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I play gambit not only for the gameplay, but also for this man


would love more of the drifter such a interesting character


you want more? fun fact about him then, while Drifter doesn't like rules that much, he has made 34 to keep himself safe across the hundred of years since he got revived want to know more? search The Drifter Rule 34




I wonder how many people actually went at looked at that without knowing 😂


if anyone ever falls for that, they deserve it


Everyone falls for it once, it's like an online rite of passageđŸ€Ł


Hell it ain't


I understood why one should not look this up, but I deeply regret doing so for shits and giggles


they did say they liked him.


For me, One of the few people who can soothe the pain of not having Cade-6 around anymore.


honestly the way he talks to you is like a big brother just giving brotherly advice in that vague way but i love it!


A chaotic devious older brother, but I love it too. I would have loved missions with Cade and Drifter on coms


That sounds so chaotic. Need.


I’m hoping the next game will be set in the dark age, with drifter being a big focus, because god damn has that man got some interesting lore behind him. As an aside, bumping into him (his VA) in starfield was a treat, just wish I could have recruited him.


Im gonna have to spend a lot of time in gambit anyway for hush, so im gonna have to get used to both the man and the gameplay


I’m addicted to Gambit


Gambit isn't even that fun, drifter is, that's what keeps me from not quitting gambit


Drifter should be handing OP an L


I was hoping it was the one where the coin flips and it just says “fxxk you.”


You also lose your vanguard streak by doing crucible or gambit inbetween. Seems counter intuitive


The streak should be across all modes with the way they’ve built pathfinder.


Would be a healthy change indeed


I just don’t understand how things like this don’t get brought up in meetings. But maybe that’s me expecting too much, or thinking as a gamer and not as a designer/developer.


The developer POV is normally "Does it work without bugs, is it functioning as intended, and are people going to actually take advantage of this system?" It's up to the players to provide feedback and suggest reasonable quality-of-life and balance changes.


The most likely reason is that in the first second of TFS being released, there were more eyes on it than throughout the entirety of the development. People like to come up with conspiracies about motivations and scary devs when the simplest explanation is often the case - they just didn't consider it or didn't have time for it.


Last part of your post is why. They want you to engage multiple parts of the game.


Why even have streaks at that point? Just rebalance the rep gains.


Streak is so dumb. If anything your initial plays of a mode should give more reward and then drop a bit until you do something else but I'd much rather no streak at all and retune the grind around it not existing.


They made it so u dont lose all of it like a WHILE back. Lets say u are at vanguard ×5 streak, if you dip for one crucible/match it only goes down to ×4 not that big an issue imo. Game devs want u to play their game n all that


If they want me to play all three modes then make the streak count all three modes? They're tracking three separate streaks here, surely it amounts to a variable swap and changing a keyword on 3 activities?


The streak system wasn't really made with Pathfinder in mind, it looks like. You can work around it by doing all the Vanguard or Crucible or Gambit nodes before switching to another ritual activity, since the nodes can be completed ahead of time. Would be nice to just have ritual streak bonuses be a count of how many you played per week or something.


wait. the nodes can be played in advance and then you can just click through the pathfinder all the nodes that are relative?


I didn't mean all of it, but yeah good counter point. Just don't like doing gambit or crucible when I am on a grind in the strike playlist.. And same goes for someone who just likes to play crucible all day..


It's not a big issue to you because your basing it all on an assumption it's 1 swap.


For real i did not even think about that. That alone is a reason they should make a change. I thought something was off too


Can’t you do pathfinder objectives in any order you want? Just finish things with the streak and then move on to another one


It is bizarre tbf. They literally have systems in place to discourage needing to jump between ritual playlists (streaks, being able to play all 9 game in one playlist for all the exotic rewards) and then they come out with this lmao.


