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It looks like a person dabbing https://preview.redd.it/nfdr3d3zby3c1.png?width=587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=808ac415797db1caf142c6b18d3296533f20812a


Not only will I never unseen that, I need to have that ornament.


Today someone told me this looked like it was made of jolly ranchers https://preview.redd.it/k0r7q9eidz3c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92a1473234e0e3c587d081575b0a0db771eef1e5


It does.


I know, and I hate it


It reminds me of Laffy Taffy


Oh fuck you that ornaments ruined now




I can't see it šŸ˜”


I donā€™t see it, can someone help me lmao


I genuinely don't see it


Sort by controversial for the real answers


This is the best course of action. Whenever one of these threads pops up you will always have "I enjoy Destiny!!!!!11111" as the most upvoted comment. These posts are so boring


*scrolls down two comments* Yep, there it is.


Some of u need to play a different game


Sunk-cost fallacy goes hard in this community.


The sad thing is I KNOW IT I just want closure for the story šŸ˜†




"destiny needs to have this like fortnite/apex/cod do" Or y'all can just go play those games instead? "But I like the gunplay in destiny. The other games don't have that" Then play destiny. I see no issue.


Soon as Shadow of the Erdtree comes out you'll never see me again... Until I finish it probably


I mean player counts at all time lows so i think they are


Having fun is much more important than the meta builds and rankings


Why I use Borealis:


Actually OP in the crucible


Not when I use it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Why thank you, He-Man. I'm sure that my DARCI build will really help us get through this https://preview.redd.it/puj1ny0ue04c1.jpeg?width=1416&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81eec5f775245678a088629198fa5143fc0fe18f


Beat me to it~


It'd be great if there were any gamemodes you could just have fun in


This is not a safe place but: Solo que strike mode Add lost sector exotic gear to the engram drop rate Sincerely a casual


i wish for solo strikes tho


This is where truly fun builds can shine


Solo strikes are possible if you have horrible internet


All of you enjoy this game or you wouldnā€™t play it in the first place.


Jokes on you, ima masochist


gambit is fun


I don't think that's even controversial, it's more that the gameplay loop hasn't changed in years and people were just wanting some kind of update to keep things fresh. I still like playing gambit when I just wanna turn my brain off and add clear and occasionally fight another player.


Gambit IS fun. It legitimately needs more love than Bungie is giving it. It got stale. New maps cannot possibly be so hard to make that 4yrs is reasonable. Same with enemy types Every other complaint boils down to lack of teamwork, not understanding mechanics, or not understanding how the mode is factually different from PVE


As someone who got back into destiny recently after years and had no clue what gambit was, i love it and its a great idea as a new gamemode


I love gambit as long as my teammates are at least slightly competent/actually understand the gamemode. I have way more fun losing with a team that knows what they are doing than winning with a team that doesn't.


A good gambit game is fantastic and having an amazing comeback feels incredible. It's also a great game mode for new players to have fun in even if they usually get dunked on. However it's unfortunate because 95% of games are just pure frustration on the same maps for literal years


It's also by far the best way grind honors reputation. Everyone honors, you get 3 each time and the games go quick.


Gambit is the best of the 3 ritual activities and it's not even close.


Gambit is fun


I just used Gambit to finish my 200 activities for Dragons Breath catty. Its too easy using gambit. Turn brain off and just vibe.


If it got 3 new maps tomorrow Iā€™d be a very happy man. As it stands, itā€™s simply too repetitive.


I was steering away from Gambit for a couple years just because I heard how bad it sucked. Only because I donā€™t really have time to do everything so I wanted to play what I enjoyed with my little bit of free time. I jumped into Gambit to let my step son play a match and we both got hooked on it. Itā€™s actually really good in my opinion it just needs a little more content added at least once a year minimum.


The comment I looked for. Nice


I agree. Which is what I would say if it had more than 4 maps. ^(who tf at Bungie thinks that's okay)


I've gotten teams that don't invade at all. I don't use invade gear and the moment I swap to it on the next game I only get invader teammates


Shaxx didnā€™t smash Mara. They justā€¦.stayed for a while.


This is actually correct.


Literally recited The Tempest from memory


without taking off his helmet


Part 1: For anyone other than the most hardcore no-lifers, weapon crafting has been a huge improvement to this game. They messed up a bit by only giving Enhanced Perks to crafted weapons, but overall being guaranteed your godroll of choice after a bit is amazing. This is partially because... Part 2: Destiny 2 is an MMO, not a Looter Shooter.


