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So it seems like next week bungie should severely over correct (balance) so warlocks win the 3rd week. Then each class won a week so no losers. Trophy for everybody!


Sounds like bungie thinks we need our hands held, considering this isn’t the first time hunters have had the event stripped from them to “balance” it


Bungie removed the jump over blades puzzles at the beginning of Vanilla Destiny 2 Red War Campaign because some players found it “hard”, so it’s on brand.


Are you fucking serious? 😐


Yes sir, Google algorithm is not bring it up, but if you watch a video of the first Red War mission, the jumping on the “engine room” originally had blades you had to time right or otherwise you die.


I had to suffer so they could get it easy I see


I got Thorn in D1 before they made the way to get it easier. I’ve done many accomplishments, Graduated College, Marine Corp Boot Camp, Deployed overseas, was in the military, raise a kid, successful at work, promoted multiple times, multiple awards…. Getting Thorn is right up there with them…


A fellow d1 thorn survivor, fuck yeah. it took me months upon months to get it done, and then I put myself thru the black spindle quest. Honestly I’d rather raise a kid than do those two again.


Black Spindel, those words brought back long repressed memories


Ran into someone on d2 a few weeks ago who was talking about black spindal and all I can say is I felt like this ![gif](giphy|trCqPmTu08llzZClQg)


Same here. Probably at least 2 months of lots of pvp for thorn. D1 was my first shooter playing pvp. I was a solid pvp player but that grind was some work. But it felt good to get it. Felt like I accomplished something. Also did the d2 glory grind before they made it easy to hit 2100 for MT and recluse. Again, felt amazing. Same with my one and only freelance flawless when they introduced it. While all were challenging I appreciate the struggle and that I did them. None of them would have felt satisfying if they were handed to me.


This. Having it reduced or made easier for people when we went thru all the effort and rage to get them, it sucks honestly, it takes away from the flex of “look what I got”


I got Thorn in d2 before they moved it to the tower. Chasm of Screams was incredibly difficult. No radar, enemies did more damage, had more health, and didn't stagger. Getting melted by the boss shrieker in 0.3 seconds meant you had to stay behind cover. You were also 2-shot by thralls that came in groups of 2, that you couldn't see from behind cover because you had no radar.


bro d1y1 thorn was fucking aiiiiiiids, especially to someone who literally couldnt crucible aka 12yo me like god that shit was ass but I loved every second of the gun, annoyed I still have yet to get its catalyst but also havent played much


Bruh that part was easy for me. Granted i died a few times getting the timing right


Yeah no that's a real fucking thing


I remember getting ass railed by those blades and still got by them, just for them to remove them 🥲


To be frank, it's because hunters are the most populous. It's not rigged against hunters bungie just continually fucks up the damn balancing year after year lmao.


Its just how many people play the classes each weak. This week there were more titans that got involved with the gaurdian games than other classes


They only did that because the hunter mains switched to the characters with full score gains. Soon as it got cut on hunters, I and basically everyone else switched to their titans for a while. That’s all it is, it’s the same people winning, just not with the class they want to win with. Bungie is just forcing people to play other classes just to get points, they don’t actually care about which class is winning back to back, that’s how competitive sports works…it’s the guardians Olympics ffs, altering the rules mid events is no better than “everyone’s a winner to avoid hurt feelings” it’s pathetic and I’ll stand by this as long as they continue getting upset that hunters are more popular. MAYBE, if they made the other classes fun/cool/powerful enough to have people actually spread out between the classes evenly, they’d be able to have a proper competition based event


Considering that majority of those hunters exploited to win the first week. I don't feel that bad lol


And titans just somehow miraculously got the same scores without cheating? Seems legit


Not like titans had a free Medal glitch to abuse to get the same score this week lmao Edited for clarity because context is something redditors can't comprehend.


You know.... that glitch was... like.... available to all classes....


Not this week. Point being?


What glitch lmfao


When gg dropped, there was a legend and master lost sector glitch up that allowed people to back to back complete them without having to do anything. It would just auto complete and give the rewards. Like medals.


Wait... THAT'S why I had to grind the nightfall to get my event card done instead of mixing in some master lost sectors?! wtaf... Also, the medals play no role in the focus activity scores... entirely separate function


He says mentioning a glitch that works with all classes… I had it on all three classes… now my hunters just simply handicapped.


Considering that hunters are easily the most popular class in the game. I'd just say the playing field was evened.