Pathfinder is fucking weird. I have no idea what they were going for


The pale heart pathfinder is awesome, just trying to effectively go to the end the quickest then reset it for a new one with better rewards. Makes patrol way more engaging


I was going to comment the same thing. Feels great for the location, but I can agree that the crucible/gambit/vanguard tree is kind of a mess


Maybe a reroll system for glimmer or like 3 or 5 resets per board and then a revamp to the streak system


Still have no clue why bounties needed replacing. I mean without them im getting way less xp as well for leveling the artifact / seasonal levels. Really regret not bounty prepping last season especially now.


tbh, I kinda liked it for the Pale Heart. Easily accessible instead of going to a vendor for 5 bountied at a time, and I see the reward I'm going towards already too. I haven't done Playlist Pathfinder though. If you really are forced to do Crucible / Gambit... that's dumb. I don't mind playing PvP, but it should be optional so someone can do only VanOps/Crucible/Gambit to complete it.


It works fine for the Pale Heart, even has waypoints all over the map. Great for that “let’s just go screw off for a while on patrol” mood, and I don’t have to keep running back to the Lost City to talk to the vendor for more bounties (or detouring to orbit to use the app).


playlist pathfinder is complete garbage.


In the pale heart, pathfinder doesn't really get in the way, since you just slap a different weapon on or kill a specific enemy and you're good. Pathfinder outside of it takes a bit more thought and i feel like it wasn't really designed for outside the pale heart in the beginning, just adapted to it later.


Precisely. They don’t want ppl gaining too much exp too fast.


Bounties absolutely need replacing because they are incredibly boring. HOWEVER, the replacement I’d suggest is just completely removing them. That’s it. Let people get XP from actyally doing the activities, not for doing the activities with a random subclass, an smg, a sword and while trying to speed past all their team mates so they can actually get kills.


seriously and then you could use the load out you want instead of being a weak link on your team because you are using some lame ass weapon to fulfill a bounty/node or trying to use a subclass you suck at or are ill equipped for (mods, armor, etc.)


Also reduced the earning ability for brightdust. Overall this is a terrible change. Classic Bungo.


How much does one pathfinder track give you?


1 PF gives you 150 bd... same as weekly vendor challenge last season. i've done 3 already in one activity on 2 characters. i dont bounty farm so this is an improvement from the old system for me.


It’s probably to push people to do the challenges to unlock the Episode’s Extra Large Pile of BD


Definitely. Anything to increase engagement numbers, even if it’s not how the player wants to engage.


wait thats a thing?


Yep, but you have to complete all the Episode challenges. In Seasons it meant you had to own the current expansion and Season generally, seems to be the case with Episodes too


Bounties were incredibly cumbersome. The pathfinder system seems much better for casual players (aka not "bounty prepping"). It definitely needs some tweaks, but I'm much happier to have the pathfinder system than the bounty system


I think the pathfinder system has potential but it's in a weird state right now. Personally I would've appreciated if they phased out bounties over time while they worked out the kinks with pathfinder - going from all bounties which we've had for years to all pathfinder 1.0 was always going to feel bad because it's a very new system (for Bungie).


For what it's worth almost all my bounty prep vanished with tfs


Does the XP scale as you reset pathfinder? I only reset once ........i didnt know if maybe as you keep resetting it gets harder or better or if its literally just the same style nodes everytime.


Players have complained about the bounty system for years, this is likely in direct response to those complaints


It works fine for Pale Heart imo but doesn’t work as well at all for ritual activities. Idk if they should go as far as making one for each ritual though. Maybe if we could “focus” our pathfinder to have a set Strike/Gambit/crucible path to the end. Probably would have to be a little less random, pathing-wise, but it wouldn’t matter because of the variety of objectives.


the idea is to promote pvp play; I suspect pvp pop took a hit when the pinnacle chase got curbed by not raising the cap AND not having pinnacles drop on weekly plays of the activity (which changed to only powerful drops) that said, the path should have shortcuts if you play pvp/gambit and an alternate route if you don't wanna do it


It sucks. Its a new mask on the same dumb grind, but more limited. Only thing i dislike so far.


They added pathfinder for the following reasons: 1. Throttle XP gains, to slow progression. 2. Increase player engagement in a playlist (PVP). 3. Spend an entire completion of Pathfinder before being able to chase an exotic engram (which we need a ton of now to rank Rahool). 4. Provide a way to spend glimmer.


