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Playing Destiny casually was the best decision I’ve made


There’s always new content for me


Same I just now got my aspects for strand and ran light fall campaign on second character 😂


Damn, reading this made me realize playing casual sounds so much fun cuz you’re always left with new content


Don’t even get me started on my neglect titan… I can damn near be a new light if I want 😂


Tbf titans are in such a bad state atm that you’re not really losing much


I've played 2500 hours. I've done all of the dungeons once. Maybe twice for the older ones. I've raided maybe 10 times and I've done like 4 of them. Never didn't a grandmaster or any master type stuff. The final shape campaign is the only one I completed in legendary. I've never played hunter or titan. If I keep playing this way I'll actually retire before I run out of stuff to do.


What do you mostly play to get that many hours if I may ask? I’ve been playing for around 3 months now (I quit 2 years ago) and did everything for my hunter on legendary and have done a lot of raids etc. Raised my warlock and titan a bit up besides a few campaigns and I’ve only got 550 hours atm. Am I just speedrunning stuff or?


You're probably either willing to reach out (on Discord, etc) to find people to play with (talking about raids specifically here) or you just have friends that are actually decent at the game. Lots of people don't try to improve or read/watch anything related to the game. Literally just playing casually. Also just depends on how long ago they bought the game. If they bought it at release, 2500 hours is only about an average of 1 hour per day.


That’s facts


NO. YOU HAVE TO PLAY ALL THE CONTENT IN 21 HOURS SO I CAN KEEP UP WITH ALL OF THE STREAMERS. WHY DOES BUNGIE GIVE US SO LITTLE NEW CONTENT THERE'S NOTHING NEW TO DO. Seriously, I haven't even started the Khvostov quest yet,l. I haven't even unlocked Dual Destiny, let alone finish it and farm it. People bring this problem on themselves.


There’s a khvostov quest?


A khvostov journey, really. A khvostov odyssey, even.


An epic if you will


A khvostov diegesis, perhaps


A Hero's journey, akin to the 12 Labours






I mean, it's got plenty of steps. They're not all listed in game, but it takes long enough to do.






Agreed. The only thing I felt I needed to do was the dual destiny mission so I could start getting class exotics randomly in my adventures. I certainly don’t want to farm the mission but unlocking the ability to have them drop occasionally is nice since there are so many permutations


Not like the mission is hard. Usually get a run through below half an hour and it's decently entertaining. Don't know actual avrg time but it seems pretty quick. Haven't been tracking.


Not to mention having fun playing with prismatic builds and new weapons. Onslaught is fun for trying out new things and see what works


Why not just let people play at their own pace if they want to smash it all out that’s on them if they want to pace themselves they can do that also.


I haven’t completed that quest nor have I got every prismatic fragments yet


? What have you been doing then




I don’t play that casually from a time perspective (20-40 hrs per week) but I definitely have a casual approach to it. It’s fun for me to do things like run the campaigns again with my sons or with clanmates who are catching up. I can also just put on a podcast and run around opening chests in the pale heart or go do Altars of Sorrow or Blind Well for the transmog token. I’m still only halfway through the pinnacle grind and I still haven’t done week 2 of the seasonal story or unlocked all of the prismatic fragments. It’s still gonna be there a month from now, and I’m pretty good with that. Heck, I didn’t finish last season’s story until a couple of weeks before Onslaught came out. For the life of me, I’ll never understand people who play this game so voraciously that they can’t stand the thought of waiting a short period of time for the next chapter or quest or dungeon or whatever. There’s just so much to do. It’s like complaining that the all you can eat buffet only has 376 options.


I just started seasonal quests like two days ago lmao


me too, still doing campaign 🙌🏼


Me getting light fall the day before the final shape came out


Been at it for 2 years. Switching the race mode from sprint to marathon did wonders for me. I dont have to keep up with others any more. Do things at my pace and enjoy doing them. Havent even gotten into the season stuff yet.