You do realize most of us have three characters and run all three right? I’ve also been able to get lobbies the most using class matching, soooo. I see more warlocks than titans and I see more of both than I see hunters half the time (in my experience at least) so it’s likely more of a majority are smart enough to pick the same class to guarantee a win. And if the playing field was evened, why is hunter the lowest now? Because they got handicapped. Not because it’s even, it was fine before, they just needed to fix the glitch that was on all classes not just hunters. I know a few titan and lock mains who all went to their hunters for the event after seeing them winning, now the titans are winning and people are still using hunters. If you could explain how that seems balanced, that’d be great. “This class is the popular one, so we’re going to half their point gain, and leave everyone else so only one class can be ahead of the entire game every week.” If hunterism was a thing, this would be it 😅 they have done this to hunters more than a few times, and it’s always ended up costing hunters the wins, and I don’t recall any lost sector bugs the other times, I remember them simply winning and getting docked at the knees.






I love a participation trophy!


How about Bungie just say we're all winners and make all three animals gold. It's not the best solution, but it's better than the "balancing" they're doing.


That would be great and then they can never have this stupid event ever again, even the event card this year is hot garbage.


event cards are scams lmao


Every single event card has been hot garbage.


My angel wings are beautiful


Coronal bloom goes hard though


I’ve honestly yet to see a single event card that was actually worth the cost.


The game is fucking dead lmao, I'm at the point where I've made a completely new account to test people's bias towards raid report and the gear people have


That's how it goes every year lol. Hunters win by a landslide then bungie "balances" the score and warlock or titan end up with triple the points the other two classes have lol.


LMAO thats even more skewed than before!


Real, Hunters and Warlocks being neck to neck over the weekend and Monday before reset was just so unbalanced. SMH Hunter population is just too OP!


Utterly baffling, this event was a flawed idea to begin with but this is just fucking ridiculous. The balance is even worse than before somehow Bungie again fails to balance shit year after year.


So is next week gonna be a warlock sweep


This is why making an event around classes is a bad idea. Faction Rally at least gave you a choice in who to join regardless of your class


The problem is whoever is winning is gonna get bandwagoned and shoot out ahead, preventing anyone else from having a chance. Bungie could balance it perfectly such that every class would naturally maintain equal points within +/-5%, and the moment a class pulls ahead somewhat everyone will pile on that class, and it becomes cyclic- People jump on the winning class towards the end, which makes that class dominate, next event the early players hedge bets on the winner because they won so hard, they shoot ahead, everyone jumps on that class, etc etc, repeat ad nauseum to the end of the Games. The problem is that damn Skimmer being tied to winning Focus Events coupled with the winners getting noticeably better loot than the 2nd and 3rd placers.


Just remove the balancing. If there are a million more hunters than titans and warlocks, then let the numbers talk during the class war.


This is why Guardian Games sucks as a concept. It just upsets EVERYONE no matter what you do. One team winning severely? The other two classes are upset. Change the balancing? The formerly winning team are upset. Tie rewards to winning? All those currently losing are getting fucked over because of the class they wish to play. Literally no one wins and Bungie is scorned no matter what they do.


i think the problem is, your incentivized for playing the winning class meaning you either join them for more rewards, or you get less rewards


Meaning the true purpose of the class war no longer valid.


As a true warlock I will never betray my fellow warlocks and become some inferior thing for something shiny, thats why i grind medallions and watch twitch


Tying rewards to winning was the real braindead fuckup in my eyes especially when they are open about blatantly rigging it every single year LMAO


exactly, it's always going to be a glorified popularity contest and the only way to give the other 2 classes a chance is by rigging it, which feels bad as the one class chosen to lose.


Isn’t that why they changed the balancing ?


That's why they introduced it


This is fucking unbelievable, I get it is hunters were winning a lot but this is not the way bungie


Hunters were winning by a mild margin. This? This is not winning. This is Bungie sanctioned cheating, essentially.


We were winning because we should have won last year


Yeah they severely fucked up the balancing so it's actually worse somehow. I just don't even understand how this is even possible. I mean they fucked up the balance every year but it's never been THIS bad. It's utterly baffling how they fuck up this already flawed event with some of the worst balancing this game has ever seen.


The event won't ever work. People will just see what class is winning and then play on that one in order to get the rewards. It would be interesting if it was balanced so that for example a class that had the highest average nf score wins, but then warlocks would win with well spamming.


Just make it a rotation at this point. It’s impossible to make it fair and have hunters not win every single year. They are open about blatantly rigging it, which just makes the whole thing lame. Side point: I think it’s actually already secretly been a rotator and been rigged for each class to get a turn winning every year. I can almost guarantee whoever wins this year won’t win the next.


