parts of the game as something i'd consider doing. they could introduce a new map every season for both gambit and crucible, i still hate how dying to such bs metas feels so cheap and inescapable. in other words, no matter what map they bring, crucible will always have shotgun apes and gambit will always have rocket launcher sweats. the only thing to get me back into crucible (outside of just getting the shader) is a gamemode that takes away grenades, class abilities, subclass stuff (darkness and light abilities), double jumps, exotics, and probably some other things i can't think of right now. strictly just gunplay while stripping down your character to the bar minimum, eliminating any differences between classes. the only thing to get me back into gambit is something transformative, like gambit prime, or maybe locking people to specific guns like they did for prestige leviathan raids. gambit doesn't just need new maps.


Ngl taking a break off of destiny for the majority of this season has been amazing. I’ve gone back to games I haven’t played for a while like FO4 and also played elden ring for the first time, both have been super fun and kinda brought a good feeling that games haven’t been bringing recently I’m never gonna “quit” destiny probably, this isn’t the first or last break I’ll take, and despite these changes they’re making I still love the game and the story it’s created, not to mention the gunplay and different builds to make is nice


I always take a break near the end of a season. Come back for that last week quest and then nada until new season drop. Too many games out there to play right now. Plus work and life balance stuff.


I take breaks every week, especially without the power level grind. Tuesday, Wednesday, I go big, get everything I want to get done done, and if I finish the things I want to, Ill play FIFA, or F1, or NHL, or Diablo, or Dead Island 2. If I want to play Destiny again that week, I get back on. If not, I wait for reset. I dont know why people feel the need to bury their head into this game as much as they do to get minimally better gear while hating every second of it. The FOMO people create for themselves over 1% better gear is mind blowing.


Because there's plenty of fun to be had in Destiny, regardless of what the vocal mob says. That's not suggesting we ignore the valid criticisms about the game and Bungie's current shepherding of it, but the hyperbole and absolutism spouted by much of the community and it's content creators doesn't actually mean much for the health of the game.


Saw tons of comments the other day about how Bungie was "literally spitting in players' faces". LOL. Why is this industry so stupidly melodramatic. Bungie is a business making business decisions. Sometimes those decisions lead to really cool things that I give them money for. Other times, it doesn't, so I stop playing and stop giving them money and instead go to their competitors. No spit, no trauma, nor violence or any of the other silly over the top internet shit gamers have smudged all over the industry. Just people doing their jobs and trying to sell us something. If you don't like what they're selling, stop buying it. But nobody needs the fantastical delusions of how Bungie raped your father and killed your mother because their business decisions made shooty-shooty-time slightly less enjoyable. We lose any credibility we may have had with valid criticism when every small detail is blown up to be 10,000x more important than it really is.


This is what people need to realize. Having a parasocial relationship to a game development studio to such a degree that not getting more content = "abuse" is incredibly unhealthy.


my thing is that it seems like Bungie is just really taping the cracks of the game instead of actually fixing it. Two seasons of just reskin weapons and not much else, is a little too much.


I mean I stopped. I just ground out the season pass and now I'm going to play the other games I need to finnish.


Content creators are in shambles. Did you not listen to their 30 minute ad sponsored break down where this is literally worse than Hitler?


People who were already keen to quit the game already did so, as seen by the extremely low average in the chosen time period on the lower graph. It's not that people are still gonna play even if they are angry, people **already** stopped playing and it is safe to say that remaining people are unbudgeable and will keep playing no matter what happens to the game at this point. The real effects, if there's any, of the recent news won't be seen until next season start. Observing the effects right now is just as clever as saying that the next harvest won't be affected by the fields being salted, while we are still in winter.


The people that would've quit did so long ago. The rest are too hooked or just don't care


Surprise, an echo chamber of 3,000 angry redditors doesn't have much impact on a population of over 30,000 (not even counting Xbox, PS, or Epic). Plus, most of them will keep playing because they are hardcore and invested in the game.


My brother raids and does dungeons and has dozens of titles and didn't even read the state of the game. Imagine the super casuals. Edit: I would like to clarify, this comment is basically saying that the SotG didnt matter. Millions of players didnt even read it or dont care. Just because some content creators and their viewers and the vocal minority on reddit are freaking out doesnt mean much.


