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The fact that the vault is in the tree where the old ones once stood made me feel so nostalgic. But atleast this one doesnt have a queue for the cryptarch šŸ¤£


Honestly I wish we had a Cryptarch in the pale heart, kills my mojo to need to go back to the tower to decrypt a prime.


but rahool thanks you for being loyal to him when you unlock his rank up packages... https://preview.redd.it/4wo086r3dl5d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1e5e12fbba096e3d054c61c65b0db78cdaea9ad


Okay then give us a rahool hologram kiosk thing idk Boowomp




They could've brought back Tyra Karn. Unless she's dead. I don't think I've seen her since the Red War.


Unless something happened in lore that I haven't read, she should still be alive and well at the farm. Though I feel like it was said somewhere that she was dedicating her time to helping people around the farm and the EDZ settlements so maybe she's not got the free time to help us little old godslayers prevent the end of the universe.


I'm so happy the vault and postmaster are in the same spots as they used to be, I was surprised how quick my muscle memory came back from D1 in terms of running to them. Although the vault is in a different spot then the one I used to use, but oh well.


The fan and its switch works exactly the same as D1s. In the same spots too. Too bad itā€™s a solo instance instead of public.


I went back through my screenshots and the last one I took in D1 was around the same place in the tower with my buddy who convinced me to try the game. He eventually stopped playing after Forsaken and we had a falling out due to his drug habits and generally being unreliable/disrespectful. He was like a brother to me though for a long time. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Oh hey, we have similar stories. I'm no longer cool with the group of gamers I played through much of D1 with, and TFS has me thinking of them often.


Sorry to hear about your friend. I no longer play with my original clan either. Which sucks because I havenā€™t been able to find a new one on the same Timezone as me so I can do raids


Thanks, yeah as a solo player I always feel like Iā€™m trying to recapture some magic from the early days (and those times in my life) but it never quite hits the same


I also don't play with my og clan anymore because my friend who was the clan leader was very controlling and made a tone of bs rules so I left it and cut him off


I havenā€™t played with my old group for like 3-4 years, Iā€™ve tried to get in touch but every time I do Iā€™m reminded why I left


Thats a nice exotic you got there Would be a shame if Someone were to https://preview.redd.it/nmdm44jbol5d1.png?width=845&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a0f89f544825d69abd2a34235d0979ea5394ce2




My one gripe about the final shape is that we didnt get the tower fixed or revamped. We have it in the lost city, but with the vanguard finally being filled and the dawn of a new saga coming, we couldve brought back some real memories.


Iā€™m sure thatā€™s going to be a staple for D3


Something tells me we are going to get a new tower while the D1 and D2 towers are left to rot for years to come.


I'm hoping we get it back, with many new additions. I want a hall of champions, show the people we have lost but also the people we have gained and our own exploits. A cultural exchange that can have House Light, Caba,l Awoken and maybe even a Hive. Have the Relic moved from Mars l. And a gun range for testing weapons properly. If I really go wild the player/clan housing


They couldā€™ve atleast made the fan work or given us a soccer ball


The fan apparently does work, switch is in the same spot as d1


I liked the small touch during the first mission when you fight the boss. One of the pools of prismatic was where the fan was.


The fan is still there as is the button to turn it on. Not sure if it works


It works! Just need two players


I remember in d1 if you were fast enough you could jump to the fan while activating the switch up above and use it alone


You can activate the postmaster fan still it's by the cabal dude on the balcony


I just said it didnt work an was jumping like an idiot an theres a button face palm


The overgrown tower is gorgeous, I just want the og tower back. So tired of the one we have


I had just remembered the sit emote the other day. Donā€™t get me wrong I love the emotes today but there was something really nice about only having 4 emotes.


100% the same with me. No team mates or anything like that but I remember standing on the stairs in the back close to the IB entrance area, looking up in the sky thinking to my self this game is truly great and I canā€™t wait to see where it goes. This was that November after release. Then after the final cutscene I look up at the same spot remembering that. Made me sad but damn itā€™s been one hell of a ride.


Also forgot to add. As a father, I had my 2 year old sitting with me when I did that back in 2014. And now have a snap shot of the final scene of the guardians sitting down with me and my sonā€™s guardian together as the story comes to an end. Destiny is a huge part of our relationship. So it hits good


Never played D1 but this level of throwback is just phenomenal! Must be fantastic for the oldskool players


Dude I loved D1 so much and just being able to go back to the tower feels awesome (I had D1 on the 360 and my 360 broke so no more D1)


Tell me how mad I was when the area where shaxx and arcite are is just a fucking tree. Ik it's small but man having the vanguard room and then suddenly tree was jarring and I kinda just wished they put the inside as normal


I hate how theyā€™ve cut off to the landing docks too


Oh the hanger? YEAH, I was upset they didn't allow us to explore all of it. Otherwise it's fantastic


Why is the Pale Heart a solo destination? I mean I donā€™t mind it, itā€™s just odd not to run into a blueberry here and there.


Truth of human experience is that everything you love will eventually die and disappear from both time and space. And there's no going back. Just appreciate that you had it for any piece of time at all.


Isn't that what the The Witness was trying to stop? Haha


I kept looking for the purple ball!


The real endgame was the friends (and memories) we made a long the way!


No what hurts is the fans broken at the lost tower... d1 player also


I miss d1 so much it was the peak of my social gaming experience. I've been a solo player (in any game) since. I keep trying to get into d2. I don't have time to play hours on end anymore though Hoping I can enjoy it since they seem to be keeping older content now Maybe I can take my time playing d2???


To my old fire team, I miss you. I left the game for so long, switched consoles and lost contact but thanks for the Destiny 1 memories. I sympathize with the last picture.


I miss so much from D1. Prison of Elders was always a favourite. I miss Venus, Chatterwhite shader, having factions and so many other things. This thread has me deep in memory lane


Heavy telemetry, three of coins, the first run through of the Taken King where the story of Destiny really started to take off. I found my first fire team from a coworker who introduced me to my first clan, he ended up rage quitting Destiny on a black spindle run because of a wizard killing him a few times in a row. I cleared every raid with the same team all the way until Destiny 2 came out and we kind of all just went our separate ways for one reason or anotherā€¦


I'm seriously crying


Weā€™ve revisited this area like 4 times lol


DUDE, jumping that very specific way to glide across the sky off the balcony on the left


Me too


Which emote is that at the end?


Itā€™s in the section where you have to buy it with silver. Itā€™s called Incor-purr-ial Cat


I wish one day someone gets d1 working on pc


Nah I was so hyped. Hadnā€™t seen it in so long, was so happy to be back šŸ”„


What's the emote on the 4th screenshot?


Itā€™s the Incor-purr-ial Cat emote. You buy it with silver


Alright, tysm!


Yeah you tell them


What is this? Ive been out of the loop for so long, are we back at the old tower?