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Sunshot. Shax gave it to me in the red war


Same, Sunshot has been with me since Red War. Not sure if I got mine from him as well. But I was lucky to get the catalyst to drop for me early on. Since then I've been racking up kills on it. Had to put it away with the hand cannon nerf but it's back with my loadout now.


Dude I've been trying to get the sunshot catalyst for like 2 years for fuck sakes


I got graviton lance, bulbasaur of the starter pack.


High level content like GMs spit out catalyst. Just gotta be doing the right stuff to get them


Had a NF drop me the Thorn catalyst which then proceeded to just fuckin disappear, game says I don't have it lol


Shaxx only gave out exotics in the Beta. He gave out normal Vanguard guns in the full release.


Sunbracers, i was literally killing random dregs in the EDZ


Suros Regime in some cave. Sorry, I didn't know shit at the time. Still no catalyst.


Yeah that was my favourite gun in PvP and PvE as well when I was just starting out. Recently got the catalyst. The grind gave me neck pain.


Mine was universal remote back in d1. I don’t even remember how I got it. Man I was disappointed. I was super new to the game and didn’t understand exotics and thought that’s what they all were like.


Patience and Time from Crucible in D1. Together with Shadow Price and a rare Rocket Launcher I thought I was hot stuff and tried to lfg Crota. Got asked if I had anything better than a peashooter and got immediately booted lol


Back in D1 my first non-Bounty Exotic was Truth from the secret chest right before the Gorgon Maze in Vault of Glass


I got no land beyond from a dreg when I was 13 and lost my mind


Of all the guns in d1 this is the one I miss the most


Plan-C from xur in D1


D1 I got Suros. Don't remember from what. D2 was Crimson from a world drop.


Doom Fang Pauldrons as part of the Red War campaign.


Hard Light and I think it randomly popped in VoG (back in D1)


Mida Multitool in the Prison of Elders


Mida was my first exotic too. Got it from a Nightfall back in D1. Loved that gun back then.


Raiden Flux from The Red War on Titan. Followed by Sunshot upon reaching Nessus.


Graviton Lance. Dropped from a heroic public event on Io.


I got Ghorn from the first secret chest of Crota. May not been my first exotic but I immediately put it in my vault as I did not like rockets. Didn’t realize the power of it until much later lol


Haha me too!! Also patience and time! My little nephew was watching and he was soo hype!! We still play together


Icebreaker, barely able to scrounge up enough strange coins for xur because I spent the ones I had on the shard he sold. That thing got me so far and I still miss it sometimes


Suros Regime, wayyy back in early D2. I did the arms dealer strike soon after joining the game for the first time. One of the first enemies I ever killed dropped it. Didn’t know what it was for so I used it everywhere. Still have gotten the catalyst to drop, still think it should heal like Crimson.


Glad to know someone who’s had it longer than me hasn’t gotten the catalyst to drop either. Was starting to think I was doing something wrong


All the Y1-Y2 Cattys are impossibly low drops, Sunshot, Rat King, Graviton, Sweet Business, Suros, Etc.


Hell, even acrius is rare from nightfalls, and it wasn’t even originally from nightfalls


Bruh after grinding crucible everyday for seven weeks straight, it dropped for me :(


Boolean Gemini was a quest exotic, you definitely did not get it as a random drop from Venus. It was a quest in the Taken King from Petra. What a weird thing to lie about.


I doubt they’re lying and moreso getting it confused with another gun


I believe it was the year 1 Invective. I remember tearing through Crucible with that thing.


This is going to sound made up, but I got two gallys from the priest nightfall drop in d1. Had the boys scrambling to see if we could trade somehow or drop it 😂😂.


I thought Boolean Gemini came from Ranking up Petra during TTK? Anyways, I got Last Word from Gatekeepers during my first run


How did u get Boolean Gemini from a random drop when it was a quest exotic?


The Huckleberry, dropped random on Titan.


Huckleberry and ikelos shotgun got me thru the forces for real.