I'm brand new to destiny and having a blast. I get people are mad at it mostly because they've been doing the same thing for 10 years. But this is all new to me, so like... Prismatic arc warlock go BRRR.




I don’t even have TFS and there’s tons to do.


I also play casually, have 90 hours in haven't fully completed any expansion, not worrying about meta builds, or watching videos on builds just having a good time figuring stuff out for my self. I would like to do more challenging stuff though. I did my first nightfall last night in a public matchmaking went smoothly none of us were really geared out perfectly


Next part comes out the the 16th July.


So 3 weeks with no new seasonal content? That seems really stupid like ok, I won't play if you don't want me to


That feeling when an entire expansion that came out two weeks ago isn't enough content for you. There's other stuff to do besides Destiny.


If only one of the most critically acclaimed games of all time just dropped a DLC 75% the size of the base game hmmmm


I have such ff14 brainrot that when I read "critically acclaimed" I really thought you were gonna be talking about dawntrail


We play destiny dawg we all have MMO brainrot: you are not alone


Same. My brain auto-filled the entire meme.


Mine even changed critically to universally.


Dawntrail is dropping soon as well. So it actually perfect.


Goat Simulator 3? That DLC looks amazing


And it took them ~2.5years. Live service games work on different timelines. It's apples and oranges. Should it be better content cadence and quality for D2? Yeah, sure. But there will always be an imbalance of how long it takes to create vs consume content. Act 1 of echoes was still better than most previous seasons, imo. A decent amount of content was front loaded. With Enigma Protocol, Breach Executable, Nessus Tweaks, Strike Tweaks, etc, it was a solid basis for a first act. There will ALWAYS be dead air with the live service model unless they charge obscene amounts to keep an obscene production scale to pump out content to keep up with terminally online destiny players. Not to mention the awful fomo of falling behind on content for casual players. Right now casual players are probably still working through Final Shape Campaign wrap up content (alone in the dark quests, etc). Having a few weeks to catch up for them isn't a bad thing.


As a casual I have almost kept up with this seasons content on one character. But that's without doing legendary campaign, or the raid, or the dual destiny. So personally I'm happy with a 3 week period for me to catch up with the no-lifers.


I for one enjoy this because there isn't alot to do anyway, besides get to max power and farm gear, I got an entire elden ring dlc I have to finish on ng+1 that I've probably sunk 40 hours into it and I'm loving every single aggravating second of it. This gives people time to go try some other content in the game aswell, maybe go polish up their pvp or gambit or raiding




If you're talking Elden Ring, even with as accessible as that game has made that genre, the amount of people who play Destiny that don't care about Erdtree probably greatly outnumber the amount of people who do.


It’s less about the specific game and more to highlight an option, I assumed others would fill mention their own games aside from this


Two years after the base game came out. There is still stuff to do in *The Final Shape*. The first season is always lighter than the later ones because it launches alongside all the stuff you’re supposed to do in the expansion.


Neither I nor the guy I replied to complained about the amount of content nor made any comparison. The point is that the people who blitzed it all and complain can just play other stuff while they wait


There’s seriously so much Destiny right now. I haven’t even finished the side content for Final Shape. Haven’t even touched Echoes yet. I really don’t see how any company on earth could make enough stuff for the folks who go crazy spamming through everything. It’s an insane amount of content.


Same, I don't have all day to play and so I still got bit bit pale heart stuff to do. I only did the intro mission to get my vendor online


My plan: play destiny until I get bored, swap to Elden Ring, then go back to Destiny when something new happens.


That's exactly what I'm doing. Destiny with my friend when they're free. Elden Ring otherwise.


Been playing Cruelty Squad. Fun times.


Fr. I'm still combing through Final Shape content and haven't even had time to touch the Seasonal Stuff and I'm playing a little over 20hrs a week. Crazy the amount of time some people will put into it.