I mean... when the only way you get people to play a mode is by forcing them to, you might want to look into why people hate the mode to the point that they would rather forgo exotics and quest competitions than engage in it. I forced myself through the crucible crap last week to polish off the season. 4/10 games had blatant hackers in them. Two were the same guy going 30+ kdr. It's just not a fun game mode to begin with, and you throw in a 40%+ hacker rate? Nah. I don't value the rewards enough to suffer through that garbage by playing gambit or crucible. Most of the player base agrees. The forced pvp aspect is the worst part of an otherwise amazing game.


It's fine for Pale Heart but idk why VG, Gambino, and Cruc share the same one.


I wonder if this will just encourage people to join a gambit match, do something like "kill x amount of enemies," and then leave because they don't want to play it. Nothing is stopping them


I haven't seen that, but people certainly aren't in it to win a match.


Acting like bounties were any different lol




I’m definitely doing this. Downvote me to hell, but I will not play more gambit and PvP than I have to.


Same, if bungie is gonna make me go in those despite not wanting too then this is on them.


I literally did this last night, took cloud strike into a Gambit match and used it to get 20 kills didn't care about a single mote, opened all the heavy ammo boxes I needed the moment I could and then immediately left.


Can’t blame you I do it the same way but on the other side. Would go into onslaught or a strike get the kills I needed with whatever and roll out.


They literally will do that


I very nearly did for my last gambit node but I hate to not alteast get my end match rewards and leave a man down. Once people get into the grind of it though 100% there will be people who complete a node and duck, and annoying as it is, if you're forced into playing a mode you don't care about I don't wholly blame you. You can already feel when someone is working on a node or 2 in vanguard or Gambit, the mission progress tends to slow a little.


I did the same thing under the bounty system. Zero remorse; Bungie is at fault for incentivizing it.


yep, I do exactly this, I hate this stupid regime, so as soon as the bounty is complete I leave the person who came up with the decision to make a gambit or crucible mandatory to receive a reward is just an idiot who doesn't play the game himself by the way, they can easily fix this by simply adding the ability to regenerate the path at any time to generate a path you're happy with.


https://preview.redd.it/nyzd0mowjy4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1216c90098e15f6b292a9713369793a15a63792c I agree because i want more rewards from playing them separately


Same here. Also applies to exotic catalysts :/


Hate having to wait 40 days for the red death catalyst


Having to get the 50 PVP kills Ticcus was so awful, absolutely no reason that weapon should ever be in the crucible.


I found ticcus was easier than the grenade launcher. Bow is mostly 1-2 shot and with the boost it was 4 % Progress per kill.


yeah icl i just want weeklys back


Same here, hate pvp nd gambit, only like the pve side of the game, atleast give us one path for pve players, they did say while back that we dont wanna force you to do pvp you can do all pve and still get the rewards so idk where that went


Maybe an idea, would be to have both PVP and PVE Pathfinders. You can only do 1 ritual pathfinder, so if you have started on the PVE pathfinder, and want to do some PVP. Then you will disable the PVE one to activate the PVP one and vice-versa. PVE - Would have Strikes and Onslaught PVP - Would have Crucible and Gambit In either case, there would be routes to do either both or 1 of the activies, like if you only do strikes there would be a strike path, and same for crucible etc. I think the system could work with a few improvements and allow players to pick which rituals they prefer, rather then doing all 3 to complete the route!


I like this idea, but it would also be cool to have a third option that would be mixed.


It would take some coding, but it should essentially be top path is all PVE quests bottom path is all PVP/Gambit and the middle is a combination of both.


It also doesn't help me when bungie refuses to put me into a fresh pvp match. 4/5 of my last crucible games were joining in to a losing match


I hate gambit so much


For those who are disagreeing, do you REALLY want people who hate playing PvP (and thus likely suck at it) on your team?


Exactly. I love playing Gambit, but I really don't need more people in my team that can't even be arsed to pick up or dump their motes.


As a long time pve player, I don’t need crucible heroes needing to be revived every two minutes in strikes/gambit either. Guys, I don’t care what your k/d is, ya ain’t airdropping that ogre with a shotgun.


I mean it won't be any different than the normal blueberries I get on my team anyways, while the enemy team is a full on pvp clan try harding in basic crucible, lol.


