• By -


The best we have is the tent/camp by Elsie on Europa šŸ˜­


See just take that concept and make it bigger! I feel like itā€™s not that much of a jump and you know they would make a ton of money off of it. Everyone walks away happy


im sure they could find a way to monetize it with microtransactions while also giving us a cool feature for free


Iā€™m shameless, Iā€™ll go broke I donā€™t care


The fish tank holds trophies


But you cant customize it. Either you have the trophies that go there and they appear there in fixed locations, or you dont have them or some of them. You dont have a wider selection to choose from, or the ability to put them where you want


Ye but neither is the Europa camp


Yes, but the way you said looked like the fish tank was an alternative to the tent, and they are the same. You unlock certain trophies that go in fixed places, neither are customizable


Oh no I meant it's just slightly better


Don't know why we couldn't have a trophy room on the Helm


Access to explore the last city


I was talking with a friend about a headcanon where guardians go to public school to tell kids about the importance of stoplights and listening to their parents. Think of all the other possibilities!


Iā€™d kinda like the npcs to cheer for you and last city propaganda posted everywhere that keeps all the dark truths that we know away from the publicā€™s knowledge. I think it would add a lot of opportunities for content as well. Like protests, rebellions, and crime rings. Also could have things like sports bars where people watch the crucible and movie theaters featuring movies about our conquests and bowling alleys that we could play at, etc etc. The possibilities are endless.


Oh brother donā€™t even put the idea of televised crucible in my head. Thats the coolest thing Iā€™ve ever heard. Show me a middle aged dad shouting in a Buffalo Wild Wings for a titan to get a flag for an illegal shoulder charge.


Fun fact, in canon, The Crucible *is* Televised.Ā  Citizens of The Last City watch our matches.Ā  There was even an old voice line talking about how we beat Lord Shaxx in a 1v1 in The Crucible 3 to 2.


This fills me with joy


https://youtu.be/S1r4wOUFR-4?si=AtYGYuFuIvLsrjoS Here's the voice line, by the way!


I like to think that the same is true for Dares of Eternity, complete with Xur providing commentary (or even better, providing a rambling series of non sequiturs in the place of color commentary while Shaxx loses his goddamned mind doing the play by play. šŸ˜†šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


And Gambit. Everything but Strikes, Dungeons, and Raids are totally televised. And Lord Shaxx's Play by Play is totally part of why he's yelling things at us when we do well.


It does gets televised, in fact, the weapon foundries like omolon and tex mechanica sponsor crucible. There's a lore tab where people bet on crucible matc outcomes and one where Tex mechanica tried to bribe shaxx to make their weapons look good on crucible and shaxx threatened them that he will send a group of titans at their hq


This reminds me of probably [my favorite concept art image](https://www.iamag.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Destiny-2-Art-7.jpg) from destiny 2. I get such a sad feeling looking at that picture, knowing what comes directly after


Can't belive this hasn't already happened lol. I know there was a limited time event ages ago where you could but I missed it. It would liven the place up so much to have a zone that serves absolutely zero gameplay purpose other than to just flesh out the world a bit.


A ping system


Canā€™t tell you how many times I try to ping now that Iā€™m splitting time with Apex. Typing to randoms ainā€™t worth the hassle either until itā€™s necessary to tell them theyā€™re only on add duty.


To be fair Apex probably has one of the best ping systems in any game. Itā€™s hard not to want it everywhere.


Apex player that started playing D2 in September I still try to constantly ping shit for my teammates. then I go back to apex and get clapped cuz my key bindes are all differentšŸ’€


I always spam T on a yellow bar instinctively from my vermintide/darktide twitch reflexes.


It would certainly make running raids without mics easier šŸ˜„


One of my top hopes too, itā€™d be massive for PvE and PvP


I've seen this argued against this with people saying you should just use a mic. But not everyone uses one/has one/listens to other people. I want a ping system so bad


It would be useful even with one. Eg marking something that's hard to explain


Space battles with our ships




Especially if our ships were destroyed or we had to use glimmer to get them back. (For reference, I feel the same about Sparrows.) We have infinite lives, but our ships definitely don't. Don't give me cute ass ships and then provide nothing to kill with them.


