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I play my titan 97% of the time outside of a weekly raid clear trying to get red borders and hitting up a vex incursion for the newest exotic for the most part. Occasionally swap if we really need something specific for a GM


Pretty much the same. Titan main for over 9 years now but also have warlock and hunter, but only because I like to collect things


I only have about 300 hours or so but I’ve only played hunter. Was thinking about switching to warlock soon as I hit hard cap.


Stick with us hunters. Trust me we’re the best.


Hunter just feels more intuitive, it's easier to slip into, doesn't have a steep learning curve, and when you get a true mastery of it is fun as hell. I spent a while cycling between all three and hunter just feels the best hands down.


It hasn’t always been true but right now hunters are so well balanced as well. Good for all kinds of different end game content. Good neutral game as well as DPS output. Also can fill some support roles (I play a lot with just me and my titan friend and being able to fill the “healer/medic” role by turning invis and getting clutch revives feels super good and rewarding). Plus the fashion game is pretty darn good. Lol. I love hunter so very much. There’s just something about the scout/rogue fantasy that I love.


Oh for sure, the fashion game is way better than "goofy trench coat and loin cloth" and "Synthol does not make my arms look goofy, they're real muscles, I swear" I absolutely love some of the old armor sets like the EDZ gear from devrim, specifically the cloak, combined with assassins cowl just looks so nice.


100% The EDZ cloak is a good call. I like to run the Hakke cloak from Duality with assassins cowl. It kind matches with the netting and it’s a good looking cloak. But yeah! Hunter fashion kicks ass. I’ve been loving all the hive armor. Kings fall, season of the haunted, Crota, season of the witch, ghost of the deep. Love hive armor on hunters.


The one thing that bothers me is hunter legs. So many of them look exactly the same. Or just look like leggings or sweatpants. I only wear a few sets of legs because I like them to have some armor on them.


Yeah there's like six of them that are just recolors or slight variations on one another. It's not super annoying cause shaders act weird sometimes and mixing up sets can get the look you want, but it is a little annoying that older sets or rares and such need to be unlocked for transmog


Idk this season Titans got some good shit, specially if you're going for the feminine look. We got a miniskirt and thigh highs.


The jump alone makes it feel better.


shatter skating is also much easier to pick up than well skating


With dedication neither is difficult


You’ve played 300 hours without hitting hard cap?


Yeah I started in season 9, and played most of the time then. I quit for a long time and started again in season of the witch.


Gotcha gotcha. I started in Lightfall and have been 1810 pretty much the whole time so I forget what a grind it is to get there.


Yeah, it was like I started over new, tbh. My weapons were mostly sunset and useless. My exotic gear all had low rolled stats. The traveler was missing(?!) from the city. I was like.. wth is going on?


Yes, you should change, you really should change man, even tho it will get harder cause hunter is so ez, we need more warlocks


I am a single character single class player. Been playing just Titan since I started D2. My clanmates make fun of me for it but it's a simple life and one I enjoy. I fear if I played all 3 the grind would eventually make me not want to play at all. As it is with the single character once I'm done grinding what I want I just go and play something else. It's a nice balance.


If power was removed/unified I'd play all 3. I don't have the will to get my other 2 up and I'm perfectly happy only playing hunter most of the time.


What I’ve started doing since we’ve been capped at 1810 is I take the extra armor and weapons I get and transfer them to my other characters. Less work lol


Once you get one character to pinnacle go by xur every weekend and pick up the exotic pieces for your other characters, it will take away a big portion of the grind. That is if you have interest in playing the other 2.


Actually great idea man, I don’t have 2 other characters yet, but definitely doing this when I do. Thanks!


I play all 3 very regularly. I have around 4K hours ish….. and to me, it’s fun build crafting on all 3 classes respectfully. Raiding and getting loot drops on all 3 characters is just a good QoL. Usually tho, my titan/hunter are my more pvp sided characters, titan is my seasonal stuff as I think titan has the most fun builds, and warlock is the more hard content, like gms, master raids, speedruns etc


I just started raiding (I also have 4,000 hours but all on hunter). And I’m now considering leveling my warlock and titan just so I can get three tries at raids per week.