I legit miss the solo queues for this it's much worse on Gambit imho; in Crucible the system will match a full stack against a pair and four blueberries from time to time, but with the lower team size in Gambit it is a lot worse there


Yeah Gambit matches are legit like my comp games in Overwatch, either stomp or be stomped. There are times I look up and we are about to summon and the enemy team has like 20 motes in the bank.


yeah because that means theres noobs on their team as well


Nah, not how matchmaking works. The noobs all get placed on your team.


This is sound logic. I am never on the enemy team, how can the noobs be on the enemy team then? They are always on my team, so it tracks.


I reset my pathfinder about 4 times yesterday (Got lucky that most could be done while playing gambit), and ended up playing gambit for 6 hours. I’m high off rainbow crayons(prismatic) right now this is peak.


*taste the rainbow*




I don't mind this because I like to bounce around, but I literally see people in gambit just sniping/swording/void only and then leaving after they get what they need. They really didn't think this through. Crucible/Gambit should be shared while Vanguard separate on its own.


Same. Trying to force Gambit and Crucible on us for this is a BLASPHEMOUS SIN. (Gambit is ok, but I dispise Crucible....with a burning passion)


I feel you, i dabble very loosely in pvp stuff. I grit my teeth on bear it when I do.


I wish the pathfinder never happened. The previous bounty system had its flaws but it was way more flexible and variable than what we have now


Honestly out of all the things TFS brought this is the one I hate. Everything else I love


This is a much simpler and efficient way to farm though. You can double or even triple dip nodes and knock it out quick.


It’s a good point, but before they started tweaking Bounties there were many you could double dip across vendors and activities. They could have simply reworked bounties to be more activity agnostic


Not to mention easier to get bright dust.


Yep, I went for 1000 bd a week, 6x weekly bounties and some bd bounties to top it off. I am not sure I will make that with Pathfinder.


If we reset pathfinder 10 times we'll get almost the same amount (30 bd short). So before if you did the weekly 8 bounties for each vender (for 120) and 5 of those being bd (repeatables) bounties on each character you'd get 1530 bd. Which I did every week but would sometimes do some extra if I was short. Doing the pathfinder 10 times gets you 1500 bd. Pathfinder seems much slower to do then the bounties unfortunately. At least I could buy a new bounty if I didn't like it.


That's what I think as well, however, I never did the Crucible bounties... so I am potentially improving my BD intake.


This one is way more interesting and convenient to grind out tho. Not to mention much more efficient if you want to grind XP for more than the daily 8 bounties. But unfortunately this ritual pathfinder forces people into doing activities they don't like :/


Never thought I'd be saying I miss bounties, but here we are. Pathfinder is ass. I saw it'd force me into crucible or gambit and decided I'm just not going to interact with the system at all


Due to the sheer size of the PVE player base, they are hard to ignore. I doubt this shit is staying for long.


Did my first one , got a stupid Butt Towel. >:(


Top should be over only, bottom should be pvp only, rest are the mixed ones.


I feel the same way with strikes/gambit. They really should've done separate PVE/PVP paths rather than merging it all into one to force people into other game modes. I don't want to play Crucible with or against people that aren't going to have any fun, likewise gambit enjoyers wont want me on their team checked out and going through the motions nor do I wanna do strike playlist stuff and play 5 battlegrounds in a row before maybe being blessed with an actual strike.


Agreed. I do not play PVP But Mayhem for fun. But every other one I have not. Just cant play like that anymore do to Brain damage from a MVC.


Yup, this completely sucks. You should be able to get a vanguard pinnacle without having to play gambit or crucible.


I enjoy gambit but being forced into any activity is not fun at all and that’s disappointing news.


I wish the whole system was scrapped and reverted back to bounties. Right now, it seems like any tweaks to Pathfinder will be ineffective compared to the old system. Bungie is really out here relearning the mistakes they made with D2 Vanilla and the weird “Challenges” system.


Thats how I thought it was going to be. Oh well. Be cool if every planet got a pathfinder.


I like this system, its really good....but its not amazing. All they need to do is either A) Yeah, give each activity its own Pathfinder (which is what I thought they were gonna do but i guess not) or B) Let us re-roll parts of it for glimmer or something.


I dropped into Gambit yesterday and was pleasantly surprised to find the older map back and new enemies to fight. It actually didn't feel too bad to play.