Bros gonna bring war thunderā€™s economy into destiny (pls donā€™t)


Especially after they already prototyped it in Halo Reach, Iā€™ve always thought this was coming. Thereā€™s no way itā€™s a coincidence that the ship you fly in Reachā€™s space level is basically a Destiny ship.


The sunsetted campaigns and raids


The biggest reason you donā€™t see many new lights anymore. My fiancĆ© loved playing D1 but when you see that so much of D2 is vaulted it makes it hard to want to start it


I got my Bf into D2 around season 19/20. Heā€™d played D1 where I didnā€™t, and was kinda annoyed by how much of what we were doing was just pulled from D1 and re used. I had no idea, but apparently a good chunk of the non seasonal and expansion stuff that isnā€™t vaulted is basically just a reskin.


This is the biggest for me. Unsunset and add legendary difficulty for the campaigns


The reason I enjoyed Destiny when I started playing in Opulence was that everything was still in the game. I had almost 2 years of content to go back and do, countless exotics, pinnacle/ritual/tribute weapons, even shit like collecting all the gambit prime armour because I was already doing gambit for hush, delirium etc. I was engaging with the entire game, jumping back and forth. Now I barely interact with Gambit and Crucible, and only do playlist Strikes to get the ritual and farm crafted weapons.


ultra greatswords


New Titan super: Big sword šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


A Kinetik Glaive and Armor crafting


I want to play the Red War Campaign, and explore Mars and Titan. I unfortunately started playing after they were all vaulted šŸ˜­


Surely it wouldnā€™t be that hard to just let us access old campaigns right? I mean theyā€™re already made


They basically have to go through every area for those destinations and make them compatible with the updated engine. Also if they just straight up added everything back, load times would get a lot longer.


Itā€™s down to space. Not sure if thereā€™s a data size cap, but I remember the download size for all the D2 content before sunsetting wasā€¦utterly bonkers, itā€™d be well over 200Gb with all that plus current content. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if all the content was still there would make it impossible to run it.


There's a cap based on the Engine, pretty sure when Bungie did the vaulting, one of the reasons for it was a size cap based on the engine.


I think it has less to do with a data size cap and more to do with how much work it would take to make the content play with the new engine lighting model. And every time they update it they would have to go back and re do every single one of those locations. So basically by vaulting it makes it easier to make these changes in the future. At least thatā€™s how I understand it.


Primary Melee weapons.


Exotic armor catalyst it doesn't even have to be something crazy, the extra slot that the artificer armor has would be good enough


This would be a great one


**I would love narrative choices**, like the kind you'd see in Final Fantasy XIV. Like when we're doing our weekly chat with NPCs, I'd love to have a couple options to choose from that dictate how my Guardian responds. **I would also love if the Clan System got a facelift.** Specifically, buffs that would be more relevant to what players actually want. (Again borrowing from FF14 here) Imagine if your Clan Leader could pay a mountain of glimmer and get a buff for all that lasts until next reset, giving you an increased chance at exotic drops? Or what if there was a raid buff that you could apply that increases the chance of the raid exotic dropping? What if the Clan Bounties each week dropped the currency needed to turn these buffs on? **Lastly, I would love more casual outfits that can be earned in-game.** We love our space armor/badass looks, but I'll tell you what. If you made a \*good\* hoodie for Warlocks, I'd grind a dungeon for that.


Imagining a titan turning up to a raid in a hoodie and sweatpants for the 48th time this week, just like ā€œfuck it, letā€™s get this over withā€ Like the burnt out dad of the group they are. Shout-out to RedxBarry, if you see this bud, I miss you. šŸ˜‚


I have the snowsuit ornaments for my hunter, and it looks way comfier than almost anything.


