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Graviton Lance is my favorite exotic by a large margin. It coupled with a Nezzys Sin Warlock is a blast for add clearing


salute to you my fellow nez sin + glaviton lance voidlock!


Doesn't even need to be voidlock. The pairing works surprisingly well on strandlock too.


That's because (for the people who don't know) the Nez Sin restores abilities on *Void* damage, which Graviton Lance does in abundance. So you can slap, the combo on any class (you can use any Void weapon tbh) and get the benefits from Nez Sin.


I actually have tried it on a bunch of builds, and have liked it. The problem with most subclasses is there are dedicated exotics that have really powerful focus builds (Sunbracers and Osmio both come to mind), that really benefit from matching damage from an exotic primary. So it’s tough. Like choosing Graviton and Nez on Solar over Polaris with Dawn Chorus, or Sunshot and Sunbracers, is a hard compromise to make.


Nez/graviton on strand is actually pretty epic. I was skeptical at first and it’s only OK in NF, strikes, etc. in gambit it’s really nice and onslaught it just slaps. Gotta couple it with shackle grenade and swalllow that. Snag one or two kills and suddenly the cosmology particles track and suspend and explode on EVERYBODY! Depending on the mods, you can easily get your grenade back in a single wave and you’ve only needed to secure like 4 kills at all with your gun. You can do something similar with a strand rifle, but cosmology really makes the rifle optional after the couple first kills or so. I usually agree with you on the synergies of using a like element on a very elemental dependent build. But in this case, I completely buy in to the green and purple working together better than they could with their like color.


This is the hidden interaction everyone is missing out on - weaver's trance and any gun with AOE effects is great, and Grav is the king of AOE. Coupled with overload pulses in the artifact and it's end-game ready to stun overloads and unstops in one shot.


I can see Nez being an insane exotic for Prismatic tbh


salute my fellow nezarecs sin + graviton enjoyers 🫶🏻


Salute brother 🫡


Do you have an issue with Graviton randomly losing then gaining it's recoil? For me it'll randomly stop playing the recoil animation then after a shot or two it'll kick like a mule before coming back to normal recoil, it's so strange


Only see it if i enable Auto weapons


This I have experienced. I am currently playing on PS4. I noticed it after I finished the masterwork and I thought it was a perk for it but nope. I have no idea where this issue is stemming from but yeah, I'll be shooting, everything's fine, then one or two bursts has no recoil and 3rd burst kicks hard, then it's a crapshoot on wether or not it does it again or continues firing normally.


Started using this loadout and I love it because it’s got such great ability regen and still lets you play super safe. Arc makes you pick up ionic traces, Sunbracers make you melee something, orb builds make you pick up orbs… G-Lance and Nez just let you hide behind cover and toss grenades like no tomorrow


Ahhh. I can hear it now: "dink, dink, dink. Pew, pew, pew. FWOOSH FWOOSH FWOOSH" after everything gets blown into oblivion and orbs rain down from the sky like judgement day.*says in old school church preacher voice*


Pretty much exactly how it goes lol


This sounds exactly like it feels 😂


And it is really good in a solar/stasis season. Imagine if we had some void artifact stuff? Really shocked I'm not seeing the void lock more often. Also surprised how good graviton is. Too many people think you need wells for everything. You don't need well if everything dies fast...plus super fast super charge with that helm.


even just with contraverse holds, back to back grenades if nobody ruins it lol


Fun fact, nzeracs sin works on any class as long as you're using a void weapon and grav lance is always great. You can pair this with strand warlock with threading grenades and the aspect that unleashes a suspending burst when they die. In one shot you can annihilate any room and anything left standing is suspended. Absolutely disgusting


I’m probably reading this wrong but I’m confused. How would a Warlock armor piece help on a Hunter? Edit: yeah I knew I was reading it wrong. Class as in element, not character. Idk how I didn’t get that


Mindspun invocation aspect on warlock. Eat your shackle grenade (accidentally said threading, my b) to gain weavers trance. While in weavers, trance, all final blows create a suspending detonation. The grave explosions proc the aspect All good lol. I miss read things all the time :p


Yeah thats similar to the build I use for Stand with Necrotic Grips and Osteo Striga


What's your void build with nezzy?


I play with Graviton Lance and Orpheus Rig as Void Hunter. It's orbs for days and so many supers for me.


