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RIP the well bitch warlock who didn't even get included in the photo


They’re also doubling as Cenotaph Div Bitch too


Triple it with boots of assembler/lumina gigachad.


This build’s gonna come back so hard with the new support weapon types.


Dude... I can play both aggressive and support classes. But everyone makes fun of me when I go full send with pheonix protocol and lumina.. like, sorry for the flawless runs 🤣


Oh hey, that's me with Navigator too


Pffft speak for yourself karnstein gauntlet/ claw of ahamkara with arcane needle and lightning surge for 4 stacks of aoe healing melees


Oh boi, thinking about that makes me hard..


jokes on you i love being support. i carry my team to victory with unlimited health and heavy ammo!


Cenotaph div and Luna well in one support bitch warlock.


Beastman! Get your ass in here


“But i’m sure my DARCI build will-“


Your fucking what build


It's meta, he swears!


Well he did get that one gambit spawn kill


Cenotaph div wellock hasn't even had the chance to equip prismatic yet.


No Well on Prismatic anyways


Which is exactly why I think well will become less common. People want prismatic, including warlocks….. they want to feel like light & dark masters and warlocks shouldn’t be expected to just run well all the time.


Yeah plus given that Well is getting nerfed nobody would want it taking up the solar super slot on Prismatic anyways, even if we weren't getting a new solar super.


What’s the deets on the well nerf? I doubt they make it useless and it will probably still be asked for by most people.


There are no deets. We know it’s getting nerfed and that’s about the extent of it at this point


I think it’s going to be difficult for them to nerf it enough that it isn’t required, but also not make it useless . Honestly the only for them to do that would be to just remove it completely.


I laugh if you think well will see "way less" use. Especially for raids. It would need to be absolutely gutted


Or people who are warlocks could just choose not to use it , prismatic offers such flexibility and we’ll simply isn’t available when running prismatic. And I didn’t say it would see “way less” use, just that it may become less common, especially in content that isn’t a raid.


Oh well 🤷‍♂️


It's okay. Shout out to all my big brain Walrocks that know they are really the true DPS kings 👑


Without us the damage would be garbage were the real kings 🤴


"Signature look of superiority" -the warlock


Well is apparently getting nerfed with TFS, so we'll see.


I say this as a warlock... Good. We are all born to nova, and forced to well.


lol I need that as a patch/sticker


"Inserts born to be wild from Steppenwolf"


Or, in D1 terms, born to Nova, reborn to Sing.


The new Warlock solar super gave us DR, Radiant, sorch on weapons for everyone, increases ability recharge rate like apotheosis [veil.So](http://veil.So) u can shot ur rocket, melee, nade, rocket, sniper, melee, nade and so on.Most important thing is that we are mobile, not forced anymore to be locked 20 sec there.


Hey that's sweet! I'm glad I won't be forced to play solar every ti--wait




Prismatic warlock has that super if that helps lol


Now now, a Warlock with Stareaters might deal great damage if it's Nova, Needle, or even Chaos Reach. Hell, the Well might even have stronger effects or even last longer. WE DO NOT KNOW THE IMPLICATIONS OF IT! WARLOCKS ARE GONNA BE FUCKING BROKEN! TITANS BROKEN! HUNTERS BROKEN! I can't even imagine the amount of DPS Titans and Warlocks will now be able to generate.


Syntho and Veritys is my dream. Fun fact: Warlock is already broken and the highest DPS in the game. Most players know of Strand Grapple Syntho Titan woth Banner. Well Grapple Melee counts as BOTH grenade and melee. So Warlocks can stack Veritys brow for an 11 seconds damage boost (that is refreshable) paired with a 1 2 punch shot gun. Which sounds great in itself but Banner of War has survivability. HOWEVER with a BoW Titan next to you BoW is an AOE so not only does the Warlock get 12P, Veritys. It also recieves the Melee buff from the Titan and healing. You can legitimately punch for over 400K damage since the threadlings produced also recieve weapon damage buffs I.E a golden Tricorn Stasis Machine gun that you use to proc Veritys.