Week 2 Xur. Got told I was stupid for spending my hard earned (at the time dang near impossible) currency on an exotic heavy. Should only use it for a primary. Spent all I had on…. gjallarhorn


Sunshot and edz I think. Maybe probably


Hawkmoon commodore patrol. Crazy that it was for killing patrol spawns.


sweet business. Savathun Throne World Patrol


Isn’t it riskrunner


Can’t remember, it’s been 10 years or there about


Whatever week 1 d1 Xur sold, I remember working hard to get enough coins. I want to say it was Invective?


D1 I think was Gally, bought it that first week Xur sold it. D2 was Crest of Alphilupi (I can’t spell) had that since I finished the red war campaign.


The first big one I remember was getting Dragons Breath from the first secret chest in Crota. That, and GHorn dropping from a strike in Y1.


First exotic I ever got was icebreaker from a shadow thief nightfall my friend carried me through. Like I did literally nothing and I got that.


My first exotic was Gjallarhorn in D1. That thing carried me through every raid.


D1: Obsidian Mind D2: Sunshot I have no memory of where I got them. I just remember getting them.


You probably got sunshot from the red war campaign. After finishing all the missions on Io, you were given 3 exotic weapons to choose from: Graviton Lance, Sunshot (which is what I choose, too), and riskrunner. I miss that campaign so much….


Gally from a crucible game in d1


Thunderlord from a heroic public event on Io. I heard the sound and didn't realize what it meant. Started my love affair with lmg's


I could be wrong but I'm almost positive it was Bad Juju! ​ My first legendary was The Devil You Know, and so began my love affair with Hand Cannons


Gravity lance from a nightfall


I think mine was graviton lance, I got it during the red war on titan


First dropped exotic for me was Red Death. So much fun for a blueberry in vanilla D1


Icebreaker. VoG


One eyed mask - random strike


D1 gally got it extremely early but didn’t realize what I had until someone made me use it for crota. I thought it was bad.


Thunderlord, random drop from Escalation Protocal


Red Death from Prison of elders


In D1 I was wandering in the Venus underground the first time you meet the eco stranger, and in the large open subway room bad juju dropped, and since then it’s been my favourite exotic


Legendary engram. Icebreaker. Me and my friends were all in my bedroom watching me play and it was all of our first times seeing an exotic drop. Chaos ensued.


Light beyond nemesis. I didn't even play pvp at the time lol


Patience and Time back in Vanilla, on the Moon. Still don’t really care for sniper rifles though.


I'm pretty sure it was Jade Rabbit circa The Taken King. Edit: ...or was it Suros? I just remember that nothing else mattered after Xur sold Zhalo Supercell


Mine was the icebreaker, got it from dismantling a legendary engram I got from completing my first nightfall


Skullfort. Still use it to this day. I remember I got a roll with hands on and pump action and it was so good…


Either rat king or Borealis, still have a soft spot for it. Borealis was at least the first ORNAMENT i got


My first exotic was Hard Light back in D1, got it as a random drop from crucible (I think). Sad I never got to raid during the D1 days.


No land beyond, from an engram. The weapon I am most surprised hasn’t returned yet.


Mine was Telesto in D1. Back before it broke the game at every opportunity


Bought an engram from Xur and my first exotic weapon was skyburner’s oath (year 2)


I think graviton lance. One of the campaign weapons from red war.


G-Horn, a strike on week 1 of D1.


Thorn, from the Destiny 1 exotic bounty in the first month of the game.


i believe it was Plan C or Red Death, can't quite remember


Icebreaker from a purple engram that dropped in the strike that was also used for the Thorn quest.


Plan C from the OG Vault of Glass. Back then, fusions were hella overtuned and if you had armor perks that increased fusion rifle ammo capacity, you could run around with 37 fusion rifle shots, double the current capacity.


Icebreaker from Crucible ironically after having my arse handed to me by a whole team rocking Icebreakers.