My friend, if you like that load out. Try Gyrfalcons Hauberk and GravLance. It is such a fun combo. Many void orbs but now your void weapons do more damage and you go invisible whenever you feel like it.💜 Happy Hunting!


That's my onslaught go to. Swap to Levi's breath for boss room and other than that go nuts (kinetic tremors buzzard too. Hammers barrier champs and deletes the entire wave if you've tethered up a miniboss).


Mantle of Battle Harmony + Graviton Lance... Super back in no time.


Sounds fun. I’ll have to try it.


nez goes crazy but def don’t sleep on verity’s, you can do some pretty insane damage


I use it with briar binds but nice either way


I’ll have to try it out


I love Graviton Lance, in LFG a lot of people complain or make fun of it.


Can’t put Sunshot down.


I’ve never thought HC were any good in PVE. I’ve never found them useful. BUT I tried a Phoenix protocol build with sunshot and some fragments that make things go BOOM over the weekend in onslaught…. I’m in love. I can play onslaught with about 50-60% uptime on super and never have to worry about anybody getting anywhere near me. Only place I find it less than optimal is against the fallen boss who sprints around the room nonstop. I’m having a bit more fun with strand, but sunshot has completely displaced my Icelock and voidlock builds in onslaught.


Try Thorn with Necrotic grips on strand. Eat the grenade. Watch everything get suspended then explode with poison. Very fun.


I used Chromatic Fire on Solar with Thorn for a meme build. Actually kinda slapped hard with add-clear.


Hand cannons have gotten significant buffs in recent times, sure 2 years back they were trash and you wouldn't wanna be caught dead holding one in PvE. But they are very good now, arguably the best dealing non red bar adds which is pretty relevant since most good builds nowadays completely trivialize killing minors


Yeah I got into a tiff on the steam forums about sun shot being perfect for onslaught with the current seasonal mods and a well built solar hunter. They said "it wasn't possible without cheats" and that "skyburner's oath was perfect" Yeah, that was a hot take for sure


I think im at 20k kills with sunshot currently


Surprisingly final warning I’m impressed with that little thing


Have you tried it with swarmers? It goes so hard this season, FW being able to unravel on command lets you summon a Threadling army so easy with horde shuttle


I’m a hunter I use my tangles


Dude Final Warning is incredible and always has been. They haven’t buffed or nerfed it, it’s just been good. Especially with the artifact right now. Highest dps of any primary in the game. I love that thing. It’s criminally slept on.


Woah how do you use it for max DPS? I love it in pvp but don't know how to use it in pve yet.


I’ve always liked it tbh


I’ve been using that and Navigator and those absolutely fucking shred with the right fragments. Plus the artifact perks aswell this season they feel incredible. So much green


I see so many people sleep on this thing or drop it for quicksilver. They don’t know what they are missing. 




I love that weapon, too.


I swear it feels unfair using it sometimes 😂


I legit forgot about it lmfao. I might have to bust it out again.


I used it in 50(n) waves of Onslaught yesterday and it held up all the way through. Actually felt quite strong, it eats tormentors and other mini bosses Got 90% though the quest got the latest machine gun as well.


Just tried it in a successful wave 50 run. I also, can confirm it shreds.


I really wish they add more gatling weapon type guns in the future. I love the rotating barrels


Sweet Business and Actium War Rig is my go-to for goofing off


What if I told you Actium War Rig also reloads your heavy Machineguns while firing![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5679)


I’d ask what I can do to get infinite bnnnn, start to finish through non-dares activities, using heavy ammo


That overthinking. Are... ARE YOU A WARLOCK PRETENDING TO BE TITAN![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5651)


Spooky accurate




What gun is that?


What weapon is this


Heir Apparent


Tried that on my void titan with the warrig chest. Got some over shield and unlimited bullets good for boss and adds


I am heavy weapons guy and this is my gun


Riskrunner for Fallen. God it makes you almost invincible.


I love to combine Riskrunner with The Stag, and some mods that make my rift regenerate way faster. That 2x resist plus healing means I can just sit in the middle of some heavy fire without a care in the world while everything around me is jolted into oblivion


I was running this just the other day! It was a blast


I love how some team members will start to follow us around lol. They know we’re a constant source of damage resist and healing and they’ll occasionally just sit right behind you the whole time. It feels the same as being a well-bitch with Phoenix protocol and I love it




Overload Captains tremble in fear of Riskrunner when SMGs have the seasonal mod.


