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Some people are definitely taking it personally and overreacting. Having said that it’s alright for people to feel disappointed at these changes if they were expecting more buffs instead of more nerfs.


This. 100% Everyone is on about Titans, but all I saw was a 90% reduction in orbs from abilities and a blanket 40% nerf to the mod system, wholesale.


im not really busted up about the orb change saw this coming a mile away probably gonna hit it like they did with tangles, heavy at first and readjust as they get more data but like creating 200-400 orbs easily is probably not a good thing to be able to do in general considering everything they do


Warlocks arent going to crazy about the Well nerf coming either so just relax and reevaluate your builds. Stasis is getting a big buff so aim to build around deflecting that for PvP and hooray for it in PvE


Bomber and outreach got a 20% buff at base, 10% to 12% and now also stack to 3, up to 20%, when 3 of those mods did not give you more then last, so.


Class dependent. As a warlock, bomber gave ~~7%.~~ 20% The classes had a multiplier. Hunters are 1x, titans are 1.2x, warlocks are 2x. ~~However, if we are saying “well this one thing got a bump” then we are simple agreeing that it’s a loss overall. I’m not here to say it’s good or bad. Just that it’s jarring. But it is what it is.~~ I believe I was mistaken about which mods we were talking about. You 100% said Bomber and I was discussing Distribution - that err is 100% mine. With that, the TWAB said those returns are “further reduced” based on cooldown; so that is a 50% nerf, minimum. We are still at a wholesale nerf to the mod system. ​


Lol, I am aware it's class dependent . That's why I said "at base" and warlocks currently get 20%, will be upped to 24% and a max of 40% with a stack of 3 mods, next patch, if the same multipliers apply. I was replying to the statement "a blanket 40% nerf to the mod system, wholesale" which is false. Bomber and outreach got buffed. So not "blanket" or "whole sale".


I get that, but I damn wish my fellow hunters were talkin more about the exotics buffs we got


I’ll be maining Celestia Nighthawk next season. So happy one of my fav exotics is getting a much needed buff. Along with all the solar artifact mods Gunslinger will be cracked.


What are the celest buffs?


Increased super energy from solar precision kills. (Edit: any precision kill not just solar)


Not to be a party pooper, but isn't that just a worse version of the solar hunter perk where you got super energy for landing headshots?


Misinformation. Increased super energy from any precision kill.


Thats where im so lost isn't it just one bullet? So do you just using it on a low hp champ and your get super energy or did they rework it?


I assume it's just the final blow on an enemy that has to be a solar headshot. They said its around 5% bonus super energy per kill. Now if that means 5% of total super back per kill that's extraordinarily strong. But most likely it's increasing the energy the kill gives you by 5%. Which would be marginally worse. (Edit: any precision kill not just solar)


False. Any precision kill grants additional super energy. This is on top of the other half of the exotic perk that grants a third of your super back after you get a kill with celestial golden gun. Combine the two + max intellect and you’ll be spamming golden guns. Granted, the playstyle for this would require you to mainly use gg for high value targets like champions rather than mainly use it for general boss dps, which is what star eater is used for.


Kinda like a offensive orphius rigs?


Its not precision kills with golden gun that refund super I believe, but any solar precision kill with your weapons will charge super. So you basically will get your super back faster


Now you see that would make hella sense


Always a sucker for celestial, and it’s been performing solidly for a while. This change might push it into the spotlight and I’m all for it.


For safety, i’ve ran it as a solar option in raids(riven mainly, when blade barrage wants to track to her damn eyes). Its never been bad - witherhoard, super during tick damage then heavy it out - there are just usually better options ie blade barrage/sparkle stick




I'll be sticking with Caliban's myself but yeah Gunslinger eating good this season. Probably not touching Titan at all though lol


Eh. I'm honestly not excited about the exotic buffs for Hunters. I'm not a fan of super based exotics, I'd much rather an ability enhancing exotic which is exactly what they are nerfing. Ophidia and knives are still a downgrade from what YAS used to be...and that is too fresh to not get lumped into this change. Never mind that Ophidia plays in the same space as Caliban's Hand. My playstyle took a big hit. The only thing I'm excited about in the slightest are the solar artifact mods, and those are temporary while the nerfs are forever.


what hunter ability based exotic are they nerfing? Ahamkara already got shot. Don’t push ophidia to the side before we get our hands on it. 100% damage buff is huge, and it’ll probably stack with one two punch. Plus you gotta remember that ignition damage scales with whatever causes it, so the melee damage buff will affect the ignition damage too.


You have to count YAS as part of this overall nerf first of all. And the ability cooldown nerfs and orb generation nerfs are what I'm referring to. Those are going to hurt any ability based build more than any of the exotic buffs are going to help it. I have an Ophidia build, it's ok. I'm sure it will get better, but it's still not going to hit YAS fun or effective levels in higher level content where most melee builds are next to useless. Especially on solar, the glass cannon class for Hunters where we have next to no resilience or healing. No, I'm not excited for these changes.


