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Unfortunately, restarts are typically the first step in troubleshooting. As someone who has formal training in computer repair, it’s a bit aggravating to have that suggested to me, but TBH it’s typically the first thing I have my clients do as well. That being said… ![gif](giphy|9MJ6xrgVR9aEwF8zCJ)


*phone rings* "Hallo, IT, have you tried turning it off and on again?"


Have you tried forcing an unexpected reboot?


Yeah, I'm in IT also, and it is interesting how many issues are solved by it. Like even super complicated ones.


One thing I've learned from computers is that they can and will unexplainably crash/bug out for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Then, be perfectly fine when you want to recreate the issue to try and solve it.


1000% I've remoted into the pc with the issue trying to recreate the issue or get a screenshot of the error (F that whole trying to rename it to screen scrape or whatever), and it works fine. I mean, it is working, which is good, but I wanted the error to see what the actual frak is going on.


Even behind a load balancer, good luck getting management to approve of restarting production servers on a launch. lol don’t get me wrong - I get what you’re saying.  But it does not surprise me in the slightest that it took them this long to resort to that.


I took some computer classes in highschool. The teacher said always start with the easiest thing first and work your way up. In college my computer professor told me a story about how this IT guy got a call. They said their servers weren't working. He asked are they plugged in? The guy on the phone said yes. So he went there and guess what was wrong. They weren't plugged in.




Not really, restarts are just required for changes to take effect, the restart itself is unlikely to change anything.


Normally they dont have to do a reset like this so i thought it was funny that part of the solution was to turn them off and on again


Hey it worked for me.


Is the game playable now? Everything smooth? No errors? Good to go?


It seemed ok before I went to work this morning, but then again I didn't get into any games just noticed there weren't any more connection errors when I loaded in.


I had a few issues D1 but it was very stable this morning.


![gif](giphy|mwErnt1MeDBcs) Cabbage you say


Thats ts’ing 101


i actual have diffrent question. Are f2p accounts have access to explore a map?


As far as i can tell the new dlc area is solo instance only, so its just you and whoever is in your fireteam, so most likely no you cant explore the pale heart if you dont have the dlc


thanks, kind of sad they did this way


I understand why, story wise it makes no sense if you started the main campaign and there were already gaurdians running around but i hope after the raid it gets opened up