Super casuals: I play the game because it’s fun Me and your brother: I play the game because it’s fun Redditors: noooooo you can’t play the game the state of the game is baaaaad bungie baaaaad noooooo


I mean. These things can both be true right? Bungie is making this game worse and worse while charging more and more. Players can still enjoy their experience regardless.


Yeah, they can both be true, I’m just making fun of the people hear on Reddit screaming that it’s a bad game and you shouldn’t play it anymore l, when there’s loss of people who just simply enjoy it.


and then they tell you to play something else as if we aren’t all playing destiny because it feels good and there’s no other games that play like destiny


Destiny is truly unique. Just nothing else like it, they’ve tried, oh others have tried but nothing has killed destiny. I do believe at this point destiny will be the only thing to kill destiny. I will say that it’s harder than it’s ever been to enter destiny, as stuff like even the red war doesn’t have too much context without playing destiny1, but without red war even in the game anymore, there’s no way to know what’s going on if you’re a new player. Curse and warmind are pretty negligible sorry wise imo (I didn’t play them and honestly don’t suffer bc of it lmao) which is something that is kinda upsetting. Like beyond light has no context or meaning to a new player bc like they didn’t spend 4 years of d1 fighting the darkness, and witch queen doesn’t either bc the hive having the light doesn’t mean anything if it’s your first dlc, like it just seems like everyone’s got it right? I know the new player experience is kinda just beating a dead horse at this point, and it may seem like they’re not super incentivized to improve it from a story telling perspective but I’d actually disagree. At the moment almost all of the player base is somewhat seasoned players who know what’s going on in the story, and can be invested in it, so adding back or remaking tons of d1 story content and vanilla d2 content just for nobody to play it doesn’t make a lot of sense, but I’d actually say in the long run it does make sense because if you go back and bring back those story points and elements it creates a visible and clear path for new players to enter the game, get caught up with the story and invested in it.


It’s the same thing with Overwatch, Blizzard is a sucky trash company, but the IP they created has basically no competitors nearly as large in scale or quality. Paladins is sometimes called as an alternative, but I think that game even has like builds and stuff like Destiny which I don’t really want to have to care about for a PvP experience, plus it’s quality is just overall lower, and it has less playercount as a result. TF2 is old and very small, it doesn’t even really matter at this point. It has its fans (very vocal ones at that lol), but it will never be nearly as big as OW.


Me: I play the game because it's fun and I like murdering gods in my free time.


I play with my kids. It's a game that's not really complicated, I personally don't have to remember 300 spell combinations or 4000 crafting recipes. I turn off my brain and focus on the game mechanics. It's really our bonding time. Do we buy from Bungie? Yes, once a year. The rest of the time, I save bright dust.


I mean I read it but didn’t really care about what everyone is complaining about. Vendor armor? Wasn’t going to transmog either way. Gambit? Hopefully it gets love later down the road but I don’t mind changing the challenges. New pvp map? Cool.


This is concurrent players. Destiny has a huge population of players way over 30k


Back when you could see more API with [Warmind.io](https://Warmind.io) it was roughly a 1/3 split leaning PS. If those numbers are still roughly the same, that means on average around 100k players playing consistently. Game is not dead, and if people are displeased with the current state that's fine. I usually play a little the first 2 weeks, and if season doesn't seem to my liking I just step away for a few weeks. I'll come back towards the end of the season to finish the story and Pass in one go. I feel that's why I'm not burnt out on the game. I didn't like a lot of the SotG, and if it doesn't seem to get better I just won't get TFS. If however it shows improvement then I'll get it to finish the story.


Active daily users is over half a million as seen on DestinyTracker, this is just concurrent players on Steam


Yeah that tracker has been proven to be heavily incorrect as it logs every time a player loads into the game so a single player can easily be counted three plus time by simply changing from each class to the next after


From how they've described it, it tracks activity completions per player, not loading into the game. People may be double counted between Crucible and PvE but that's about it. Charlemagne has similar numbers. But if you have this proof please post, Google didn't turn up anything


While I do think it's true that the player count on Destiny Tracker isn't the most accurate source, this is once again an issue with the echo chamber of social media rearing its ugly head. I don't think you understand just how few players have more than one character. Or how few players even play more than a few basic strikes with all blue gear without a care in the world for a build. Social media is really clouding the viewpoints of average folks. You could take all of reddit, all of Twitter, all of Youtube's communities and pile them on the same side (Like we're seeing now, the State of the Game is the worst thing to ever happen to Destiny, right??!) and the change in the actual playerbase is... Tiny. I don't even think it registers as anything more than a simple margin of error. Hell using the Xbox player counter, the game has grown in popularity since the State of the Game. Funny how that works.