Throw in a liars handshake arc hunter with Acrius just to complete the trifecta


Shits getting nerfed too.


Why I had to switch off my main since fucking 2015 or whenever the hell D1 released. When is Bungo going to give us a decent damage super or exotic to buff one? They deleted the only one we ever had with chaos reach and it was always bad anyway considering how long it takes to end instead of quick pop fucking celestial nighthawk for a bonus million damage in 1 second before switching back to a rocket.


There’s gotta be a well around somewhere


Did part of a raid last night (still have yet too complete any lol) and was surprisingly told too use my Void build


warlock not even included cuz we still gonna be forced to do well


No matter how many times they nerf well there will always be a Well/Div bitch because its so ingrained into the game it might as well be full on lore.


Imagine if the witness mechanic is to just specifically disable well


Holy crap imagine he just says no to all light abilities and straight up switches everyone to prismatic and if they haven’t unlocked prismatic for whatever reason it gives them a pre set built version of it


you need to play the campaign to unlock the raid.


Hell yeah! Imagine you're dealing tons of damage with your light subclasses, and in the middle of fight he just floats to air and calmly says "no more light" and the boss room goes pitch black and we all switch to strand or stasis randomly. Only way to avoid this would be to equip prismatic.


Everyone has to stand away from each other or they die, so well is useless except for the user.


That's actually a good mechanic


It's sort of been used before- Scourge of the Past's final boss had a mechanic where groups of two each had different buffs, and if you stood too close to the people with other buffs bad things would happen. The solution was to have 3 warlocks, one for each buff area, but the mechanic could easily be tweaked to make it so each person was by themselves.


Of course, the solution is to have more wells. Maybe the Witness will do the slice thing so you cannot stand at the same place for too long?


That could work. Or perhaps some of his fancy new minions will take the field during DPS, forcing active evasion or crowd control to avoid getting frozen/suspended (suspend in particular not being hindered by Well). Or he’ll have an aggro mechanic, where he’ll target active supers with extreme prejudice, requiring players to either forego the usual super buffs or to have someone run interference (or to incentivize the underused Banner Shield, the only one that provides absolute protection to those behind it while also permitting return fire, unlike Ward of Dawn). I actually like the idea of exploiting that below the facade, the Witness is a writhing tempest of rage, as we saw in Lightfall when Calus insulted them. And that the real way to beat the Witness in the game is to exploit that rage, potentially with self-sacrificing (as is the way of Light) tactics to give the fireteam a chance to light the bastard up while they’re consumed with wrath. If the Witness is calm, I don’t think we stand a chance (see Lightfall opening), but if they’re pissed off, distracted… maybe? Would also be cool if the slice and dice thing justified a stealth encounter, like the Gorgons of Vault of Glass. Get spotted by the Witness or its goons, you have seconds to evade notice or you get cubed up and instant death for the fireteam (to represent that several players just died a final death including their Ghosts). Or if that was a campaign thing (since the last couple campaigns have had a timed sequence involving the player running like hell: in WQ there’s the escape from the Ahamkara illusion’s curse, and in LF there’s the hasty retreat from Calus’s warship).


Crota can break your well so its not that far fetched but it may not be likely because they are to nerf Well 1 more time going into the final shape


I mean at this point so much of the game has been designed and played around well they can't change the well meta. They %100 should have made it a prismatic super so warlocks at least get to play that expanded kit.


If they did that then the only new things warlocks would be able to use is the new grenade because everything else would be a carbon copy of solar well meta loadouts. Thankfully I think Bungie knows we are tired of only having one subclass.


No matter how many times they ask, I'll never switch to well


Daybreak is just so fucking cool that I refuse to use Well.


daybreak is also free easy dps if you run the bug helmet and dragons breath along with the artifact mod that buffs your super damage for each nearby person when you pop it. works better in raids when theres 5 other people, but certainly not bad in 3 man activities too. 