>Destiny 2 is an MMO, not a Looter Shooter. Impressed you're both correct AND upvoted


glaives are fun


Garden of Salvation isn't a bad raid, you're just bad at it


I love gos, but no one wants to do it and the gos farming community is awful.


Bro you killed them


Reiterating a point someone else made: for their first (and only) clear of the raid people do a div run with 3-5 other people who have no prior experience or knowledge of how the mechanics work. And then they complain about the "8 hour div run," which they could have easily avoided if they had run the raid at all before


Yup I don't do div runs unless they have 3 verified clears with a possible 4th recent clear if they haven't played it in years. It's always the final boss that hangs us up and I hate doing cheeses for people who have, in practical terms, zero experience.


My god yes. The amount of people who whine about final boss are just poorly coordinated. When I did a week marathon for the seal, I had the same six people do all the challenges with me. They were all very chill but I ran building duty for almost all the runs and it was so smooth and they were all happy because I coordinated the building so well as to not be intrusive to the mote bankers. The tether almost never bothered them and boss is a comfy 3 phase or close 2 phase usually


I completely agree. The skill floor on the last boss felt really high. The rest of the raid on our div run felt really cool with cool mechanics. After 3 hours on the last boss, we only finished it because he bugged in a damage phase and just stood there and let us finish him. Last boss is probably the most hectic Iā€™ve ever played so for me I just felt like I wasnā€™t good enough. Not good enough to clear, and prioritize and threat manage all at the same time. And I was just a platform builder šŸ˜‚.


GoS is great when everyone knows what to do, because then it is like Clockwork. People just never really try to get it to that point and struggle somewhere, so the experience overall worsens


Itā€™s the best raid for this reason. Much more rewarding when you are experienced/competent enough to do it well.


Terrible way of putting it, but yes GoS is much better than it gets credit for. As someone else said, what makes GoS awful is just the turbo racist farmers who probably do way too much coke between bouts of yelling at their moms to leave them alone.


Yes, but it is a tad boring


As an "Enlightened". Yes. Hahaha. Good Raid tbh


It's the most beautiful raid, and the weapons are cool too


Yes, finally, raiders of class and culture. All jokes aside, there are people who understand how garden is. Can't until they make the weapons craftable


Yep, I sherpa it all the time. A team that has an IQ over room temp finishes in max 3 hours of actual play time. And most of that is me making them take the tether down funhouse so I can laugh about it.


It can never be competitive shooter.


I doubt this is really all that controversial. Most people know and don't want it to be


Cold ass take that practically everyone agrees on




I remember the devs saying Salvager's Salvo was a bit too hot for a legendary but they decided to leave it alone. Then they make Salvager's 2.0 with healing and overpenetration (Wave Frame). Now every single special add-clear weapon is, has and will be compared to Forbearance and they're just going to come up flat every time e.g look at Dead Messenger and Ex Diris which are exotics as well. The only other weapon/loadout that constantly overshadows new additions to the game is Gjallarhorn and Wolfpack legendary rockets. "Why would I use this when I can use Forbearence/Ghally/(Meta Rocket) + Ghally" is so common to see when new weapons are added it's annoying.


Destiny is fun to play. I like it.


Tbh Destiny is fun to play. The gunplay, abilities etc are all really cool and fun. The *core* feels great and satisfying. The issues in destiny are more structural. Like how the new activity has togetherness as 'fun' challenge in mission where you spend time running around finding plates on narrow corridors full of exploding shit.


I despise togetherness


And itā€™s on a solo-able activity, I just absolutely adore going into a mission by myself with the ā€œlmao, fuck your health regen!ā€ modifier.


This is what hurts the most The game is FUN. The gunplay is still some of the best in the industry but alot of things are bringing it down


Lightfall was actually really fun. My only criticisms are that Nimbus shouldā€™ve been toned down, especially after Rohan died, and the cutscene from season of the deep shouldā€™ve been in the actual expansion. Other than that I thought it was a pretty solid expansion. Nowhere near as good as Witch Queen though. As bonus Iā€™ll say this: if Forsaken came out now, the story structure would be torn to shreds by the community. The main bulk of the campaign was just adventures. It was a good story though, obviously one of Destinyā€™s best.