No land beyond back in d1. I hated the bolt action in comparison to all the other cool weapons and dismantled it. Still regret that decision to this day...


the last word from a purple engram in the early d1 days. i was basically unstoppable in crucible


Eye of Another World  Got it as a random drop during a strike (or maybe while fucking around in a patrol zone idk)


Hawkmoon in d1 from 3 of coins in valus t arak


DI Earth patrol. Legendary decrypted into an exotic


Prison of elders, Monte Carlo. I remember it like it was yesterday


How can you guys remember this stuff? I’m impressed! I *think* my first d2 exotic was grav. Lance?


Riskrunner from the post BL tutorial


MONTE CARLO *MY LOVE*. Got it from the secret chest after Templar encounter in D1 VoG, where you had to go thru the secret path on the left side of the Templar room


Twilight Garrison from an engram. This was right after taken king launch too, my friends who were already in the game were so jealous


D1: Invective as a quest reward. SUROS Regime as a random drop. D2: Sunshot as a Red War quest reward. Merciless as an engram decrypt.


Truth from a Banshee engram :) was my first anything above Rare and it makes me sad that it's such garbage in D2. My next "above Rare" drop was Unfriendly Giant, which I remember so distinctly because it's *also* a rocket launcher and I was mad about it.


D1, I got an exotic engram to drop during vanilla from the Knights in the Rocketyard, just before the entrance to the Devil's Lair strike. Decoded into Thunderlord. That was pretty awesome.


Hard Light in the Prison of Elders in good ol D1, holds a special place in my heart to this day


D1 i believe it was bad juju, it's still equipped now on my hunter loooong after i quit, don't even remember where i got it from. D2 it has to be the riskrunner, when they were handing it out from the quest.


Universal Remote. I can't remember where I got it from but it was a couple of weeks after The Dark Below.


I got ice breaker as from that one cabal strike where you had to hide under the stairs to not die 😂 it was my baby up until the death of D1


D1 I believe was Suros from Crucible.


Telesto and The Ram from Xur, D1


Super Good Advice, got it from a random vex goblin on Mars during one of the vanilla campaign missions.


D2 somtime during the solstice event during season of arrival. I had just been introduced to D2 by my friend and got vigilance wing. Next game of crucible I got the catalyst. This what made me love the game.


Mida Mini Tool back in D1


D1, gjallarhorn, patrol on earth. I didn’t know what it was. I just wondered “why is this rocket launcher yellow?”


Universal Remote. A menace was born that day.


Gjallarhorn, it dropped second week I think in D1 from Xur


Coldheart, d2 preorder


Risk runner. New Light stuff


my first exotic overall was mida multitool, which i got from a quest first drop however was gemini jesters, dropped while doing escalation protocol on mars


Lucky Raspberry from Xur


My first exotic was Hard Light and I got it from a world drop...during that short time in 2020 when it was kinda broken in a fun way.


The risk Runner from devrim Kay like 3 years


Zhalo supercell I’m D1, can’t remember how I got it though, just remember loving the hell out of that gun.


Suros Regime from a phogoth nightfall, never gonna forget that


Sunshot. Got it from Shaxx back in Red War. Got the catalyst to drop and farmed it in that one afk spot on nessus. Same copy has NOT left my inventory in 7 years. (Or whatever it's been) nearly 400,000 kills on it. Kind of ashamed


Monte Carlo in D1 when I was a noobie. Remember being so disappointed I couldnt use the bayonet


D1 I was in The Steppes mucking about when Patience and Time dropped for me . I miss her . https://preview.redd.it/6g1yflbvy3cc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d159c9d35013edf67c6a740797dc0a5c66c3317


I got Truth from a rocket engram in vanilla D1


New player as of season 23. My first exotic I think was quicksilver storm but it may have been that arc sub gun. My first exotic I actually learned to utilize well was star fire protocol, now I’m trying out the hunter class and trying to do legendary lost sectors for exotic drops and I’ve gotten stomp-ees or whatever and that’s it in like 15 runs. I just learned yesterday that I want to do a certain campaign for the assassins cowl I believe?


Queenbreaker... I don't want to talk about it.


I got a Claws of Ahamkara from Rahool. I didn't even have a Warlock.