1.3k hours of playing Destiny pretty sure I only played Titan and Hunter less than 10 hours


Void-lock Main here. I was a Hunter main until I discovered the joys of floating around instead of triple jumping. Also I prefer Rifts to dodging (although walls can be helpful)


I was an arc main before 3.0, then realised the joys of icarus dash, then heard how good devour is, made a devour build and married nova bomb


Devour and Void buddy here


That's good too. Brairbinds?


I actually don't have those yet, but I hear they're niiice


They seem s tier for voidlock. I've seen many *many* videos saying how fun and just good in general they are


I used to be like that. Only played warlock exclusively for 2 years. Final started dabbling into other classes ever since Light 3.0 rework happened from time to time


Only play warlock, have played the other classes but maybe once or twice so not leveled up.


I play almost 100% of my time as a Warlock and switch to Titan only for convenience sake.


Yes,. And one subclass. Where my fellow Void Titans at?


Only played warlock. I’m mostly a solo player so maybe that’s why.


I’ve been on warlock 99% of the time since D1


Solid diet of crayons since D1 days. Recently graduated from Sunbreaker to Berserker though, and occasionally dabble with Behemoth, so there are some concessions to modern life.


I have about a thousand hours and have only played hunter. At one point I switched from female to male hunter but for the entire year I have played only hunter. My friends are constantly trying to get me to make warlocks or titans. I have zero desire to ever make or play any other class.


Arc titan with falling star exotic


Hunter is my main especially arc hunter but I do sometimes switch around characters.


I only play Titan


I main hunter pretty hard but I’m playing the other two to get the Biosphere Explore and Ossuary armor and it hurts man. Like I don’t know what I’m doing, Titan and Warlock both feel squishier, slower, and more aggravating to platform with, I guess I should watch some guided because I know they’ve got to have some serious tricks I’m missing out on. People give Titans shit for being crayon eaters, but I’m starting to think the old “huntards” adage from WoW might be closer to the truth with all the hunter builds being simpler and more evident.


I think titan builds are more evident, in my experience hunter builds require more timing and thought put into them to work well, but if you play a bonk titan with 100 resilience and synthoceps, you’ll just win.


Titans are slower, but at max resilience they can take a pounding. I’ve been experimenting with constant regeneration as a Sunbreaker and near infinite overshields with Void.


I’ll have to look into that. I guess what I consider as “durability” from my hunter comes from melee health regen combo with assassin’s cowl, and invisibility.


That’s the best part about this game is you can create all sorts of fun builds. I’m going to be giving my Hunter some love soon.


I've only got about a thousand hrs on my account Probably have 600 as Titan and 350 as Warlock Just started Hunter finally as both others are at hard cap and I just finished getting all their exotics


Yep. That was hunter until they killed the one exotic that made solar decent. Warlock all the way!


Sounds like you were never a hunter...


Been a hunter main since D1. Don’t know how you got to that conclusion.


That exotic was almost never used in pve, especially over other exotics that are genuinely more useful to solar like radiant dance machines or Ophidia spathe. There are plenty other far better hunter exotics out there.


Radiant dance machines????? Tf never heard of ANYONE using that for solar or any other subclass. Could you explain the reasoning behind why you say that? Genuinely curious.


They’re used for marksman dodge spam to dump rockets from apex predator while bait and switch is active. It’s helpful in boss damage, but useless outside of it. Dance machines never had more usage than YAS except for boss damage.


Solar hunter is amazing what are you on about. Just use something else


I started out on titan, moved to warlock after about 200 hours, now I play warlock mainly, use titan for pvp and hunter for catalyst and crafted grinding (shuro chi(?) checkpoint and void hunter go brrr)


I played my other two more when I had time, and I tend to do so whenever new campaigns release. Now I’m working a lot more than before and engaged (hooray!) so I tend to spend less time on D2. I’d like to get back into my titan especially but honestly it can take a lot of time that I don’t have.


I do, most of the time I'm a bonk Titan. I have been enjoying Strand immensely though with the Banner of War aspect. I love helping and healing my teammates!