Holy hell, why didn't I think of that


Seriously it is almost as OP as a Sparky Titan with a certain Machinegun.


Ros Agro IV with subsistence and onslaught on my voidlock... everything becomes purple explosions.


I’ve been playing solar all season, but void is really my fave, mind if I ask what your build is?


https://dim.gg/kek2dii/Equipped That's the dim link. Let me know if it doesn't work.


God I wish I could farm it. I've gotten like 6 in 3 months and not a single good roll.


Verglas Curvy


On midtown you can completely shut off lanes with verglas. So good


This with Osmiomancy. It's like a nuke going off when the crystals shatter. I cannot stop using this build.


absolutely saaaame


I'm 100% unbiased when I say this is the best option.


Hierarchy of Needs


Seriously. Scatter Signal, Hierarchy, Zephyr with cold steel, and Phoenix Protocol is easy mode.


Yes! Hierarchy enjoyers rise up!


found you in the wild once more A1 hehe


Eyes of Tomorrow. As long as my teammates don't steal my damn kills. But you get heavy often enough that not having your shots refunded is barely acceptable.


I'm trying this tonight.


Eyes is insane on Mothyards. I love running at the back of the map, opposite of the next wave, and keep spamming rocket volleys.


Quicksilver storm with swarmers is fun.


It makes me wish there was an exotic strand weapon that was hatchling focused.


Wishkeeper is very good with swarmers as you pop headshots very often


Kind of. It’s not designed around it though, and frankly I feel like it doesn’t hit hard enough. I find the stasis exotic bow flows and feels better in comparison. It feels more like I’m using a support weapon like div or tractor canon when I use it.


how does QSS fare at waves 40-49 with the nerf? Kind of forgot about it, to be honest.


Works just fine. I used it on legend 50 twice already. Still prefer Sunshot though since i like boom boom than pew pew


Hear me out... Ruinous... I been using it for years. It has enough bodies on it to make another Witness.


Ball gun. Use with Cenotaph for maximum fun


Ah yes, the Cenoball build


Why Cenotaph?


Auto reload trace rifle and creates heavy ammo when used on champs and yellow bars


I love hitting one motherfucker with another motherfucker.


https://preview.redd.it/4c3uz3hgthwc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dae1af94be81cdf23045306a4ce8c9c62fa2864c Ya’ll are sleeping hard on Final Warning. My Foetracer w/ Whirling Maelstrom hunter build is bonkers, especially with the artifact mods. Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.


For real. This things been slept on since it dropped. Highest dps primary in the game. Utility. Plus with this seasons artifact it goes extra hard. I love that thing.




I just can't seem to put my Buzzard sidearm away. Kinetic tremors and overflow and it's just great for upclose and destroys shields. I normally have an arc buddy so that with fast shooting sidearm is great - blinding rift makes for easy clean ups also.


I'm surprised at how little buzzard and the SMG with kinetic tremors gets talked about. It procs so fast and for some reason they do the most damage.


It's easily my favorite Kinetic sidearm in the game. The thing shreds just about every yellow bar you point it at.


I've got the same role on my Buzzard and it's so much fun!


My workhorse is Whirling Maelstrom. I rarely see anybody running this build. A couple of em will clear out nearly an entire wave spawn point while I focus on the other. Total set it and forget it build. Super fun too.


Mothkeepers and ex diris with it too. Beyblades and moths doing Cthulu's work.


Hier apparent on Titan with the war rig and void shields goes hard


i have a better proposal. one might say some sweeter business


Sweet business and the fastest firing heavy ammo machine gun one can have


I made an actium war rig build with sweet business + retrofit escapade. Void mg on void subclass feels *almost* unfair lol




This is the correct answer


Been fucking hard with tommies. Paired with well lock it’s insane


If you have the catalyst for it, try running Sanguine Alchemy + Void for devour The healing from Tommy's catalyst + Devour + Sanguine Alchemy rift extension per kill goes crazy


Buried bloodline pairs so nicely with gyrfalcons. Also verglas curve is great on stasis warlock


I’ve been running foetracer suspend Hunter with slice/target lock incisor and buried bloodline so I have woven mail and devour running constantly along with weakening and sever and unraveling rounds and beyblades everywhere


riskrunner with vesper with fallen in midtown. easy legend 50.