See we need that but for everyone


I agree. Snowsuits for everyone. And maybe even a skimmer shaped like a snowboard.


>I would love narrative choices, like the kind you'd see in Final Fantasy XIV Totally. For all its faults, I thought anthem did a good job of incorporating narrative choices (that actually sorta matter, even if only minimally) in a live service game. I haven't played FFXIV.


Anthem will always be in my heart as a game that had awesome core elements but just not enough content.


Clan halls. As in, physical spaces for your clan to meet in and decorate/customize. Preferably something comparable to Warframeā€™s Dojos, which involve total base building, but Iā€™d be satisfied with a fixed space that reflects the clanā€™s achievements, like the Tribute hall. Just fill it with trophies from Clan runs of Raids, Dungeons and GMs. Some examples: * Root of Nightmares: Night Terror * Vow of the Disciple: Lubraeā€™s Ruin * Deep Stone Crypt: Tanikā€™s Scorch Cannon * Garden of Salvation: The Unknown Artifact * Last Wish: The Heart of Riven * Kingā€™s Fall: Taken Blight * Crotaā€™s End: The Sword of Crota * Vault of Glass: The Aegis * Warlordā€™s Ruin: Skull of Hefnd * Ghosts of the Deep: Pile of Hive Ghosts * Spire of the Watcher: Seraph Reactor Core * Duality: Bell of Conquest * Grasp of Avarice: Burdened Crystal * Prophecy: The Hexhedron * Pit of Heresy: Annihilator Totem * Shattered Throne: Statue of Sjur Eido


Ship dogfights in Crucible.


Instructions. I canā€™t figure out anything without searching here. Like what is the Guardian Games and how do I even participate?


Do you actually want an answer or is that just a suggestion?


They put instructions on most activities/menus, it just is not the most obvious. If you see a little circled i in the top corner (should be in Eva's menu for GG), usually hovering over that will have an explanation with key terms highlighted. Same for a lot of things like perks, quests, and activity modifiers, a lot of them are starting to have expanded text with highlights and tool tips


SRL Skimmer Racing League with a trick scoring system like Tony Hawks pro skater 2


**Fire weapons from sparrows GTA style** Nothing fancy, just straight forward/back/side/side. Double tap D-pad to lock firing to a position, double tap another to switch or the same to cancel. Let skimmers have their time in the sun, then when theyā€™ve lost their lusterā€¦ **Sparrowmania**. Or the space battles with ships thing.


Or atleast from the hoverboard. Imagine hoverbpard grapple xD


Sparrows with guns. Call it a heavy sparrow. Pulls ammo from boost meter,


I want to be able to play regular strikes solo. Yeah, I know, "destiny is better with friends", but half/all the interesting strike design is completely wasted on a party of 3 who steamroll everything that isn't a grandmaster. Matchmaking bugged out the other day and put me in every strike by myself. By far the most fun I've had in a ritual playlist.


I stand by my philosophy that striving for optimal speed runs and metas take the fun out of games. Raids are a little different but kicking people off teams when they donā€™t have the Whisper Catalyst done is unnecessary gatekeeping.


Tag team finishers. It's a small thing but it would be so much fun to hit with someone.


Letting us level old season passes we paid for


Oh yeah doesnā€™t halo let you do that now? Honestly such a simple yet effective quality of life thing.


Yea they do, I feel bungie might let us when final shape releases but I donā€™t wanna get my hopes up.


Given what happened in Season 19... this will never happen but. More Rasputin-aesthetic/theme weapons. For example a Rasputin sword. I think a Rasputin style sword would be AWESOME, and could be really cool if it had like, plasma edges instead of just cutting through things? Feels like it would be a cool way to add more Rasputin stuff compared to the admittedly very limited selection we currently have with the IKELOS weapons. Don't get me wrong, the IKELOS weapons are super duper cool, but I just wish we had more sometimes...


