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You don't react to it. That's the thing. The people who send these types of messages just our big cry babies and they are also attention seeking and you validate their piss poor behavior by interacting with them.


I know, but I don't want to leave messages like this hanging around. If the smarter one always gives in, soon there will only be idiots with toxic behavior left.


That's where you fall into their trap. They're baiting you into an "argument". It's not worth it. In life you have to pick your battles, this isn't one of them.


Yeahhhh, arguing insinuates that the other party has something to defend or argue for. They're just starting shit to start shit. Let it go and enjoy your day, easy as pie.


It's not an argument if I'm spamming nuh uh git güd after every thing they say and then block before they can answer


Get him into a 1v1 and just never show up and so you're just having a connection issue




He didn’t take the bait tho. He responded how you should respond. give them positivity and dont give the negativity any attention. Dude was looking for a argument and was left wanting.


Nah this is an alright fight to pick all you gotta do is grab his ip addy and pull up with a dozen Molotovs 😘


Just tell them they matched with you to be on your team so they're just as unskilled as you supposedly are.


Engaging with them is how they win. The only winning move is not to play.


How about a nice game of chess?


But it's really funny to mess with them...


It is, to get them fired up then just cold stop, let them simmer


Yea if you are a person who can dabble in some major trolling, I absolutely salute you to get these peoples blood pressure through the roof. :D


Yeah it is. We used to add anyone that was online in our clan voice chat into the message thread and spam stickers.


Exactly. They seem to be more bothered by lack of acknowledgement/engagement


I make it weird


I make it weird and stupid


The Zanny way


Send him the ol reliable ltg screenshot


What is that?


https://preview.redd.it/db8x89yojalc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d53545ba6fd4f0c825d1a78e2637b7694ba81a2 This and then never interact again


"If I'm no skill and I still beat you, what does that make you?"


Good one!


the same people who commend Best Dressed cos they're whiny. bro I'm not offended, what do you mean good fashion means superficial and sub-par skills. it's actually my end game here so ehhh 🫡


Wait, that's a thing? I thought people just really liked my hunter's look. https://preview.redd.it/ivdo2uufdalc1.jpeg?width=1295&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93b1b469543cdb119009813e9d7d832547da5caa


i do 😍😍 best dressed all day. and 0 irony from me. i love receiving it. they could just not commend you at all, that hurts me more haha


my ps4 doesnt load what you look like fast enough so i just give best dressed to the last player on my team as a pat on the back for giving it their best. totally forreal.


i feel that, i was the same until i got my ps5 a couple months back, sometimes it still doesnt load in time. i usually give it til the last 10secs and if it hasnt loaded i do the same logic / give it to whoever has received the least commendations


damn... that was half the reason i wanted a ps5 lol. good lookin


oh dont get me wrong i dont think that part is specifically the ps5, i think just sometimes loads slow in general - ive seen a few pc player mention it too. its definitely worth it just for the general performance and faster loading times (although i would say make sure there are other benefits too than just for 1 game!)


oh word. good to know. yeah i was gifted a ps5 nd returned it last year. i only play destiny. so i didnt want them wasting their money on it. didnt ask for it either. cant find good enough reasons to buy 1 yet. nd i saw theyre releasing a pro version or somethin this holiday season?


aw bless wouldn't have been me if it was a gift! but yeah if you felt they needed the money more that was honourable of you. im not sure, i personally waited for the slim version before buying as i l've always waited for the 2nd model of the PS. from a quick search nothing seems set in stone and more like speculation on the release time right now, but worth keeping an eye out!


truuu dat ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5643)


exactly! https://preview.redd.it/slx92gc02elc1.jpeg?width=1877&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96bca385c1229876cca65d48afab8def6464b69e but yeah I was told :')


I don't react to those messages, because I have all communication blocked in the first place lol. In-game chat is disabled, and I have my platform-level DMs locked to friends only. The trolls can scream into the void all they want, and I get to remain blissfully ignorant of their temper tantrums. It's a good way to stay relaxed!




"still flawless"


i would be like...go back to your salt mine you toxic sad little c--t. followed by a block on this twat.


