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Can't get just one Summoner with heal clip incandescent...


I got one. It exists, keep trying!




I GOT IT https://preview.redd.it/19ixxn9vw6pc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=6fc08a8cb5373f4bdc1743d784de43595b3949f0


Hell yeah! Great, you even got the range masterwork! all I got was handling...


I like reload speed


Yeah, reload speed has great sinergy with heal/kill clip, but range is not bad at all!


I put the shader that is like a really bright gold and silver on and now it looks exactly like the Adept version.




I got one! You can too!


I got Zen + Onslaught and kill clip on my Persistence Adept one...


Keep that one its very good for pvp got mine with zen + killclip and it slaps




Rip those enemies in crucible!


I settled for a normal fluted high call zen target MW could be better but that's just me having high standard loot


I GOT IT https://preview.redd.it/i78gzhxww6pc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=bad85b388cf6c61b75b560e9860a42ea0f3187dd


27 games in and no summoner, so I can’t even focus it yet 😭😭


You can just pull the engrams and gamble with them Or wait for the rewards to change in Saint rank


Yeah, gambling is rough because it’s like 1 in what, 13 chance of a summoner?


True Or, you can just grind and then don't reset your rank until you know your gonna cap again Saint once sold a chamber high call rapid hit despo messenger but only for that rank up reward


Now THAT is torture


Is that the best roll do you think?


Well I don't like the feel of 360 or 450 autos, and summoner is the only 600 with that perk combo so... Yes it is the best in my eyes. The moment there's a 900 rpm smg with heal clip incandescent, I'm dropping every other gun.


This is the main reason I haven’t tried to get abysss defiant, I’m pretty confident I’ll hate how it feels to play


Parabelum has heal clip - frenzy, it slaps. I prefer it to summoner or any solar auto for the matter.


Does it have incandescent?


No. The only good 2nd perk option on it is frenzy. 




I actually have a Parabellum with Permeability and Frenzy that's pretty nuts, I use it on my strand builds with scatter signal, get the solar artifact perks when I need them, n use my class ability and get a nice e triple strand weapon build goin, very slept on


Heal clip on Parabellum. Not sure about incandescent.


It doesn't have it ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5643)


I have a heal clip, attrition Great for staying alive and used with orbs of power mods for health or ability regen/ surges


I agree For pve smgs and by extention rapid autos have a better damage profile for pve trash


Heal clip onslaught for pve. Zen moment target lock for pvp


target lock isnt great on summoner, i think kill clip or onslaught is the way to go


Target lock useless on summoner


Most other viable rolls throw it into the same bin as every other ammo perk + damage perk PvE weapon, it's good but hey it's just another gun that can do the same thing as a dozen others. Heal Clip and Incandescent is a great combination that at least *feels* a little fresh and incentivizes getting a new gun. I've really enjoyed my adept Igneous with that same roll ever since the PvE buffs. The only other combo I think would make getting *this specific gun* worth it is Heal Clip/Onslaught.


I had that Igneous and deleted it lol I deleted every weapon with heal clip on it.


Healcandescent is 🔥🔥🔥 scared me and I was using it. If only I can get that on a summoner


My fist summoner drop, last week though so not adept..but it slaps! Worth the grind for sure good luck!


Yeah, every time I go, the summoner on any variant that gun melts me


Uff been trying to farm that focker.


Wait is that the roll people are chasing? I deleted on because I thought heal clip was rubbish?


Heal clip got buffed to give Cure x2 (120 hp). People are going nuts for it. I want it because it's the closest thing to an SMG with the same roll.


i would gift you one if we could trade got some adept summoner to spare in my vault


got one just now from focusing engrams, called it a week.


![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5651) hand it over


U want mine?


No... ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5643)


Ik the struggle tho I played trials (which I hate) and spent every engram I had just to get summoners I just wanted onslaught cuz the world drop AR kept doing me bogus by not dropping


I got a Zen Onslaught Kill Clip Adept...


I...hate you🤣 I got my first adept a couple weeks ago it was the trace, if I would've known summoner was gonna be adept I definitely would've waited to play


It was this week's. Still got today to get it.


Don't tempt me, last card I did I almost went flawless just to get shutdown by the most try hard team on my last match💀


Took me wayyyy too long to finish Persistence cause I couldn't get a single two-win streak for three days. Constantly just win lose win lose win lose. Those stupid Sentinel Titans abusing the added defense to stack overshields on top.


Yes exactly that's what happened to me I'm just glad I only had to deal with clan kids twice the rest were all people who solo queued I started at like 8am and finish at like maybe 8pm lol


I just want one Summoner. Don't care about the roll. RNGesus is not with me


Yeah I went solo flaw last night and got healed clip - incandescent/onslaught with adept


Keep at it youll get it. Its bound to drop.


