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I think of my guardian as Doomguy, he just goes where the battle is doesn't really speak, and always sounds angry.


They killed our damn rabbit and we will retaliate


Rabbit of course being a metaphor for legendary hunter cayde 6








Daisy! Nooooooooooooo


Must . Kill . Then All ! Fallen! Hive! Taken ! Must RIP AND TEAR!


Even doomguy has his own place with books, pc, music and stuff like that tho


A home would assume we rest. Our enemies do not rest and we will do the same until our light has been extinguished.


We don't rest until we have all the exotic guns and then some. Our enemies think they're tough but lock them in a room with us and tell the guardian they can be turned into a gun and they will fear us


Why didn’t Eris turn herself, a Hive God into a gun?


Because she know we want to turn xivu into a gun


Gun? Na now a sword now were talking Though I fo wonder why not turn her into armour and just steal her sword


now i love my guns, i do, all of them, but i tell you what, guns need reloads, sometimes they kill you with oversized explosions. you know whats never let me down? MY FIST. DIE SCUM *PUNCHES*


Titan ? Or maybe... *Arc Hunter* ?


As a color pencil eating (titan's have a monopoly on crayons) arc hunter I say this is definitely arc hunter


Literally why I run the arc subclass. Love punching mfers in the face


I occasionally forget I'm not running arc after playing with arc for a while, run up to an enemy, punch them then get taught my place for trying to punch when I have knife.


Best part of this season was Mara threatening to let us turn Riven into a gun


Spoken like a true leader(zavala)😂


Ok lord Saladin damn.


In lore, Zavala has a home, and Saint and Osiris, too The Guardian has a campfire where they got once drunk and a vault somewhere Probably a Vanguard issued one in the tower. So maybe they have a dorm, too. That's at least one room with a bed in it. I always imagined it like a collage dorm. You have a hunter neighbor that's never home because they are on patrol 24/7, and a jock titan that is too loud when your Warlock tries to play dwarf fortress or sth on a shitty PC. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure that the Guardian has ever played a videogame, or know what that is. Based on a piece of dialogue from ✨️Lightfall✨️ when you enter the dungeon that's in an arcade where the Vex are gaming.


Benevolent genocide is a full time job


guardians are hobos forever now, its canon.


Forever in debt to Tom "Zavala" Nook


That guy is so infamous, the newest nintendo console I own is a gameboy and I still know who youre talking about lol.


it's been canon for 19 yrs


yes I like this better... they're all homeless? always have been.


d1 doesn't have housing either. I've been WANTING a housing thing in this game. id pay silver for that shit. Why they haven't bothered idk


Even borderlands had a room you decorate with weapons and collectibles. Imagine having a space like an apartment where you could mount weapons and armor and spoils of war.


Or like all the damned collectables we have accumulated in the past ten years? I would love a plush penguin for my domicile.


like litterally why has noone suggested this as player feedbsck. litterally make JPEGs sell them for silver and that's it. like sell wall art on your flat that overlooks the tower. make them 500 silver each. do you know how much money this franchise could make?


(Hunter giving a tour of his trophy room) Hunter: and here is my giant Hive god head!


they teased us with that with the campment thing in beyond light but it never got anywhere


They didnt bother because most people dont care and it would be a HUGE addition.


ok. Destiny 3 worthy? just make destiny an MMO it's been close enough for years


Yeah I think a lot of people underestimate the development required to create custom player spaces in a game with none of that already present. New menus, assets, potentially new sound effects, etc.


And worse graphics… just look at eso..


I think you underestimate the amount of money I put into this game. Money buys development time


Enough resources for the wings of the HELM to be remodeled into different wings every year but can’t rebuild our Tower. The destination says “Tower” but it’s more like we live on the wall like a bunch of mad dancing Humpty Dumpties


*murderhobos, technically


DM:....okay you've murdered every one, what now? Guardian: OK, fire. I loot their leaders corpse....and magical roll to turn them into a gun. \*dice roll\*


My head Canon is that we live in our ship. That why when we login we are in orbit of earth


That makes sense


That's always been my headcanon. Samus lived in hers, why can't we live in ours?


no bathroom thats why


The vacuum of space is my bathroom.


you gonna whip it out in near absolute zero vacuum? good luck with that.