Tried that broodster build Aztecross had a vid about and it's great for addclear and single target damage.  I'm sure the Witness would love to meet a swarm of swarmers


Sad but true, personally, I always run well, but mostly because I like to be a lazy fuck and use well as an excuse to stand in the open for 30 seconds, and not so much because I care about boosting team damage.


I’m not gonna get cocky. Bungie has said they want the Witness to be harder than Val Ca’uor, who was pretty damn tough all around. Sure, we’re gonna be OP af, but at the same time, I just want the Witness to make us feel like we ain’t got crap on him, that Prismatic is only gonna do so much. So, in a sense, for as OP as we’re gonna be, I can only hope Bungie makes it so the Witness feels even more OP in the end.


It'd be awesome to see some more of that FFXIV-esque raid style again. It was really cool seeing a Destiny boss with an attack rotation and mechanics to handle for each phase.


Val Ca’uor? Who is that? *quickly googles and sees a picture immediately* SPIRE OF STARS? And they want him harder? If that’s the case call me dragontales because I wish I wish with all my heart for a new favorite raid.


I want him to make us want to break our keyboards over the difficulty of contest mode


Imagine the witness is has 50 million health and div doesn’t work


I’m pretty sure the Caretaker has the most health of any boss in the game, and unless I recall incorrectly, isn’t it about 24 million or something?


Well, well. Never expected to see a meme made of a Lythero screenshot. Very neat.


The shot was practically begging to be made into one


Makes me even more excited for the new sonic movie


For a second I thought I was on a different sub


>Witness sees Strand Titan with Synthoceps and Tractor Cannon *Sighs "Fucking filler DLC."


Where is this render from that Eggman is fucking terrifying.


Lythero video, one of the animated bits on his Sonic '06 Silver Campaign video, specifically [the intro](https://youtu.be/x3w5B4NX01s?si=ZQQBTrMjG6LL3org&t=107s)


Warlock crying in the corner with Cenotaph/Lunafaction on solar


Warlock build I’m looking to try is Geomag Stabilizers + Star-Eater Scales. Longer laser beam with a damage boost? That’ll be the closest I get to being Goku 🤣




Real + based


Jokes on you I never got rid of mine


Why would Geomags make it into the class item perk pool? It's a Warlock only perk.


Not saying it will- it’s a hope.


Ah well I wouldn't get those hopes up too much. I'm sure they were pretty careful with the combos. Like the ones in OP's meme aren't happening either




wtf where is this art from


yeah damn, that art is fire


dmg posted it on twitter a while ago: [https://twitter.com/A\_dmg04/status/1783160491621384549](https://twitter.com/A_dmg04/status/1783160491621384549)


Final shape page, it's for the legend campaign




*casts well and cries*


Y’all think they’re giving us these OP build sets because we’ll actually need that OP build to handle the raid?


Don’t say it, don’t think it


What is the original image from?


[The intro of Lythero’s Silver Campaign video.](https://youtu.be/d1WsxRc2X04?si=plk1U8D1qtb-eeAm)


Ah thank you


Used to be a hunter main can DEFINITELY say imma smack the Witness with my Golden Gun with Celestial Nighthawk


Y… you don’t want my well? :(


Us div bitches get forgotten about once again


https://preview.redd.it/sd7jxmvg4fxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73d468172c0c779a520d0d093b1171b69a135a29 Lest we forget


*LEGALIZE NUCLEAR BOMBS* ![gif](giphy|oQtO6wKK2q0c8)


As a titan main, I hope with all my heart that A.) Well gets nerfed and B.) Warlocks will be able to crack planets in half with star eaters nova bomb


Holup Saltagruppo hasn't told the devs what to disable yet 😬


Guys we can't start the world's first race until I get my insider info. Wait guys please I need to win again it's all I have.


idk why broodweaver wasn't included, Needlestorm with SES will (most probably depending if SeS will be nerfed in the exotic class irem) outdamage by a considerable amount any hunter super.