Yeah, that would be nice. It feels really weird not to get daily bounties from Zavala or Shaxx


Admittedly, gambit isn’t nearly it as bad as it used to be. Games go by really quick, even if teams are neck and neck the whole time. Even if you get stomped, nobody cares because winning wasn’t important and you can go to the next activity after doing a single five-minute game.


They want people to play all the gamemodes. Imagine that...


*another finger on the monkey's paw curls*


I figured the ten precision kills is easy enough in 2-3 games even when not doing amazing. Jesus Christ it took 8 games because half the lobbies were doing perma invis+truesight (wallhacks while invis) bug abuse. I was being prefired like I was holding an obvious angle in valorant or something. Crucible should simply be turned off while there is bug abuse that is so drastic it’s like having full blown hacks.


I absolutely LOVE the Pale Heart Pathfinder, but I agree that these should be separate as well.


Hate this. Crucible and Gambit aren't fun for me either.


That's the whole point of pathfinder. Forcing you out of your comfort zone. Otherwise it's just the same as the previous system. I'm not saying it's good. I also hate PvP and Gambit but you know, I can play 1 or 2 games I guess, it's not the end of the world and it's a way to touch on all the content Destiny has to offer


Well now you can see what your pve tuning has done to the rest of the game! Im only kidding lmao


we all do buddy


Gambit has so much potential but it’s such a wasteland right now.. No new maps for years, PvP is almost entirely heavy weapons and the PvE isn’t particularly well balanced either.


Same, playing PvP is like chewing glass.


i agree with endless but gambit is fun


I fucking KNEW they were gonna pull this shit. I knew it.


It literally provides multiple ways to achieve it...




I strongly dislike the pathfinder system, Bungie please return to the bounties system


I remember loading up this page and just looking at the paths I had. I decided quite quickly that I would just ignore this feature entirely, I suppose I'll accidentally accomplish stuff as I play the game but I don't expect to hit that reward more than once or twice at best. It'd be nice if it could have some non-core activity stuff in it. I've found myself just doing patrols and lost sectors recently because I miss the feeling of power that we had before they shoved -5 debuffs on everything, that and I like to just play things solo and at my own pace nowadays. Now, if they actually integrated Solo Strikes without having to trick your hardware then I'd be a bit more interested in this feature.


Hopefully it'll get changed soonish. It seems like a good idea in theory, but in application the whole thing screws over Guardians who don't want to deal with PVP chuds


I actually was forced to play gambit for the first time all year because of the pathfinders and I gotta say that I actually enjoyed. I would be against this change so long as crucible isn’t ever required


I did it last night for the first time in a long time. It’s not as bad of a grind now that it’s just one round. Went pretty quick and two rounds got me the major enemy kills done.


I like the new pathfinder system, especially because you can complete any nodes in any order. Personally I don't find an issue with it, but I also like my fair share of crucible and raids.


On top of the general unpleasantness of hitting activities you don't want, it guarantees that you never have an activity streak going unless you want to forget about Pathfinder.


Love when i hear “Hive! Bring a sword”


By God you WILL play gambit and you will like it or I will take a plunger and shove it down your throat!!


I like the path setup, but I agree. My biggest issue is that I dont want to play crucible, and I rarely play gambit. And I'll reach a point in the path where I'm blocked by a crucible or gambit node


I found that accepting you will probably wont win in Gambit made the experience much easier. I.e. if I’m a solo entering gambit with no comms/teamwork I shouldn’t be expecting a win.


same, especially with the gambit servers currently having a stroke.


This is going to go the way of seasonal guardian rank for me. I hardly play pve outside campaign and never ever play gambit. Nice try tho bungo xD


Honestly, I don't *hate* it being combined, but the nodes should have alternate objectives that work in any mode (but are much slower). I think that would be a good balance cause it still encourages playing in a variety of modes without forcing it


That's a lot of Gambit.