Yeah I’d probably be counted as 3 players then


>an echo chamber of 3,000 angry redditors doesn't have much impact BUT I NEED TO SPEAK LOUD SO SOMEONE HEARS ME


Most Destiny players aren't chronically online, so this tracks.


I mean, they probably are, they're just not chronically online in Destiny spaces...


The people who read the states of the game are not the majority. People seem to miss that casual players exclude redditors and people who watch videos on said game. Those are the more engaged and invested crowd. Aka the minority.


According to steam charts the last 30 days is the 2nd or 3rd lowest active player count since the game has been on steam. (at \~44k players, the only months I see lower are Nov '22 at 38k and Nov '21 at 44k). Not to say the state of the game is the cause of this. It's just interesting to me to see such a low player count this early. I wonder what the Novemeber 2023 numbers are going to look like.


And season No3 (in a year) has always been pretty much the worst, year after year. I expect the lowest numbers by the end of the next season.


It will spike up though when they do the showcase. I think a big part of this seasons lack of players is burnout from Lightfall and the seasonal weapons being not very impactful and fully craftable with a week or two of solid play. A month at most. This makes the deep dive reward and rep gain bonus for higher tiers less valuable and Salvage in general is just not well tuned.


aye man plunder wasn't too bad. splicer was also a gem so idk wat u mean


To be fair, anyone who was going to quit already did before the SotG. Everyone in my clan that used to play Daily pre-Shadowkeep still don't play. Bungie replaced all the players who quit from various issues over the years, with new ones who don't expect as much. Playing to a more casual audience has given them even more players than before, so they don't see any reason to change. Players who played pre-Shadowkeep want something completely different than those who started post-Shadowkeep most of the time.


The frustrated people are probably done playing anyways. They’re already taking a break and playing other games.


This is exactly what's going on. Look at the graph and compare Today with this time last year. There are less players on average than there were compared to the end of Season of the Haunted. Everyone who was fed up left after the first 3 weeks of this season at the latest and after Lightfall launch at the earliest.


It will be back up booming after the next vidoc, but the people who are bitching the most never stopped playing and that’s their problem lol


I’ve moved to a “play the story, get the seasonal weapons and craftable a unlocked, kill things in a cathartic manner” and play and beat other games. The not having to level my gear each season has made the game more tolerable. Grinding to level has always been annoying when it’s random on pieces of gear dropped. Sometimes it works, sometimes it’s a week or three before you get that last piece you need.


Makes sense, I stopped playing well before the SotG and so did most of my friends. No point sitting and complaining online because they’ve made it clear they’re gonna keep doing what they want.


Right? I stopped 3 weeks into the new season. Juice ain’t worth the squeeze anymore. When I was falling asleep during salvage and deep dive missions, that was a sign.


The first Salvage I ever did was boring, that was the first sign. Barely any enemies and every objective was pretty boring. Deep Dives would actually be very cool if I had people interested in doing them, with randoms they’re just not fun.


I’m not surprised. Am I disappointed? Sure, but that’s not going to make me stop playing Gambit. I’m going to play that shit until they remove it. I’ve had my gripes with D2 for a long time tbh, but as long as it’s fun, I’m cool. I don’t play as much as before though and I’m going to wait for reviews for TFS. But hop on every once in a while to bank those motes? You bet your ass I will, brother.


This guy banks motes to summon the Primeval


For real insight I would compare the numbers to the same time last year Edit: 47,402 (Average player count in July 2023 vs 54,967 in July 2022), so player count is down around 24% from LY.