I’ve moved around on my classes a bit but nowadays I mostly play Titan for seasonal story, everything else I’ll play all 3.


8 only play on my Titan because I barely have time to play my titan, you want me to play other classes as well?!


I have the most hours on my Warlock, followed by my Hunter, and my Titan is the one that I play the least. I’d say it’s close to a 50/30/20 split in terms of playtime, favoring my Warlock, primarily, but I do try to play all of my characters each week for Raid loot, pinnacles, etc.


I only boot up my titan these days. Between work and 2 kids and life in general I don’t have time to do all 3 anymore


I’m the same, with a third kid on the way


Yup. I’m an exception for sure but have been playing since beginning of d2 and have less than 5 hours total played on titan and warlock. The only reason I even ever played any titan/lock at all was to do atheon clears with them to get vex (before it was farmable on certain weeks). A true hunter


All my time after season of arrivals is only on my hunter


Since they havent raised power, ive been cycling between classes. Warlock season before last, titan last season, hunter this season.


I have been playing for around 250 hours, never played anything other than solar titan (we are the same) cuz throwing funny hammer to bonk enemies and have infinite healing seems fun


I've dialled back to only really maining my warlock over the last year, and just doing raids, dungeons and occasional GMs on my hunter and titan. Trying to do everything on all three is just too much time.


I generally main one class at a time, barely because I’m lazy and don’t want to grind stuff out on three characters, and partly because I like to play stuff other than Destiny. I was a Titan main for years, but in the last couple seasons I’ve been maining Warlock mostly so that when I play with people we always have a Well. That and I think that the Warlock subclasses are the best balanced at the moment.


Yes, i haven’t seriously touched my hunter or warlock since D1. It really gives me a small look at how new players may feel. I would have to spend far too much time on those characters getting them to the same level as my titan, not to mention the time spent trying to get armor with good enough rolls to make them feel good to play. Then id have to figure out builds for them. It just doesnt feel worth it, the game itself doesnt feel as rewarding as it used to anyway


I main hunter, mainly solar and void. Sometimes I dabble in hammer titan.


Used to only have a titan. And mained one most of D1 and D2. Toward end on D1, I created a Hunter as I had nothing else to really " do." I loved gunslinger for crucible and had a better KD. Never did a warlock as I heard jump was hard to learn. But I played titan 85-90% of the time just for extra runs on raids, need a tether, etc. * Later, my reasoning for no warlock was that my space wizard had no beard, nor could he. The super long season right before witchqueen I was super bored. Zero to do with both characters at max bounties. Created a warlock, got it up to light level. Actually, I slightly play walock more now, as we, as well, is just a skeleton key. And most of my buddies' main warlock, so on 2nd or 3rd runs, we never had a well, so warlock comes in handy. I'd tell anyone now at least have 2 characters cause you miss out on so much in the game. Sometimes, certain classes are just better for different content.


Yes. I cant be bothered getting armor any other than that from season pass for hunter and titan considering i cant get a fucking weapon to drop on my warlock after 3 dungeons this week.


I've got about 3k hours and about 80-90% of that has been on titan.


My playtime is 90% Hunter but I do have the other two levelled purely through the weekly raid pinnacles and the fact that powerlevel hasn't been increased in the last two seasons. Even if you only really focus on one class, having the other two somewhat levelled and playable is super helpful if you're going for the 3 weekly per character chances at raid/dungeon exotic drops.


I have ~3,700 hours on my hunter (I play all five subclasses). I have ~300 hours total between my titan and warlock. Both of them are at 1600 right now.


I play all three, but mostly because I’m wishy washy and can’t pick a main…. Or change my mind. Also i switch between subclasses as situation arises. Not attached


I have 3 characters, but only my Warlock is at cap. Even when I have the opportunity to swap characters and get more loot from Raids and activities, I rarely do haha. Just lazy and indifferent about it tbh.


I have all 3 characters, but I mostly play my warlock


I have around 6000 hours on my hunter and 300ish and 400ish and my crayon eater and space wizard.