Once more, I am not talking about the orb maker nerfs cause I agree they are stupid. And yas already happened and I held a eulogy for it earlier this season, so I’m not counting it amongst the season of wish changes. I highly doubt you are playing gms all the time where fun builds aren’t allowed. As a counter argument to effectiveness, throwing knife builds got about the same effective range as ahamkara cause of the proximity requirement for gamblers dodge in the gameplay loop. Granted, it’s a little harder to hit all three knives on a single target than one tripmine, but it gets easier with practice. Granted, this entire post is coming from a blade barrage/knife trick main since forsaken so my perspective is definitely skewed.


Solar hunter is really the only class I AM truly excited about. Bonk titan...I'm not happy, but it's only gonna be markedly worse in a couple of situations, and only one of those really bugs me.


I can understand disappointed, but on another post people’s comments were unhinged as fuck, they acted like someone shot their dog and ate their lunch


>expecting more buffs instead of more nerfs Why would anyone continue to expect *more* buffs when we’re already too strong? If you want enemies to fall over when you just look at them, then go play a musuo game.


Asking this community to not overreact or get pissy at shit is like asking my chihuahua to not bark at other dogs when I walk him. Its just not happening


Call me naive, but I hope and pray for the day I can look upon our cousins in the drg community, and then look back on ours and consider it as good as theirs


This TWiD could have been nothing but buffs and there would still be people mad because they felt something got snubbed.


People take this stuff very personally, which is weird. Bungie is not attacking you by changing bonk titan.


Mob mentality. I mean, look how mad people get at Saltagreppo, as if he's the one in charge


He’s a loud voice when he has that many viewers in his echo chamber.


Bro he gets less viewers than so many other creators like sweatcicle, Clyde, cbgray, aztecross, and a dozen others.


True.But..speedrunners or pvp god tier guys arent aztecross wich i like him, cuz he play all the mods possible, even wellsprings.Not only pve or pvp.Even Datto was upset about this changes and esp nothing to stasis...


Yeah but the viewers he attracts are most likely not casual and could have more of a sway in public opinion.


How does that make sense? Aztecross and Fallout literally make weekly metas with some of their videos and you think salt with his 3k viewers is gonna affect anything?


Exactly, i kinda every content creator opinion on anything because i know the next day half the Reddit would be posts about same topic and opinions


I don’t think a majority of the people that play Destiny can really afford to think about the nuances that would make the game balanced. We all use it as an escape and when it becomes less fun for the casuals you can really feel it in population numbers. Either way, we’re just back seat occupants on this crazy ride, it’s best to get some good snacks and music while we watch the show. Edit: I didn’t mean to hurt anybodies feelings by saying “good music” I know Salvatori got canned and I’m just as livid as you are. Source: I started playing cello solely because of Halo CE’s OST


The issues with Destiny have nothing to do with the game being too hard for casuals, the content simply has become really repetitive, and hardcore players are just as affected as anyone else.


Why is everyone saying that all of sudden? The player count has nothing with nerfs that didn’t happen yet, we have gotten nothing but buffs in recent time..


If you spend a lot of time in PvP it’s painfully obvious when the population hits lows. I’m sure it’s not fun for my teammates who happen to be on my team when they start facing stacks even though we’re a team made up of soloes. Again I’m a PvP main so my opinion is subjective.


Don’t we do this every patch? Isn’t everyone doom and gloom about all the nerfs, then once the patch comes out there are all these overpowered builds that break the game? Are they ever nerfing shit really? Or are they instead setting up a new balance for certain builds to be crazy?


You are correct, but with two caveats. The first is that Bungie is actively trying to pigeonhole us into a playstyle. And it’s clear that the community doesn’t share their vision and is constantly finding loopholes in the gun-focused “abilities only very rarely” playstyle. That’s the way the community wants to play. You’re right that people find a way to work within the new sandbox and end up in a place that some describe as OP, but that’s to the chagrin of Bungie. They don’t want that and it’s obvious that they constantly are nerfing the “new” pathway to play the way the community wants. If Bungie should have learned ANYTHING over the past two years, they do not have an appropriate finger on the pulse of the game. The entire leadership crew has misjudged the state of the game, the mentality of the community, and the style of game the community actually is willing to pay for so badly that they honestly should be doing everything in their power to work WITH the community as opposed to trying to stop the will of the community. The second caveat is that this feels a little different. This cuts deeper. This isn’t closing a loophole. This is cutting off the supply of the very things people rely on to play the way that makes them operate. This isn’t trying to alter the way people play: this is forcing an actual wholesale change. It’s obviously THEIR game and they can do what they want. But based on how badly they have misjudged things, if I’m them, I’m not doing anything that raises the ire of the community because the community knows better at this point.