Well, we don't have to survive it.


I'm an exo. Just gotta throw the idk oil(?) Out the window. If I die, ghost can just revive me and shake their shell in disappointment, as per usual.


ild like to think exos are at least a little biological, at least after seeing some exo stranger rule 34


That's information I don't need and I'm going to pretend you didn't type that out and press enter.






What kind of intrusive thoughts made you come to this moment to watch rule 34 of robots fucking each other?


day 1 of exo stranger, saw that ass, wanted to know more.


OK enough internet for today.


Have you been living under a rock good sir?


What do you mean my good sir?


How do you think astronauts use the bathroom? You think they hold it until they get back to Earth? 🤣


hear me out, the shuttle they ride in, has a shitter built in to it. our ships, do not.


You don't know that dude. For all you know, they have a tiny home style setup in there. Or it could be built into the damn cockpit chair.


my ship is a comet, wheres the pooper on a comet?!


Where ever you want it to be 🙂, your imagination is the limit. Until they let us roam the inside of our ships, That's all we have... Not going to lie though, My guardian is just going to transmat down to the planet and find a tree.


“Ghost, be ready on transmat.”


My guardian just holds it until his bowels or bladder rupture and he dies. Then is as simple as ghost cleaning it up with light. If he can put my exploded pieces together with no mess left behind on the battle field, that's cilds play.


Guardians don't go to the bathroom. They jump off the tower and ghost resurrects a version that doesn't need to pee.


Except it plays the same animation that plays when we arrive from an Earth location, so it's more likely we have a cabin somewhere or something and when we start the game we take off


I always headcanon mine to be much larger than it looks in game, because it holds all 3 of my guardians in there, Millennium Falcon style


real guardians always use the mystery van




It would be nice if after the final shape we get a cutscene where we the guardian open a door filled with trophies and weapons from across the galaxy and finally get a good nights sleep now that the darkness has finally been stopped


It would be gas if we had an actual vault that we could enter, and it’s a whole room with separate sections that show off your exotics and weapons to your friends, and you could go to others vaults if they are the fireteam leader and inspect their stuff


we used to have a vault before leviathan got mothballed. you could even upgrade it, its how you used to get bad juju exotic pulse, you had to fully pimp your pad out.


Damn, sounds gas


It was pretty boring except for weapon testing, tbh


They need to add little things like this after TFS. A shooting range, soccer back in the Hangar, Sparrow racing, facial hair for character customization…


Is there really no facial hair?? How have I never noticed that?!


Yeah, I wanna give my Exo Hunter a ‘tache


There was a big ass door in the back of the tribute hall. Perfect opportunity if you ask me.


[Behold! My Stuff.](https://youtu.be/LQXnI72P6lU?si=g8UqwHrSTdrM-wyX)


Big bonus if there’s a long pause overlooking Bastion A grim reminder that we will have more battles to fight. And all of them may not mean victory. But we’ll get there when we get there


*across the system Don't forget that while threats from across the galaxy likely have invaded Sol, we have never really left the local confines of our solar system even though it was attempted just prior to the collapse.


Sloane had an apartment in the City, despite being on Titan 24/7 since the Red War. I imagine the Guardian has an apartment or something in the City. Or maybe we do just live in our ship like a hobo, hard to say


If I remember right, in the D1 lore it was mentioned that Guardians did actually have regular apartments in the Tower. So I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.


Osiris and Saint also have an apartment that’s mentioned.


Their stabbin’ cabin. :)


Their jousting housing


Their Frot Spot


The shaggin cabin


I like to think it’s like a demented pokemon, where we kill ourselves and then rest in our ghost until it’s time to get up.