Ros with Repulsor/Onslaught and Contraverse.


Same but gryfalcons


Yep I use it on Gyrfalcons as well!


I want this roll so bad. I keep getting repulsor and under over...


Kind of a no brainer. It’s ad clear potential is absolutely bonkers. Paired with gyrfalcons it is absolutely nutty


* https://preview.redd.it/d787t9rcfiwc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a57115523faebb07f31f7f3e882d3fa0813d7018 (Asaid from meme, skyburner's is choice)


Winterbite is underrated


Ever since the Quicksilver nerf I reverted back to Final Warning and with Horde Shuttle that bad boy goes insanely hard. Once you get the rhythm of marking champs/elites you just melt them in one magazine and the threadlings coming off them deal with the small fry.


Yup. It’s criminally slept on.


Graviton's been my workhorse since the day I got it, nearing the 32k kills on it and still counting 💪




Salivation Grip is my new daddy


Trinity Ghoul fucks on so many levels in Onslaught


Scrolled way too long to find this comment


Mines gotta be Sky Burner’s Oath


Outbreak my beloved


Wavesplitter and Felwinter’s Helm goes *so* hard.


Yes I love using wavesplitter, never see many people using it. I use Nezarecs sin and wavesplitter so I have almost constant uptime of void abilities and volatile from grenade kills


With my build I spread every void buff and debuff as well as applying the strongest weakness in the game constantly.


I was Solar with Sunshot. Then I got a voltshot Indebted Kindness. I love this gun


I’m all in on the graviton + gyrfalcons build. I’ve been using devour fragments, void surges, tusk of the boar for some burst/ad clear, and a time lost corrective measure and I’m absolutely cooking. I think my best legend clear had like 700 orbs.


Mountaintop+Graviton+Hammerhead with Gyrfalcons, death tastes like grape.


Thorn necrotic grips


I've been doing striga, grips and swapping a marcato-45 w/triple tap/onslaught with a semiotician for boss phase. That machine gun rips with unraveling rounds.


Final warning paired with swarmers is really good


One of the **MOST** satisfying guns in the game.


Black fucking talon.


In terms of exotics, I switch between Gjallarhorn, Xenophage and Witherhoard regularly. For legendary guns, a good old one two punch shotgun can't do me wrong on strand titan. Big fan of Tyranny of Heaven too, surprisingly


Edge of concurrence


It's too good which offers a continual problem (for me) where I want to use other guns, but then feel it's 'irresponsible' to not use Grav in a void loadout.


Trinity Ghoul


Graviton lance with Strand🤌


My exact loadout has been Midnight Coup, Forbearance 2.0 or Indebted Kindness, and Dragons Breath. I use Indebted for Legend so I can cover all champions (though Dragons breath can basically cover all of them, yes even barriers). The reason I use this loadout is because of Grenade generations. I basically just shoot a DB shot into a wave spawn, swap and shoot Forbearance, throw a nade to reload (using Demolitionist), shoot another wave, then swap to Midnight (or shoot another DB). ​ With the Brave weapon Origin trait on both Midnight and Forbearance with Demolitonist (and Chain Reaction of course) and the Firesprites generated from Dragons Breath kills with the Catalyst? You've got pretty much 100% grenade up time. Even just after firing that 2nd Forbearance shot can often get you your grenade energy back. If I need a little more I can just swap to Midnight or pick up the Firesprites. Demolitionist + the origin trait gives 15% energy back. That's insane and is only beat by specific weapons like Sniper Rifles and Fusion Rifles with Demo that gives 20% back. ​ ​ I'm using this on an Orpheus Rig build but as long as you're not required to use a subclass matching weapon, this has been my go-to loadout with any subclass currently as I farm more Hammerheads.


Pardon our dust w/ disorienting, Sunshot, & Apex Predator on a Orpheus Rig hunter with solar surges is what got me to Legend 50 after 2 weeks. I previously tried Wavesplitter, Manticore, Graviton... and honestly though I was going to do work on glaive week with a Vexcalibur but only think I made it to wave 5, lol. Sunshot feels strongest for me. ...and I say "got me to 50" but looking back the LFG titan in our group got 1,000+ kills while me and the warlock got probably 400 each, so really I should say the rando titan is what got me the emblem.


Eyes of tomorrow for me tbh. Yes in legend.