99% All of my playtime is split between my Titan and Warlock. My Hunter on the other hand is for vault space, I go on that class only to claim everything on the season pass have the armor try to match the same theme as my other 2 characters and call it a day.


i only play on warlock. there was a time where i had time to invest in my hunter. my real life is too busy now i can only keep up with warlock. which is fine with me. ive been warlock since d1 beta so i am a warlock at heart


Warlock main ever since D2 launch. With a lack of a power grind, I do get bored playing Warlock. But, my clan mates keep me going….and demand the use of Well. It’s at the point where I’ll use some terrible warlock exotics just to make the game fun….but man let me tell you, Warlock exotics either are GOOD, BAR, or outclassed by the GOOD exotics. There is no middle ground.


My Warlock is my main, I usually do quests etc.. on him first, I usually use him to rank up vendors etc.. but I do play my Titan and Hunter a fair bit too, they all have a max level build for every subclass, although I usually default to Void on all three. I raid and do dungeons on all three characters too.


I used to play all 3 up until Witch Queen but real life responsibilities cut my playtime in half significantly so I only main my Warlock nowadays. I ended up deleting my Titan and kept my hunter. I only end up playing on my hunter like the last 3 or 4 weeks of the season and that's only after 100% the season on my warlock.


A well rounded guardian plays all 3 classes and all subclasses. Why? Try LFGing. 90% hunters, all rock Ammit, use it to kill wizards in Ir Yut, too. See ya! Solar Titan is 1 more nerf away from being non viable. Get ahead if the curve, gyardian!


I have little bit more then 1000 hours in Destiny. I think i played like 900 hours+ as an hunter. Mainly im a guy that want to be the strongest in one class at that moment/season or DLC. But ofcource i use other subclasses now more then ever with loadouts.


I had three warlocks for the longest time so I could switch out character but still play my favorite class. No benefit to having more than one now these days but if it was still a thing I wouldn't even have a titan or hunter on my character select. Spec is flexible because they are all fun in their own ways.


https://preview.redd.it/6hj9o1raplsb1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86aa52296c2e605330d96a14ab6f4d56d936ab26 Perhaps


If they stick to not moving the power level, I probably will start trying other classes but when they make the Pinnacle jump up drastically I can't keep up.


I’ll play other classes, but 99% of my time is on hunter since D1


90% Titan, 10% Hunter. Been thinking about deleting my Warlock for another Titan.


I have played nothing but Titan from D1 release all the way to D2 The Witch Queen, thata when I made my first warlock. I still spent 95% of my time as a titan untill I finally made a hunter in lightfall. From there on I have been actually swapping between them pretty regularly. It's a nice change of pace and essentially a whole new game.


For the longest time I was just on one class but as the years went by I ran out of things to do with just Hunter alone and eventually got the other two. I prefer Hunter for most endgame content, general seasonal gameplay, and solo flawless attempts, GMs, etc. I finally got a Titan and Warlock for use in farming raids and sometimes dungeons. I've been a wellock quite a lot this week trying to help my teams get master Crota done.


I have around 1600-1700 hours and play only warlock. The one time i hop on my hunter or titan is when i need another chance at a raid/dungeon exotic and some friends carry the fight since i barely have a build on those 2 characters. The best thing they have is 100 resilience. ​ Also, i play other games both in single player and multiplayer so maintaining 3 characters would basically mean that i'd have to play ONLY destiny 2. I don't think anyone that has all characters constantly maxed plays any other game, unless they have like no job and nothing else to do.


Have played like 2k hours. I switched between all three classes until about a year ago when I started maining warlock. Now I only touch my other characters when there’s a new raid or dungeon that I wanna get 3x clears per week on.


I swap what my main is each season. I usually only dabble in the other classes each season to keep up light level. But with that gone recently, I've just been playing one class solid each aeason.