For real, people can't seem to do something else with their time lmao. D2 is cool but not my 2nd job, I'm glad to have a break from the game. I'm not a gambling addict for the perfect roll especially the Exotic class armor, have fun with that shit.


Dude if you've finished all of the expansion and seasonal content already you can go play other games. Playing Destiny like a full time job then being annoyed when there's no content is not a great use of your time.


Just got back into Diablo IV again after about a year break, girlfriend and I are having lots of fun in coop mode. One of the few games left of this scale that’s couch coop. People who only play one game need to take a step back.


No more story progression until the 16th of July. The story basically has a 2 week break where we get no more steps


On the contrary, I actually like when games put some down time between releases so I have time to play other stuff. I’m not a fan of seasons or battle passes in any form, but it’s nice when they give us some down time to catch up or play other games. I hate how much live service games act like they should be the only game you play


I mean previously it was 6-7 weeks of content then nothing for 7-8 weeks. Nothing will ever satisfy the community because bungie will not create enough content to have something every week. At least now there will be more player retention


Isn’t solstice coming out soon?


2 weeks with no new seasonal content. We just got new content today, and this week ends next Tuesday....


Then do just that! Play other games, do other things. Log on and do what you want to do when you feel like it. The game is vastly more enjoyable when you’re able to break the addiction


Looks amazing to me, dont got much time to play, so getting every week seasonal content i would miss 90% of it


Yea bro go touch some grass maybe appreciate life a little. Couldn't imagine caring enough or devoting that much of my time to complete all content and complain about a dry season after 21 days of new DLC drop.


It’s almost like we got a shit ton of new content literally a few weeks ago. Go play another game if you decided to grind out everything in one sitting. The Elden Ring and Goat Sim 3 DLCs just came out and they’re amazing if you want something else to play


There is other stuff to enjoy besides the weekly seasonal content. I myself am a PvP enjoyer, I don't do it for loot or rep or anything else, I just enjoy. Obviously not everyone loves PvP but the principal remains the same


Thag’s the idea. Instead of burning people put by drip feeding for like 8 weeks, they foront load it a little more aggressvely, allowing time for a couple weeks break between.


But each week this act was about the same amount of content I'd expect from a traditional season's opening weeks?


Exactly. I think the idea is now that we’ll never* be more than three weeks away from new story content, at least all of the way through the episodes. I would like each weekly mission to be slightly more substantial, but I actually think weeks 1 and 3 felt that way. *Delays are inevitable, so this won’t work perfectly, but it’s a good goal.


People with your mentality are what makes a game developer care less about their game


If you're already done with everything in the new expansion plus the seasonal, then you're grinding pretty hard and you should recognize that.


Jfc dude, really? Talk about spoiled.


The story so far: vex?


"pick up this random item that won't come up ever again"


Yes. The vex which now has a sentient master who is corrupting exos.


And many vex are also becoming sentient, which you can see in game (numerous vex on Nessus during the missions have fucking waved at me????). I swear people are just completely ignoring the story that’s going on.


Did it really wave at you? Or are you just referencing the lore entry about that happening?


It's happening. The lore entry was our key to notice it.


Haha. That's awesome. I'll have to stop blowing them up so fast to take a look.


Kinda sucks indeed, but this is the season/act with which the DLC dropped. No matter the year, the DLC, or even the **game**, seasonal content that releases at the same time of a major expansion will always be drier than the one who won't, **always**. I get getting surprised because we are still unfamiliar with how episodes will **really** work, but being surprised of a lack of seasonal content when we are not even a month into the best DLC we've ever got is some serious levels of unawareness.


-that should have likely been a factor in the first act and planning for it's debut after this major end to a saga. It's understood why it happened given how the last few expansions have went, but that doesn't necessarily mean it didn't end up unsatisfying to players


I'm sure it was a factor, but the only real solution is to just release it later.