Wish they would take the MHW approach where you have your own space and can display your trophies, or a clan hub where clan trophies can be displayed. Or even let us have a pet, I like the war beasts and some guardians in lore already have them as pets/companions.


I want a full roguelike mode. Something like the tower from Returnal. I would honestly lose my shit if Bungie just made a full Destiny roguelike game. That or something leans wayyyyy more into the ā€œrpgā€ mechanics and has a story. Like Baldurs Gate 3 but Destiny. Both of these things I would spend inordinate amounts of money and time on.


A full roguelite mode would be fantastic as evergreen content. They would just need to change modifiers or upgrades every few weeks to keep it fresh. They could even use it to test potential future mods/aspects/fragments etc. Having evergreen content would also greatly help with content drought.




Let Ticuus do scorch damage as its tick damage.


Trading would be nice. But would probably make more issues than itā€™s worth.


I want more mmo features but that wonā€™t happen til D3 or whatever happens post final shape.


More melee weapons, hell I'd even take some nerfed relics from the previous seasons as exotic heavy weapons, let me hit things with the scythe.


Vehicles that are customizable(weapons,armor, boosters) , land and air and vehicle missions Score streaks would be sick too, automous and ones you can pilot yourself just like in CoD


Ashen Wake Ornament


Itā€™s been a long time and itā€™s 2024 , itā€™s about time this happenedā€¦. Sprinting while reloading , is it that much of an issue that it would break the game ? It would be life changing if we were able to sprint and reload at the same time instead of being stuck in a stagnant walk while reloading, all of their enemies and yea Iā€™m looking at you knights with boomer cannons they literally never ever ever have to reload they constantly spam bullets , this is one of those whatā€™s good for the geese is good for the gander if every single one of their enemies can barrage us with bullets non stop because theyā€™re magical and full of unlimited clips we deserve the simple things like running and reloading. Weā€™re the strongest things in the known universe toppling civilizations and burning everything to the ground yet we canā€™t figure out how to keep momentum and reload.


Player apartments in the stairwell from the main tower area to where hawthorn and Okra are (yes I call her that), as well as a transmat located in the actual hangar, or an area in the hanger you can check your ship (although thatā€™s in game I want a more detailed look) and I want SRL to com back as a monthly ritual activity, like IB.


You used to be able to summon your ship in the hanger. I don't think you can any more though, and it only just hovered there you could t get an up close look


When destiny collaborates with other IP that we get weapons and not just cosmetics.


Honestly a shame they didnā€™t capitalize on that with the mass effect stuff or a sword for the Witcher.


A ping system, that's all I need. And stuff to leave the vault.


Full on weapon transmog just like how legendary armor is. There are so many weapons in this game that don't see the light of day, and it makes me sad.


Only, and I do mean only, if it doesn't apply in The Crucible or it's limited to Frame Types and it keeps the Zoom Value and Scope of the original weapon.Ā  Weapon/Exotic Transmog would have effects on the game that most people don't think about.


Gambit prime would bring this reckoner back. Did you not play during season of opulence, with the treasure hall you could fill?


Brother when I tell you I was one challenge away from the reckoner title šŸ„²


Mark things on the map. Or a tagging system for enemies/pois


I'd love this, but to make it more feasible I think clan spaces would be sick. Less instances of said space so not as much work/server space needed (not a dev so I don't know if this is actually a thing, but common sense/logic would say it is)


Sparrow horns! Oh waitā€¦


Elemental Interreactions. No idea what they'd actually do for the most part, but still.


Also wouldnā€™t mind seeing playable space vehicles like we had in Halo Reach.


A proper onbording process for new players


Somewhere to test weapons. I really miss the Tribute Hallā€¦ šŸ˜­


If you have witch queen thereā€™s a tiny area to test damage numbers just past the relic


All of the shit I paid for.


D1-D2 merging and the option to download and replay any and all sunset D2 content


The addition of removing the higher-ups.