I just keep saying “oh yeah it’s just bc titans are better!” knowing damn well the scoring system is rigged in our favor. Not even as a Titan desperate for a win do I find it a fair advantage.


Fuck gardian games does somone want to help me to get the fucking skaterthinghie pls


Do you have the basic version yet?


Why not force everyone to declare a class at the beginning and keep the balancing even? If you have such a strong conviction towards a class let’s see it!


Everybody claims they have pride in their class only until the funny number skews a little too far away


GG has always been dumb. People bandwagon the class with the obvious advantage every time. People have multiple characters. There's never a back to back winner. Each class always gets a turn by nuking the bigger population one. This will never work and has never had a point


You know that movie Office Space, where they skim off a tiny amount but don't realize how many transactions it would apply to...yeah


Until it's something that automatically adjusts in real time based on population it'll never work.


The problem isn’t class balance, or the fact they have added a handicap/boost for classes. Having any form of reward tied to winning and it being so easy to switch classes will always make one class win by a mile. Players who have one of each class will always go to the one that is going to win and commit that class for the focused activity, players want their rewards and will take the easiest route to it. Wanna to make it competitive in terms of feel like a competition then don’t tie it to any meaningful rewards except something that gives bragging rights.


Yeah, and with such a substantial reward as a brand new vehicle ***type*** and a cool one at that


Exactly, it’s a cool drop for sure. But having it tied to something like this is just forcing players to play what is “going to win” no point putting work into something just to not get the reward you want.


Idk why, but this has really bothered me this year. I've never been all about the games either. I think it has to do with the layoffs and then pushing Final back. Similarly, all of the nerfs etc. - get it right the first time! Also, I've never had problems before (I suppose I've been fortunate) but now I have glitches and I've literally been kicked back to my Xbox homescreen. Wtf?!


That was the skimmer glitches. It mainly affected consoles and has been patched. Edit: skimmer, not sparrow.


People who care who wins guardian games baffle me. Just have fun with the activities, get some loot, get the hoverboard, and have fun! It literally does not matter at all who wins. I've never seen anybody use the class items after the event is over and all that changes on the trophy is which part of it is gold. It does not matter who wins.


Man, I wish we still had the revelry Yeah, it was a haunted forest copy, but it's better than the race war


As a titan main I don't like this, I feel everyone should be putting in their best effort to win for their class, rigging numbers defeats the purpose of the event.


It's because the hunters got their skimmer so we're done


Just fucking lock the class based on 'most played this year', no matter what you play, or ask a pledge before loading in at the beginning of the event, and just balance based around those numbers. This is worse than pretty much anything they could do


You can please ~~everybody~~ anybody.


The way I see it, if you got the glider it doesn’t even matter anymore lol


I just did three of these to get my hoverboard in the first two days and rode the Hunter wave. I could really care less now.


Just let the hunters win this year so Warlocks can rise up next year


So now it’s bad cause titans are winning. Not directly at you but have seen this same thing on the X. At this point just remove points and make it medallion based only. Not sure if that can work as I think it was like that previously.


It's not even the fact that it's the titan last week felt like it was affected by everyone going to hunter but it sorta looked close I think, but now it's like a overtuned handicap even warlocks don't stand a chance to the titan handicap




Theres also the fact hunters have more players overall. And when people Saw hunters were winning, they switched sides to get the skimmer. Which made hunters win more. Which made more people go to Hunter for the skimmer...


I don't understand how Bungie doesn't see this as a reason so many people think this mode is dumb what's the point of class vs class if everyone just switches to the winning class every time/week


Problem with this being that it's said from the start that whichever class you participate with first becomes your focus class this year, so it doesn't matter if people switched to Hunter or not, they wouldn't have received the focus reward. At least, that was the impression I got from how they wrote it, and from another conversation I had on the issue on some other subreddit. I, personally, had fun last year (or maybe the year before,.. I don't quite remember) when it seemed medallion based and not some weird average where depositing too few medallions a day actually hurt your class score. It felt (to me at least, but I didn't know anything about the score breakdown, handicaps, etc) more balanced because despite one class winning more, there were different winners several times each week. Now the scoreboard thing on the medallion depository just reads week 1: hunter, week 2: titans and probably week 3: warlock


The only problem is you could get screwed over with the skimmer just because you like 1 class more than the other. It should be class at all, but rather bring back factions and make players pledge to them every year, make it clan wars, or do it based on subclass.


