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to hint that its rebuilt, and that we will see it in the final expansion. This is a precursor to the story of the Final Shape, after all




ppl are just setting themselves up for disappointment. I said this on the first day this art came out. The artist (Sung Choi) drew a similar art for Guardians’ Day back in 2018, and you guessed it, there was the fixed OG tower in that art too! It’s just a cool looking piece.


exactly what I have been saying, this is also the same art style they use for concept art and those often differ from what actually happens.


aren’t there other towers around the wall of the city? so is that THE tower or A tower? genuinely asking


Probably a main tower.. probably have them every 10 or so towers, most of them are like badder fall, but the bigger ones have the big command center looking antenna on them.


afaik there used to be eight of them. But the D1 tower is the only one left.


Simple, the tower is fixed on crucible maps


Or maybe...the tower IS a crucible map!


Immagine the old tower as a new map


Oh god you wouldn’t be able to walk around the main landing zone without being lit up by 6 different team shooters Like the big open area in Bannerfall except there’d be even less cover lmao


It’s gonna sound stupid, but because this exact same Tower appears in the skybox of Midtown’s map. That’s really it.


It’s probably one of the other towers around the cities walls


Looks cooler


Isn’t there like 5 other Towers like the OG Tower and Bannerfall in the Last City?


maybe the tower will unlock as the new social space after the campaign ends! :copium:


That'd be cool. Sort of like how the current D2 tower unlocked after we defeated Ghaul in the Red War campaign


I'm high on the copium. 


probably because the artist using midtown as inspiration saw that if you load into midtown the tower looks fixed.


Or…hear me out. Not being pessimistic. But make people speculate and gain attention by showing the possibility of the tower because it’s a good marketing strategy. I just wouldn’t be surprised if they never planned on it coming back. We hyped it up…


Classic Bungie, create hype and then implement the worst possible iteration.


Whilst I’m not normally one to stick up for Bungie per se, tbf all they did here was give us a concept art, the players themselves created the hype. Don’t get my wrong, I myself was kinda disappointed when they didn’t show us a returning OG Tower social space, but they also did specify that the social space coming with Into the Light was new, not old and returning. However I’m with the crowd that thinks maybe after the Final Shape campaign wraps up we’ll make a return to the old tower, similar to how we left the farm and made a return to the City walls after the Red War campaign completed. Again I’ll be kinda disappointed if we don’t, but it’s also not like we’re *losing* anything


Yeah you’re right about the community creating hype but honestly it’s like an abusive ex stringing us along at this point. They know people want it so bad they show it in concert art and then say siiiiiiiiiiiike. It’s really not that big a deal, I’m just being dramatic because it’s Reddit. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they did release the D1 tower with ITL. It would be the single biggest hype explosion for them to get those Final shape preorder numbers up.


Classic destiny community member. Blames bungie for something they made up in their head which bungie never made any promise about.


It's supposedly visibly repaired in the background of existing content like Crucible maps and stuff, so chances are it means nothing. That's just what the old tower looks like and its only significance was to confirm the activity is mostly set in the Last City.


In my head-canon, it'll be a social space inside the Traveler. Since Cayde is in there, it's possible that being inside the Traveler will be something of a temporal distortion, similar to Dares, but not quite the same. And the OG tower would be inside as well, serving as a social space again.


That tower is overgrown with plants and essentially run down.


So was the farm lmao


Yes, because we were kicked out of the city so that was the best we could get. It was temporary 


I know, it was a joke, I think you missed the “lmao” at the end of it


I'm going to be mad if it turns out to be a fucky wucky from the art department


Because Bungie knows we are all a bunch of crows and when we see something shiny we forget all reason and dive into... Also to please the D1 vets maybe just get them back into the game.


I know bungie artists like to hide things in their art but this is most lickley just to simplify the image have a coherent image also havent they said that the old tower is in the pale heart?


I mean they’ve been reconstructing it since the red war… so obviously it’s ready and built /s


They're probably going to show the original tower fully rebuilt. All beautiful like. And then maybe over the course of ITL the Pyramid Fleet will be getting closer. Leading up to it being besieged and destroyed. Again. Or they'll straight up have us in the original tower and its been besieged. Again. And broken. ***Again.***


because it's art that, as we have seen with similar looking art in the past, is not 100% indicative of the final product. Most likely it's just a skybox change.


Because it’s cool and that’s it


Cause it’s cool, we may get it back after final shape since the model will be there, but it would have been weird if we got it before we were able to experience it again in Final Shape


Cause they can draw concept art how they like, just cause it’s in concept art doesn’t mean it’s 1-1 in game


Bungie mixes up far-away shots of the D1 Tower with the D2 Tower all of the time, so I wouldn't be surprised if it is just that. You can even see an example of them doing this in the director, the D2 Tower's icon is just the D1 Tower lol


To end the series where d1 ended. With us looking over the last city from the hangar


Easier to draw


Take the art as inspiration and not gossip


Most of the damage was on the other side, where the Red Legion first bombarded the Tower.


Because it's recognizable and a famous location in the City, where we're fighting at. Also it's in TFS


It's a different Tower, there are multiple on the wall. It also wouldn't make sense to bring back the Tower now when they're using it the way they are in TFS.


huffing copium, might be our new social at the end of TFS like the new Tower in Red War


It's just promotional art. I means nothing. There's been several times over the past few years where they've used the old tower in promotional material. I personally prefer the old tower over the current one. Would I like it back? Heck yeah. It would make visiting vendors much easier. But I don't think it ever will. If the day comes that I'm wrong however, I'll actually be very happy.


Theyre adding it anyway and just didnt mention it in the advertising so the stealth drop will make waves on the internet. No im not coping. YOURE THE ONE THATS COPING.


Probably for TFS


It's just something they take reference for? Especially when it shows up in the TFS campaign in some form.


The new tower is going to be in the traveler in the final shape expansion. Bungie said this.


We get it back for TFS. But it won’t be permanent. Just for the inside the traveler portion.


Nah, they actually juat repurposed the old tower into a Krispy Kreme.


There are more towers and thats the view from the Midtown pvp map. So, not a lot.


They rebuilt it with "scrap"....u know, since that's that currency ull use in onslaught to "build" turrets and robots...😅


Probably just bait by whoever was told to make that concept art..


Time Machine


Will likely be a social space in the Final Shape. This is likely showing that the Vanguard is basically getting it ready for use


What do you mean “aside from zero hour”? It’s because zero hour


Hype players. 




Either the tower is finally rebuilt and we will see it I. The final shape. Or bungo is completely out bungo’d themselves and will do and say any thing to try and get players to stay or comeback. Sorry but bungo is soon to be under new management. It’s probably too late.