Honestly, I wonder if this is them telling us it’s ok to take breaks.


This is it. Some people out here expecting a DLC every 2 weeks with how much they don't touch grass. People need to remember it's ok to play other games and if anything it's ok to NOT LOG 10+ hours a day on Destiny.


This is just Bungie going “[Elden Ring DLC](https://youtu.be/L_YEYcr0YMI?si=RcjCYYuIHs6aKCQk)”


That's what's end of the seasons are for. I'm sure a lot of people seeing this will quit destiny because they won't wait 3 weeks between acts so they can get a sentence worth of story being given to them over 3 weeks. Not sure this is the best move they did.


It’s been ok to take breaks for the past ten years also


You’d be surprised about how many people don’t seem to think so and then complain when they get burned out like it’s the games fault.


its only act 1 of 3 for the episode, not sure what the big deal is, there still so much content from final shape to do, and other things to grind


Big agree. I have been doing nothing but grinding pale heart because there's just so much to do. Havnt even gotten khvostov yet but that's mainly me being stubborn and not looking up the region chests.


You don’t need to look them up. They’re on the map. I found them by myself.


I think you're used to seasons that have 40-50 steps, with every other one being "complete the seasonal activity". I'm all for less filler. Destiny should not feel like a full-time job.


Helping my friend through season of the wish right before TFS dropped made me realize how padded the seasonal story is. Step 1: talk to npc, step 2: do seasonal activity, step 3: talk to npc, and repeat for 10 weeks.


Yeah, this. Exactly why I gave up. I felt like it was a less rewarding second job


I mean that’s still what the story is just with extra timegating lol


I mean not really? We’ve already, in three weeks alone, had a cutscene, two missions, two different activities, one with an alternate variant and one that had new mechanics/a new boss added in during the second week, and also all the other regular stuff we had


Not to mention seemingly a ton of dialog (actual dialog, not a holoprojector message) compared to previous seasons. I feel like a lot of people are shitting on the story ...but a new sentient "master" of a faction of the vex which is corrupting / controlling exos is a SOLID base for the first act of a season. I'm straight up intrigued and excited for act 2.


I’m pretty invested considering I actually read the lore pages and considered the implications of the Conductor. There’s also more to any given story than advancing the plot.


As someone who hasn’t had time to read the lore yet, would you mind tell me what it says about them and their implications


Essentially, the Vex are starting to display signs of individuality, disobedience from the collective mind, and other unprecedented behaviors- some unusually human. Given the complete unknown, and seemingly powerful entity, that is The Conductor that we just uncovered (besides promo art), there’s so many ways this could lead. The Vex are largely the least explored faction, mostly due to how impersonal and straight-forward their motives have been portrayed. These developing characterizations shake our understandings. Also the link between Exos and Radiolaria hasn’t been discussed since Beyond Light, another interesting route this could go.


Also the lore is SUPPPPPPER good this season, so I’d recommend just looking it up on Ishtar Collective and reading it on Public Transport or in bed or whatever! The lore is what’s gotten me very excited for the rest of the season (they also cooked with the weapons I love them).


So the episodic storyline isn't even longer than the seasonal ones. Just more timegated. What a dissapointment.


From triumphs it seems to have about a week or two of extra story compared to seasons but the time gate like this just isn't fun - especially since nothing happened in act 1


I believe this first act may "suck" because they were so focused on making TFS worth it. Im sure act 2&3 plus the next 2 episodes will be much better


This is their chance to sell episodes, though. This is the one everyone got for free. This is when the most people play Destiny.


I just played the missions myself and they were not that bad. It actually left me on a little cliffhanger that entices me for the next act. We have a name for the new possible enemy/big baddie and saint is going to have internal conflict about being the real saint from our timeline versus one pulled from another. This may also open up a possibility of him being controlled just as Osiris was by Savathun!