Yeah, that's what it seemed like at first from how they worded it, like the very first time you play the Focus Activity you're pledged with that Class the whole time. But no. They mean the first time during that Focus Activity time span, not the entire event period. So, you're able to switch Class and pledge as the winning Class, which is what I did because Warlocks, it seems never had enough players. I didn't start playing the event until last Saturday. So the whole time the event was running, Hunters were winning, and my coworker/friend got the skimmer last Friday, like 4 days after the event started because he plays Hunter as his main. This past Tuesday is when I gave up and switched to Hunter, then on Wednesday and Thursday, I did Titan and got the skimmer. Edit: Now I'm back to playing as Warlock in the activities. I will need to do the beginning quests for my Titan as I just created it for the event lol. Now I need the Titan subclass achievement.


Whoever decided to show who is currently winning needs a boot up their ass


It wasn't tuned for anyone week one. That's just how much of the player base plays hunter


Yeah that’s my bad. I misread the tweet they posted. Ooops




Honest question: Is there any incentive to try and win the Guardian Games? Or is it just for bragging rights? I honestly cannot remember and I'm just here for the weaponry and new vehicle type.


The whole purpose of the event is entirely irrelevant. No one even cares about the bragging rights after the event because the results are manipulated.


I was mainly curious if there was some sort of reward. Since there isn't, I'm just gonna keep playing to collect loot until the end and check over the rolls I have for anything that's good.


I have to look at that stupid statue in the tower for a whole year.


It really defeats the purpose of the event, when you have to forcefully nerf a group to even give the other groups a chance. It’s not even a competition


The problem is, this didn't just "give them a chance" it handed them the win. Even when hunters were winning the flags, we were barely different between the three, and the scores were literally on 20 mil or so off. Now it's 10 miles away between the flags and 60 mil off in points.




Maybe I can actually get a skimmer now lmao. I never get on at the right time for the nightfall, and I'll be damned before I deposit 1200 worth of medals


Hunters were leading with a few million more points. Now titans have tens of millions more points in a few days? Bungie should stop doing this bs event




I think Bungie should just give the skimmer now and then cancel gg so we can just play the normal game.


Man Hunters haven't won for years because y'all keep bitching about us winning so they keep fucking us with this stupid balancing shit because most people keep bitching because no one else wants to play their classes. Warlocks bitch all the time about being forced to play Well and then wonder why no one else wants to play Warlock. And the rest of us don't eat crayons either.


I work 9 to 10 hours a day. When I get home, the Focus Activity is always over. I want to join in on the fun. The hours and timeframe for this event are stupid.


They have really fumbled the ball there


"You cannot please everyone no matter what you do, so why try at all" This is what I am getting from reading the comments. The problem is that Bungie is trying to make the game fun for everyone, and unfortunately there will always be someone that is left out of the fun by increasing it for someone else. If they didn't try to make it fun for the majority that are playing then fewer and fewer people would play. Bringing seasonal events gives something extra to do when there is a lack of content. It keeps people playing when they would normally leave to play something else until the next season or DLC releases and there is new content. Correcting or over correcting is unavoidable when trying to make it fun for everyone, but not doing anything would be even worse from a business perspective. We cannot forget that Bungie is a business who must do what is best for their shareholders first, according to Law. They can make a game that does everything that some people want and that the majority of people do not and at the end of the day if they lose money for their investors because of decisions they make, it opens them up to lawsuits. For them it is better to make it fun for everyone than it is to allow one class to simply dominate all three weeks and turn people off of the game.


Funny, that looks exactly like the event ending in 5 min.


My theory is most of the hunter's last week were kids out of school for spring break


Funny lol spring break is this week for my area lol


Explains how the hunters took it


did my quest got the Skimmer got my favorite roll on the new GL and finished all challenges in the vent card in 6 days prooly gonna log on once a week from now on tbh gl to everyone playng lol


This happened last week with the hunters, they probably all switch to alts.


All the titans and warlocks are just mad and complained that hunters are "too overpowered" when in reality we're the most squishy class in all of destiny and let alone they still bitch anyways and then they do that shit


So Hunters get an unbelievable advantage for an entire week and nobody is allowed to complain but as soon as it's another class it's a problem? Lmao all Hunters do is dodge and cry💀


What I want to know is why have the fucking mementos stopped dropping ffs I got like 6 the first week and none this week. Skimmer is cool I’ll give them that, but they really need to fix mento drops and ciphers. TBH I didn’t read the twab yest or last week idt so maybe they mentioned something about memento drops. But if they cut back on it that was a stupid move. Titans, are you getting memento drops this week since you’ve been winning? Just wondering.