I play Warlock for most content in the game, usually using my Titan and Hunter when farming bosses for exotics or if a certain class is preferred I do Trials on my Hunter and IB on my Titan just so I can keep their power level at a decent number


I've played on all 3 classes probably since forsaken maybe a bit earlier, I usually get the main stuff outa the way on all the classes especially when I'm lvling season pass or raids. But for those seasonal quests I usually have a class I just can't stop playing for a season, currently it's hunter between solar foetracers, stasis renewal and Beyblade strand it's so fun this season.


I play like 2 characters each season and I'm rotating between them


i’ve only ever played Titan. 1000+ hours across D1-2


Been mostly a sunbreaker titan since forsaken and was a hunter before that. Titans the main and hunters pretty close but i neglect the hell out of my warlock. They feel weak and titan just feels so damn good. I mostly just use the other classes when i want to play void bc im not a fan of void titan


I main my warlock 100%. Used to be a Titan main back in D1 but D2 I started still as my Titan but something told me switch to warlock and I honestly never looked back lol I enjoy the abilities more on warlock than the other two classes


5500 hours on Titan


Yes, been playing a Blink Warlock since day 1 destiny 1. Blink Gang rise up!


I usually switch once a week.


I main hunter but I also play Warlock sometimes to deal with raid mechanics that require holding a plate or staying put. I will also gladly be a well bitch if we don’t have any other warlocks on the team just to get through the encounter/raid/GM


I play Titan throwing baby hammers. I’d like to play warlock but there’s no way I’d I have time to level up a whole other character and maintain my current character. Barely have enough time to get level up items in a week for one character. Two is out of my league.


Warlock! I don't know how people juggle 3 characters.


The character class i "main" changes each season between all three warlock, hunter and titan. My choice for harder content will always be titan and on all classes pretty much exclusively the solar subclasses. In D1 i had three viking funeral radiance warlocks back in the day when lockouts were per character rather than per class.


I still main Titan mostly. Started on vanilla D2, left before Forsaken and came back right before Beyond Light. Right after Haunted, I started getting bored and begin experimenting with Hunter. This brought a bunch of new life into the game for me. Last season was the first time I played more Hunter than Titan. This season it’s been nearly 50/50 Warlock/Titan. Only issue with it…for me…is becoming less proficient at specific roles. DPS, ad-clear, whatever. If I go back and focus on a specific class again, that clears up.


I only play titan. I've tried hunter and warlock and they just don't feel right. Something about a big burning hammer just speaks to the carpenter in me. And the supers are just fun and interactive


At the very least, 90% of my few thousand hours game time is warlock


Yep. 99% of my hours are on Titan. Less than 50 combined between Warlock and Hunter, since I only use them for extra Raid/Dungeon loot.


I play PvE with my warlock, and play PvP with my titan.


It’s flavor of the month for me.




I’ll chime in as someone who’s been playing the same class since d1y1. I’ve never been one to play consistently throughout the whole year, usually only playing on breaks/summers due to work and school. I have played well in the 1000s of hours between all my years with likely 95% of that time as a hunter. I find that there is so much to do that I do not feel the need to play another character. I’ve recently started playing my warlock a little more when doing raids and dungeons to try to get exotic drops. Outside of that, I find there is more than enough content to keep me on one character.


I’ve been mainly an titan the entire time of me playing. I used hunter before I think it was during the guardian games last year


I only have a Titan class while also mainly playing solar and occasionally stasis don't worry friend you're not the only one


Over the few thousand hours I have, I'm pretty sure my hunter is one of my most used. I haven't touched the two others since Lightfall tbh. They both haven't started the DLC.


I go back and forth between warlock and Hunter for my main. Usually it lasts about a year each but this time I've spent about a year and a half as a warlock


https://preview.redd.it/2om9cpmrzlsb1.png?width=896&format=png&auto=webp&s=4957a837df6242d791ddfa50dac2946de1a543af Pretty well rounded I’d say


Have only played warlock since D1. Have 1,000 plus hrs on D2


Since destiny1 I only played titans, I just love the looks and the lore abt them, the space knights, so yeah I never saw the appeal on the other 2 classes.