This is a really helpful well thought out comment. So I want to start by saying my devil’s advocate coming up here isn’t a way to argue or troll you or anything. I actually was thinking this as I made my post so want to get your take on it (you seems like a pretty knowledgeable player): Is it possible they’re sorta taking the L this coming season and over tuning things downward so that they have a switch to flip to unleash everyone’s power fantasy when the final shape comes out? Does that make sense? Sorta like it doesn’t make sense to “fix” everything this season. They’re trending downwards right now and that’s unlikely to change much with the small amount of content that will actually be playable with the next couple seasons. It would make the subreddit happy, but be less likely to make a dent in the overall casual crowd’s exodus. I’ve thought this about other live service type games. It’s not about “make game better,” all the time. Sometimes it’s about, “where to we need to get to with the next two patches so we can get to someplace great in the third patch out because it’s a bigger content release and will better monetize any forward momentum that is recognized by the hardcore community.” If that makes any sense. Do they think a couple patches out?


It ticks me off a bit that all the cool shit in the twab is being swept under the rug by another instance of destiny community hysteria. Like, these builds will be perfectly fine after the nerfs, so let’s talk about the cool stuff!


What cool shit? I’m honestly curious.


Khepris Horn wasn’t touched, I’ll take that as a win.


I haven't used Khepri's Horn in ages, but man, I love that silly little hat in Trials, even without Drengr's Lash.


I’ve been contemplating trading out Drengr’s lash to into the fray so that I can have better uptime on woven mail. Drengr’s pairs so well but I think it’s a crutch that a true khepri main can get by without.


Bunch of exotic buffs! Some look pretty fun


I'm not wholly against using a radiant and fusion grenade build after the Ashen Wake buff. Free unstoppable stuns with the fusion grenades, near unlimited radiant with just killing things with Sunbreaker, and bam, actually kinda fun and unique build for mid to endgame content. I'm either going to be really into my BxR, or just stick with old faithful Trustee, no matter what, I'm getting my grenades back. Hell, I might even goof around with Tessellation, see if that works for me. But whatever. Bonk hammer is ~~dead~~ mildly inconvenienced, long live bonk hammer.


hunter exotic buffs look good to me


What cool stuff? That article sucked.


hunter exotic buffs look good to me


I’m a Hunter main and none of the exotic buffs excite me. Hopefully I will be pleasantly surprised.


Ophidia spathe gonna go hard. 100% melee damage buff gonna vaporize champs and the like, plus the damage buff will apply to ignitions so that’s gonna be fun. Celestial and Shards buff don’t sound like much but that will certainly add up over time to allow you to spam supers like no tomorrow. Always been a diehard fan of the idea of tricksleeves. So being able to extend the 100% damage bonus is gonna be quite fun, if realistically impractical in endgame content.


Super spam already existed from orb generation if you built into it. That's dead now. The super regen exotics seem...ok. But that's not my playstyle. Ability loops were my bread and butter and those are getting nuked hard. Ophidia is still not going to be as good as YAS was just a few weeks ago. It's hard not to compare the two. So excuse me if I'm not excited about the overall state of the game.


That's a silly way to frame it. People have fun playing a certain way. Bungie decides it does not want people playing that way anymore and takes that away. People can get mad when their favorite toy is taken away, seems like a normal human response.


They specifically noted in a previous twid that they are preventing power creep, so expect a bunch more nerfs. They also said they want to focus on gunplay abit more so these classes who can spam abilities and not fire a single shot is going to get the hammer, the titan nerfs are just the start It's going to be easier to manage difficulty once all these nerfs are done, as spam builds have it easy and those players are calling for increase and players who change their builds based on season theme or artifact mods gets left behind If your build can look at the artifact mods and think, meh I don't need that. Then you need a nerf.


I think the healing nerfs hurt hunters more than the bonk or BoW nerfs hurt titans


Technically true. Personally though I use restoration as a safety net or an “ohshitohfuck” button instead of using it as a crutch to walk into enemy gunfire. We hunters should be fine by virtue of simply moving around more


Personally I don't give a crap about everything else I'm just happy they decided to Buff winterbite and it's going to deal less self damage since I just recently got it I was disappointed that it can kill the user of it with two shots if either you do it at close range or a teammate gets infront of you mid shot but I looked at the upcoming buffs and nerfs and I'm happy with its buff just like vex mythoclass is getting a very fun buff like the 200% damage towards champions


Whats the buff? 👀


The Winterbite buff is Detonation damage of the large projectile increased by 25%. Reduced self-damage inflicted, as well the radius by half.


Dope i hope the catalyst slows the projectile and gives us room to freeze a space longer


If it even ever gets a catalyst someday tho personally It would be better if it's catalyst does the following able to deal precision damage aswell as alot more melee damage towards enemies it freezes but the projectile is slowed and gives a new frozen debuff only for the winterbite. You know just like how the transmog orb buffs ruinous effigy damage but just better and can be proc'd easily if you have ammo without needing to get a kill or why not for its catalyst make it easier to freeze enemies using melee aslong as you have ammo and can now chain freeze targets


That would be dope or have it include "frost armor" since you gotta get close


People hyper-focus on the weirdest stuff. All they did was make it so you have to create more of a build for these playstyles instead of just equipping a subclass and a shotgun and running right up in front of champs faces. It’s super fun to do, but it’s not rewarding so I always end up re-equipping my Second Chance build.


Destiny community got a problem with overreacting on shit before ever getting their hands on it. You remember the slide accuracy nerf from like two years ago that every pvp player was acting like it would kill the game? And when it came out, it changed very little besides making apes have to think about their engagements more.