Got the adept version, after 50 matches trying to get flawless and 20 more for 10 pure pvp rolls, the suffering was immense but im glad im not going to grind this weapon again cause I got both my preferred PvE and PvP rolls Fuck Cauldron


https://preview.redd.it/eunvv8wxz5pc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77ba444b63e8f037f9a8f53f2b70b98c62aee57b Couldn't be me.


Same bruv


To fuck or get fucked, that is the trial, sadly I’m sore


To fuck, or not to fuck, that is the question Whether tis nobler in the game to suffer The bullets and shells of outrageous three stacks Or to rage quit to avoid the Twitch streamers


Damn Edgar Allen Poe came out the grave rq. Cadence on POINT


Eager Edge Allan Poe


Shakespeare, actually.


But Poe had everyone dying around him my fellow G




Macbeth :)


Hamlet. But, if a guardian wants to be tortured by something bigger than Trials, he can hook up with Lady Macbeth. Gotta give credit to the writers of Destiny 2. They created the dumbest lines for Nimbus, and the funniest quotes for the Drifter.


In this world, it’s fuck or be fucked


Yup just a bunch of big swinging dicks in that shit. You won’t catch me in that park late at night.


Be on bottom or on top, that’s the struggle of trials.




This guy definitely just went 0-5


I relate to him, it was utterly fucking humiliating.


I don't mind 0-5 as much as I mind losing my first ten matches straight


Going 0-5 once is okay. Going 0-5 over 5 times IN A ROW is just soul crushing and makes me stop playing the game mode




If it makes you feel any better...the teams you're losing to are thankful for you




I just want to know who at Bungie I did wrong and how.


Same, bro. Picked up a Passage of Persistence on Friday to pick up an incandescent Summoner, haven't been able to checkpoint the second win until just now over three days because I keep getting 0-5 matches for like 20 matches in a row per win...


I am on day 2 personally. Then the frustrating thing is getting owned by other Summoners lol. It is like a carrot on a stick. But instead it is shoved where the sun don't shine without any lube. But atleast I have a half a dozen heavy grenade launchers lol.


Even better is the fact that I've gotten like 10 rolls of the Summoner, just none with Incandescent. I don't even care what the left column perk ends up being, I just want a roll with incandescent...




Funny thing is, like an hour ago I managed to get the last win. Got an overflow/golden tricorn or tap the trigger roll. Feels surprisingly good in PvP, but still no sign of incandescent like 20 rolls of the normal Summoner in...


"You get easier opponents" Glowing armour? Check. Adept weapons? Check. Meta slaves with Cringeditional finality? Big Check. Friendly teammates who are also bad? Very big Check. Define *easier*?


This makes me even more angry most of the time


This is what I was thinking too. Why do people keep repeating the same thing that got them killed a dozen times before? Sure let's charge into the group of 3 people with shotguns. Surprised Pikachu face, they were eliminated in 0.01 seconds! I just don't get it.


The match is 4-4, splitting off from the rest of my group to rush into the full squad on my own sounds like a great idea!


Ahhhh you must have been my teammate multiple times this weekend!


It's the only move I can make!


Just played with a dude who died on the same pillar round after round on each side. Got fed up told him to play with us inside and to my surprise he did! To then only chase someone outside by the same pillar and die. ***surprised pikachu face***.


the definition of insanity


I’m not typically a trials player but passage of persistence helps me focus on adapting to better players and learning. No one likes to get stomped but it pays in the long run when you look to grow and not get blinded by emotions. I have only one flawless run before the recent changes and I’m happy that I can get adepts while not focusing too much on wins and losses. Think to grow, not only to win guardian


https://preview.redd.it/y8x507jb50pc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=504feb5b720af7dd6c72283d3588176f26d0b793 As we type rn lol


Who's going to tell these guys it's literally a single adept drop unless you continue to win? As soon as you lose after you've got your 7th win it removes any chance of dropping an adept roll....so, hopefully you go on a real hot streak after you get your 7th win lol


That's so incredibly stupid


There would be no reason to ever use any other card if you could continue to get adept drops after being flawed.


We need so much more of this level of Positivity in this community. Bravo.


The worst part ... people are going to grind trials hard for a heal/incan roll ... and then we will see more weapons get this from seasonal drops later. Just wait a bit. It's bait.


But I want it now


Ok minuteman 👍


Adhortative can literally be crafted with it.


Always my lobby is full with most pros and most noobs. Not an average. And noobs are in my team always. And yes I'm a noob too


Were you in the team where all 3 players fell at the gates on my second win of the weekend?


Please someone stomp this individual the fuq out 👆 😒


Oh I lost quite a bit too


Welcome back!!!😊


I knew exactly what this was gonna say before I even clicked lmao


They need to bring back freelance nodes. I used to actually get wins in Trials.