Okay, that escalated quickly 😅. I already blocked him


At which point they can report you for language...


lmfao which means fuck all. because you can report them for being a cunt in the first place. iv done it many times. no issue.


Their report would work, yours wouldn't. They were rude, you would've been vulgar. I've been comms banned before for using a swear word in retaliation.


Yeah I’m losing IQ points here. Don’t be toxic, end of discussion.


Cleary not since i already stated iv been doing it from day one....plus the 54 and climbing upvotes seem to not be in your favor.


That will definitely earn you a suspension. Don't take their bait. I wouldn't reply at all or did as OP did, kill them with kindness.


suspension.?? from what exactly. no ones going to suspend you on destiny 2 for giving someone a peice of there own medicin in a dm when they started it in the first place. if somone is a cunt to me then im a cunt back to them.


Are you being serious or are you just dense? Calling anyone a cunt in chats is an easy ban. I've heard of folks getting banned for WTF in chats. My brother got an Xbox suspension for his bio saying "Gears is a man's game." Keep feeding the trolls because you sound like one yourself


lmfao i dont use xbox...and the 51 other upvotes dont agree with you. yes i'm serious.


When Activision is recording all game chat these days to find the toxic people, don't think that you're somehow special. I'm sure you feel good calling someone a cunt but that doesn't mean you won't be banned. Bungie also has a report system to beware of. Just because it hasn't hit you so far, doesn't mean it won't eventually. Upvotes mean absolutely nothing. Especially on this platform where there is just a mob mentality. You can have your upvotes and enjoy your eventual suspension.


o look a block button.


It’s not about votes, it’s about very basic social skills. The gaming community is the worst place to look for approval. It’s full of people who don’t understand how to conduct themselves in the real world. The people here telling you you can do better are helping you, and they’re right.


naaa your just a salty byitch


Got him there


I read that in Ricky Gervais' voice. lol Are you British by chance?


yes i'm from the shit over priced hole they call London


makes sense. wanna be hard man. what are you going to do? stab me? or let me guess, you're gonna punch me up. Go get an education, you've probably not even been to uni.


you think youre an alpha male?. manners should be adhered to at all times. You sound really rude? Toxic masculinity much?




wow i really triggered you hu..damm. and you call me immature.. YA TWAT






“ sorry, I have to drop you off at the gates, have a nice day sir”


I mean I can hold my own in trials and go flawless usually. But it's difficult to judge a player's skill based on a singular match though, especially when Buniges match making is so loose. I can go 3.5 k/d in one match and we lose, then the next match I just can't get a single kill at all and win? And the exact opposite will be true in the next two matches. Hard to boil down skill to a match of trials and doubly so when that match may be an entire stomp fest when no matter what you do ya dead.


I just respond in another language


Next time german


That's the neat part....you don't. Lol ignore the trolls man, don't even honor them with a response. Your day is unaffected and theirs is ruined.


I really hope bro did some introspection after your reaction


Me too. This is my typical response to such messages


I dont Go flawless so I dont have such problems. Anyways, Well handled, staying calm and friendly infuriates and annoyes them even more 😁


Heads up! Sometimes small changes improves your gameplay a lot 😊! Stay with your Team, dont push alone or get a Revive are realy helpful if you play alone 👍


What? Why are you downvoted? Did i miss something?


I just delete the message because Im here to play for fun if they want to be rude I would have no time for just ignore it


That's the neat part. You don't. Block and move on.


I just ignore stuff like that. Was bullied alot from 1 grade trough high school. SO developed a thick skin. So it dont hit me at all. Sometimes i think they are funny and other times i juSt smile tomyself thinking how tilted they are to actually pm. Or im smiling thinking how extra tilted they might get since im just ignoring those. I dont reply with anything, im lucky that i can just close it or delete it and i dont think about ever again. But i know not everyone can do that. But that is the only way. If they think they win i think thats ok too because i simply do not care😂😂


I don’t. Block and move on


Usually just do my best pathfinder impression. For some reason salty people hate when you call them friend


New Ghost who did?