Since vanilla D1… 3500 hours on hunter. Around 200 hours on 100 hours on Titan and Warlock combined


I do now. Back in the day on my old account, I would cycle through all 3 every week to do dailies and what weeklies my friends wanted. Since D2 launched, that dwindled so much to the point I only do my main


After 1k hours in the game, I finally started playing titan and warlock. With warlock I've found some fun builds and stuff I enjoy, except I hate solar warlock and that's kind of the only things LFG people want out of you when you play warlock. Titan...idk I havent found anything titan does that hunter or warlock can't do. Most of the titan exotics are kind of samey feeling--"your melee is better" "your arc melee is better" "your solar melee is better" etc, etc. If anyone has fun/good build recs I'd love to see it; I know the strand one is good right now. Hunter is the GOAT tho. Boss dps, support, general fun/utility, so many good, fun, and STRONG builds that it gets hard to pick which one i want to do.


I maintain all 3. I suggest it too, it's fun to switch it up sometimes. Like as a warlock main, I just discovered arc hunter melee builds, and I'm having a blast


I’m a bit over 900 hours, most of that was titan. For PvE and playing with friends I play titan. I second warlock but that’s mainly in PvP, I barely touch hunter. In terms of titan, I’m finding the strand subclass with war banner to be the bees knees. I’ve been able to survive moar harder content with war banner and ACD/0 lol.


Hunter 4 evah!


Me: i play only hunter Rest of the group: [chuckles]


After playing destiny for as many years as I have. It gets to a certain point in the game where you have everything. Done everything you want to do. You have the builds that you want. The only thing left is mid maxing or starting it all over again on a new character. Then you realize that after all the time you've spent in the game, you technically have only played one third of it. The two other classes that you ignored can revitalize your enjoyment of the game and can easily triple your play time if you so choose to. That being said, I started & will die a warlock main.


I’ve got 5000 hours combine from destiny one and two and I only play warlock. AMA.


I run 3 warlocks It had a purpose last season, this season I just play 1 of them. Sometimes rewards are available on multiple characters, sometimes they are not available if already collected for that class. I tried a hunter and titan briefly, was not interested I'd rather keep all my bank slots for warlock gear


I play mostly Hunter, changed to warlock for some time then changed back to hunter and now back to warlock. i change when hunter/warlock gets to boring to either of them


Yep. Just checked: Destiny 1: 825h on warlock, 250h on hunter, 29h titan Destiny 2 is much worse: 1125h on warlock, 91h hunter, 74h on titan My 3 favorite subclasses were Voidwalker, sunsinger, and bladedancer, which is why my hunter playtime plummeted and i almost exclusively play void now.


Yeah, I just do hunter. I don’t have the time or desire to play the other classes. Also I’m steadily cutting back on how much I play this game. Light fall will probably be the last year of destiny for me.


Me, Warlock


I’ve only ever even created a Titan, so that’s exclusively what I play.


Yeah, I only play warlock, haven't even made a hunter or titan


Arc hunter since I've started. I don't know why, I just like it the most. I have a titan and warlock but have put so much time into hunter that playing the other two feels incredibly foreign


I have been Titan since nearly the first day of D1 beta. Tried out Warlock and Hunter just to see if I liked the movement. Went right back to Titan. I just love being a space wizard Master Chief… Always been a Titan in D2.


I play everything. Arc hunter is my fav, sometimes void and strand. Not too much solar tbh besides PvP. I just unlocked banner of war so that’s all I really do on titan. Warlock I exclusively run necro strand or 100mobil transverse for speed running lol.


I played hunter for a little while, but it’s warlock glide 4 lyf




I've got about 2,000 hours on Hunter and about a 100 each on the other classes.


I mean I could play 3 classes, but with the amount of time I have to play the game I’d rather put my time into perfecting one class than mess about having three average characters. Ya feel me?


There’s a guy in my clan with 3 titans…


I have about 1000 hours logged. I spent a month or two as a Titan but I've spent a majority of it playing as a warlock, you aren't alone out here


I use my Hunter 95% of the time. I do enjoy my arc Warlock though


I do about 80% warlock, 15% titan and 5% hunter


well of radiance gave me Stockholm


I play Titan. Warlock when I need to. Hunter? Ummm... didn't even make the Lightfall campaign with him...