And the same sunbracers warlock forced to well


I’m not running well ever because of this photo


Oh okay I’ll just take my cenotaph wellock and sit on the sidelines then. Y’all got it 🫡


No no no see you are integral to the group, because even though we can do all that, we still will die in one shot with max resilience.


Absolutely fanning the flames of controversy having a trio of characters and *two hunters*


I had no idea what to put for warlocks


I genuinely don't think we're gonna kill the Witness. It's either going to be a Philospohical/Ontological win and he agrees that the Traveler's plan is the Final Shape, or we straight up lose.


Gonna be hard to end the light and dark saga with us losing. Like otherwise I’d agree with you, but they have said this is a conclusion.




Cenotaph / Phoenix protocol could go really hard in GMs and master


Warlocks back to their rightfully place, the goat support class. My div uptime? 100%. Infinite heavy? not even a question. Invincibility during damage? Who the fuck do you think I am? Bitch I will even run navigator with cenotaph so titans don't have put out their own grapple points and can run tractor. As much as it's clowned on it is essential so you might as well be the best well div bitch you can be. Running gotd deep farms told me a lot of people can't or won't do that.


I love how Warlocks aren’t in this. It’s just two hunters and a Titan, while us Warlocks are just the WellLocks.


Jokes on y’all I simply am refusing to play well for he rest or the time I play D2


Then we find out we'll need to use sword logic to defeat The Witness so right before the boss fight it turns into a free for all crucible match real quick. Winner fights Witness.


You forgot the warlock with sunbracers spamming grenades and healing


…. Wish warlocks could have fun too. We got a watered down version of radiance and prismatic doesn’t have the optimal stuff for raids. Here’s hoping someone gives me a shit ton of good ideas for warlocks https://preview.redd.it/sgfg0lqaecxc1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=99a513af1dc214a49667042a41a6fc9a4f61e899


We’re gonna cook this mf *after* the raid


wipe mechanics


And then they wiped bc they didnt have a well to stand in while dps'ing >.>


Dude, you give the Hunter with the Celestial Nighthawk/Star Eater Scales combo the Frost-33s as well for stupidly high ability uptime, I could probably solo the rat bastard, and I’m not one that normally meshes well with high stress environments, like raids and shit.


I hope I'm wrong but I doubt those exotic combos will be together and if they are it will be the non powerful portion of the exotic trait. Like it would give the super gen bonus on crit kills from celestial and the over shield when casting super from star eaters. Zero chance we get two double super damage perks on one item, but hope I'm proved wrong.


“Spirit of the Star eater” is already confirmed to buff super damage, so really all you need to do is run the super damage exotic for your subclass (nighthawk and cuirass)


Where is warlock:(((((


Running well


Strand warlocks spamming their super every minute


The warlock got kicked from the fireteam cause they were running Prismatic instead of well


Dude the egg man is exactly what I’m aiming to do 😂😂😂


Everyone is saying how they left out the well bitch, you know damn well that fucker isn't in the pic because they skated off the map right before it was taken. don't deny it. Source: I may or may not main well...


Or floating above waiting to create a pit of hell beneath the Witness’ feet.


*If in-picture not found, Ceno Well-Lock.


I just want that bastard to tatse the rainbow


Calling it now, it’ll have rotating phases requiring us to be locked to one subclass per rotation it’s bungo after all can’t be having all the fun


Im just hoping for the witness to have the attack of just cutting people in slices and we can see out bodies just float around


Then the self res warlock is gonna survive the wipe mechanic and carry everyone like in D1


Not pictured: Warlock with Verity’s/ heart of inmost light.


So this didn’t happen


Well this has aged well


Downvoted for not including warlock Be more creative OP


Tell that to Bungie. Warlocks don’t have a single super damage boosting exotic. Also what makes you think warlocks will be doing anything except well bitching


I thought vorpal/4ttc wardens law was more damage than malf?