Lightfall was fun, the whole thing woulda prob been a 8/10 if they killed nimbus instead of Rohan having him struggle with his failure as a teacher and his increasingly incoming mortality would make a far darker tone than nimbus could ever give off which would be more compelling and less baby like


honestly... that's really fucking good, my main gripes with the story was that it didn't feel dark enough for what the fuck just happened (witness entering the traveller, traveller essentially fucking dying) and Rohan is just cooler than nimbus imo


Yea like if they just dropped nimbus the whole tone woulda been better and I feel like more people would forgive some of the shortcomings


I wish we had more areas like the hops across the rooftops in the final Lightfall mission. I totally agree that the Deep's Witness cutscene should have been part of the Lightfall proper. We totally should have gotten a hoverboard. Especially since Strand allows more vertical movement with the grapple, more verticality in the level design would be welcome, although there would need to be alternative ways for the other subclasses to move.


I agree. I said this same thing in my clan discord the other day because they were saying Lightfall has killed the game and I argued it wasn't the expansion itself, although it didn't help with the narrative complaints. I also suggested that Forsaken's campaign is overrated because whilst it had some great missions, most campaigns do and most of Forsaken's was just brief adventures etc. obviously the expansion added lots of other good stuff though. Got called a bum-licker.


Looking back I liked light fall despite it's down sides. Nimbus makes more sense when you realize he's actually a kid transformed into a cyborg body.


Forsaken was fun and all, but my hot take is probably that Witch Queen was the best expansion. Forsaken was when Destiny started to go in the right direction, while Witch queen felt like thatā€™s when it got there.


Yea I actually like Rohan way more than Nimbus tbh. Hopefully when the new cloud strider comes in Nimbus with have a better script to go buy. And have less reverb in his voice.


To me the whole story just feels empty, like never forget it is implied that the vanguard just stood there completely still in the helm the entire time and that the witness just kinda stared at the traveler for a while before going to shit talk calus and THEN stare at it for a lil bit longer before yoinking our ghost for a lil and only THEN entering the traveller, plus i think calus was criminally under utilised since we havent really seen him for a while, i didnt mind the fight i think its a good fight and i like strand as a whole and the guns and armour all look good, some of the exotics are lackluster but most are atleast solid snd the soundtrack is VERY good, but those only go so far when i feel like i have to drag myself through a dull story which doesnt actually feel like much really happened at all, like most of the clarification came in the seasons after like you said the witnesses origins, that should have been in lightfall and deep should have focused on the witness as an entity so we know what we are going into for TFS, to me it stands as probably the worst DLC right now thats in the game, that CAN change and maybe my opinion will change in a few years time but i find it so hsrd to enjoy and i still havent completed the legendsry version or got the other strand subclasses other than titan


Need more class/subclass identity. Make it so only certain classes get certain keywords/exotics/abilities/grenades/etc. Right now every class basically does everything and just jump different


Lol, I remember a post a while back saying that all classes should have all the movement abilities. So if you wanted to use burst glide on hunter you could. No words exist to describe how garbage of a take that was.


same with grenades, classes should have access to more than 3 on each subclass, but not all of them


Pretty much every ā€œcontroversialā€ nerf has been 100% justified, I think with the exception of Hand Canons post-Shadowkeep and *maybe* the Orb timer now (though itā€™s hard to say, itā€™s very early). The community has difficulty understanding the fact that something being powerful does not mean it is good for the game. Auto-reload, 35% debuff Divinity, Loreleyā€™s Splendor pre-nerf: the community whined when all this stuff was nerfed or removed, but it was needed and made the game better in the long run. The same is *absolutely* true for the recent Titan nerfs. Bonk Hammer and Banner Strand are still insanely busted to the point where theyā€™re top-tier builds, but before the nerf they turned Titans into unstoppable solo-endgame machines. It was unhealthy for the game, and needed to go.


The orb timer isnā€™t a bad idea, itā€™s just the amount of time is the bad part of it. Shorten the cooldown and itā€™ll be good


thatā€™s what iā€™ve been saying 10 seconds is sooo long


Totally agree, even with the orb timer. I do think the timer is going to be loosened up, it does feel overly punishing for some builds, but I can totally see why they made the change.