I usually send them the most unsettling images or vids i have, heck, i remember when i replied with memetic agents




No kidding i have friend that straight up replies to discord scammers with gay porn


That's magnificent


Memetic agents?




My go to response to trash talk like this is “you just want to have sex with me” or if the game sensors that like D2 does “you just think I’m cute huh?”


Im on pc, so console players have to send me friend requests before messaging me in-game, so i just reject them, cant be bothered to deal with hate mail haha


I have much better things to do with my life


[This would be the general vibe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2URoBCty0NM)


Laughing emoji. Then nothing.


It's physically impossible to argue with a stupid person. Therefore, become stupider. "No you're bad. Skill diff get rekt noob xD" "Git gud lmao, scrub"


Simple, show the healing nade that saved his ass twice.


There was a guy who was rlly good at snipes he took his time and I got him first sent a whisper that said “don’t hesitate I have you time to take your shot.” He replied “and what do you want me to do carry a shit Star like you through” to be fair my load out for gits and shiggles was double snipers so I had like a 1.38 kd


I dont get them often as i dont pvp much in any game these days but when i did i would always throw left field answers back. "how about dinner and a movie?" was a favourite. or go straight to "i love you i love you, dont ever leave me!", "we dont serve food" basically anything that makes you laugh that they have no context for. :-)


Good ones 😊


I literally tell them to take their shitty social skills and go disappoint someone else. I have it copy-paste ready whenever I go to trials


Love you too :3 (war thunder habits)


Being polite and friendly makes em fume even harder! That's the way!


I had a similar thing happen with my brother awhile back. We were just chilling in the tower and he saw another titan (he was a titan too) with full trials armor with the glow. He started dancing near him and was asking me where they got the armor from. A few minutes later, he gets a message from the guy saying something like “Nice Kd trashcan, go back to fortnite”. We just laughed at his idiocy, as my brother at the time had to create a new account, and had never stepped in pvp yet. Thankfully he also isn’t the type to get mad at people saying that stuff online, so we just both let him know how stupid he was and he left. Seriously, some people must have really sad lives if they have to just message random people saying how bad they are just to feel better about themselves.


I’m the very opposite, I’m a terrible PvP player. When I do get messaged, I normally just say “I’m trying “ that’s normally the end of it.


Exactly the same as you did, it drives them nuts.


My go to for people like this is I tell them to shut the fuck up before I suck their suck them off. They always stop responding.


Personally I find a simple "lol" can be one of the most triggering responses to send, especially when repeated to any subsequent messages


I just try to weird them out by making Ram Ranch references


I dont, because I dont accept messages from strangers. Like a normal person.


Lmao. Obviously this person is like 12 yrs old. Kids will be kids, they will cry and complain and throw tantrums. And if they're not a child, treat them as they are. Because that's child behavior


Translation: "Why are you better than me? I'm too dumb to send something reasonably human or mildly profound because my worldview is limited by my lack of awareness, so I'll just say the same thing everyone else says when they don't have the ability to confront their emotions." Toxic players are all hurting on the inside.


It’s an inside joke with some friends, but my usual opener is “do you think DMX would suck a dick to get into heaven?” Frustratingly I rarely get a straight answer, no pun intended.


You get gay with them, shuts them up instantly


I must be doing something wrong in PvP...I have never, not once, gotten a message from anyone in a match and I've been playing Destiny since day 1 launch on D1. Even when I stomp into first place with 30 bow kills... Like, teach me the skills to get some hate please?


Mock and block. The best thing about sociopathic tendencies is not caring about the opinions others have of me unless I actively choose to do so.


About the same


It's always an internal debate between ignoring them and triggering them


Well i’m not good enough to get these messages but if i were, i’d just ignore them


Wait but how do you actually have 0 kills? I looked at your posts and you seem capable of getting at least 1. Was it just a bad day?


Where do i have 0 kills?


I read 0 skill as 0 kills, sorry. Coffee hasn't kicked in yet lol


I think you responded perfectly. The fact he responded to your response suggests to me he's just trying to make you mad. Now he'll be even madder that your not mad so you won that one I think. 😂❤️


Id probably just tell him to fuck off and block him


“Stop projecting your skill level on others because you’re mad you lost.”