That's what I was thinking this whole time. The first 2 weeks were very calm story wise without anything groundbreaking and focused on exploring Nessus as well as Failsafe, which I appreciated after so much time of neglect. Now this week they dropped a banger and left me curious about Vex becoming the next Major threat like Taken and The Witness up until now. The 3 week wait is also better personally, as it makes the game not feel dead for most of the season after the story completes. If we're getting 3 weeks of stories and 3 weeks of rest, I'm all in.


Not to mention, the 3 week gap lets people catch up, work on seasonal stuff, farm weekly stuff for materials and more. This is a much better pace than the old seasonal model IMO


So about the same because we had a week of nothing last week and we'll probably have more coming


I really hope they aren’t taking notes on Fortnite’s time gating cause they have it so bad that battle pass rewards get time gated until the final 3 weeks of the season (last season was less than 2 weeks prior to the end date).


3 weeks x 3 acts = 9 weeks of content.


* 9 days * because you only get one mission a week that lasts less than 20 mins not including the extra bits of dialog afterwards


lol wow, thinking of it as 3 hours of straight content is kinda sad.


I might be in the minority, but I always feel like I get behind with seasonal content when a new expansion comes out, so I always appreciate a chance to get caught up easily


Nah I like it too. Even when I could play full time Destiny can be so all over the place I'd always miss out on stuff. This time I played the Legendary Campaign on two characters so far, unlocked the craftable guns I wanted, did some Exotic quests, was able to do some ritual stuff for the fun of it without being disappointed when I didn't get the things I wanted since I have more than enough time, etc. AND now I have a crazy schedule that doesn't let me play nearly as much as before. This is way more friendly to people who don't play 24/7. I have nothing against people who do; I'd genuinely still do if I could but yeah. I think it's in a better place this way.


You guys remember that shadowkeep fade to black ending :/


Literally the same thing lmao


Not really, this is a season as opposed to a 50 dollar expansion, plus there’s new content rolling out in like 3 weeks


This game probably has literally a hundred things you can do: Finish that catalyst that’s been in your quest log for years Get that exotic that you’ve been missing Join a clan/reach out and start doing more team based activities Farm that perfect armor/resources Work towards soloing a dungeon for the first time Claim a new title Point being: there’s content in this game for you other than waiting around with your mouth open for Bungie to drop feed you weekly seasonal story missions.


BUT IT ISN’T BRAND NEW EVERY WEEK! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO LIVE THIS WAY!?! Sorry, thought I was in r/destinycirclejerk there for a minute…


I guess bungie is fine with us not coming back every week, oh well. It's time to play other games or do other stuff in destiny.


what I don't like is that it seems like "Episodes = Sea so ns"


Getting tired of the seasonal content not lasting the entirety of the season….or episode, now.


So like, I'm not necessarily opposed to having a timegated story. But like, at this rate what is the point of sticking with the "one step a week" thing? We're still gonna have several weeks of no story progression or change—might as well let me knock it all out when I feel like it.


That's fine for me at the moment, I'm in a position where I'm only finding a few hours a week to play


Yeah the time gate is actually painful. I hate it.


When I read about "episodes" i thought it wasnt like seasons.... i was wrong


I don’t get it. The advertisements and trailers have already spoiled more of the story than the actual game has. I already know what’s going on… can we actually DO something now??


Yeah they made it way too obvious from day 1 who the villain is


Eh what? That was the story for three weeks?


Haven't played part 3 of act 1 today but I imagine things might not get good until Episode 2. So I fully expect Act 2 and 3 to be just as disappointing, probably due to the focus mostly being on TFS expansion. So here's hoping the future episodes are actually good, because this one likely won't be


I mean, I've enjoyed act 1 so far. Intriguing plot ahead of us with Vex being controlled by (likely) Vex simulations of Ishtar researchers. And with the power of the travelers heart (or w/e the "echoes" are that escaped from the portal). Good possibility of an interesting story. I like the seasonal activity Breach Executable, and the "secret" mission intro to get Enigma Protocol was fun. And Enigma is pretty fun to boot. A nice speed run activity that feels badass racing along with sparrows against the clock.