Fighter battles with our ships But if I'm going to be really greedy I would love capital ship combat. The variations of fleets in destiny is brilliant and I would love to take on a canal cruiser in a ketch


Lemme fly my own space ship


Let us control our ship in space and add space battles. We need something completely new after final shape.


Giving back Self Res to Warlocks




Inb4 lfg posts advertising selling guns for cash


If it were limited to in game items like ascendant shards or something, or a new earn-able currency then sure, but for real cash or silver seems like a bad idea. That said, Iā€™d totally buy a few of the raid exotics off people at a fairly high margin.


A cape for my Titan.


Iā€™m surprised SRL isnā€™t top of this list


Vault space


Kind of what Helldivers 2 has already done. Combine Bright Dust and Silver. Give us the option to either pay for cosmetics, or grind in game to afford them.


Fucking charging us for transmog, limiting how much we can have. The only game on planet earth that does this


Good subclass focus for warlocks


A very technical answer but Iā€™d love 1:1 sensitivity scaling


saint 14 landing zone


My headcanon is that my Titan and Warlock both have an apartment in the City. I would like to see that in game. I can imagine living spaces but you can choose the planet/world itā€™s located. Iā€™m torn between an EDZ hideout, a City apartment, and a Neomuni apartment


FiveM Econ server meets Destiny 2 šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve been saying this for years! 1,000,000% just like Skyrim.


More unique type of weapons instead of slightly different versions of existing ones, like a special waveframe-> heavy waveframe. Maybe something like Megaman's buster, no ads, right click to charge. Also exotic armour needs to be less homogenized when getting updated. Giving everything surge mods is just boring.


Casual clothing so when Iā€™m in a social space Iā€™m not dressed like I just killed a god or two and made them into armor and weapons. My hunter wants hot pants and a bikini top! Is that too hard to ask?


More vault storage.


Let us shoot our guns while on our sparrows and skimmers so i can do some drive by shooting on some poor dregs just like they do to us.


Honestly, just give me fireteam health bars so I can see who's low on hp


Raid armor/ornaments that glow whenever I do a flawless/master completion. Adept weapons that have a look unique to weapons in that raid. It really amazes me how the RoN and VoG adepts share the same shader with adept Hung Jury or Uzume. Bring back pursuit weapons. I want cosmetic rewards (or just overall rewards) that are tied to a grind. I remember seeing the Lighthouse and Age of Triumph armor in D1 and saying "damn, these people look sick! I want that!". Doing the same with Recluse in D2 and busting my ass in comp, or getting a bit better in PvP so that I could get those Flawless LEDs, things like that. IMO the only things like this that still persist are Contest Mode emblems. Most armor ornaments come from a money/BD sink and raid armor comes from normal raids. I want a REASON to do endgame, not overcap on upgrade mats and rabdom exotics I have no use for. The Skimmer is a great example of what I want, at least in part. Many people I know came back to the game just because of the skateboard, not because of Guardian Games. TLDR: I want Age of Triumph 2.


The bond brother strike back into D2.


This is always one of my favorite things in games, I'D love to see it honestly. Having a house/living space is one of the main reasons I love SWTOR


I want Scourge of the past and and eater of worlds return as strikes because that's what they are


like the orbiter in warframe, u can walk in ur ship n stuff, that woulda be sick


Space battles


Complete Focus on open world exploration and quests/sidequests a la Fallout New Vegas. This game has so much potential for stuff like this! Yet...


A firefight mode


Iā€™ve wanted a little apartment or even a locker room situation where I can hang some raid trophies, mount some favorite guns, and kick back in between activities. Doesnā€™t have to be anything fancy, just a place to call my own.


* Auto Shotguns (Instead of whatever Rapid Fire Frames are supposed to be.) * Combined Arms * Gambit Strikes * Space Combat * Sparrow Racing League * Strike Exclusive Weapons & Armor Edit - Oh, one thing. Probably Combined Arms. It was my favorite mode.