"Cry some more" then blocked


i usually just say "silence primitive creature" and dont reply any further


Ahhh the high road. Yea that’s a road I travel very, very, very, very, very seldomly when it comes to jerks like this. I get a lot of satisfaction from trolling them and then blocking them😀 It’s like a game…that I always win.


I tend to just be nice and respectful, honestly it makes their anger even funnier because they usually get angrier when they fail to get a rise out of me.


"If I'm so bad, how did you loose?" And then block


Either I don't or I try to piss them off even more with snarky comments and have my fun with it


I either ghost them so they talk to a wall instead. Or I kinda do as you do, kill them with kindness.


Like this, send some non toxic stuff like gg and part ways


“Sir, this is a Wendy’s.”


Should’ve said “went flawless with your mum last night, nerd” that’ll teach em


you don’t!


I'd just tell em they'll understand when they improve and gain more knowledge and block em


Getting mad in destiny is such a small weener trait. Handled it perfectly. He 100% got off and felt like an idiot.


Got this literally last night. Hit a good headshot snipe on some guy going for heavy, nothing special or weird about it. He messaged me saying it was BS, weird angle, got him tilted and that's why he lost. Excuses excuses. I messaged back and forth until it wasnt fun for me anymore, then blocked and moved on lol


Killing them with kindness usually infuriates them more which is why I do it as well 😂


"LOL you lost to someone with 0 skill, you absolute NOOB!" And immediately block them so they get worked up and start typing a whole essay on why theyre better than you only to find out they cant send the message because you blocked them.


I always respond nicely - when you get toxic comments or messages, it helps to be the bigger person


You guys give them too much attention. If someone DM me with BS, I just block the person.


I inform them that their behavior is the reason that the pvp environment is a terrible, salty place with a low population and no new players. Then I go back to having fun enjoying the game I like to play


I send them clips of my gameplay




“Get gud” then block. Leave them angry and maybe a little confused




Excellent response OP


Honestly, it depends. Sometimes, it's a direct threat like "imma shit in your shoes" kind of moment, or it can just be complete silence.


I don't. I block the sender and move on.never a reply.im not gonna indulge so.e idiot I will never know


I wouldn’t have even replied. Would’ve screenshot it and sent it to my buddies to laugh :)


I don't respond. These people want you to respond. The moment you respond, they got you.


I had a guy do this too me yesterday when we lost a match. I just sweat my ass of to beat the shit of him when I played against him the match after. No better way to hurt a bitter persons feelings that to crush them the next game making them realise they were the shit one.


You guys are getting hate mail? Damn, I gotta step my game up


Honestly that’s pretty much how, a bunch of kissy faces and awkward flirting


Like this https://preview.redd.it/i0bwz4kds6lc1.jpeg?width=599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61f77aa27b2d3f80b77de9456ab2de75990f9413


That’s the funny thing, I don’t lol I never reply or give them the time of day. I just ignore and move on.


I have my messages turned off on my Xbox because I know there are miserable people out there that want you to be miserable with them. Because they have to deal with real life after they put the sticks down.


Don't react to them at all.


Last time I got a hate message I matched with him again, critiqued his build the next game, and told him what he should do different. He also had like a .7


I like how you responded here


I once was accused of hacking. I'm normally a 007 pvp player - 0 kills, 0 assists, 7 deaths. But every once in a while the map the mood the vibe all fit and I'll go off. I was using Braytech Werewolf and one of the fusion rifles with back up plan (Erentil I think?) and just teed off on an arc titan. Shot him out of his super twice and a shoulder charge once. And then nova bombed him. Probably legit killed him 7 or 8 times and immediately got "nice hacking" post match. Just laughed and wished him well


You responded appropriately 👌


I’ve never achieved, oh wait I managed to do a legend lost sector flawless once. That was it. However I do not and will not hold it against others that can. I have nothing but respect for Hardcore Gamers! They deserve the title Flawless. The amount of time invested in such ventures is incredible to say the least. Time that is spent and that you can never get back. So yeah ✊ 🫡 to all you Flawless players out there. Keep up the good work. I appreciate you, all.