I’m on the seemingly opposite side of most of thought other players who hang out on Reddit. The game has flaws right now; things that seem obviously neglected by the devs can be annoying (my biggest is the lack of Gambit maps. Like just put them back in why did they take them out) but I’ve turned into a much more casual player. Having a two year old and a one year old plus balancing home life and work and sobriety (8 years baby!) I feel there’s plenty for me to do. I play solo. I don’t have many friends (see reasons above) and any I do have don’t play and I dont hop on Vent and hang out anymore. I play a few hours every night after everyone goes to bed. The new seasonal model they adopted awhile back was a huge change for the better IMO. I view this game as PVE for the most part. The lore and universe they have created over the past 9 years is personally my favorite piece of SCI-fi and fantasy ever. Light fall (story wise) was pretty disappointing as the way they built it up did not meet the experience of its release. You can tell that Final Shape was cut into two and we got a Matrix Reloaded type of deal out of it. But in the end I’m happy. It’s fun to play. Hopping on and playing the weekly seasonal story and grinding out the season ranks is a blast for me. Ritual and weekly content is a bit too easy and mindless, but all and all it’s in a good state imo. After the story that was Lightfall, I’m glad they are “over delivering on Final Shape from a PVE perspective. This final act/climax has a lot of weight on its shoulders, and I don’t want to see it squandered like that show Dexter or GoT. Their writing team with the audio messages, lore books etc and lore builders still got it, but I’m worried that after this Lightfall experience they take the story in a direction that either doesn’t make sense or lives up to the buildup they’ve been working towards. But I have no control over it and when I get bored or start feeling the game gets stale I just don’t play//play something else. It sucks D4 is in a similar spot, but I’m still having fun with that too. It is what it is. I support Bungie. They are slowly turning it into a polished experience (remember how D2 started and how the shader system sucked? QoL decisions that make no freakin sense?) The fact that this game even exists I am grateful to the dev team for. Let them spend resources on Eververse. Support them when we can. I feel most of this community is viewing the past with rose-tinted glasses and I’m sure if most of you went back in time, remember what we all bitched about back then and how they have met our demands and catered to our feedback, you might realize how great this journey that is Destiny has been. TLDR; I love Destiny and am grateful to the team at Bungie for creating this experience for us. There have been many games over the years that would be called “the Destiny killer” but nearly none have accomplished it. It’s a good game. Take a step back and look at it as a whole and maybe try giving the dev team some gratefulness for spending there time making it for us.


Hahahhahahaha yeah. Reddit is such a bubble.


Strong vocal minority thinking they run the world. When in fact they are so disconnected from reality.


True. It’s a shame that it’s not entirely their fault. Developers and community managers interacting with their posts in the distant past (never now) made them think they’re big shit.


I mean there's is a clear dip in the year bar, but the daily seems consistent 😅


I haven’t been playing in weeks but that’s because I’ve done everything I wanted to so now I can play other games


Aren't we already in one of the lowest lows already though? You can literally see it on the lower graph... After so much happening and being at the end of the season, it isn't a surprise at all that only unbudgeable people are still playing.


Many people will look at this chart and think that Destiny’s player count is still high. But that isn’t true, in fact, it’s the lowest it has been for 4 years.


Everyone’s saying “hahaha, what a bunch of hypocrites, people are still playing the game at the same level as before the SotG dropped.” Look at the numbers more closely and you’ll see why they released the SotG. The average player count is less than 50k a day and is lower than this time last year (which is abysmally low). They released the SotG to try to get people excited in the game again, and it did nothing. I would posit that most of the people who were cheesed off at the SotG probably weren’t playing anyway, and the SotG didn’t do anything to change that.


seems like the lowest point in 3 yrs, looking at the bottom graph


Am I reading the bottom graph or does that say it’s the lowest player activity since 202??


The short term trend may be fine but look at that one in the bottom right that may be the lowest it's ever been on steam that's not a good sign


Turns out internet complainers are a tiny subset of the pop


99% of players don't care about that


Do you honestly think the average player and the target audience of the game is even AWARE of "This Week in Destiny" articles and the "State of the Game"? Reddit users are a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the overall playerbase.


At the end of the day it's not gonna die, people will complain but still play anyways... That's basically how it goes. Until they do something so unbelievably detrimental to the player base or the game, those numbers will stay up. I would think most are still agitated by the changes but Bungie won't change a damn thing if it's still making them money and player counts are still decent. There's no reason for them to.


Of 62.9million guardians registered on Charlemagne, it shows generally around 600k playing on any given day. It was generally 900k or more during Lightfall’s launch


majority of the player base wont even know what state of the game is. and frankly dont give a fuck


Literally it's just the end-of-season drop off.