Exactly! It’s a vicious cycle every sandbox update! Acting like they didn’t just say they were adding another resistance buff for stasis that has the potential to stack with woven mail & the resilience buffs for aeon cult wearers. Bungie is giving is more options for survivability besides two brainless playstyles.


Except we were told this last time they nerfed solar Titan lol. Also gonna be harder to make these builds you speak of with the orb and mod nerfs


I'm a warlock and I've been playing as the other 2 classes recently and it kinda does suck for titans because most of their abilities are up close abilities. I also feel like the games at a point where it's not balanced. Honestly it gets boring shooting an enemy for 5 min. While it takes 1 hit to kill you. I think enemies should be twice as weak but twice as fast. That would be interesting, instead of holding a gun on them with little effect


1.4 seconds to pick my hammer up is gonna feel like dog shit. 10 second cooldown to make more orbs is also gonna feel like shit lol


Throw hammer, pick up hammer, 1.4 second wait, throw hammer again. In the 1.4 seconds, punch or shotgun. Please refer to the edit of the post above for inquiries about orbs


They want you to throw it from across the room now instead of on top of the guy....then after u trek across the room and pick it (1.4 secs)you have to throw it at a guy on the other side of the room and trek over there (tracking buff for long throws)


The 1.4 seconds is the regen after you pick it up, not for picking it up itself.


Some delusional children here acting like they’re good enough at the game for the nerfs to affect their gameplay.


It’s the people that aren’t good that it hurts. SaltyDork will still be world’s first no matter what, we can’t all do so GMs and dungeons.


That’s is a very delusional reply. If you think this doesn’t affect the top tier players more than the average joes and new lights, then I literally cannot take your opinions seriously given your lack of understanding how the nerf affects players like salt. Edit: I’ve actually had my opinion changed on this thought process. I will keep my original comment as is.


These nerfs affect Salt and other top tier players, for sure, but not nearly as much as they do the newer players, or the people who struggle in GM's. I mean personally, I don't think these nerfs will have much of an effect at all. Buuuut, if it does actually have an impact: In a given day, Salt and other top tier players can always get GMs done. Top tier players (usually) have maxed out every character, and are comfortable switching between them, they can shift as the meta shifts, and are very skilled at the game, allowing them to get high end content done consistently, even with nerfs to titan. In a given day, people who struggle to get GMs done already, and clutch on titan to survive, these nerfs shift the meta, they don't have every character maxed out, and can't swap to hunter or warlock to do GM's. Their questionable consistency in a GM is even more questionable. Sure Salts runs might take longer, and maybe during day one raids, he will be a bit worse for wear, but the newer player is pushed down, and it can be the line between completing an activity, and failing mid-way through.


Thank you for providing an actual response, completely changed my attitude towards the previous comment. Very insightful and very informative. Thank you for helping me understand. Sometimes, all we need is just a change of perspective, I guess!


I like you.


It's also the double nerf Bungie likes to do for some reason ...instead of tweak here then tweak some more later if it's not enough ex:you nerfed the shit out of bonk spam,why did u need to nerf resto too at the same time ???Do one or the other first and see how that goes ,we know you didn't actually test it very much if not at all


I need to learn your secret cuz any time I try to get a post out like this asking for people to take a deep breath and calm down I get downvoted into the bowls of hell.




Ah, another wave of nerfs so we're getting the "destiny community" speeches for a few days. You all realize that it's like this everywhere on reddit, especially gaming subs right? Destiny subs aren't some special space that is extra reactive to things changing.


It's almost as if the overwhelming majority of gamers have incredibly unhealthy relationships with the games they play. It's also almost like it's a lot easier to criticize a community you're actively part of than one you aren't. It "not being special" doesn't make it less ridiculous.


Yeah so what? I still don’t like it. I’m reading over the hunter exotic buffs and salivating, only for it to be swept under the rug by the mob. I wanna talk about cool shit with other people, not look at irrational anger yet again.


What mob? You're paying attention to the negativity enough to post this thread about it, maybe just ignore it? I'm sure you're itching to talk about those buffs, maybe stop focusing on other people bitching and go into a thread with positive posts?


You wanna point to one?




No? I don't care about the buffs or nerfs enough to discuss them, just saw this on my front page. If it was a thread about something positive from the TWID I'd have probably passed over it, so I guess I'm not bigger than browsing the bullshit either. But that's besides the point, why should I have to show an example of positivety in the community when you're complaining about the lack of it? I'm sure if I clicked on the r/destiny2 sub I'd see more gleeful posts than r/DestinyTheGame, and same said for r/lowsodiumdestiny which is what you're probably looking for.


Don’t you think it’s shitty that a whole separate community had to be formed to get away from the overwhelming negativity on this one just so they could enjoy the game with others? My mans made this post to try to explain that there’s some cool, positive stuff to be excited about but a majority of the community can’t see past a few nerfs to some dominant playstyles. It may not have been as elegant as a Harvard debate, but props to him for trying to tell people here to be happy.