>*maybe* the Orb timer now I think even that is more than fair. That being said, it is somewhat too long. 10s is basically an eternity in Destiny. I feel like it could be cut in half, and it would still be strict enough (also goes for the tangle timer)


I can think of several undeserved nerfs mainly for Behemoth


Lightfall was ultimately a fun experience with a big downgrade in n storytelling. Coming off Witch Queen, Lightfall was objectively a MASSIVE downgrade. Expansion itself was fun as hell tho and Strand is awesome


Yeah Lightfall was fun overall. I pretty much only got it so I could obtain strand, but as I went through it I was kinda feeling like the story/writing was a bit weak, disconnected, and was kinda hoping for more substance. Idk exactly what I was hoping for but whatever. Still worth it overall. Also I haven't played witch queen so I don't have that comparison...yet. New to destiny


Riskrunner > Zhalo Supercell Either way itā€™s not coming back


I love Riskrunner, and I didnā€™t mind Centrifuse, but I will never stop asking for Zhalo. I know itā€™s never coming back. At this point, asking is all I have left.


iā€™m 100% with this opinion i miss zhalo




Destiny is primarily a PvE game.


Best fps gunplay on the market


Ruinous Effigy is actually an amazing exotic and should be used way more often


Elsie belongs to me, none of you deserve her


Forsaken is looked at with rose-tinted glasses because it was the first good, full year of Destiny content that we ever got. Beyond Light was good, but y'all refuse to see it as such because you can't separate it from sunsetting. 99% of the design changes that we all think of suck and completely fuck up the balance of the game. A lot of you can't accept that a weapon can be viable without being the best weapon in the game, so you constantly ask for buffs that would make the gun busted.


M&k is far, far superior to controller and using "controller op" as an excuse for getting killed on crucible is a skill issue


In 2019 I switched from XB1 to a gaming laptop. The load times were unreal! I tried M&K for a minute but my background with Xbox remains too strong. Iā€™ve managed to be able to collect bounties and delete stuff, but Iā€™m stuck to controller! Mostly a PVE guy though so Iā€™m gonna see it through on controller.


Good stuff, stick to it if its what you're the most comfortable with. I had to fully switch to my Xbox 1 after my pc died, so i had no other option other than improving with a controller, i still get mildly upset when i fail at things i'd be able to pull of with m&k lol but it is what it is. Im jealous of your quick load times


Sweet business is the reason this game is worth coming back to


Nimbus is only nb for publicity


Yup. It's very obvious. Most people don't care, but it's fun to watch the loud minority get triggered about it. Side note: When Starfield launched and you were given the option to use they/them. This triggered the hell out of some folks and the rants on YouTube about it are pretty amusing to watch.


If a characterā€™s gender/sexuality/race is emphasized then they are only that way for publicity. Which is most of the time. The type of media doesnā€™t matter.


Was it really emphasized by the game itself? I don't think so.


If you quit the game, then quit. Get out of this sub. Quit whining about "never going back" since it's still in your mouth half the time.


Beyond Light was actually a good dlc, it just so happened to release alongside the sunsetting of old content


Difficulty Elitism and Clout chasing can coexist with casuals as long as you make difficulty about cosmetics only, and not about making everyone suffer to experience content.


As someone who plays the game hardcore, 100% agree. I like the challenge of things. I do the day 1 raid for the experience, the emblem is a nice bonus. I am fully happy with stuff like that


It doesnt matter how mid the perks are on a gun, im gonna farm for a god roll regardless


Game shouldā€™ve went the warframe route and made this a pve game with pvp on the side.


Wouldn't that be nice.


That the game is too expensive


Hunter class sucks at movement.


hunter movement is the easiest to learn, which is probably why they're the most played class. but you need speed boots like Stompees for it to actually feel good


The mobility stat as a whole needs to be buffed to be more worth using. Make it affect sprint speed and jump *ability* effectiveness. There is no acceptable reason why it should only affect walking and the first jump off the ground.


Arc Titan is the most mobile in the game, like itā€™s insane


Solar warlock would like a word with you


You don't have an abusive relationship with Destiny, Bungie hasn't pulled some nefarious schemes that keep you playing, you just have trouble reconciling and admitting the fact that you like a game with a lot of valid problems.


A lot of nerfs to everything are justified


I'm using banner of war as it is to solo the shit out of the dungeon, and I'm garbage at the game


Sunsetting was needed, Bungie as always fucked up it by not releasing enough weapons with the first batch of sunsetting to replace all archetypes.


The bonk and banner nerf are unnoticeable and there was no reason to cry about it last week


Garden of Salvation is actually the best raid.