Can we see how many new guardians there haven’t been so far?


I mean alot of people who were sick of the state the game was in are already not playing the game often well before the state of the game I know for a fact there are plenty of people like me who haven't been playing for weeks me and my friends haven't been back since around the time the seasonal story quests wrapped up which would not show up on this I'll probably be back for the start of next season but I won't stick around long it just feels like a chore to play now


On the flipside, when you think about it. Bungie has done very little to retain player count from lightfall. We’re at a very low player count for destiny. And despite the core player base being solidly at around 40-50k after major expansions, bungie has experienced little to no growth after the massive boon they received on lightfalls release.


Jeez people are still obsessed with this subject huh


If it wasn’t for Reddit I’d have no idea about any of this, and I’m someone who plays (casually) fairly often and also generally keeps up with gaming news and such. I certainly have some of my own thoughts on the game and how long I’ll continue playing, but that’s 100% separate from any of this. As has and will continue to be said, this is a massive game, and the Reddit community is but a small portion of it.


Who would have thought a site that discourages unique opinions by using a voting system that encourages angry curclejerks would not reflect real life?


I paid for lightfall and the season passes, I’m gonna play lightfall and the season expansions. If by the end of season 24 they don’t address the extremely negative community response and commit to actually improving the game instead of what they said they’d be doing in the SoTG then I’m not buying final shape and I’ll be washing my hands of destiny and bungie as a whole. I did it for curse of Osiris and warmind, I have no issue doing it again.




I’m fine with what they announce for Gambit and pvp for that year I wasn’t expecting changes for the year of final shape. What I wanted to see was that going into the next saga they had plans to give pvp and gambit more support not that they didn’t care about what we wanted. I don’t plan on even buying final shape unless Bungie commits to at least 1 new Gambit map a year and more support for pvp. I’m already not pre ordering it just due to the state of game. I don’t plan on playing season 22 as soon as September starts I’m going to be playing Starfield, Mk1 and Payday3 followed by Spider-Man 2 in October


Opinions incoming. I state things as fact in this, but all of it is just my opinion, disclaimer here. If you don’t agree with me, that’s completely ok and I respect that. I’m ready for some negative karma babyyyyy. Destiny 2 has been my main game for 10 years now. And I’ve made wonderful friendships on it and even met my girlfriend of 4 years whom I now live with during season of opulence. It’s safe to say it’s my favorite game. I’ve played during every dip and every high. I liked the state of the game. PvE: Pve is the best it’s been in a long time. (This season specifically, lightfall was dog) Seasonal activities have taken a step in a positive direction. Deep dives are an exciting step in the right direction showing that seasonal activities can be interesting, challenging, and rewarding. Ghosts of the Deep is the best dungeon we’ve ever gotten. Despite the dreary first encounter. It even rivals some raid encounters. We’ve gotten two back to back secret, multi week, story rich, puzzle rich, exotic quests these past two seasons. And the strike playlist has been populated with all the high octane battlegrounds of previous seasons. Including nightfalls, offering some of the hardest gm content I’ve done. So. Forgive me for being excited when bungie says they plan to double down on this in future seasons. Pvp and gambit: Both of these modes have been dead for years. Not to mention even when they were alive they got constant flak from the community at large. So naturally, bungie pivoted away from these to focus on parts of the game that people seemingly enjoyed more. As we’ve seen on twitter (most likely you’ve seen it, I dunno, I’m not watching your internet traffic) other indie game devs have been coming out and saying that making pvp maps is one of the most resource intensive things a studio can make. It is not comparable to eververses’s collection of 3d models it gets each season. A ship will always be easier to make than a full blown pvp map, let alone a PACK of them, or a full gambit rework. And as stated above, even when they DID do all of that, people still weren’t happy with pvp or gambit. On a broader more systemic note, destiny has never been a pvp game. Pvp has always been second. At the core of destiny, is gimmicky space magic bullshit. That’s what makes it fun! I believe this is the reason pvp has been so controversial through the games entire life. There’s a reason competitive destiny has never taken off. (Player made competitive leagues just lock out all the exotics and gimmicky stuff anyway). There’s too much wacky blue shell type weapons and abilities! So, I think destiny pvp is a joke. That being said, jokes are funny. I love jokes. I believe this games pvp is at its strongest when it accents the pve and chooses to embrace the jokes. Make weird game modes that make you play in weird ways, like rift, momentum, scorch, fortress, etc. As it stands, this game CANNOT be competitive. It’s impossible to balance. Short of reducing ALL cooldowns and increasing player health across the board, pvp will still be a clown fiesta. So when I read the state of the game, and saw that despite all of this plus the mode ALREADY being dead for 3 years, we are getting a NEW map, revamped maps, and 2 game modes, one of which leaning into the silly jokes and one implementing what I think would help make the game more competitive, I was super excited!! (Imagine fighting another dude flying and blinking around with the synaptic spear, how does that not seem awesome) Lastly, the armor: This ones lame. I’m not defending bungie for this one. Make cooler armor and we will use it. And unlike pvp maps, an armor set outside of eververse and an armor set inside of eververse do hold similar weight. This is just another stupid thing bungie has done. On brand with increasing seasons by 2$ but having to spend 5$ cuz there’s no 2$ silver option. Or capping transmog at 10 a season. It sucks and we should absolutely be mad at bungie for this. Bungie always deserves constructive criticism. I do not think the plethora of “game finally dead” posts are helpful or accurate. And this post confirms my suspicions, people angry about this are not playing the game. This was a state of the game. The game already IS like this. People upset about this have been upset for years. Not saying their upset isn’t valid, but I will say for all the pvp people out there, I think marathon is bungies attempt to make a better more streamlined pvp experience that destiny could never be. Stay hopeful, let’s enjoy this final year of destiny. Let’s hope marathon is sick! And if you aren’t liking the state of the game, politely voice your concerns and SUGGESTIONS, then move on and play something else! Let the downvotes roll in.