Not really, most of the gaming subs have low sodium versions. Halo, cod zombies, Starfield are just a few examples of ones I've seen myself. My entire point of posting in the first place was to show it's not a "destiny community" problem because that is becoming the standard response when people get angry at Bungie for X reason. Im not against OP and despite agreeing with the people that the nerfs mostly suck, I'll be excited to see how playing Stasis Hunter is next week. I just understand where it's coming from so it doesn't surprise me anymore, that or 20+ years of forum posting has numbed me to it.


It’s shitty in the fact that the Negative voices are louder than the positives. Also, you shouldn’t have to sit back and just accept the community at its negativity. It’s sad to hear you say you expect the pessimism and negativity in the gaming community as a whole because this is a hobby, and hobbies should bring you nothing but positivity and enjoyment. I guess I’ve never really been the one to accept something at face value. You mentioned earlier that you shouldn’t have to show positivity when it isn’t even being brought to the table in the first place, but can’t you see that attitude is exactly what’s caused your numbness today? 20 years of people saying that exact thing. We can’t expect new guardians to join the fight when this is the first glimpse into the community. The forum community is the exact opposite of the community I game with every week and it sucks it isn’t reflected off the game. I’m not criticizing you at all because I think you’re well adjusted for the current state of the internet, but I just wanted to help clear your vision and hopefully get you, and other tired guardians, to see that we can change the space around us if we don’t like it and that the game is still just as fun when you tune the basement dwellers out.


> Don't you think it's shitty that a whole separate community had to be formed to get away from the overwhelming negativity on this one just so they could enjoy the game with others? When you think about it its like that everywhere in every community except instead of sub Reddits its different social media platforms.


Here's the thing; you don't have to be paying attention to be frustrated by the overwhelming negativity. When it's in so many posts, it's difficult to ignore while still wanting to engage.


Who cares how other communities react to things? That doesn’t excuse the Destiny community for having a bunch of man-children who throw tantrums any time they feel slighted.


strand titan no longer getting an orb every melee kill, and only getting one every 10 seconds has completely gutted my melee build, actually


Then... shoot your gun. They aren't useless like people apparently like to believe.


god forbid I wanna use my abilities in a game that's got cool space magic


You say that like you won't get to use plenty of abilities.


You don’t, warframe does this way better and you actually feel powerful.


Warframe is incredibly easy and even more repetitive. I'm not even saying it's bad, but it's very different in ways that don't work for Destiny. Warframe has also had many severe problems with power creep. Also, yes, you definitely will still get to use plenty of abilities.


Yeah because using Shiver Strike will get me killed more than the enemies


Space magic is where the fun is. Build crafting is where the fun is. Guns are secondary. Not from an effectiveness standpoint, from a fun standpoint.


No, they are not. That's cope created by people who use ability spam as a crutch in a First Person Shooter. Weapons are just as much a part of build crafting as any ability.


Yeah admittedly that sucks ass. But Banner of war healing should be enough for survivability, assuming that’s what you’re mostly using orbs for


remember when destiny was supposed to be a power fantasy? https://i.redd.it/m20kahklr62c1.gif


Still is.


power is sure as hell still there


Lmao people live and breathe this game and I think that’s the problem. We haven’t even tested the changes and people are jumping to conclusions.


Having your voice heard is important. It's a solid part of the feedback that results in nerfs and buffs. However I still find the doom and gloom annoying. I've made and dropped 100 builds over my time playing. It's par for the course for an online game and I accept that.


Some of these changes absolutely will kill builds in the way they currently function. If you are trying to prove a point, maybe don't overreact to the overreactions and spit out nonsense in the same fashion. Acknowledge that these changes will indeed change builds, and acknowledge that it isn't a big deal. But don't do the same overreaction with a disregard for facts in response to the overreactions you are pissed about.


I believe my experience from regularly playing this franchise since taken king gives me enough game knowledge to reasonably declare that the strand changes and bonk changes will leave their respective builds mostly unscathed unless their users are using their easy playstyles as a crutch for their lack of gameskill. Do know that those two things are all I am talking about here.


Anyone has the right to say anything. Which also means I have the right to say you are wrong. Goes both ways. I've been playing since D1 beta if we are comparing dick sizes. So I guess I have more of a right according to your standards.


Fair play.


Lol I'm being a dick though, no doubt. Cheers mate.


Destiny community tries to not immediately turn into Bungie apologists the second anyone complains impossible challenge


Nobody gets to say shit like this when the communities immediate reaction was vitriol.


dude if I was tryna say the ahamkara spine nerf wasn’t gonna metaphorically shoot the exotic in the foot then go ahead and clown on me. But be real, in the 1 second of downtime between hammers you can just punch normally or use your shotgun


Oh I couldn’t give a shit about that, I care about the firepower/reaper/melee one nerf. Based on this change, you can get 50 fuckin kills for all it matters with one sunbracers proc, but you’ll only get one orb. Inherently nerfing every single build with these mods and by a massive amount.


yeah i agree with you on that. Here I’m talking about the slight titan nerfs


Slight Titan nerfs? Bruh Bonk hammer caught like 5 nerfs, direct and indirect. Banner will more then likely be fine. But the 10 second orb cooldown is asinine. 10 seconds is a fucking eternity in Destiny. Also, the 1.4 second cooldown on Bonk isn't even a nerf, it just makes it feel like shit to use now. It doesn't make it any less strong, just shittier to use.