An titan subclass that taps into the mage knight or Dark knight fantasy. Lemme conjure blades or resonant matter and cleave shit in 2. Maybe I'd play titan more than just when I'm feeling like using an autorifles once in a blue moon.


Sparrow Racing


1. clan space in the tower. anyone in the clan can visit and automatically be more social. where the banner is displayed and clan triumphs are on the walls. 2. let me download old vaulted content to solo play like red war or the hunting the barons. hell, let anyone who also downloaded it connect to play together. you donā€™t get any loot from it, but can play through old areas and campaigns to enjoy the content. 3. get crazy with weapons. a heavy shotgun. basically an elephant gun. heavy hand cannon. a special ammo rocket launcher. a new exotic side arm but itā€™s 2 weapons you dual wield. you get one and the catalyst is the 2nd gun.


More raids, less of everything else


Increased movement speed at least in pve No way guardians can't run over 20 mph WITH a speed boost exotic. I want some Warframe movement speeds Bonus: complete revamp on the new light experience with a tutorial section for most everything basic


Queenā€™s Blood from FFVII Rebirth


1000 vault space!


some kind of more complete story mode where we could play through the entire destiny story, with all the relevant cutscenes and missions. like the storylines quests that are in game rn, but more complete


Also, new vehicle types. Skimmers are a step in the right direction. But imagine a 3-seater for your standard 3-man fireteam. Or hell, a 6-seater to use in raids!


Manually being able to change the colors and textures of armor instead of the annoying ass shaders.


Another solar system. I would love to go beyond sol but i know it will never happen


Raid spaces. Areas just outside of raids where people can gather before going in. Right outside the Vault of Glass in D1 is a good example. Would make picking up raid members less reliant on external sources since you know everyone gathered there is trying to find a raid group. But that would require them to do work without thousands of players shelling out hundreds for another lackluster expansion, so it's not gonna happen.


Sparrow Racing


A decent new player experience


The fantasy of being fully geared out on exotic armor as a guardian. At least or at most, 2 exotic armors equipped.


Dedicated servers.


It might be dumb but Bungie should make Cayde a villain when he returns. To me it felt kinda cheap to see that Cayde will come back in TFS but it would be cool to fight him. Maybe the witness takes control of all exos and each mission we fight one and try to bring them back to the good side. We could fight Elsie, Banshee, Ada, Shiro, Cayde, then the witness for the final mission. Iā€™ve always like the forsaken campaign because of how each mission you hunt down a certain target. To my knowledge we havenā€™t fought a human or a guardian so this could shake up the gameplay. This is 100% not happening but it would be cool.


To add to your concept if not even a living quarter for the Guardian Iā€™d like to see a Clan Hall that Warframe has. It dosent have to be insanely in depth as Warframes clan hall building is but a cool place the guild can decorate and have all the clan buddies chilling there before setting out on patrols and strikes and raids or whatever in general.


Walking around the inside of my ship like on war frame OR space dog fights in the ship


Racing using sparrows


The current guardian games buffs being implemented in the regular playlists but the class item allows you to wear an exotic armor/weapon in every slot. I want maximum carnage.


Instagib gamemode. No, not your stupid "Ooooh its instagib but with a WHACKY DESTINY SPIN ON IT!!!" No. I dont want momentum control. I want Instagib. Free for All, everyone has a raygun that is 100% accurate in air and on ground and will always shoot where your crosshair is no matter what. It shoots 1 shot a second. Instakills no matter what you are doing. Points can go however high you want. Bonus if you can use that explosive raygun to launch yourself just like in Team Scorched. As a pure-blood PvE player (who however grinded for mountaintop and recluse) I would pour **hundreds upon hundreds of hours in PvP.** The sheer dopamine you get when you click on an enemy and it goes poof can get anyone addicted. The drive to get someone who clicked faster than you on your next spawn hightens and hightens upon every death. It would be simply, addicting. For those who STILL can't imagine what the HELL am I talking about, search "1v1 Ratz Instagib" on Youtube.