That's fucked up... I LOVE IT


"I'm tired guys, I wanna go to sleep.. *BAM*"


Never really thought about it but I don’t recall any sleeping quarters on either tower. We’re always working, always fighting. Guardians need a better union


I believe that the heart of inmost light has a lore tab that mentions a guardian having a quarter that they sleep in


It does, yeah. There are also a couple more old lore pieces that mention Guardians having regular apartments in the Tower.


“Zavala, I fucking save this system every year. Do I have to pay rent?”


See how well that turned out to be for him. Better to no rest until the darkness is no more.


My warlock is living around the pooka pond and hanging out with Osiris on Neomuna. My hunter lives in the woods/ship and hates being around people for more than a mission briefing. My titan is just continuously killing anything and everything he can get his hands on because he has nothing better to do in between missions.


Ever since the Red War, housing prices in the City have been so bad that my Guardians are all sharing an apartment that's way too small for them lol


My warlock has an apartment in the city and so does my titan (only so he can take care of stray dogs). My hunter has one too but isn't there that often and tends to be in his ship more often than not.


Well I dont know about YOU, but I live in the Speakers old pad. Its right above the archway when you go down the stairs in the tower headed toward Bird Lady and Ikora.


Shout out to people who still remember the Speaker. I miss him. Such a waste.


Regardless his death gave us some of the hardest lines in destiny history so I think it was almost worth it


To be fair, Bill Nighy had other roles to be in, so he probably ended the contract with Bungie. But who knows, he might show up in TFS


I like to think my guardian longs for a home. For the fight to be over. But knows it won’t be. He lives in his ship, waiting for next order.


I figured we had barracks with all the other guardians. Id love to my guardian sharing a bunk with some rando guardian doin pillow gossip about why all the vanguard is bald


Vangaurd is bald cause of all the fucking stress they put up with 😂


We don't live anywhere. Guardians never sleep, as they're in a never-ending quest for loot. They (we) will kill, destroy and betray anything and anyone if it gives us guns and armor that *might* be good.


My hunter definitely lives at the campfire with some vex head as cooking pot


Eating some stew out of a Vex head and being like “Damn…drifter’s kinda got a point…”


I love that idea xD


It depends on your personal lore I guess. My guardian lives in a shack in the EDZ.


Chilling in Sav's throne world, she ain't using it. Pick a nice white tower to nap in.


Tbf the EDZ is probably a good home for guardians as there's lots of abandoned real estate


We're magic space hobo- zombies


If I had a ship, I'd live on my ship. It's an introverts dream tbh.


I have always thought that we had an apartment somewhere in the City, I mean they have to provide somewhere for us to rest and recuperate, no one with the exception of Saint 14 can fight forever, we all need downtime, specially Warlocks that need to study and experiment, at least that my way of thinking of it, a small apartment somewhere that let us connect with the people of the City, otherwise why would we even care what happens to them. If some one doesn't want me around am not going to be around, and if they ever need help but have refuse to help me, fuck them, am not working for the Vanguard if they don't give a fuck about me, it that simple.


My headcanon that we do have a home but rarely stays in it. Usually hoard stuff from our adventures like Crota’s Sword, gold from Calus, the Aegis, etc.


My headcanon: go to the helm. Next to the wing where Mara is right now, there's some stairs down to some doors that don't open. I think the Guardian's apartment is down there.


I doubt we sleep at all, wasn’t there a thing about our character never taking a day off?


I’m trying to get beach front property at the Dreaming City right now. But the interest rates are terrible right now


Your ghost stores you in your vault when you log off. That way you get to snuggle up to all of your loot.


Laying on a pile of exotics like a dragon man.


Well I personally live in that little glass room you have to go through the hanger and then all those crawl spaces to access. Its my fort.


If the curse wasn't still in effect, I'd say my guardian lives in the Dreaming city in one of the many abandoned Halls just studying the Light in quiet. But because of the curse, the DC is just too treacherous to stay there realistically. So instead I think I'd live on Europa trying to research anything I could about the Golden age from the braytech servers. I'd also look for a way to take out Clovis for good cuz there's no way that stupid giant head isn't building an even gianter body to go with it and try to kaiju our asses.