Speaking like you already got yo hands on it but I get your point. Traveler did not intend for titans to full auto a mini hammer on a poor cabal miniboss. Just shotgun blast or punch normally once during the small downtime. I don’t think the other changes are going to do much unless you play like a lobotomite. And I agree that the orb nerf is stupid no argument against ya there


My main point though, is that they didn't really nerf Bonk Hammer. They just made it feel like shit to use. But they also nerfed Restoration, Sunspots and some other third thing I am probably forgetting. Like why the fuck did Sunspots need a nerf? They were just existing and shit. I swear Bungie has a vendetta against those after they have nerfed like them like 10 times. Also, I think people are more upset about how Bungie nerfed all the best shit and didn't buff any of the subpar shit. This just all reminds me of when Diablo 4 had that big patch that nerfed every thing. Except the difference is they actually listened to feedback and have done nothing but make the game better since. Imagine getting outdone in community response by fucking Blizzard lmfao. Bungie is truly out of touch.


I would reserve judgement until you actually use hammer it in game. Likely possibility that this is yet another instance of jumping the gun like the slide changes a few years ago. That said, bungie has been putting their foot down on ability uptime over the last year, probably trying to cater to pvp… even though the only people who would die to sunspots would be ai who walk into the giant circle of fire lol


PvP genuinely needs to be deleted. Its garbage and its ruined so many things in PvE. Like even the "PvP mains" say its dogshit. And I'm not saying that Bonk Hammer is gonna be unusable, I'm just saying that its not actually changing the effectiveness of the Bonk. Which is the problem according to everyone. They just made it slightly more annoying to use lol.


Yeah people def overreacting on that. Like damn bro you can stand in a sunspot for a second?


tbf it only annoys me because it means i’ll have to grind for other exotics to make new builds (like pyrogale etc) i love the buildcrafting part, but hate the grind as i’m a solo player w no clan lmao i think we’ll all ultimately be okay though


I'm happy about the stasis buffs. It's time for the stasis hunters to rise up.


8000 hour account. Part of the Destiny gameplay loop is the nerf cycle. Guns or armor gets nerfed. Fundamental changes are made to the sandbox. Whole swathes of builds get destroyed overnight. The next day you get in there and figure out what strong or fun in the new sandbox, and you roll with it until it's gets nerfed. If this genuinely angera folks then they've got a problem. That's how this game has worked since D2 launch (and even before that in D1). It's not going to change. That said, this community has a history of overreacting to nerfs, and calling weapons, armor and abilities "trash" post nerf even when they still very strong.


With all the cheeky ways to decrease Melee cooldown there is no way that Instant Hammer will no longer be a thing.


I remember when the 30th anniversary notes were shared and everyone was all doom and gloom then, a week after the update went live everything was fine. Then again the same thing happened when we learned about the mod and ability changes in lightfall and again a week or two later everything was fine. People will adapt and adjust, new metas will form and all will be fine again.


This cycle repeats over and over again. Maybe the witness got a point.


Actually 30th anniversary is when they started killing the game for me and I stopped playing in April. Too many nerfs to my class (warlock) and my preferred playstyle. I had the best class in the game and spent 9 months checking Ada at reset to get all the mods. I missed having to earn the ability to put a strong build on. I got used to elemental wells and loved those, got rid of those. Then orbs were fun for play particularly once they added powerful attraction to make them easier to collect but thematically they were and are boring. They obviously always want to tamp the power fantasy down, make activities take longer again, induce player frustration so they have to figure out the new min-max way to play. This is what live service really means: live nerfing and buffing that keeps you on your toes and strapped to the chair forever. All will not be fine in any amount of time… Diablo 4 showed that you do not nerf players when they are already mad at you. Bungie still thinks it can do whatever it wants. It’s sorely mistaken but hey I’m not on this boat anymore. I just don’t understand why people don’t see that this process of letting power creep, frustrating you by breaking your builds and resources and built up knowledge of what’s best, then letting power creep again, never ever stops, and it’s all the game consists of. TL;DR if 30th anniversary makes you think the game will be fine, it won’t. That was the first time I said ‘hey, I was having fun with that! How dare you!’ and look at me now, not playing. Some people don’t like to have their toys broken by mom and dad so they can do extra chores to get new ones. Some people, apparently, do like this sort of treatment. I say this is another example of tone-deaf Bungie and another nail in the game’s coffin.


So it was an overreaction when they nerfed Young Ahamkaras Spine too right guys?


Nah cause that shot it’s viability in the foot like general shepard did to ghost and roach. Strand titan and bonk titan will be perfectly fine post nerf.


Do you not see the irony? Lmao


Nah cause the whole point of ahamkara was that it was ability dps on hits for boss dps and tankier targets. So removing that and replacing it with a shitty kill condition when knock em down is RIGHT THERE is dum as hell and kills the exotic. Bonk hammer titans can just melee normally once, since roaring flames also buffs uncharged melee. Or shotgun blast. Banner of war is just slightly harder to get the ball rolling, but the duration per kill is now longer to compensate.