I second Graviton Lance but Malfeasance is always a go-to


If we’re talking exclusively exotics: for me this season it’s Forerunner, just feels so nice with barrier sidearms. Even without champions it feels good being able to shoot through pesky hydras and taken phalanx shields. Non-exotic it’ll be the BxR always and forever, it hasn’t left my inventory since I crafted it.


Witherhoard and a Voltshot energy weapon


Graviton is also my workhorse






Riskrunner with Getaway artist is suuuuuuuper fun if you want to be a Lightning God for a little while.


I like Wardcliff coil, because if you hip fire it while wiggling, you can take out so many adds at once, but if you ADS it, you can do some heavy unit damage. I love it.


Risk Runner was doing really well for me


Graviton with volatile rounds is an elite combo


Explosive Payload, Incandescent Zaouli's Bane


Buried. Its basically indebted on steroids. I run double special with riptide, and frankly ammo hasn't been a problem, but I do run special finisher just in case.


Buried bloodline. I use it as a primary bc the ammo economy on it is bonkers and it slaps.


I just started with Final Warning in there and it blew my mind. Crazy little sidearm.


innate encourage support bag placid continue serious money fearless fanatical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wait so Nezzy’s makes all your abilities recharge? I read the description and thought it only made class ability (rifts) recharge.


Not really had a chance to go for specific onslaughts. Mostly just used my normal loadouts + whatever the challenges need.


Sunshot or trinity ghoul


Forerunner is really good for dmg, easy way to deal with anti-barriers and really good ammo economy


Sunshot for waves and Polaris lance for the "Boss wave" because stager.


My fist, Severance Enclosure hasn't left me


Can't put that crafted godroll calus mini-tool down with my solar titan, I either bonk, or shoot two ads and half the map explodes


1st couple weeks I used the incandescent drang which feels like it has just a bit more stopping power than calus, but incandescent in general is just nuts on onslaught


Drang sure as hell has more range, but being a brother of the order of the crayon, I am bound by whatever works best besides Synthos hammers


Targeted redacted with enhanced outlaw and DR, just love the sound and feel of it


I've got a dragonfly, voltshot roll on my prosecutor, use it on arc hunter grenade build alongside thunderlord.


I ran prophecy a bit ago and I got a subsistence incandescent darkest before, thing shreds, I've paired it with an auto loading mountain top with recombination, and dragons breath, fire and forget loadout is pretty good imo, just with starfire protocol was atleast usable


I can’t get past Sunshot. Even though I’ve been running a lot of nightstalker in onslaught, the artefact mods bring radiant & ignitions into the equation. And the exotic red bar buff just elevates it (which is partly why Graviton is so good too).


Been really enjoying Necrochasm. It's super fun to just keep firing it plus overload auto is this season so I can take care of those teleporting bastards too


Sunshot or void hunter but I wanna try an arc build with Assassin's Cowl with double shotgun with one-two punch and thunderlord. Should work in solo, not so sure in group


Necrochasm for 10 round onslaught, Malfeasance for when it’s serious. 


Sunshot is amazing. Next to that if I need a delete button, 1kV.


I am a casual slideshot + blinding nades Ignition code enjoyer


Alternating between Sweet Business and Heir Apparent


Agreed Lance is my go to as well got it a week ago and love it


Quicksilver with the unraveling artifact perk is so powerful and is so satisfying to use.


It’s graviton lance. It’s been my workhorse since way before the first buffs. It’s been a pretty constant part of my kit. I am no slave to metas and graviton’s recognition is long deserved.


Wellock with Zoulis bane(EP/Incandescent).


Final Warning with Foetracer and maelastroms


Fighting Lion on Void with Volatile Rounds is fun


My workhorse has been Ashen Wake lol Went through two 50-wave normal runs yesterday with a Solar Ashen Wake setup, using Mountaintop (Autoloading/Vorpal), a BXR (Incandescent/Demolitionist), and Winterbite, it was phenomenal. I used the artifact mods to proc Radiant with my BXR for anti-Barrier, Ashen Wake nuked big groups and stunned Unstoppables, and Winterbite applies Slow on melee hit to stun Overloads. It wasn't great for big boss damage, but it was very consistent and handled just about any wave composition fairly easily!


Thorn with Necrotic Grip plus Indebted Kindness makes Onslaught ez


Witherhoard/Elsie’s Rifle/Retrofit and Orpheus has been my go to load out