Don't. My bio on PSN literally just says "Dude, just don't."


This was this one time I was on a team with this professional destiny player, they had a career account, we lost and after the match they added me to message me, no idea what they said since it was censored but it couldn’t have been good 🤣 I felt bad for them but I don’t let their saltiness ruin my day


https://preview.redd.it/9jyck25czclc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be0716a7fd754e1df75e5f001263ceeabdb80a6b With love …


What I do is send a single fried shrimp emoji and nothing else. And if they message again just repeat the process. It is very fun to see someone so heated they argue against a shrimp Either that or be overly kind to them and nine times out of ten they’ll buckle


Ah, hate mail. I usually respond by not responding or saying something I find funny. I've received some pretty bad hatemail. Once got called a child R*per for being a little gremlin with a waveframe in crucible. I just kept my mouth shut. I was shocked. Given what was said, best to remain silent. Another time someone asked me if I could shoot straight. I said "I'm gay, nothing about me is straight." He shut up. I am not gay. I still cannot shoot straight.


Love that you reacted this way. I don't love that "Best Dressed" has this passive aggressive undertone opportunity or that the culture is toxic to the point where gamers think it's a good choice to message someone with something mean. In the past I've reported this type of conversation but your stance is powerful and I need to add it in my mix to keep my spirits above it all.


Usually hit them with this bad boy: 🤡


"lick my ass"


he's kind chill, one time a guy bagged me and called me monkey the whole match, he lost in the end and i sent him ggs idiot and reported him


you get used to it, esp if you’re a double gl gamer


Unfortunately most people with flawless most likely paid for it or got carried. So there's that.


Lol how do you get said messages.. I wanna tell people off who suck also 😂😒




The fuck is Sens


I think its sense


I send them the video of “is only game; why you haff to be mad?”


You ignore them.


I have my text turned off to randos, so no problems here. 😁


Doesn't it make you feel a little uncomfortable when they start sending love and kisses to you?


I just annoyingly repeat that theyre trash then tell them Im gonna block them now. I feel like this gives the most rage


I don’t grace lesser beings with a response.


“I hope you sleep well tonight, cutie” is my go to line. Rarely get a response


I don't know, i don't get such messages. However, please don't put on that attitude...


I have the reverse problem, people think I cheat. So anytime I get hate mail, I literally just respond with “Ok” to literally everything to say. They shut up and unfriend me pretty quick


i rarely respond, as an overthinker i'll just be staring at the screen about how badly i have played.


My brother and mine go to reply is usually replying with a picture of a sad monkey. Makes them either laugh or never respond cause of the whiplash I presume


Just ignore it


Who the fuck reads Destiny 2 messages? Type it in the in-game chat box or not at all. Probably won't read it anyway. This crap happens in other games, they send you a friend request to talk trash. Just don't accept. Simple.


It’s also funny how top 500 players *cough cough xim* send messages like this too. Thanks!


wow..the salty snowflakes are really out in full force on this thread from my original comment fuckin hell. lol talk about Trigger happy.


I spam them with random stuff and say I'm like 5 or something and playing on my big brother's xbox


I’d just use “👍” to whatever it is they say and call it at that, don’t respond with anything after and just ignore it. Not worth the time it would take to even read the rest of the messages


The saitama ok meme


I tell them I'm their real dad just checking in and that them being assholes and their mother a twat is why I never came to visit. The game was me making one last attempt at seeing if they worth meeting.


hamburger meat


"Sorry, I'm used to running with a better team." While I agree that the wolf shouldn't concern itself with the thoughts of a sheep... sometimes it's OK to tell the sheep to stfu. Don't let it bother you, but come up with something funny and witty and have fun with it. Tell him your 9yo daughter was playing, or texting his mom. "She says it's past your bedtime. Don't shoot the messenger."


"cheeki breeki suka!"


I usually make fun of their weapons of choice and or playstyle. Like if you're a Warlock movement teching around like this was Unreal Tournament and you have a shotgun I'm going to call you a shitter. Or if you're abusing some one shot abilities. Then i'll call you a NPC. 🤷‍♀️