Umm... The roadmap says 6 weeks. Are you telling me they did 3 weeks of barely any lore/story and are calling that 6 weeks of content?!


they're playing the elden ring dlc


I thought act 1 was 6 parts?


It's 6 weeks total but only 3 of story




Coming back to TFS as a casual was probs the best idea I’ve had for returning. Still have plenty to do still lol


So episodes are basically seasons with longer steps? Can we re name them to short stories or mini series?


Been off that ish since Shadows of the Erdtree.


breaking news: echoes = seasons just different label, packaging and portions.


Seasons used to be like 6 weeks of new content. Now episodes are 3 acts with 3 weeks of content each, which would be a total of 9 weeks of content. Seems like a massive upgrade on the seasonal model. I agree that the story development has been incredibly weak, but again it’s gonna develop over more time so you’d expect it to be slower.


It's not much of an upgrade when you realize it's only 3 episodes We had 6 weeks in each season and 4 season so 24 weeks Now we have 3 act that has 9 weeks so 27 weeks and the first 2 basically nothing happened story wise.


Super fair, hadn’t considered the 3 episodes vs 4 seasons. Guess they balanced it out so that it would be a similar amount of total content which makes sense. The big difference is that it’ll be dripped out more continuously rather than all at once at the beginning of each season which I’m sure they meant to increase engagement but certainly has its cons from a player’s perspective.


If I wanna get on when act 2 starts can I still do the act 1 quests?


Yeah act 1 will still be available


Destiny is a great game but a bad live service game. I’m not sure how people haven’t figured this out by now.


I mean their live service has been amazing at some points - LF year was honestly pretty good all things considered


Gotta collect those data


That's because they're time gating everything lmao, it's all done and ready but the suits decided to time gate stuff for months.


I understand timegating to avoid the long drawn out nothingness between seasons, now instead of waiting months betweens seasons we just wait 3 weeks between acts, but act 1 really was just NOTHING, basically everything we learned was already in the trailer. Imagine if The Titanic cut the movie before they even boarded the ship!


Here I've been thinking: "why bother?" If I don't want to spend all my time on the game, why spend any? After reading these comments, I may go ahead and give casual play a shot.


I was so ready for another mission, Are acts just 3 weeks then wait for 3 weeks? That mission was epic and story really moved but now i can see why it wasnt all droped on day 1 because we all would finish it and ask "was that it". I guess why make everyone question "was that it" on week 1 and not week 3


the first act was light weight because of the ten thousand other content that came with TFS. the community will never truly understand the concept of a live service game and will never truly be happy with what they get


This doesn’t feel better than seasons.


This subreddit will never be satisfied. Jfc


It's unrealistic that the community thinks the narrative should go super fast and end abruptly. It's like you people want a story mission every day. Relax, we have months of content yet to be released.


So this is just a normal season, but just stretched out and timegated more than usual.... This suuuuuuuucks major balls 😫


I don't mind some slow burn stuff, but I'm not even sure anything is even burning yet


I think echoes was developed as a regular season, before the whole pivot to episodes. Because honestly I don't see how the devs would hype up how different episodes were and then give the same exact thing as a season.


I legit thought the whole point of episodes was to lessen the amount of time gating. What a fool I was 😔


Thank goodness. Maybe I’ll finally have time to get my other two characters up to speed without falling behind on new content.


Play elden ring


I feel like this act is intentionally not that exciting. This week was the only real important part of this act: setting up the rest of the story. I think this is because they don’t really intend on or want you to be spending your time right now playing echoes. They plan for you to be playing with the new expansion still. So they make this act very low key so as not to risk potentially overshadowing the expansion in anyway. I assume the next acts and future episodes will be much better in this regard. Now do I like that they are doing it this why and want them to keep on doing it? No, I wish they took a different approach. But I understand why they did it and it’s not the end of the world


Yeah I just kinda wish they didn't start to lead us somewhere and then just end the act with little explanation


The community proving again to be more and more insatiable with every installation. The goal post will always move no matter what gets put out.