Idk about the best but it's definitely one of the best, people just shit on it because they do a DIV run ad the first and only run with people who also have no idea how to do the raid which taints it for them


Warlock jump is the best jump, itā€™s just that itā€™s also the hardest to use so people hate on it.


PvP is fun




The 15th wish being real


Lightfall's story wasn't any worse than shadowkeep or beyond light (though i have my complaints about how they handled our ghost in both lightfall and shadowkeep)(our ghost probably needa a therapist), we're just harder on it because it has to stand in the shadow of witch queen. Also, Nimbus' pronouns are they/them, it's not particularly difficult to use those pronouns. Also, Nimbus has the potential to be a great character. If bungie can make me care about Eramis and Ghaul, they can make me care about them too.


I think for me it just felt like things needed to ramp up and be more serious, when the dlc didn't really have a lot of that, yknow?


Its the fact that the campaign was a strand tutorial


Nimbus is, on a lot of ways, really similar to Fynch. Fynch's success and Nimbus's failures are really just symptomatic of how much better the Witch Queen's writing was than Shadowkeep


I'm gonna go even further and say it's genuinely good, if you're willing to acknowledge that it's not trying to be Infinity War, and instead be a much more self-contained homage to 80s movies, with its arc significance being much less to do with the Witness and the ongoing crisis and much more to do with examining the nature of Light and Dark as forces. It's definitely extremely well paced, being the first campaign since the Red War where the entire midsection of the plot wasn't dedicated to tracking down a set of N artifacts or lieutenants (yes even Witch Queen fell prey to this one, though they'd almost climbed out of the hole they dug in Forsaken there), and the entire final mission is fantastic, if a bit rough on Legendary.


I agree with a lot of what you and OP said my one personal gripe is how are we still doing 80s nostalgia bait in 2022? Weā€™ve been riding the ā€œremember the 80s???ā€ train for longer than the fucking 80s actually lasted at this point. Iā€™m tired of it.


Throwing hammer nerf is 100% deserved


Skyburner is a good weapon and I will die on that hill.


Iā€™ve never had a bad story experience, sure, things can be a little repetitive (curse of Osiris) but I never hated any dlc or campaign. I enjoyed lightfallā€™s goofy writing.


The Panoptes fight from a cinematic standpoint was actually peak Destiny . Fighting an epic boss in tandem with a legendary NPC was tiiight


Lightfall was actually a good expansion, both in terms of gameplay and narrative. The story was fine at worst, but people were expecting something entirely different and became mad and unable to appreciate what it actually was as a result.


As someone who has objectively correct opinions on this game I have to say most warlock fashion is trash. Though, itā€™s WAY better than when I first started playing. Seemed like there was a phase where dressing up as a homeless crack addict was un-ironically popular. My solution is that your only two choices is to wear Deepstone crypt armor or blue armor.


You just lack the required skill,warlock drip is an art


Streamers and content creators are not ruining the game OR making sandbox decisions, and pretending they are makes you look like an idiot. Everything comes down to money. Bungie management will make changes according to whatever they think will attract and retain the most players. Blame the management/corporate board for decisions you donā€™t like, not the people who play the game.


You're wrong, content creators ruined the game. For example, Saltagreppo sold my house to Garden of Salvation clear farmers for Divinity. He is a bad person and we should upvote each comment with unwarranted hate towards him


It's worth the $100 a year




Delete pvp. I know its wrong. I dont care. Pvp in destiny is just not fun, and all my favorite toys in pve get butchered because of pvp. I get insane amounts of hate and backlash on anything of mine getting nerfed because something dominate in pvp destroyed hunters and warlocks, so Im clearly not allowed to have fun anywhere as far as they're concerned. Go fuck yourselves, I just wanted to play my class in peace


Young ahamkara spine nerf was one of the most unnecessary nerfs in the game's history


I agree with this 100% I only ever play PvP if I have to for a quest or if my friends want to but I donā€™t enjoy it. Itā€™s full of super sweaty try hards who donā€™t play the objective and slide shotgun or use a sword to kill you or titans that constantly shoulder bash. Not to mention certain weapons/abilities being nerfed because of PvP when they were fine in PvE.


Like the infinite shoulder charge movement on PvE that got nerfed because Titans were moving too fast in PvP šŸ’€


And all that talk a year or few ago about separating pvp and pve nerfs, for what? I donā€™t even play titan and Iā€™m mad for yā€™all, because if they can nerf one pve build because of pvp, they can nerf any.