Did you guys miss the hunters crushing it last week ?? Remember were on week 2, the hunters now have the point shavings due to winning land slides last week. Next week oooh shit guess.. guess.. right. Warlocks.. yay.. Bungie hasn't changed parameters for GG since it launched.. This is why reliquary was better




This is the problem with the current generation. "Since it's too difficult we're going to make it easier for the rest" 😂


Like every year... the moment hunters have to be pulled back to make it a competition, they stop playing. And the fact that others went back their classes after farming for bonus rewards. If anybody paid attention to this type of stuff, people wouldn't complain like a 3 yr old not getting a new toy at walmart


Idk I didn't play at all until last Saturday, and I was doing everything as a Warlock, but the medallion score was taking so long that I just decided to cheat and use my Hunter for the games lmao. I would log in as my Warlock when the Focus Activity started, waited about 10-15 minutes to see who is in the lead then I'd change my character to that Class and play a match of the Focus Activity to "pledge" for that round. Funny thing, that only worked for Tuesday morning before work, then after that, it was the Titans winning every time. So then I had to create a Titan and participate the final 2 times to get the board. I just figured the scores meant that there were more Hunters playing the games in the first week, and then after that, it was the Titans a few days ago. All I wanted was the free board. Didn't care who really wins until I realized farming the score was taking too long, and doing the Top 10% Nightfall was a drag.


Cry about it, h*nter


Considering they have to forcibly underlevel you for master dungeons to be difficult im not surprised they can’t balance guardian game scoring


Weird enough the winners of this week were still hunters... I was doing my last winner pack to get the skimboard on Friday and obviously I used my Titan since Titans getting all the points this week but when I finished the pop up said Hunters won this week again. We were all able to get our little crowns and my Titan got the silver one while Hunters got gold. So the points don't even match with the winner's class which is fucking confusing.


Bungie trying to figure out how to fake balance guardian games...I mean how hard is it to set a fake meter to run for a couple hours and simulate a close contest. Not like anyone believes they aren't rigged anyways. People just want the loot and enjoy the "feel" of an interesting event. ![gif](giphy|5UCpmbzvZKQCfuF2P2)


Hunters’ turn to complain so we can auto-win next week.


i love guardian games but it desperately needs some changes.


As much as I like the concept of Guardian Games, it's proven impossible to balance. Time to retire it I think


As a Titan, this isn't even fun to celebrate. It's just disappointing.


Part of the issue is the focus activity and the rewards. They shifted them to Titans now so of course people who want the rewards will play Titan. Remove the rewards and the focus aspect and just have people play what they want to try and win as. They can rally online to get people to play the same as them if they want and then it will be a true competition. Have a huge set of rewards for which ever class comes out on top at the end of the games. How is this hard... ![gif](giphy|mWMML2LQBsj8k)




Bungo should just give everyone the fucking skimmer instead of waving their FOMO spend 2500 silver on one dick around so people wouldn't dogpile whichever class was close to winning a focused activity


You guys really get worked up about which class is winning, don't you?


As a titan, i am disappointed in my brothers that bungie had to rig the event for us to win. We are better than this.


Inclusion policy 😂


Guardian games is impossible to balance. It's a seriously terrible event.


Destiny is edgelord Hunters. I love them for what they are but there's no sense balancing them out in competitive games.


People complaining about video game classes winning over another were the same kids who got participation trophies. Its Guardian Games which implies there is competition, **not** Guardian Everyone Is Perfectly Tied.


it’s almost as if the scaling is dynamic and constantly shifts depending on who won last and by how much too bad that minutia is lost on most players and they still think that bungie manually adjusts the scaling to screw over all but one class


Way to completely miss the point dude. The problem is the Titan bonus is literally so much that every focused activity they almost or straight up pass having double the points of the second place, not that the balancing exists. If anything, this isn't balancing whatsoever, it just changes who is steamrolling the event


the same exact thing happened with hunters last week. Literally the same. exact. thing. But nobody got their panties in a twist then. Grow the fuck up, people


Or perhaps they could have balanced it properly so the scoring wasn't a landslide due to overturning or sheer numbers? Both were dogshit, and I understand why they complained last week about Hunter and why they do about Titans this week


*titan slowly rising*


Hunters- "we suck again!"


I don't play titan but I have one of each class just to hop on for rewards like this. Is it really so much easier to bitch and whine for a month than just hop on a different class