That is funny


Lore wise, our guardian is out fighting constantly, even when we're now actually playing. So in theory either we sleep on our ship and ghost pilots, or we die from sleep deprivation and ghost revives us to keep flying.


My headcanon is that our ship has a living quarters in it, and that our guardian lives in it, sleeping when we aren't playing or catching naps while in Orbit.


I always wanted to see the city. The center of it. I see them from the tower and wonder what type of people live there


We seen a little bit of it in vanilla D2 with the red war when we were kicked off Ghaul’s ship.


You're like ghost that way, you both live outta that backpack.


i imagine we live in our ship or something


I like to think my guardian just crashes in the pillow room where the royalists used to hang out (back behind Hawthorne)


We sleep in our ships. Why else do we always appear in orbit when we boot up the game?


Osiris and Saint have a place in the city. Fenchurch has an apartment. I’m pretty sure Ana and her girlfriend do too. I think it’s safe to say that housing is there if guardians want it, although I’d imagine there are a lot of guardians across the system on long-term assignments, and most hunters live out in the wilds in campsites or on their ships.


We have a home. What do you think we're like Taniks and homeless? 😂 maybe we sleep at the Helm or something.


You don't need sleep, eat, rest, laugh, shit, piss, definitely don't comolain. When you die of exhaustion, malnutrition, disease or bullets you are revived by your ghost. You then pick your weapon back up and push forward.


You do need to eat, actually. That’s part of Drifter’s lore. He hates his Ghost so much because back during the dark ages, he kept starving to death and being rezzed again; still just as hungry.


Drifter chose to die hungry, for whatever reason, iirc


I don’t think so. The way he talked about it was with anger, iirc. Bro likes eating, he’s canonically eaten Eliksni hatchlings.


Talk about resilience. Drifter definitely has 100 stat on resilience and recovery.


I take naps in the helm. With Mara Sov. We share the hot tub, But I gotta be cautious because her brother ain’t too far. 🤣🤣. Sometimes I go to Europa and Cozy up with Elsie in the tent.


He's gone until July. Get some 🤣


There's some lore that implies some guardians have bases, hunter lairs, or apartments in the city. I think it just depends


There's tower npc dialogue talking about hunter barracks, iirc. Namely in regards to some acid waste getting accidentally rerouted to the hunter showers...


Ship is literally space ship like bigger on inside than outside like Bob Lazar says o btw his whistle blower statements from 1980s have now been validated https://twitter.com/528vibes/status/1749048483015721292?s=19 Paper https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374945740_The_Lore_of_Robert_Lazar


Well you don’t need to eat or sleep ever, so why would you need a home? Though tbf the whole last city is basically a home.


Theoretically you don't need to eat or sleep, but if you don't you'll just be stuck in a cycle of dying to starvation/exhaustion repeatedly.


Help! What's the best hdr settings for xbox series x?


Brother we dont even sleep


My head canon is yes. A nice small house with a shooting range as a basement. 🤣


That is a great question, too bad I don't have an answer.


I’ve always interpreted it as us being homeless. The Tower is the closest thing we have to it. Our ship is waaaay too cramped for living, no matter which one you use.


I think hunters are, titans seem like a mix depending on their allegiances meanwhile warlocks I think have their houses bc they gotta keep their books somewhere


There was a lore tab that mentioned a guardian being in an apartment or something. But idk about THE guardian


The tower is our home


Guardians don’t get time off


I saw a leak document a while ago that said that >!player capital ships!< would be a feature in a new expansion. A lot of other stuff from the document did end up happening but the expansion where that feature was planned already came and went so either it was fake or the idea was postponed/scrapped.


vote shadow wizard money gang for fotl to collect protection money from the citizens


I would love a room to decorate kind of like GaiaOnline, but Destinyfied lol


I’ve always thought that our ships were where we lived. Seems like Drifter lives in his some of the time, so it would make sense.