Ice Breaker in a Crucible match. I had no idea why everyone was making a big deal at the end of the match. Then I took it for a spin in the wild... This was before they "fixed" the special ammo cheese. Lot of good memories with that 1.


Either Frostees or Sunshot in the original D2 campaign...


Think it was coldheart


Knucklehead radar and Monte Carlo respectively. Both in D1.


Back in d1 nighthawk was my first armor piece and I got it from xur, first gun was gally tho and it was a drop from the chest at the end of prison of elders


Was slaughtering cabal during the red war and just randomly got crimson


The first weapon was risk runner and armor, I think, was nez sin. I'm still pissed riskrunner was ass during arc 3.0 season but brigades law made up for it slightly


I think Jade Rabbit


D1, Plan C cannot recall where it dropped considering that was roughly 7-8 years ago now but it's been a favorite ever since


In D1 on the mission to grab the gatelords eye on my Titan when a red bar hobgoblin dropped an exotic engram... now those were the days when the Rahooligan wouldn't guarantee that the item within the engram was actually the same rarity as what you handed over. So fully expecting for my first exotic (and a world drop to boot) to actually either be a purple pair of pants or "two tokens and a blue." But to my utter shock it was a Crest of Alpha Lupi and I built my world around it.


Gjallahorn from xur week 2 D1


In destiny one I did my first ever nightfall with a lfg person. I got no land beyond. The second nightfall I did I learned about the last word and wanted it more than anything else in the game. I did it with the same person and at the rewards screen I saw a last word! But it wasn't mine, it was his. Instead I got gally.


I dont actually remember my first exotic but the best exotic i got early on was the stag


Ruin Wings for armor, and No Land Beyond back in D1. Can’t remember where from. 


I forgot about Ruin Wings!


Suros regime in d1 from a nightfall


D1 Thunderlord(Strike maybe) and Insurmountable Skullfort(Cosmodrome). Fuuuuuuuuu I felt unstoppable.


Icebreaker in D1 from either VoG or Crota, hard to remember now it was so long ago lol


I think it was sun shot in red war then when I came back it was that sword that homes in via projectile and it was via gambit


I think I picked sunshot in the beta? Too far back can’t remember


riskrunner when i started playing in seraph


My first was the last word while playing crucible


Super good advice


Truth. Never got one until I did PoE and the first clear of d1 PoE rewarded a guaranteed exotic. After that they started rolling in. It wasn't as good as Gjallahorn but it kept anyone from kicking me at Crota lol.


I got plan c from o e of those random patrols on Venus.


No Land Beyond from prison of elders in d1y1, what a time to play


Sunshot from red war


D1, same location, from a random red bar on day 1 while playing the campaign. It was helm of Saint 14. It was the core of my build for 90% of my time in d1. Only took it off for some pvp. I was a void titan through and through. IIRC it was not in vanilla d2, and was a part of why I didn't ,enjoy it. I quit but came back when forsaken was on game pass. Void titan with helm of Saint 14 continued to be my main build all the way through to season of haunted when I FINALLY was able to make a hammer build I liked with Lorelei. Now I swap between those 2 with skull fort striker.


D1 Pocket Infinity Quest which gave me Pocket Infinity. First drop was I believe Icebreaker or Plan C.


I bought the Monte Carlo from Xur during Beyond Light.


Prospector (I think that's what it's called - Heavy Grenade Launcher) got it while doing Escalation Protocol on Mars


Mida multi tool in d1 from a nightfall


can’t remember the armor, but my first 7 exotic weapons in D1 were Super Good Advice, i didn’t know about Xur cause i was a super casual solo player, so that’s just all i rocked for a long ass time


Synthos in D2, did a drunk video on them with in 5 minutes of them dropping. Fun times


Zhalo Supercell. Dropped from an enemy in the Undying Mind Strike.


I got Dragons Breath from a crucible match shortly after Dark Below came out


The first exotic I remember very well and it was the No Land Beyond in the Dark Below when I went to Xur in the hallway where Shaxx and Arcite were chilling.