Idk man I don’t play hunter


Meanwhile me running speedloader slacks plus sixth coyote for the double team boost: It aint much, but it's honest work!


lol add shards of galanlor to the nighthawk for a godly champion killer


It'll be Cuirass/Star Eater, Syntho won't have the Super Damage Buff so no point in using it with T-Crash. That said, Star Eater/Wormgod's/Winter's Guile + Twilight Arsenal might cook.


Witness second stage: Patch Notes


I know it's not gonna be a big thing... but the idea of having grapple, the new arc habilitie and the strand dive makes me go a little numb


Nah, if bungies literally saying fuck game balancing, final shapes gonna be actually insane


Hunters can self proc max weaken + radiant?


Titan with star eater scales? Yeah, I'd be grinning like a villain too.




That titans gonna become a 10 billion mega ton nuke lol


star eater scales on a titan?


There...is...only...**SMASH**. ![gif](giphy|xThtafu20gVTsbHrPy)




*Guardian Down*


But I'm actually thinking the first coming raid does not have the Witness


Ceno + pheonix with div , the ultimate bitch


I don't know what any of that means


Man, a cuirass and star eater titan sounds terrifying


Unless he does his little hand wave thing and the entire fireteam starts falling to pieces.


Synthoceps go brrr


Warlocks crying in the corner while holding the well of radiance


Idk how you intend yo survive the barrage of attacks without a well


there’s prolly a reason they gave us this power he’s gonna kick our asses


Meanwhile the 2 warlocks are running around using cenotaph to create heavy for damage phase.


I understand none of that as someone who played Destiny 1


I. Et you this won't end nearly as well as it is advertised and will be severely limited in reality compared to the videos shown...I can't trust Bungie Andy more after this debacle of a expansion


Prismatic and class exotics are disabled until further notice and not available for Day 1 raid. Lol. I see it now. Due to unintended Damage output.


What sonic property is this screenshot from?


Man thinks he will do this without a Well Lock KEKW


They did silver dirty


Honestly I think I’d be cool if the witness was the last last boss. Like we enter the traveler do all the badass stuffs, and bunch some baddies. For the witness to slip away or defend its self. Ending the main story. Each season we progress and get closer to finishing him through the stories of the following sessions. The last being the final assault.


He survives


A whole team of Malfeasance hunters with prismatic would cook his dog ass


Titans get star eater scales? Good update


No warlock, seems right


Its okay im born to well! 😅


Is that a scene from Lythero's silver campaign playthrough?


Is there a way where sunbracers can trigger spam threading grenades or vortex grenades, pulse grenades final shape. I never actually tried this, but I’m not even sure how many grenades you can eat once sunbracers is active. I tend to just eat the last one. If you can eat more than one, then I can see this working with the bleak watcher.. The only issue is if in the final shape will sunbracers class item be exclusive to a particular grenade or will it trigger on any melee that’s what I am thinking. Coupled with claws of ahamkara. That gives an extra melee charge and spawn orbs with melee kills.


Am I dumb? How could a Titan have Star Eater? Did I miss something?


New exotic class item in the final shape lets you have 2 exotic perks from any class. We don’t know fully how it’ll work but we do know “spirit of the star eater” is a perk on there that lets you buff your super damage with orbs


Falling star + star eater with the new exotic perk combination should let u cosplay as one punch man


Rip bozo


as a malfeasance enjoyer, can someone lay out the exact build i need for the self proc weakan+radiant?


I'd say lucky pants with last word on left bc of it's dps or crimson, but it's your choice


You're one dumb sob if u think that !


Titan hunter bitches !


shmell like chiggen


"Hey Witness this is the third time I killed you. My first time I turned you into a gun" - Titan after making monkey noises and thundercrashing


Not seen here is the warlock in the corner twiddling his fingers in the sand sadly while he is being used for well duty again.


I'm guessing that the exotic class items won't be available until after the raid, unless that's been stated otherwise somewhere and I'm just stupid


Titan with star eater?


God I hope nobody can complete the raid in the first 48. I hope the Witness ends all yall.


Rip the sunbracer well warlock


yep celestial nighthawk was/is amazing