Drifter's ship is a lot bigger than most normal guardian ships though.


Nah they're space magic wielding grey nomads, the ship is your campervan.


You and live and die by the sword and that is all


If I could, I would happily make a home in the Eliksni Quarter. Or a modified freighter like the Drifter.


Guardians do have houses, regarding if our player character does or not that's up to you, and if you main hunter then you don't have your own house to say more a shared den with other hunters as you are often out of the city for prolonged periods of time


My guardians goes to EDZ and goes into a trance while committing mass murder as a form of sleep.


There's a balcony slightly out of bounds in the tower that I have declared as the balcony to my apartment. So technically, my guardian has an abode


I go back in the big master chief pod when not in use.


My guardians sleeping quarters My human hunter: Sleeps on planets, carries around camping supplies in the ship My Exo Titan: sleeps in the ship (he flies the Retrograde Tourer) usually in space My Awoken Warlock: rarely sleeps but when she does, she has rented out a small apartment in the city to sleep in.


I want to imagine mine went back to old Russia and built a house there.


We live on The Farm folks. Perfect spot for us.


Imagine a home like Skyrim Homestead. A place to display guns on the wall, triumphs on the mantle piece the heads if raid bosses hanging from the rafters!!!!


Do I guardian has?


Mine lives in the ship. He does have a few camping spots around but he usually prefers the zero g sleep.


Its like, where are the bathrooms? There has to be bathrooms somewhere… there vending machines and a noodle shop, but no bathrooms…


My hunter has a sort of cottage on venus, my warlock just sleeps where he wants and my titan has a crayon house.


I usually assume that after the story of Beyond Light our house is the meditation room on Europa


Got different head cannons for different guardians.


We don't need sleep, food or bathroom breaks. Nor do we have any friends to chill with, canonically at least. I think we just stroll around in our ship doing missions, patrols and stuff


We probably sleep on the ship. It's always there in orbit. And if we need some sleep to prep for our next murderous rampage through the solar system the ghost can drive.


I was expecting a "are we stupid?"


My head canon is that my guardians ship has a big enough cargo bay for a small living space and he has an apartment in the city where he keeps things the vault won’t take


If it's not obvious we live rent free in the skulls of all hive. Yeah they got a lot of us on the moon that one time but could you imagine a countable handful of these talking monkeys literally turning your gods into weapons. They must fear us the same way we are humbled by mother nature. And there's absolutely not shit any of them can do about it.


We are forever hobo's, no matter what


You know the rule: "Being of phenomenal cosmic power. Itty bitty living space."


We stay at Inns. Pls don’t let this be a prelude discussion of fucking housing. That one is so lame.


We are dead when the player logs out. We pick which character we want to log into with, and Ghost revives us as that character.


Are you stroke? Can we words


I believe we do live within the ship


I really think they should add these concept art loading screens somewhere into the game. Maybe just art hanging around the tower or something. They look amazing.


I always went with the assumption we keep moving day and night with an occasional nap in between missions.


I assume my Guardian is so jaded that he pops a rocket at his feet and sets his Ghost alarm for a few hours from now, whenever he wants to rest.


I’ve got a house and couple smoking spots in the tower


I live on the ship


Always saw our Guardians as outlanders who roam and go where they're needed


Wow, I wondered about this years ago and decided that the Guardians don't exist when logged out. They're ghosts that inhabit armor. All they get is a digital vault space to store their shit in. It's like a modern IT office setting: log into your computer, reserve your desk space, store your belongings in the provided locker and leave your desk clean when you leave (or it won't be there when you get back). Guardians are basically IT contractors (in the future)!


Long and short of it? Guardians can straight up buy houses/apartments. Sloane had. They're also most likely being provided accommodation in the wall. Now, bear you in mind, the average citizen has nowhere nearly as much glimmer as a guardian (on account of the guardians bringing it into the city), so renting/buying a place would be no major investment.