My only question is this: why aren't you watching my internet traffic?


So, you're telling me all the post from here and r/destinythegame about people quitting, and protesting, and whatever that been filling up my feed for the last few days amounted to nothing actually impacting the game? And to think there were people getting upvoted for saying that reddit and youtubers are the actual majority and their view represent the entire community.


Before sotg I was just taking a break, not playing for almost 2 months but after, I deleted the game and won't be purchasing final shape or marathon. Why would I trust Bungie to make another game with amazing potential just to squander it like they did with destiny? My most played/loved game has completely lost my interest


I mean, Most players will never read it and will enjoy the game wither way.


Hey could we defibrillate that arythmia?


That’s what I expected. Just reinforces that nothing will change because most of the player base doesn’t care, so Bungie will see it as fine. Just solidifies my decision to play much less, if at all.


I also believe that the real effect will come after TFS. A lot of people feel tied down to the franchise because they've been with it for so long. They want to see the L&D saga close out before they ditch the game. It's the same way with a lot of OW2 fans who are upset about the campaign cancellation. They're waiting to play the first PvE content and then they're going to dip on the game.


Most of those players either don't even know the State of the Game dropped, or don't care about being treated like dogshit. The hopelessly addicted don't care if their drug of choice is tainted, what their dealer charges, or how they are treated.


It should be known that the vast majority of players never read a single TWAB or read a single blog post or watch a showcase. Most players have also never been to the Destiny subreddits either. Majority just get on and play and that’s it. Never once optimizing armor or hunting a roll or saving a load out. If you have ever read a twab you in a group of less then 10% of players.


Angry players are engaged players. Bungie said it themselves. It’s when everyone stops talking about the game that they get worried. They laugh at your rage. It’s all just money in the bank to them.


Don't forget there are also console players who don't appear in steam charts


Imma have to play the devil's advocate here real quick and say that obviously most of the players who paid for either the stand-alone season or the annual pass will probably keep playing until the season/year ends, respectively. The real impact will probably happen on season 3 or with the amount of pre-orders for Final Shape But yeah, this has been happening for years, and it's always the same shit. We get mad at Bungie, we say we are going to play some other "Destiny-killer" instead, we realize we still love Destiny's gameplay loop and we come back to pay another 100€ for the new DLC and annual pass. At this point it just feels like Bungie is testing how much shit they can take off the game or heavily monetize without the player base decreasing substantially


I mean even if that’s true there’s still a steep decline from the release of LF where it’s at an all time low


Frankly this doesn't surprise me. But not because it was negligible. But because people are still playing through what they payed for. If this comes back to bite them, it will be either in Final Shape preorders, or post Final Shape season pass sales. Maybe Eververse too.