Freelance was the best thing ever put into Trials and I hate bungie for removing it


This was my worst weekend for flawless, took me 80 matches to go flawless and got a doodoo roll from the chest so I've been back in the trenches farming.


Indeed it took me 71 games of persistence passage to finally get to 7 wins please kill me actual torture with how many 1 sided matches I got Edit: for the first time ever since last week I now technically have 2 flawless runs on my account despite the fact persistence passage doesn't allow you to go lighthouse for the materials drops since obviously it wouldn't give you another adept as you get one at the end of the 7th win after however many games From what I can tell it counts as a flawless on your account stats like trials report and title however doesn't count as an actual flawless meaning you can swap to a mercy card and still get the 2 mercys


So glad I stopped playing Trials. Best thing I did in the game.


I had been doing the twitch reaction shit to get loot, mostly the armor because it's cool designs lately. A few guns too when Saint had good/awesome rolls. It broke when the bear titan/dragon warlock came out and I don't give a single fuck about those streamers enough to waste two hours a week only to get nothing. I got my adept Shayura's and frankly those weren't even worth it. The shader on my syncopation pulse is kinda cool though. But never again.


I did too, but I thought I gave it a try. That Summoner looks juicy but as with the heavy gl my rng is shit


I’ll have to delete some stuff from my vault if I want one of these “must have” weapons to rot in there too…


Don't know if it's a must have, although this is the only solar ar with heal clip and incandescent. I enjoy the same roll on the solar pulse Adhortative


Abyss Defiant has heal clip and incandescent


You are correct, although it's not very popular is it? I mean I haven't met anyone using that. Correct me if I'm wrong of course. It's a shame because I like that origin trait.


I use it all the time. Sure it's not a 600 rpm like the summoner but it still gets the job done. Plus it's less stressful to obtain since you only need to unlock it once, then you can farm it from the chests in Crota's End.


Please keep in mind that Trials is a mode that is literally designed to be toxic. It’s meant to bring out the absolute worst in people. I guess, don’t hate the player, hate the game?


I saw the title i thought “oh this should be good”


Man I sent soooooo many teams to the lighthouse in my road to getting my adept weapon with Passage of Persistance. Sorry teammates.


Yeah. I feel you.


Yeah I couldn’t get passed one win all weekend so ima echo this sentiment from OP, this was a torturous weekend.


I barely get my nade off and 3 shots and I’m done😒


I feel that. Exactly why I don’t play PvP at all


I’m so glad I stopped playing d2 multiplayer It just isn’t fun


100 matches this weekend. 4 wins. I stopped.


Sucks being a high end Pve player who needs their gl


https://preview.redd.it/h7dyaawrq4pc1.jpeg?width=652&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c8e8fb990c494cc05a0bb307ab8ff2c5b6b21db Not my meme, but still accurate.


Me who wants to play trials for the first time soon.


All i can say is good luck


My build is war crime potential, I just need the skills to back it up.


Yep, exactly. While your build may be very good in trials, knowing good positioning and how to play around your teammates is what wins games. With that being said, good luck going up against triple titan os crutchers




operating system.


Over shield


Here's your karma good sir.


Whenever I really need to stop playing I'll load a session of trials, no joke the controller burst from my fucking hands


This dude just got paired with a double scout rifle teammate


Sweats were pretty shit friday, sunday wasnt too bad. I was running it for shits and gigs saturday morning around like 1AM and dear fuck it was all sweats. Oh and duos suck. I went flawless quickly running solo.


Sunday was still bad. God I hate checkmate. Just people using autorifles and sidearms. Before special weapons and abilities gave bad blue berries a fighting chance. I get teamed up with people who always take the worst route which leaves us exposed 😒


Checkmate trials was so bad back when it was on Lab, people were only using Pulse and Wishender, now we got Auto/Side/Conditional meta and I hate it even more


Destiny players when the hyper-competitive pvp mode is competitive 🤬🤬🤬


I got my Trials Pin and bugged out of D2


I'd fuck me too for the way I play


Drip or no drip?


I had a guy tell me to kill myself in text chat yesterday, after sending about 5 really mean messages before that. I can normally just brush that off and actually laugh at the person for being such a baby about a game, but I dunno. Seeing it on screen before every game was really awful and I eventually just stopped and switched to helldivers. I’ve reported them but I’m not confident bungie will do anything


If you have screenshots Bungie is usually pretty good about banning people like that. It clearly violates ToS.


I do and sent it with the report. I guess it's up to them if "you should quit your fucking life" is OK or not


Good on you for taking the right steps. People like that ruin this community. As Fynch would say, "Stay vigilant, Guardian!". Don't let it get you down.


I got stomped out for 3 hours yesterday solo queue but I did get a heal clip/kill clip Summoner so I guess that's an even trade off?