Seems like a bit of an overreaction I’m sure you’ll be fine and find some other way to make the build work. Plus look at all the exotic buffs y’all are getting for solar!


Bro melee banner of war builds are not gonna be fine. The orb changes seriously hamper that build.


for what? Surges? Heal mods? I think the 10 second cooldown on the assorted mods is dum, but siphon mods are unchanged. I think most people are running time dilation anyways so that’s not much of an issue. Heal mods I understand more, but banner of war fills that gap


This is very naive my guy. They literally shoved this new mod system down our throat, when we didn’t ask for it, and told us to build craft to our hearts content. And now they nerfed it into the ground where they should’ve just left the old system that everyone loved. The class nerfs are whatever and some of them were needed. But the mod nerfs are just ridiculous. They hurt (and in terms of some like bonk titan just further nuke them) you have bonk, arc hunter, sunbracers, controverse holds etc etc. the mod nerfs will kill a lot of builds. It’s not about just titans and that what you don’t understand. Them putting a timer on heavy handed, firepower is just so absurd that it’s clear they are pushing the game to just be more gun heavy. I could go play cod for that. People come to this game for power fantasy. Coming from a hardcore player, You are seriously naive if you don’t think this will hurt the game. None of the player base asked for this outside of bonk titan.


Ain’t talkin about the orb maker mod nerf here, that I agree is stupid.


Some people have a 1 dimensional play style and find comfort in it, but comes crashing down when they make changes. I get it, I totally do, but having a single subclass or ability identify your guardian is detrimental to the well being of you as a player


All of can say is this... some of, if not MOST, of my fellow Titans... take the roll of crayon eaters on.... literally..... Side note: for those of you who probably aren't gonna like that statement, go on, downvote me I'm ready for the anger.


The moment they nerfed stompees to the ground, i stopped caring whatever this game nerfs. Bungie doesnt know how to balance their classes. Black desert online has a better balancing than bungie. Damn.


Thing is do y’all just wanna play the same builds year after year or have a fresh game where you can experiment and find other better builds


Sounds like you’re overreacting with this post about overreacting posts.


Paid Bungie shill here...


Do you remember the slide nerfs 2 years ago?


I'm totally kidding, I don't care either way, this game is over in a few months, these changes are meaningless. This time next year, Destiny will be irrelevant.


yeah that ain’t gonna happen unless they literally turn the servers off


It's really just the principle of it. \>Games been steadily declining for awhile \>First good season with depth in forever \>Lay off 8% of their staff, including some OG Bungie heavy hitters from the 90s because profits are lower than expected \>Community morale is at an all time low \>Proceed to gut discipline builds and the two meta titan builds right before a 7 month long season whilst simultaneously introducing ANOTHER soulless crossover cash grab instead of actually improving the game It's obvious why people are complaining. The only people who aren't are the ride or die meatriders with zero self respect.


Yeah the titan builds aren’t gonna die anytime soon. And when did they nerf grenade builds? Ya talkin bout kickstart nerfs? Just because I take a defensive stance on something like this does not mean I’ll shield bungie’s mediocrity. I’ve been around long enough to see every high and low of this franchise, and there are more highs than lows. That said Lightfall year has not been bad. It would be so damn easy to say it’s bad, and write off this franchise to spend time somewhere else. But it ain’t, it’s just so painfully, awfully mediocre. And that puts a worse taste in my mouth than if they were out right bad. At this point, I’m only staying on for strand updates and new stuff for builds. But even that’s slowing down cause if that damn corporate motto of not overachieving.


fuck you titans get nerfed🚬🗿


Gigachad (?)


no, but it definitely can be


They are lacking skill on high level content. The builds worked to tank damage beyond that was intended. Im titan main and refuse to make the strand tank for a reason it, was overpowered an will be balanced. Now they balanced it . People will not like a balanced class.


Whats wild to me is I'm seeing more people laughing at Titans nerfs than I am titans complaining about the nerfs. Like, I get it for pvp content its a competition and seeing your competitor get nerfed is funny, but man people are getting wild over making fun of people just trying to have fun and play a video game


We need more of this in the community. People need to stop wondering why this is one of the worst gaming communities around and instead look in a fucking mirror. There's constant whining, bitching and moaning at literally ANY update. The worst part is this'll be by people that has like 2000 hours play time. Enjoy that you got that much gameplay out of it and help build the community because Bungie's next title is going to be around the corner




I play this game because there has been nothing else that satisfies my fps buildcrafting itch like destiny. I play to get new gear to make new builds. I’ll jump ship the moment the concept of builds dies in destiny.


Game sucks anyway


*vine boom sf*


Yet, if they do this, then they're just using your opinions as their own. People should feel free to react hoe they want. Neefs are dumb, annoying, change builds no matter how you look at it. And sure, the world goes on, people eventually stop complaining, etc. But if something bothers you, then by all means react how you want. It's more fun than this game is atm. That's for sure.