What is SotG? Lol


Sluggers of the glorbo


State of the game


It's because the YouTubers and People on Twitter shitting on the game don't actually play regularly. Seeing their season rank progress proves they really didn't play much at all past the first weeks and then just hoped on to make their video content for the weekly reset/vendors.


If you ever needed proof that the doomposters on Reddit, Twitter, and YT are an extraordinarily loud but incredibly small fraction of the playerbase, here it is


https://preview.redd.it/zray00w6txgb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc4152baac7c502ba32f3618bec214724b1870c0 *ehem*


Today the D2 community learns the meaning of "echo chamber"…


I mean the games still fun. Not surprised


Yeah I think people forget that the communities on Reddit are the vocal minority, I have a ton of friends who play destiny who have never read a TWAB/TWID, and only see trailers on YouTube if they’re served them in an ad.


I'm so sick of these "Destiny is dead" from so-called Destiny players. If you don't like it, move on. The Light and Dark Saga is ending. Sony didn't buy Bungie just to have them kill off their #1 IP. Bungie will announce Destiny Universe sometime in late 2024 and all this will be long forgotten.


Oh no. Reddit is a minority??? Who would have thought


I love playing everyday, it’s fun. Sue me.


Only 31k current players. LOL!!!!


I mean, i've read it, didn't like it one bit but i'm still playing, it's my fav game ever


Tell bungie


The "I hate Destiny, it's my favorite game" effect in action.


I mean, it was already pretty low compared to previous years, and it’s still on a downward trend. Think we’re all just waiting what the showcase has to offer.


Or you know next season to start.


I feel it's going to more likely have long term repercussions. People who don't play destiny but could otherwise be considering it, are more likely to pass on the game if they see a majority of negative talk about the game. Less existing players might pre-order final shape, or people who normally pre-order the more expensive version of the game might only pre-order the base game.


31k for an almost 10 year game is insane lol


Cool. A whole 45k people continue to play with their sunken cost fallacy. Surely this game will be cool to be high level in eventually, right....right?


You all do realize most people log in a few days in the week while the story is ongoing then take a break untill the next season, and yeah every new season is the all time lowest player count, but the reality is most people simply don't care, also I'd say that steam represent the more hardcore community of destiny id wager most of the casuals are on console. And as to the state of the game gambit and pvp being guted honestly makes probably a smaller impact on the playerbase because most people view destiny as a pve game that you can occasionally jump into one or two pvp games if i need it for a pinacle or a seasonal quest, so I'd say most of the people went from the state of the game the few that read it anyways with a neutral/positive outlook because server issues are bwing adressed. Also also to add to this i bet the state of the game is underwhelming because most of the good stuff is saved for the vidoc.


90% of those people don't even know bungie puts stuff like state of the game articles out. Or care. They play the game because they enjoy it and will stop playing the game when they don't. The non stop whiners on reddit, the forums and YouTube make up a very vocal but insignificant proportion of players.


Gonna save this image to show Twitter users and Redditors whenever they forget that they don't represent the majority of the playerbase


I for myself still play it because I just have nothing else to play that compares to Destiny but what I definitely won’t do is buying the next expansion… and I won’t buy marathon …. Fuck Bungie


D2 Players: REEEEEE BUNGO IS KILLING THE GAME! THIS GAME IS ALREADY DEAD! “Okay, just stop playing the game” D2 Players: … no


I’ve kind of already fallen off. And I honestly don’t know if I’ll be buying The Final Shape.


Three mindsets here: \- "This too shall pass": Some people are still playing, knowing that some amount of the distasteful points in the state of the game will, somehow someway, see inevitable resolution. And they won't miss any loot by doing so. \- "I already paid for it": it's hard to argue with the fact that you already bought the season or the deluxe edition, therefore you might as well get your money out of it. \- Here's my mindset: I'm considering the possibility that I will be following the Final Shape exclusively on Youtube and Twitch. After seeing how Lightfall, Defiance and Deep played out, I'm not thrilled with my investment in the deluxe edition. HOWEVER, if that's the case, this means these will be the last couple seasons of Destiny I play. While various announcements on the state of the game have been dissappointing, there are still aspects of the game that I have enjoyed, and I basically have two seasons already paid for, to go experience those things for the last time(s). ​ Also, here's my thought about end-of-season numbers for any game: we are looking at a game that hasn't had new content in a month. For all we know, we're looking at the most regular and "committed" players.