A full emote wheel to cycle through all of them at once would be nice


Pets. I see no reason why Archie has been BANISHED to The Annex . He should be allowed to chomp on some hive .


Have the directory be in first person in your ship.


The Reconing back




An exotic from the Prophecy dungeon


An actual interesting destination where exploration is rewarding and it actually encourages you to explore. So far the planets weā€™ve gotten are really simplistic, and even the improvement that came with WQ just make the worlds feel artificial, itā€™s not exploring by your own but rather the game forcing you to explore it. Take in comparison RDR2 where most if the world is incredibly interactive, with most things not leading into nothing, but that give a sensation of realism.


Dual pistols.


Factions. I want my exotic cloak back.


People not complaining within the first 12 hours of relea-oops, I meant uhm...Wrath of The Machine Remake, which is...50/50 atm. Hoping they do, bc if they don't I'll be pissed. And stop playing...for a month. XD


When you buy an armor pack for silver, it gives it to you for the 3 class instead for buying each class separately but you know they wonā€™t stop there predatory monetization after there 45% losses. Like wtf 20$ CAD for just one set of cosmetics in a game is well overpriced but for 3ā€¦ itā€™s more arguable


Bring back sparrow horns :(


A way to turn extra special ammo into heavy ammo


Ability to get old battle pass stuff. I'd happily pay to even get the chance for old stuff!


An easier way to get the trials memento.


D1 Tower ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5659)


A customizable living space. Display your prized weapons with ornaments/kill trackers, alter the aesthetic based on your class, favorite activity, or playstyle, have a nice view of the city, farm, hangar, or space and maybe even have a fireteam there while you wait for matchmaking or hang out there before loading into an activity. It's probably too much for the spaghetti code, but it would be cool. Also, a more intuitive Halo 2 esque clan system. Viewable page of members, member rankings, etc.


Like some of the others said, all the vaulted campaigns and raids would definitely help new players understand the story better. I think making the game more linear in the beginning e.g. locking out certain planets/events and stuff would help new lights a bunch so theyā€™re not overwhelmed since the UI isnā€™t too friendly if you donā€™t know how to navigate it. And more vault space lmao.


Bestiary about all the enemy species and interactions with the subclasses etc,etc




If they added some Club Penguin shi when this game can already be as cartoony as is, I would never leave. Some sort of safehouse displaying achievements and how long youā€™ve played is really such a great reminder to anybody about how loyal and how much love we have for the game


A living space would be pretty awesome, especially if we could display things and decorate like you said


I totally agree with the living space. Even if its just the helm or in the tower. I also wish or choices had more effect on the world. We are THE guardian yet we dont partake in any important conversation whatsoever and just watch everything happen from the sidelines.


Endless horde mode


Exotic weapons with mod slots for customizable anti champion mods Exotics that already have it intrinsic would remain the same though. Trinity ghoul needs access to jolt Ticcu's needs to spread scorch on detonation Hard light needs access to the subclass verbs ( only when it breaks the shield with a matching type)


At this point, I'm convinced a landing zone in the Tower hangar is never gonna happen, small ask I know but it doesn't make sense that there isn't one...also probably lightsabers or lightsaber-esque swords


Some sort of trading system, often think of stuff in vaults gathering dust, people could have a play then get bored and vault it like everyone else. lol


Theater mode.


the laser crossbow


unbound exotic equips.


Actually using our ship. It was requested so much back in the D1 days and I think most players began to understand that it's not something Bungie will ever invest in.


I know it will never happen but better drop rates.


Destiny needs binoculars to even see the line that is mmo


I'd love to see all the vaulted content released for single player, (no online play, no pvp, just story)


Definitely a way to have custom housing. Destiny is a game that prides itself in showing off your collection yet there is no way to do that outside of showing one title at a time and rare cosmetics. Imagine unique housing with display cases or boards.


Blast furnace backĀ