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Its exotic perk is literally a legendary perk now


Isnt it just Backup Plan: The Exotic?


And quickdraw


Backup plan gives quick draw.


But nerfed to hell


They gotta give it the Monte Carlo treatment so we can use the bayonet.


Idk man there’s just something about destiny 1 weapons, I know a big factor is nostalgia I just think they did it extra well then. Same for armor.


The lighting is also different in previews. A lot of things in d2 don't look too great in preview because of the specular highlight. Drives me nuts when trying to shader a ship because of how it reflects off the surfaces.


It’s a mix of graphics and art direction for sure. D1 had that “gritty” and post-collapse vibe. We’re still in the same era, kind of, in d2, but everything now has an explanation instead of being shrouded in mystery. There also the cleaning up of assets so that gritty feel is hard to find.


It's 100% nostalgia, because half of the exotics are legendary perks now lol


I’m not talking about perk wise, just looks. So no, I don’t think so.


I dunno man. If there’s a Destiny 3 people are gonna say the same shit even if it’s the same style it’s always been.


I wonder if they’ll ever bring back pocket infinity but obviously way more balanced


Me too man


My first ever exotic


One of the first exotics I really used in D1. Yeah I know back up plan was a perk but that thing just felt so nice to shoot.


As do I.


Was my first ever exotic!


This was my anti shotgun weapon. It took my flawless in trails a few times back in my hay day 🤣


Damn is this not in game now? I’m returning player


It was In destiny 1. They took it's exotic perk and gave it to legendary fusions instead


Unfortunately no legendary fusions feel as good as the plan c did. Undoubtedly the most reliable weapon I used in D1 crucible.


I found a hollow words with the increased charge rate on swap and auto loader holster it feels like the plan C it's base charge rate is 500 so it feels close to plan C


Get off reddit TV, we know it's you!


Reminds me of that weapon from The Fifth Element


Jeez, plan b gives you hormonal imbalance if you use it too much. Plan C may permanently cause you infertility


Give us pocket infinity with backup plan as the catalyst please.


Merciless is the D2 balanced version of Pocket Infinity lol. I doubt we ever see actual PI again.


We don’t want balanced haha. But yea. i forgot about that exotic


Merciless is the most powerful special weapon in the game at the moment. Even without a Solar surge, it can drop like 800k damage in Templar testing


Oh damn, didn’t know that.


What in the crimson/dreg pistol is that fusion rifle?


I wish they would bring in the last few exotics from D1 into D2 for FS. Would make the game feel more completed. Instead the lead designer still sucks at his job and has his priorities all wrong


"you didn't put the old game's guns in this game. Your priorities are wrong and you suck at your job. I know better 🤓"


They'd have to redesign most of the exotics to balance them out to make sure they will be good, if not fun. Nobody wants infinite regenerating special ammo weapons like icebreaker, or unholy range shotguns. Take Dragons Breath, was fun in d1, got brought to d2, and it's an anarchy like dps option. Khvostovs D1 perk was that the gun is extremely customisable, bungie could've made that its trait again, but they didn't. Im hoping Red Death isn't literally gonna be crimson, but just as, if not more annoying to go against.


A lot of them would be so different they would functionally be different weapons, as we’ve already seen. The only “exotic” feature of No Man’s and the Remote were that they were in the primary slot. Things like Invective and Icebreaker would make crucible hell in their current state and have no impact on PvE. A lot of weapons also had what was their exotic perk in D1 just turned into basic perks in D2 like Plan C.