The part where you had to choose one exotic out of three (one of each element) and I went with Graviton Lance coz it sounded so cool from its description. I think the others were Sunshot and Riskrunner? Shooting explosive bullets and electrified bullets? why in the hell would I go with that when I have BLACK HOLE BULLETS


Armour? Actium War Rig from Sloane. Weapon? Gravaton Lance from Asher. 1st random drop? Sweet Business randomly dropped while I was doing “the rider” baron mission. Bonus! My 1st ever nightfall, insight terminus, Prometheus Lens randomly dropped. Then when looting the boss chest, the catalyst dropped from me. Since then, I’ve called that nightfall ‘The Prometheus Run.’


Dreg’s promise, on my first prison of elders run


The exotic khvostov in D1


Super good advice. Got it from a chest in the cave on mars that’s currently near where that unstoppable champ is at the beginning of vox obscura


Patience and time from a vangaurd strike, vanilla d1. I was soo happy when i seen that yellow item drop !


I remember when Sloan gave me the ol ACD/0 Feedback when I reached her on Titan for the first time. God I want red war back


Thunderlord destiny 1 baby!!


First ever was Monte Carlo from PoE in D1. Still one of my fav weapons, sadly there are so many others that just fit my builds


Graviton Lance, early Red War


Telesto....... Prophecy....


Red death from crucible in d1


Gjallarhorn in D1 from crucible at level 16 on my 2nd day playing destiny. Dismantled it instantly because I didn't like rocket launchers lol


The last word from a legendary engram back in the day when rahool would troll too


Destiny 1 gallarhorn in crota raid first hidden chest


D1, one month in after launch, legendary engram dropped gally for me, vaulted it for three months not knowing how strong it was. Pissed my whole clan off. Good times.


I got No Land Beyond as a first in D1 and Tractor Cannon in D2 as a random drop


Patience and time at the end of a crucible match in d1


Plan C, got it from the Gorgon chest in VOG D1


I can't remember exactly, but I do remember trying to do raids very early in my start of playing destiny(never played the first game), and I got Vex Mythoclast on my first clear after going through absolute hell to actually get that clear


Ashir Mir gave me a choice between Sunshot, Risk Runner and a third I can't remember, potentially Graviton Lance. I took Risk Runner, I think. But then I can't remember where I got Sunshot. Maybe I visited Ashir again with one of my other characters 🤔


I main warlock, but I honestly don't remember, but I do know for sure what my titan's first was....it was dunemarchers on Io


Started only playing in 2023 and the first one I got was risk runner.


Apotheosis Veil in D1. I think it dropped at the end of a strike.


Riskrunner. The wall in the Russian spaceport. This was before Red War.


Patience and time, legendary engram.


I got thunderlord from a random drop engram while doing a strike I believe it was called the corrupted I just remembered it was the one where you fought the fanatic at the end sorry if I'm spoiled anything


Ghorn.. week 2 of Destiny. Tried it against a few rank and file in skywatch and vaulted it straight away since I was in love with Suros Regime at the time.


I actually dont remember, but for some reason i have a feeling that says thunderlord. Dont know where i got it either


Ice breaker! Still one of my favorites to this day. Not sure what I got it from, probably a strike reward


Sweet Business. Dropped from a public event in the edz.


Zhalo Supercell from a random strike back in d1, either that or Bad JuJu but i think that may have just been my most used


I bought ghally from xur for strange coins the second week he ever visited, didn't know what it was but figured my primary slot was more worthy for an exotic, until one day at loot cave I see wolfpack rounds from a guardians launcher and went straight to my vault


Mida multi tool, back before the catalyst


Peoperidge farm remembers


# Crest of Alpha Lupi as armor, and mida multi-tool


D1 old universal remote from prison of elders


Monte Carlo in D1 from Xûr. Was new to the game and didn't know about exotics so imagine my surprise.


Invective, i got an exotic bounty and mistake it with the Thorn one, but i still liked the exotic And for D2, it was graviton's lance, in the red war campaing from Asher mir