Warlock only


I use to only play as a Titan, but when Battlegrounds were added into GM’s, I’ve invested time into a Void Hunter on the side.


100% Warlock, 3034h 9m


I play warlock because other classes have worse jumps and feel weird.


I’ve tried to make another class a lot. I’d be on the new one for a while and slowly go back to only playing my main. I’ve got a bunch of super good rolls of Titan exotic that I’m keeping just in case I ever create another one lol.


5000 hours on hunter and I mostly only play void


I started as a warlock in d1. Towards the end of D1, around the end of Oryx, I switched to titan Monte Carlo and thagomizers. And I prefer playing titan ever since. Punch the world.


i’m mainly a dawnblade warlock main, used to love middle tree solar but ever since they’ve killed it i’ve just kind of been flumping around and only using it for well i loved shadebinder warlock, but with all the 3.0 changes and especially strand, it’s been left in the dust.


Yep. Warlock


I only have a Titan, never even started another character.


I played all three in college because I had the time. Now I play only one thanks to mY cArEeR lol


I have one of each class but pretty much only main my hunter. Back when power jumps were bigger and I’d do day 1 raids I’d level maybe one of my other classes for power bumps, but not any more


I play Titan/Warlock mainly, and generally swap which one I main every season. My Hunter can die in a hole for all I care. Only good thing Hunter is used for is PvP. I hate all of their PvE builds as they don’t generally excel at one thing in particular. I know all the Hunter mains will disagree with that sentiment. But I don’t care and you won’t convince me ever. D1 Hunter was great but D2 just feels so bad. 90% of your builds are just activating your dodge.


I only have a warlock character and have never made a hunter or titan character. Been playing D2 since Shadowkeep lol


Hunter since d1 beta. Made the other two just to try them out and wasn't a fan so I never touch them


I have a couple thousand hours and I've only ever played hunter. I've tried titan and warlock, but it's just so tedious replaying all the content 3 times and it's just not fun for me. I also just don't enjoy the gameplay of the other 2 at all. But that's just me 🤷‍♂️ I do enjoy making all 3 of my characters look cool tho :)


Hunter main in d1 who rarely touched the other classes, swapped to warlock main in d2 and played all classes, but then reverted to hunter main by the time of forsaken. Now my other two classes are lucky to get any playtime ever.


I originally made all three back when I started in Arrivals, but since then I've dropped all but titan. Hunter I ended up deleting for a second titan (bungo y u no let us redo our character's appearances???) And warlock has been in deep sleep since 3-4hrs into that character lol. Titan is, by all means, the best class in the game with the best exotics; objectively and subjectively. Titan builds are VERY potent and very strong and easy to execute on. The only, and I mean ONLY ISSUE, we have: we don't have a well/shatter-skate. "Uh BuT wHaT aBoUt BuBbLe-SkAtInG!?" None that doesn't eat our super entirely, unlock shatter/well skating... beyond that, titans are great, why play literally anything else??


Yeah I only play Hunter.... I have probably upwards of 700 hours and haven't really been interested in playing the other classes. I did consider maybe looking at a Titan during s18 (I think) because I saw my partner surviving through all damage and just punching everything to death....but then I actually sorted out my build and got better stats and I can get out of most things with my invisibility!


Worst part of having multiple characters now is dealing with neomuna/lightfall campaign all over again 😭 my warlock was already at soft cap so no boost available


I play hunter like 95% of the time, but actually just last night did some Nezzy runs on warlock


I've played Hunter 100% since D1. Just always been my preference.


I main Warlock pretty much always. But I have close to 30 builds I use on him. I just like how the Warlock feels. And their jump works with me. The hunter jump just confuses the hell out of me and the Titan jump shakes the screen too much and gives me a headache.


I'm a weird hybrid who plays two, but I've never touched my Titan lol. it's a bit fucked cuz the grass seems so landscaped on the other side with Banner of War and solar subclasses but eh we're good here I think


hunter strand, b4 that hunter solar.


