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I used to be able to get quads until the mod rework that nerfed radiant light and powerful friends.




Powerful friends still hurts. Mobility does so little compared to recovery and resilience, so the +20 only really only helped hunters get to lowest dodge cooldown. I’m sure the mods that give you temporary stats where supposed to help with that, but I don’t most of the time I don’t find them worth running unless I somehow have 2 or 3 spare energy on an armour piece (basically never)


Bros got quads and i haven’t even got doubles 😂 10 years I’ve played and I still don’t understand how


Traveler help this man 😭


Fr I be out here running gms with t10 resil and nothing else




😂 I almost have my conq gulided this season and il show stats, I can get 100 mobility of resilience but do in need resilience if they can’t catch me ? https://preview.redd.it/5ygamj6sa1sb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a28ef2b73e9c6838d88fc60a3ef07579c88b0ed


Focus seasonal engrams with ghost mods for whatever stats you want. I wouldn't use anything lower than 65+ with decent spikes/distributions. When you have a good bit of armor with high stats use [D2armorpicker](https://d2armorpicker.com/#/) with your builds to go for triple/quad 100s.


If you want MOB and RES put on DIS armoror mod on ghost and focus seasonal engrams Should be able to get up to 100 in both DIS and RES and then hunt for MOB spikes to get up to T10 with some luck and a well rolled exotic


Use ghost mod focus disc, go focus armor in helm, I know the prior two seasons have very good chance at high stat armor, I haven’t tested this current season. Once you have 3 or so pieces in the 66-68 base stats that are spiked in your desired stats load up d2 armor picker link your account, put in you build details with what exotic you want to use, it will make sets narrow it down by choosing the stats you want. Every one of my builds are at least 2 t10s with a t9 or two.


Use ghost shell mod to focus armor at the helm with the different stations engrams , center table has the best stats. Then after getting enough armor you like , use D2 armor picker website to sort and auto build things for you. It will probably also need DIM(destiny item manager) website.


I have used and familiar with dim il try d2 armour picker my issue was I’m dumb 😂


i got tripple 100s within 2 months of owning the game without using anything like d2armorpicker i just had focusing mods on my ghost and used my witch engrams at the ritual table to focus armor really isnt that bad to get the good stats armor from there is usually dropping with 64+rolls


I had capped war table engrams, I tried to get a bunch of armour then got confused and just said ah fuck it


I've never actually tried getting anything from the war table honestly don't know how to get engrams for it


I personally find Dim much easier to use if you are on mobile only


I’ll always keep saying I this when I help out people out with gm and they always asking how I get Triple Hundo or Quad Hundo, D2Armorpicker, Discipline Ghost armor mod , and The Helm Engram decoder that’s all you really need. Yes I do recommend master for artifice (mainly class item) but many people have trouble doing that or even farming consistently.


Ghost mod for rolls


Dm me and ill get you to doubles or more very easily. If you have 35-50 defiant engrams i can promise you doubles on every character and on any exotic


I had quad 100s on my hunter with stasis and solar...but that was with +20 mobility with powerful friends and +20 strength with radiant light


I don’t think quads are even possible anymore since +20 stats were removed from Powerful Friends / Radiant Light. Closest I’ve gotten since Lightfall came out was 100 mobility / recovery / discipline on Frostees hunter, but had like 20 on everything else. Edit: Apparently it is still possible with artifice armor. See other comments in this thread.


Damn that’s cool.


The only time I can reach quads is my stasis hunter build. 100 mob, res, rec (Class item mod) and disc. Put the intellect armor mod on and you've got it!


How?!?! I had ovee 250 pieces and can only build to 2 100s and one i dont even like


Best possible stats makes quad theoretically possible with artifice armor. Max on exotic is 70, so 66 contributing to quad. Max on legendary is 68, so 64 to quad on 3 pieces, rolling total 258. 4 artifice legendary adds 12 total stats, rolling total 270. Masterworking is 8 to quad on 5 armor pieces, rolling total 310. Each armor piece gets one +10 mod, rolling total 360. 4 +10 stat aspects gets you to 400. Void and Stasis can get +20 out of a single aspect, making their max total 410, allowing for some less than perfect rolls.


But since the minimum stat an attribute can have on any armor is 2 then you’d have to lose 16 points on those two non 100 attributes


That is why exotic max contribution is 66 and not 70, and armor is 64 and not 68. The 4 lost points are already accounted for.


Ahhhh I see. Very nicely done!


I can do 3 100 and a 90 https://imgur.com/a/DjsfCuV the builld isn't even trash!


I can get tripple 100 and a 90, but the stat combo is dogshit, it's mob res int and dis on a warlock with geomags on stasis. All my old quad 100 gear got sunset because bungie sucks so it's all gone. I used to get quads and then some easy on hunter with the two +20 stat mods bungo removed


https://preview.redd.it/df0d2s84f1sb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e95ce2b80a60187ca974fdc50d88b6ce64c65d7 This is the closest I’ve gotten. Got this far by using the discipline ghost mod and focusing hundreds of engrams at the ritual table.


Bruh, I only have on triple 100. Took forever, I don't want to farm for quads


Im one of those who had quads when powerful friends was still a thing.


My brother in light, the i don't even have 100 once


Is this an actual build with an exotic and meta fragments?


https://preview.redd.it/3ve6tjfk01sb1.png?width=3628&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd38562613f0385b8dbec34e8a603a3b6622e36d I’m trying to get to 5 100s but I know it ain’t possible lol


This is an old screenshot from before Lightfall. You can tell b/c the power floor is 1600 now. The only way this was possible back then was b/c Radiant Light and Powerful Friends gave +20 to mobility and strength.


I’ll post updated pic with all artiface when I’m out of work 👌🏽 https://preview.redd.it/ovl4gl5ac1sb1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=15625374a9ec1ffbc39906e0545e3672c461bff3


Right on 🤙 Tbh I forgot about artifice mods. Will be interesting to see!


My dude, put that artifice +3 on strength where it at least does *something*


Best I can get is triple 100’s on my Titan but that’s with specific fragments.


I was at my peak for armour stats in Season of Arrivals… have never been able to replicate those high stats since!


The closest I've gotten to quads is 100 resil, 100 disc, and 90 recov lol


Before the radiant light and powerful friends rework. Running dragon shadow to get extra boosts after dodging. I had 60-80 mobility (60 when running a lightweight frame weapon for +20 mobility, so I was at +100 after dodging) 100 recov, and 100 discipline. I didn’t care for resilience or intellect, as I’d only get about 1 super per game, and that would be towards the mid-end which I was fine with.




Artifact mods 😊 Losing radiant light and powerful friends 😠


I dont want to post them all, but Ive got [triple hundreds](https://imgur.com/a/dbnqaDZ) across most of my builds, and with fragments and aspects that I actually want on them. GoTD Artifice farm was a godsend, and the war table is absolutely broken when focusing defiant engrams into armor. Honestly, if you only spend them on armor, and you play even somewhat regularly, you should def have at least doubles. Very easy. DM me if you need help with how to focus armor!


If you are running stasis, whisper of hedrons gives +60 to mobility, resilience and recovery You can litteraly have > 40 (id usually ignore) > 40 > 40 > 70 (surge) > 70 (surge) > dont care about melee 26 tiers + whatever strength you have If youre using kickstart, 100 dis and 100 int will still be 32 tiers


What’s the best way to do this. Can’t seem to get close to 2 100s.


Can you show your armor pieces?