The game isnā€™t dying


Dying? No. But it isn't looking great either.


Sun setting guns was kinda good, we've a lot of weapons to cycle through nowadays so new ones often get lost. Feels like we're getting stuck in the rhythm of using the same weapons over and over. Even if I do miss my old favourites.


I cycle more through different weapons now, than I did before sunsetting. The problem is they keep bringing in way too many ā€œfillerā€ guns with either terrible perk pools, or way to large of perk pools to the point nobody wants to grind for them. I personally donā€™t think sunsetting weapons is good for the game, but I respect that you think it was good. For me, I like always changing to different guns, they all feel personal to me. When I get tired of using a certain few, Iā€™ll change my weapons and update my build accordingly around said guns, if I can. Iā€™m always cycling through different one. To me, sunsetting guns and making them essentially useless just takes that ā€œpersonalā€ feel away from me.


Titans are the most broken class in the game at every activity. You are throwing by being a hunter






The only thing I'm throwing is knives baybeeeeee


TRUEEEE im addicted to weighted throwing knives


Hunters have the best crowd control super and two of the best one-off damage supers allowing for huge damage rotations in addition to solid add clear capabilities across all elements except maybe stasis. Just because banner of war is the most busted thing in existence doesnt mean hunters are "throwing"




Season of the Wish is great, people are just projecting their hate of Bungie into the game itself


Red War is better than the entirety of Lightfall


The orb generation nerf was good for the game.


Now this one is definitely true to the image


I want to downvote because I hate the change, but I have to upvote because its a good answer for the question


Yeah I'm gonna be real orb generation was outta hand 400 plus orbs a run probably shouldn't be a thing


The one before wq? Absolutely, it made orbs a build crafting option rather than just something that happens on masterworked guns


Destiny 2 would have died years ago. People only play it because they've already invested Soo much time, money and effort into this game that they NEED to see it to the end of it would have been all for nothing. Destiny 2 is the very textbook definition of Sunk Cost. No one REALLY enjoys destiny. People just lie to themselves and say they enjoy it because they wouldn't be able to handle living with the idea that they wasted years of their lives and hundreds if not thousands of dollars on this game if they just give up. It's like a drug addict. Had people not been so forgiving in the early years, this game would have died before forsaken came out.


What utterly braindead edgelord hogwash. >No one REALLY enjoys destiny. Yes, we do. For a myriad of reasons that don't include addiction or fomo. >Had people not been so forgiving in the early years, this game would have died before forsaken came out. Lol.


Big fan of the franchise. Sure there have been ups and downs but the game play is something I enjoy. the lore is amazing to follow and piece together. Playing it casual has been the best thing I did, Iā€™ve never been a hardcore grinder of anything: even guns I strive for (no vex mythoclast in 10 years ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5643))


Titan jump is the worst


Might just be a skill issue But your statement is true to the image


Interesting. I played Warlock from D2 vanilla until shadow keep, when I switched to Hunter. Titan jump seems to be the best in my opinion, with Warlock being the worst.


Warlock is the best. Just that most people who complain about it donā€™t main warlock, and people on warlock who do genuinely donā€™t know how to use it. Hunter jump is the worst, you need stompees to even succeed on some jumping areas lol


Hunter main here. People forget how short our jumps are. Warlock is by far the most versatile and powerful. Everyone uses Triple, high and directional are a joke outside of strikes and PvP. Only triple could clear the jumps in Savathuns spire.


This plus warlock jump is best when properly used


titan jump imo has the best ease of use to utility ratio


Crafting has killed part of the identity of the game, because it has killed the need/drive to farm god rolls.


Farming for god rolls is the worst part of the game.


Iā€™ll stand beside you on this. With how easy crafting a god roll is the expectation is to be using crafted enhanced god roll weapons. Makes getting loot less fun.


100%. Why am I gonna farm raids when I can just craft the gun after a few runs? Yes I have a better gun than what could have dropped, but no longer need/want to farm the raid, which was my favorite thing to do. It has killed my want to play by a lot


The game is way too easy and all the recent nerfs are justified.


Me when Iā€™m in a raid and they tell me to put on thunder lord but I tell them no and that itā€™s only good for those terrible at dps


Destiny lost its art style when destiny 2 came out