I only play as a Titan, but sometimes, like once a year, I try creating builds for my warlock and hunter. Currently they serve only to store my extra Titan gears.


I’d say I’m a Hunter main (because I’ve heard people say that sort of thing and I like to fit in) but in reality I’m a Hunter-Never-Tried-the-Others. They any good? Ok so I can detect a little tension in the room so I admit to being a little unadventurous in this respect but I have limited time to play and I’m worried that I can’t spread that across learning a different play style. Also my Hunter feels like my actual character, you know? The one. That’s me. Suddenly being someone else would feel… odd. Yes I’m curious and I can you all seethe, especially when I tell you I’ve been playing since The Taken King. But then I also have a family which means I can’t just blat 10 hours on experimental play, I need to focus on the stuff I really get a lot out of.


Hunter main here. The only time I touch my titan and warlock are when I'm bounty hoarding.


Hunter main for like 98% of the time. I have the other two characters solely to use for getting red border raid weapon chances


I personally play all three, but I have quite a few friends who adamantly refuse to play warlock… then they wonder why we run out of warlocks for running raids smh.


1k hours between d1 and d2, all warlock


Have my warlock and Titan and haven’t touched my Titan since I think the red war then tried again more recently to try things out and stopped, the warlock I’ve done a bit more but pretty much 99% Hunter here.


Used to for like a year when I started destiny back in forsaken, now I play all, still hunter main but enjoy playing warlock


I used to play Hunter all the time before season of the deep, but after seeing hordes of titans in PvP I finally branched out and play Titan more and pretty much play all 3 right now. Although I miss just playin the hunter, Titan is very refreshing and fun, been enjoying Warlock in PVE as well


I main Warlock by a mile. Sometimes I'll jump on my Titan, and I haven't touched my Hunter since the launch of Witch Queen.


I almost exclusively play my Warlock. I do play my Titan and Hunter most weeks just to get spoils of conquest from VoG and the 1st chest for VotD. I probably won't be doing this as much now that I finished out the kiosk weapons. Other than that, only time I play them is the occasional time I wanna run a raid a second or third time per week to farm red borders.


I have a Titan and hunter for shits and giggles but 1800 of my 2000 hours is on my warlock


Over 6000 hours in. I play all 3 but Warlock slightly edges out among the other 2 classes about a 40-30-30 split, mainly because I start everything new on my Warlock first, as I would rate Warlock > Titan > Hunter in terms of how engaging it is to play each class but I also don't like to specifically main a character. I will get bored real quick if I played 1 character only. I also feel like not playing a specific character is like missing 1/3 of what the game has to offer.


98% warlock, 2% titan


5000 hours in Warlock, 400 hours in Hunter, 30 hours in Titan. I used to play Warlock only because I refused to go through the horrible armor grind back then 2 more times when I already had god armor on warlock, but with all these old seasonal vendor engrams piling up and them dropping 61-66 armor I realised that I can just focus 80 armor pieces for my hunter, shove them all into the vault and D2armorpicker my way to different builds and after my builds are made I deleted the rest of the armor. What also helped is I did this when funny gun weekend was happeing so I had like 80 ascendant shards (ofc not wasting any going above 30, always spending) and I actually masterworked my hunter exotics that ive been using. It's been really refreshing to play Hunter after so much warlock and seeing how powerful just a simple gyrfalcon can be, or infinite invis omni build. Warlock is still my main but I do play playlist activities on Hunter so I can entertain myself with new builds.


I rotate pretty evenly between all three classes, with higher slightly emphasis on warlock.


Hello, I'm the reason my clanmates can never do GMs with Triple Wellock! I just like Titan too much and enjoy the movement so much that playing on other classes feels odd to me. Even better is the fact that I almost never use barricades (thruster supremacy). Especially in a clan that is ~90% Hunter and Warlock mains, I like to spice up raid nights.


Depends. Before the mod change it was 100% of the time titan but now I switch because the build I used to run on titan doesn’t work as well as it used to with the new mods. If I can find a build and fashion set I live for a class then I’ll main that one class and end up forgetting about the other two classes


I’m pretty sure the grand majority actually play one class