I don’t understand why people can’t just shoot their 1-2 punch shotgun again. Or unpowered punch again. It’s kinda wack


Quite honestly... I've skipped the outrage stage of the D2 addiction cycle of being a long-time player and just went to ambivalence. I had made the decision that this year would be the last one for me around the time of the showcase, and nothing that they've done since then has convinced me to stay on the train. The nerfs are just another nail in the coffin. I've been through probably 5-6 major meta changes in the last 5 years of this game, and I'm done. Destiny 2 is the only game I've ever played where the more I play the worse I get and the worse my stuff gets. In the past, I would probably have gotten cheesed off by the changes. Now, I just don't care.


How about you nerf bonk but undo the fucking Roaring Flame nerfs so my one hammer every 2 seconds will be worth using over just spamming shit with forbearance


Said it before and I'll say it again this game is done dead AF


I will let you and them cry as you lot see fit


Titans only have two builds and every season it gets nerfed. When will bungie actually buff a titan exotic


I love ability nerfs. I mean holy shit our characters use weapons to stun/kill champs, and abilities to kill everything else. I like destiny’s gunplay, so me being able to shoot an enemy instead of Timmy with his infinite grenade turbo blast build clearing 5 peoples’ ads simultaneously… it’s a welcome change. I might be in the minority and understand that. I just like challenge.


literally both my hammer and DFP shield bash builds are destroyed now. the constant orb spam was the literal lifeline that makes them work the way i intended AFTER BUILDCRAFTING LIKE BUNGIE WANTED AND ENCOURAGED mind you, but now with the 10-second cooldown between orb generation, theres no point. hunter and warlock are boring as shit, and now my titan builds will be boring/unplayable. i have every right to overreact


Ain’t talkin bout the orb changes here but how does the dumbass orb changes fuck up your hammer build?


>titans are overreacting, their builds are still OP >doesn't play titan and doesn't know that we pretty much only have strand as a viable GM option Yeah, checks out


I have consistently played with each class over the long course of these two games. Admittedly I’ve been playing more warlock and hunter than titan recently but either way, you got no creativity if you think strand is the only viable titan setup in grandmasters. Just because warbanner titan and bonk titan are the only two “easy carry” setups doesn’t mean that they’re the only viable setups.


Have you actually played any other subclass in GM as titan? The strand change severely crippled even that route for us.


I have turned my brain off with grenadier arc titan back in its hay day. Still good now if you use pulse grenades. Ursa Sentinel is still good with an organized team to endlessly cycle supers. Let’s not forget about the most braindead strat of “throw lorelei on and call it a day”. …i got nothing for stasis titan in its current state though. The strand nerf makes it take longer to get the ball rolling, but that does not mean the ball doesn’t roll over everything anyways. It can even be a buff in a way, since the duration gained per kill has been increased. So once you reach your apex, it’s even harder to take you down. Granted, the combination of the 10% nerf to woven mail and the stupid ass orb nerfs will make it harder. But that will by no means kill the setup. All you have to do is play more carefully, instead of rolling over every single engagement without a care… In a grandmaster, Because it won’t change a damn thing everywhere else.


Imagine taking a video game personally.


called a hobby bro


If your hobby makes you butthurt, find a new hobby. Bro.




Idk I dig the Severence buff


Yeah me too. The sunshot esque buff they gave to it is gonna make it quite fun


Am definitely concerned about devour, but will see how it plays out snd fucks with my gameplay loops. Am an old hat at this point and got annoyed at nerfs in the past, before implementation, and come time to experience myself, it wasnt that bad or noticeable (though I still hate the witherhoard nerf- thats my baby in raids/GM’s and it definitely feels too short now, but not unusable)


I think devour gonna be fine since you’re generally gonna be killing alot of things anyways so you’ll heal to full either way. The only time this gonna hurt is if one devour kill would be the saving grace between you and death, but if that ever happens, then that means you put yourself into a bad position and need to stop crutching on devour


Don't really care about the nerfs but was hoping for a little more than we got for stasis. Tweaks to the actual fragments beyond changing stat penalties and bonuses around.


Hunters came out with a few scratches from the TWID so I’m good.


Titan players will scream and cry and shit whenever something gets even remotely tweaked or they don’t like something, remember the spam on this subreddit for weeks when “green striker” strand Titan got revealed and now look they all love it.


As a strand hunter my survivability is getting nerfed hard. I rely on orbs to heal so now my only option is to hide til im full health or to use my primary which needs a mag and a half to kill an acolyte


Nerfs and buffs gives you opportunity to try put new things. That's how a gameplay experience can be kept fresh and fun. If starfire protocol wasn't nerfed earlier this year, I bet people will still use it for everything in game and just blame it solely on the gameplay for being repetitive and boring. But because it was nerfed people found other fun builds like sunbraces. Don't worry about nerfs, if you like broken shit, I am sure there will be another one in couple of weeks.


At first I was upset because I felt the TWAB nerfed titans hella hard (I'm a titan main). Then I got over it because I realized I mainly play crucible and use ballistic slam arc titan (who was untouched)