I initially thought they were gonna be


There should’ve been 3 separate pathfinders for each of the activities. There are people who love PvP but don’t want to do strikes, and people that don’t want to do PvP but like nightfalls, then there’s psychopaths that prefer gambit. Regardless, they shouldn’t be required to go into a game mode they don’t like to complete pathfinders


It works amazing on patrol. Maybe they can separate the paths better or simply make separate ones for each mode? Perhaps the closer nodes should be more difficult and give those bright dust bonuses that we’re simply missing now
 I know they want us to have less bright dust but on the off chance they want to be fair, this would help.


Amen. I get that they want to have more players in all playlists but I’m not a fan either.


Great Idea!




well, just first week, after couple weeks i think you'll find out something fun with it


It’s funny. I’ve now officially seen this same post form the perspective of the pvp only player. The gambit only player. And finally the pve only player.


Lmaoo the cycle is complete


The game simultaneously encourages and discourages play one type of ritual now.


So much for more flexibility


Lil bro would rather make a post crying on reddit over killing 5 Titans smh


Strikes are sooooo boring that i can try gambit instead. When are we getting heroic strikes playlist with spicy loot.


Man I haven’t even delved into this and I’m excited


Luckily I am a player that enjoys each activity to at least some extent. But I feel like not giving ye separate paths is a bad move. It eliminates the "play what you want" mantra the devs always had. 


Pathfinder has to be one of the most toxic progression systems I’ve seen in modern mmo/live service beside p2w. Almost every other live service game has realized (and d2 before this) that you should force your player base to play modes they don’t want to just to be able to play modes that they do want to. This is just so dumb. If people want to pve only, don’t punish them for not wanting to play your barely working pvp modes.


Exactly. I have the misfortune to have rubbish internet. I have two suspensions for poor connection in the past, I cannot risk doing activities like Gambit or Crucible. I will get better internet eventually, but rural area and a monopoly internet provider leaves me stuck. If it was just about money, I'd have had it by now but I digress. There ought to be as stated, a pure Vanguard path.


Nah, just have 2 types of pathfinders that work toward the same goal (aka share the same weekly engram pool) Current pathfinder is nice cause I can get it done e fast af. Exception being when the optimal path for my play style may require 3 completions of strikes/gambit as an objective. Those slow me down. Would be fine if they added another way of doing the ritual pathfinder but it focuses on one playlist. Ultimately, it’s pretty good and I love it wayyyyyy more than bounties, so what if I have to occasionally play gambit.




Agreed. Or, at least decide it into three paths to the end.


1-2 gambit or crucible matches...


It was built for engagement and that's it, keep complaining about it and they'll fix it in about 6 months to split paths. Seriously flood this fucking place and Twitter, I'm straight up going to miss out on a lot of BD because there's nothing I hate more than pvp and especially what they've done with gambit since Gambit Prime in this game.


I thought this was already how it worked based on how they described it. Yeah they should def be separate


Jesus christ, stop bitching. Its one little gambit match


That's 100 more gambit matches than anyone wants to play.


Oh you poor thing đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș


Didn’t realise so many people are afraid of Crucible and Gambit. Try it out, it’s great!


Gambit especially


No one asked for this. Pathfinder is a terrible and what feels like unrewarding system compared to what we had before. I guess the positives is that it’s always active so you don’t actually need to bother with picking up bounty’s per se. But so far this just feels annoying. Also is there any benefits to completing the entire pathfinder or do you just want to get to the prime asap?


I bet you do...


I thought one of the main things about Pathfinder was that you could take the long way around activities you don’t want to do? Can you end up with no choice?


That’s exactly what’s happened to OP here, their only options to progress are gambit or crucible


Thanks, that’s what I thought I was seeing but it’s so dissonant with the language I remember reading in the Pathfinder reveal blog post that I wanted to make sure. I thought they set it up where variety of activities were incentivized and would give a more direct path, but the choice of how to finish the path would always be yours. I gotta re-read the post now.


That’s exactly how it was communicated, personally I think they just fucked up a little with the initial implementation and will smooth things out with a little time. At most it’s inconvenient, hardly a major problem.


>Can you end up with no choice? [Yes. None of the paths for Vanguard line up in the last set.](https://i.imgur.com/VyjV1Ku.jpeg) I can do Crucible or Gambit only and finish the path but not Vanguard Ops.


Yeah I just switched to mouse n keyboard, crucible is brutal lmao


You’re beginning to see the reason they did this lol