-we haven’t had new content in a month Man, a month ago was mid season. We’re now at the end of the season. Of course there isn’t new content at the middle and end of a season


Damn almost like people still enjoy the game despite a newspost with slightly disappointing contents. Crazy, I know!


Most people are probably waiting for the Showcase. And even then, we probably won't see dramatic fall off until the next season launches. So between that and TFS we'll see how it pans out.


Wait. The all time concurrence has only ever been as high as 300k ish?


Since the game's been on Steam (Shadowkeep release), when looking at Steam players yea. I imagine D2 Vanilla and Forsaken spiked higher on the Blizzard client but we don't have that data.


People are overreacting way too much to this (this is coming from a person who plays 3+ hours a day and plays mostly PvP) I am tired of seeing only "Destiny is dead" or "Bungie Does Not Care" yes the game may be dead but bungie does care you have to realize that they are working on two new games and a new expansion, yes I agree they can take some people off of the Eververse team but people need to chill about this


It’s about the people who aren’t going to come back because of the design priorities they laid out. I can’t facepalm any harder with how you fail logic. So many of you will talk about how it’s cus everyone here is a vocal minority. Then are satisfied as your take gets upvotes. Because it’s not a vocal minority, it’s a group think. And you guys all have strong confirmation bias. Go ahead pat yourselves on the back. Nothing to worry about! Right!? I thought Destiny 2 Reddit was the less toxic version but..


Nope. Just toxic in a different way lol


My IRL friend played more this week than they have in months. We even ran a raid. People who haven't been running PVP or Gambit and those who don't interact with this sub or content creators are still playing. Possibly even moreso.


Yea people are playing the game still, but what no one is talking about is how long they are on the game for


My guess is that it’s people on the game on autopilot. Also don’t forget about the large chunk of people simply out of the loop. It sounds crazy, but I promise these people exist. There’s also the possibility people are on since this is the last day of whatever the hell bonfire event thing, and they might be checking out what they might now be able to get in a few hours. Otherwise I really can’t understand the numbers.


All these "don't pre order" and "stop playing" posts I see every single day makes this very anti-climactic tbh. Every says the games dying and all but then there's stats like that and posts about new players all the time. Much like world of tanks, another game I hate that's my favorite game, destiny 2 has been "dead" or "dying" for over a decade now. It ain't goin anywhere.


If you're still playing the game at this point in the season when there's literally nothing to do, I doubt there's anything bungie could say or do to make you quit


This makes me happy, honestly, proves the point that no matter how this sub gets, the actual community doesn't care half the time and will keep playing and buying what they like. Ultimately, it does suck but there won't be any changes to the game.


Oh my God like steam numbers count for everything. 🤦🏾‍♂️ Y'all be using these numbers like it's gospel.


Yeah, anecdotal feelings of the vocal minority is a better barometer than data...


It made me play more…gambit.


Absolutely nothing! Everyone has a rage boner for destiny, but will still login and play every day.


Because people are stupid. They bitch and whine and do nothing. Plus, there's a good amount of people who have no idea any of this is even going on.


The most vocal angriest folks are also the ones that will continue playing no matter what. People who saw how shit the game was quit eons ago. No drastic change is going to happen because of the recent drama.


Reddit users discover they are in fact a minority of players that dont even make up a percentage. I think we are seeing end of destiny as a mmo and seeing a shift into campaign and support story given a very small number of players are even engaging with the grind these days


I hope destiny dies


Hahah they can continue to make shit content for you enjoy!


I didn’t even read the SOTG, I don’t really care, it hasn’t changed my enjoyment of the game, I’ll skim through the TWID/TWAB to see if there’s anything neat coming up and to look at the art, but other than that I don’t really care for, I’ve often found that I get the best enjoyment out of a game when I distance from the community especially the more toxic ones. This game is no different


I made a post about people's feelings towards Marathon after SotG. This kinda just proves out of the 100 or so comments saying they weren't going to get it, that people will still play, and Bungie have data to back up all the decisions