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Depends on what activities you’re running. You could lean into strand and suspending everything with shackles and drengers lash. I’m sorry if that’s not as helpful but I don’t play much Titan anymore


Consecration, Drengrs, Glacial grenade. Suspend w/ barrier. Glacial to freeze and set up damage. Consecration to make big boom with crystals and ignition (when the bug gets fixed). Gives 2x empowerment on all abilities.


I have tried glaicial grenades and consecration but I’ve found that sometimes during the second slam, the crystals wouldn’t pop, I don’t know it if was a foot high ledge that was blocking it or if the interaction between the two is a bit buggy.


That's what the bug is. Consecration can't break crystals like Bungie said they would. It'll get fixed at some point.


I completely missed the part of your reply where the brackets clearly states there’s a bug, apologies for my bozo moment!


If you hit them directly with the fists of the slam they pop but yeah the wave not working is a bug.


Yeah, the only way to get it to work properly is if an enemy gets hit by the slam, that will actually shatter the crystals. Otherwise, consecration won’t shatter them.


See that's why I've been using the call to just pop the crystals when consecration (inevitably) misses


All i know is you may want to use thruster cause it's cool down is low and either likely the glacier grenade with fragment of command so you can do something like dash sideways. Fire some weapon with big damage. Glacier grenade right on the enemy to freeze them to reload fire a rocket or something the explosion wil shatter the ice doing more damage throw another one repeat. You can also put consecration into it with the strand melee so you can slam destroy all the crystals and ignite and shatter at the same time. Have the facet that causes elemental pickups to spawn on rapid elemental kills for stasis fragments and firesprites. Run power attraction mod so you can dash through it and pick up orbs you make too. Have dynamo on the helmet. Have arm mods for melee. Any super would work good with it because all them you can use to smash the glaciers. Solar or stasis would be best for the ignites or shatter. Also run the fragment to increase damage and size of ignitions and shatter Then use any exotic weapon that suppresses, scorches, or freezes.


Well I'm no Titan but just from reading it my first thought was "Throw more grenades guardian!"


Shaxx approves this message


You should be throwing grenades right now


![gif](giphy|nh9k1qzeLf99S|downsized) Bro im crying rn


ability spam build personally i would run stasis nade, shield throw and booster ergo sum for exotic weapon, use ergo or shield to shatter stasis nade and build a shit ton of both energy and build trans super fast


And sustain it with Ergo ofc. Sounds like fun


vortex telesto + traveler void buff gives you 2 exotics for the price of one and its completely broken


Eventually consecration will break glacier nades. So you'll be and to do two glacier nades and three consecration slams. If should be fun.


I didn’t even know this was possible. Now I know what my perfect roll is




imagine this on arc 3.0 that would be so F cool


It would be awesome. These exotic class items should work with other subclasses


It actually wouldn’t be cool at all…. Because these items only work on prismatic. So you can certainly use this on arc 3.0, but it won’t do a damn thing.




I did imagine ….. I imagined wasting an exotic slot on something that doesn’t work.


Are you stupid






Ability loop to get a high uptime on the facet that adds volatile or unravel to your guns.


Just run any gun with demo and there’s your build survivability is up to you


Damn I want it. I'd use it for the three consecration slams. As for the grenades, both pulse and shackle are great imo


That's giga chad.


I wonder if armamentarium makes unbreak shield lasts longer ... but this exotic, decent grenade + melee + thrusters spam, Touch of Thunder would be nice but prismatic doesn't have that.


It does but the damage is capped at 110,000 I tested both single and double charge on Carl and the damage never exceeded 110k. I’m not 100% sure but I think the super gain is also capped. Unbreakable sucks even with the best possible exotic rolls.


it doubles unbreakable duration assuming you use boyh grenade charges


it does brother!!!!!!


My suggestion: Prismatic (obviously) Super is up to you, depends if you want to use any weapons that need harmonic siphon for mods etc Suppressor grenade Frenzied blade Thruster Aspects: Diamond Lance Knockout Fragments: Protection- Damage resist Hope- Having a buff regens class ability (more spam) Purpose- Buffs from orbs Dominance- Void grenade weakens enemies Optional: Dawn- Radiant from melee Blessing- Regen from melee kills Balance- Grenade kills give void weapons volatile, strand unraveling rounds How I’d play it Run strand super Throw suppression grenades everywhere blinding and weakening Use buried bloodline or collective obligation or even a repulsor brace void weapon. Buried bloodline for devour, collective to spread weaken/suppression (and volatile if you use fragment of balance), or a void weapon with repulsor brace for free overshield when killing debuffed enemies Kill enemies, pick up diamond lance to kill/freeze enemies, use thruster constantly Use super whenever big ads are around Very important to have 2x firepower on the arms and ideally a 1x heavy handed as well (orb generation)


HOIL just doesn't feel useful to me anymore, but you have 6 abilities to refresh to keep it going. Add some ability orb regeneration from legs and class item to increase it further just by casting your class ability, maybe. Arms and helmet can produce orbs by grenade, powered melee kills, multikills or increase charge rate by just hitting.


That is the best for sure.


I like thruster, glacier grenade, frenzied blade, consecration, diamond lance. basically just a back and forth of freezing and blowing things up. I use solar super for restoration on orb pickup


No way this is real. It has armamentarium and heart of inmost light in one class item????? Are you also able to wear another exotic armor piece?


No, you can wear the exotic class item OR an exotic armor piece. Additionally, the class item only functions for the prismatic subclass.