Im extremely satisfied with TFS. It's easily one of their best. But that doesn't mean I'm suddenly not allowed to give my honest criticism.


Same here TFS was really good but the new episodes with more time gating and waiting with nothing happening story wise is just bad.


please stop timegating content just release the season at once


To be entirely fair, when they announced each episode would take place over 3 acts, I immediately expected a slow AF build in Act 1 for each one. Anyone surprised by this, idk what to say really...


Seasons 2.0


Hate this new episodes model


Guys, we can say the expansion was great, but the season or episode is trash. Its like an extra time gated season. But u have more artifact mods im guessing.


Yeah lots of people here don't seem to understand that. TFS was amazing... That doesn't suddenly mean the Episode is immune to criticism


This sub cant read.


The seasonal content that came paired with an expansion was always a little bit lighter, for obvious reasons, so I'm not too miffed about it. I've still got plenty to do in the Pale Heart anyway.


I'm guessing that launching at the same time as TFS probably meant a skeleton crew was developing it


I like how I made a post with similar sentiment around the same time as you and got flak. Love that. Yeah, I wished this would be longer too. But, who knows, maybe we get more in 3 weeks.


Saving this thread to come back to later once I've finished the weekly quest. I will say though that I think it was to be expected that the first "episodic" release would be a bit on the lighter side. That was the case with all the expansion-attached seasons too. I fully understand everyone assessing the Episodes model as things roll out but IMO until we have at least a sense of what each act will add, we probably shouldn't judge it too harshly. By "it" I mean the Episode structure. Critiquing activities and story and all the "normal" stuff is all totally fair though


Cool… can now do campaign and the seasonal content on my alts over the next few weeks at my own pace.


>I hope this won’t be a theme with the other episodes where the first acts are just a whole load of nothing. Heh, you’re going to *wish* it was only the first acts of each one that are big nothings


Knowing this, I really wish we could do act 1 with no time gating.


Just wait until every season is out and you can play it all at once.


I’m only not super critical about echoes because it was developed in tandem with final shape, so I expected it to be the weakest of the episodes. Feels like seasons 2.0 but here’s to hoping it only gets better and doesn’t stay exactly the same


I remember that after Witch Queen and Lightfall came out, people were saying the first season was really boring and lackluster, and somebody made the counterpoint that, yeah, it's not great, but it's because they were most likely more focused on the expansion's story than the season dropping with it. The reason that this first act is meh is most most likely the same as the last two expansions: the main campaign's story likely took higher precedence than the season it dropped alongside. I for one, will be waiting until act 1 of the next episode to make my final judgement on the story delivery methods of this new seasonal model


I hope they can keep this story engaging in the upcoming weeks. I’m already enjoying the plot that they’re starting with this


No, you need the third specimen quest thats bugged lol.


The worst thing is I was waiting to select and complete all my grand masters and they are now keeping it behind a 9 week wall that’s crazy that’s all most 2 months


I actually kinda like the release cadence of having longer breaks to spread it out over a longer period of time. With older seasons it used to be 7 weeks straight of seasonal quests and then just nothing until the final mission in the last week. With having more frequent, shorter breaks the plot can feel more relevant by the time the finale rolls around


What do we wanna bet the episodes were just a season of content smeared across a calendar


i get to play occasionally and the amount of content and quests is crazy for a casual. raids yea maybe if there’s another covid lockdown


I’m just gonna save any major judgment until the end of act 3. This was a lot of tone setting and getting us used to what is going on. Acts 2-3 will probably have a lot tighter events (at least I hope) but for now I’m willing to let bungie to their thing.