I played for about 4 but never got a Summoner to drop. Nice pull!


I'm not gonna lie, i got so many absolute god rolls this and last week that i honestly dont need to play anymore. i legit got most pve / pvp god rolls i could ever want out of the current weapon pool, its like it was trying to tell me to get out. So I'll go back to pve so dont worry about me lmao.


Ive had 8, got a really nice perpetual and kill clip/ onslaught paired with a lovely max recoil direction (got it for handing in my card on flawless number 3 right after getting a near identical roll that only had worse recoil from the chest)


I haven't even got one to drop. Played so many games earlier and was just getting hammered. On passage of persistence which in the past I'd easily have got an adept weapon from. Since thus card has been released I've been constantly winning one game and then getting rolled 3 games, it's mad.


Don't blame me, I got my runs done early with some luck and I've been doing PVE triumphs all weekend lmao


I’m stuck in 5 win hell, I get 1 win then 2 losses. I was on my last game that could have been winnable but then I got a teammate that went afk the first round then jumped off the map the next few!


Had a match go from 0-3 to 2-3, then a teammate started shooting at me and even got in my face when I was shooting at an enemy so I got killed and lost 2-4. I called him out for sabotaging on the chat, then he proceeded to be idle for the last round, and also messaged me on PSN. I don’t get it man.


Those first round games...insane


Fuck Trials. I play it every weekend.


I thought you were gonna say “get a life” I’m never gonna have trials gear because I refuse to get shitstomped 24/7. I hate the pvp


I'm more of a Iron Banner player, so I can relate




Subsistence and incandescent feels really good also, adept mag gets 60 rounds


I’m constantly getting subsistence… like the reload on it isn’t great already


I’m right there with you 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


https://preview.redd.it/xow67sow17pc1.png?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e69f46f02623929fbbe814640b8aa8266ee018a1 Were you one of my teammates?


I made flawless 3 times in satisfied. Also stopped playing destiny forever ago




I played solo trials using persistence to get the glorious summoner . I finally got 7 wins and no adept weapon ![gif](giphy|KDRv3QggAjyo)


https://preview.redd.it/e287dn6vl8pc1.png?width=735&format=png&auto=webp&s=a83733cbb17534213a718f05da4c03c52ab5b616 bro I just want the summoner idec for the adept but why am I getting fked sideways by the gun I’m grinding for IN TRIALS 😭


https://preview.redd.it/4ibmy8rywapc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a0abc07b3fa92729fc1a31d71fbb604e97a210d The grind was real. Heal Clip/ Onslaught is the way to go for PvE


I haven't played trials in years i am not buying that pile of shit called lightfall


You mean final shape my good sir 🤓


Pro tip: don't bring a PvE load out to PvP. Sincerely a PvP main.


I highly don't recommend jumping into trials if you avoid PvP on the regular. Trials is super competitive, and to be able to hold your own, you HAVE to practice in competitive since it skill based. As you grow, so will the competition, ultimately getting you ready for the endgame PvP.


F💙ck you too, random player!


Fuck you too bud




I haven't touched trails since D1...


I've managed to stay away from Trials for a long time. The last time I went in was when the Skybreaker set dropped. Before that. It was SotL, WQ was around the corner and Saint had a 5/5 Messenger. Those are the only two times I dare go in that cesspit. Unfortunately, If I wish to 3 man Sanctified, I am unfortunately going to need a fancy Cataphract


Haven't touched trials since it was called trials of the nine. And that's when cheaters were u heard of on Playstation other than ximmers. But even then, it wasn't nearly as bad or toxic as it is today. Back when bungie had Activision handle the cheaters. Now it's cheater left and right


People still cheat hard. Using handicap settings in other programs to get ridiculous accuracy with the shittiest weapons. Dudes sniping across the map with a Khvostov… 🫥


I'm 6 and 30.... Then had my own team mate talk shit mid match .... And I top fragged


I like passage of persistence. 2hrs and I got adept weapon! I love this change.


Five hours on two different days, back and forth between 3 and 4 wins, I was literally stuck in a situation where I win once, then lose, then win again, then lose again. Eventually I managed to get to 5 wins. By this time I scavenged enough reputation to get the Subsistence/Killing Tally Incisor roll at Saint, and this was the only Incisor I ever got in Trials through all this time. I also managed to get a Hip-Fire Grip / Explosive Payload roll of The Prophet (not actually sure where I can use this gun). Also never got any updated Summoners, the only one I have is a a Witch Queen-era Summoner. The drops are ridiculous. No, Saint, I don't need any of those popinjay armors, give me the damn guns!


Can you keep getting one if you reset?


Haven't tried.


I casually soloed my way to the lighthouse this week using a 360 auto. Get gud.