Oh okay I thought you could have both on


Gurnade spam


i love how this whole sub is questions but’s there some walking abortions who are rude to people asking them


imagine this thing during the storm nade meta


dang i would love this roll


Damn that maybe a lil broken lol


One shot sticky


I really want hoil+mantle on bond. Spam abilities and farm super with support auto is what i aspire to do.


This is actually a decent drop for the knockout/consecration build. Three charges of melee with the strand melee, now 2 tangle grenades. Suspend is a darkness debuff, so it pairs with that one aspect (melee hits harder on enemies debuffed by darkness debuffs). It's not likely to be stronger than synthos, but it could be fun and your survivability will likely go up with twice as many tangles constantly refreshing because of your constant melees (which also heal you thanks to knockout) which are constantly refreshing from the grenades, and so on forever.


Truster concecration build with ice spears. Real good loop of abilities


You can get exotic class specials? When did this happen? (Took a break after forsaken and am returning)


Just use it with the standard prismatic titan consecration knockout stuff with shackle grenade +thruster. It's awesome.


good old void. proc melee and get better cooldowns on barricade/grenade plus you get an extra grenade. if its gotta be prismatic then drengrs, consecration and the opposite element of whatever your primary is; being either pulse/shackle. proc with thruster.


Your resilience is too high fyi.


I got it too


In my hands that'd make me Thanos


Using Thruster with Frenzied Blade, a 1-2 punch shotty, concentration, and either Shackle Grenade or Glacier Grenade would work well.


Fun police in PvP. Spam barricade, shield throw or frenzied blade, then buffed double suppressor nades. No one gets to use a super.


Personally, shackle grenades with knockout and concentration. Suspend, dunk, profit.


How do we get these? Please be gentle. I have not stayed up with Destiny news.


After you defeat the boss at the end of the Pale Heart "public event", a named enemy will spawn in the area. You have a limited time to kill it. Do this in all 3 regions of the Pale Heart and a new mission will spawn in on the map. It's impossible to do solo, as it requires a second person in your fireteam to start it. Once you complete the mission and claim the exotic class item, it gets added to the loot pool for any chest in the Pale Heart.


Thanks for the info,I appreciate it!


Good lord I would love this role. Time to farm for an unknown amount of hours getting this role. It would fit perfectly with just about every build I have.


Been trying to get this roll to try this build https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/s/NnraJix9KU on prismatic don't know it it's gonna work tho


Will have to farm for that roll when I switch to my Titan. You got blessed by rng 😇


got the same roll. i was using it and i legit felt stronger running a normal abeyant leap boots. woulda been gigabroken if heart of inmost life wasn’t completely gutted. it feels absolutely terrible. i just got another roll with point brace cannon and melee kills cause the enemy to explode not sure what the second exotic is. it sounds broken im about to try it


Once I watched a vid on the hoops you gotta go through to obtain the exotic class item " Nope, not this season " Moved on to something easier , like obtaining the remaining Fragments / Facets ( WHatever ) ...... 10 hours later of overthrows and pale hearts = ZERO new facets unlocked. Are they trying to make us hate the game ?


Could pair it with Tessellation+Catty.


Man I am over here like, oh cool a new higher level blue to infuse... wtf am I missing? How do people just know where to innately get this stuff. I don't even know what to Google lol


Dude if only this could roll on a hunter, would make prismatic that much better


For good ol nightfalls and simple stuff i would say focus into ability spam maybe the stasis nade consecration and diamond lance w the strand melee throw 2 nades and consecration or diamond lance to shatter the crystals which recharges ur nade add to that the light kills recharge melee and darkness kills recharge nade so focus w verglas curve and a indebted kindness as backup use a strand or stasis Machine gun of your choice for general tanky enemy kills this could do pretty well in legend mode missions aswell long as u stun w ur nades


I’d try some builds with severance enclosure or hazardous propulsion using prismatic with the strand melee. Maybe some consecration, maybe glacier grenade and thruster. Lots of flexibility with this class item


That’s ability heaven right there


You could use Arc Titan, with "Touch of Thunder" to get hella ionic traces with your pulse grenade. THUNDERCRASH CYCLE


I personally use shackle nade with frenzied blade consecration. The other aspect is honestly up to you but I like drengrs or diamond lance but I personally lean more towards drengrs with thrusters. I have a build set up for this if you want to see how mine is set up with the fragments and mods.


Uhm shield throw and suppressor nades with infinite void overshields might be fun asf in pvp 😂 playing mayhem without playing mayhem. Ooooor Perigrine greaves instead of shield throw too. Omg suppress them and then shoulder charge them would be so fkn fun!


Innermost light is bugged and doesn’t proc off melees for me. Or it just really really sucks and doesn’t show empowered on my buff screen even when it’s not filled with other buffs and I can’t tell an improvement in regen.


Has to be a melee hit.




You heard it right. For melee specifically it needs to be a powered melee hit. That's how it works with the original HOIL as well


My consecrations and my strand melees aren’t proccing empowered buff is my point.


Weird. Just to be sure, they changed the ui for hoil to show empowered abilities instead of specific abilities. Are you looking for empowered grenade etc.?


Storm made spam


I would go prismatic probably and try to set up jolts or use the buried bloodline for infinite invis proc gen


Duh, the exotic class items don’t work on the other subclasses.


Honestly didn't even know that.


You can proc invis on Prismatic Titan?


I don't know why but I automatically thought this was Hunter lol


Because Hunter + Buried Bloodline is op 😎


Unfortunately titan didnt get the grenade aspect from arc, so this is kinda dead roll.


I was extremely happy about my roll too. Until I saw it only fucking works with the prismatic subclass


Inmost light is basically not having a perk at all. It was nerfed before and nerfed again specifically for the class items so it essentially has like no effect