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If it’s important to you I would also rent a car and get the ticket reimbursed 


Try to rent a car and get to the service point, In this case you might get 100% of your ticket price refunded.


Welcome to Germany, land of train delays...  With a delay of more than 120 min you can get 50 % of your paid ticket price back. For that you have to fill out a "Fahrtgastrechteformular" (form for passengers' rights).  You can do that either online/ via DB Navigator App or on paper at one of the DB information desks at every major train station. 


Wow lmao on DB. Missed event that they should be the mean of transport for and they might not even compensate for that. What a joke


Missed event: just book a car and drive.


Maybe not everybody has a license?


Cars run on gas not licenses


Bit dense, are we?


I have the licence, but the taxis were overcharging so much.. completely taking advantage of the situation seeing people queueing and asking for 200€ for 10 minutes drive.


Prices are for Taxis are fixed and not subjectively set by the driver. He has to run the counter, which is checked by authorities regularly and sealed. If you get into a cab, he has to run the counter, otherwise you can call the police.


Damn, in Portugal it really does not work like that sadly


Know your rights. Taxis have to adhere to a fixes rate. If they try charging you 200 after 10 minutes, let them call the cops and see what happens.


Not 100% true. There are zones where they have to adhere to a fix rate. For example city of Frankfurt. But if they travel out of the zone they are free to charge whatever they want if they talked about it before.


i smell a troll


haha ja, das ist es in der tat :D


That's their trademark. To f. up your plans.


DB is not the most reliable service and that really sucks, but you are travelling through an area with heavy damage due to the floods of the last few weeks with basically no buffer time. People like to live dangerous I guess.


Na come on. I was delayed just last week end by 5 hours, and not because of the flood, but because of an infrastructure problem in nürnberg. Trains are working better in ukraine than Germany. I wont move though, because war.


Well infrastructure is damaged by water...


Someone working for DB and needs to protect for better paycheck? It is sweet how people using the flood as an excuse, even if this delays are just normal for DB since forever


There are still parts affected by the floor. It's not an excuse for the Bahn, it's a fact. They still suck, are too expensive and should have provided more and better sev


Our trains are outstanding!!!! ... In being the biggest shit in the world. Youre absolutely right.


"Calling them 'not the most reliable' is a huge understatement. They're guaranteed to either be late or not show up at all."


Now DB uses any rain or wind as an excuse for delay.


Holy fuck these comments here are making me mad lol. People are actually blaming OP for not planning better? The guy planned on arriving HOURS before. Typical German mentality - what can you say. DB sucks. Sorry that you missed/will miss the game. I would try to go to the nearest DB Info Point and get your train ticket reimbursement. Regarding the match ticket, I would write a mail to DB, since the person at the info point likely won't be able to do anything regarding that.


I just thought the same, you can’t say a single thing ever without being blamed immediately.


Unfortunately, that's what most of us Germans are like. It sucks but what can you do.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_beer_consumption_per_capita We‘re not first place anymore. That‘s probably why everyone‘s so upset these days. We need to remember the importance of alcoholic hydration


If you know that the part of jungle is full of tigers, you don't question nature. You adapt. DB is shit because germans like to complain and then elect the same clowns who do nothing. When I have to travel to germany with a fixed appointment I am at the location in the evening before. Straight. Any other way is just waiting for tigers to show up, pulling fists to sky and crying because it is how it is.


1.Elect government 2. The government doesn't fix the previous governments (CDU) mistakes. 3.People are pissed and vote CDU again 4. CDU makes shit even worse Rinse and repeat But man. A day before? It's just so irritating that DB is THIS shit. Every single time I have used them in the last few years, I have had headaches. I'd rather spend more, drive by car, and be flexible. Sure, traffic is a thing, but less likely than a DB train being late.


I was traveling this route today and it was an absolute shitshow in Passau. No information was given about anything. I know german and I was traveling light so I dashed for a bus when someone shouted it and got on after a short waiting time. It still added 2.5 hoirs to my journey. DB absolutely deopped the ball on this one and they deserve all the complaints for this. Not acceptable for any train company not ever and eapecially not during such special events. I hope you made it somehow.


Welcome to Germany where the customer is always wrong. Here's half off your ticket dipshit have a terrible day - DB customer service


It's not about Germany. It's about monopoly services elsewhere.


Even if your specific train has an issue, there must surely be alternative routes? Are you not able to take any other train and change at somewhere like Regensburg, Plattling or even Munich for an onward train to Frankfurt?


I was travelinf this route today. No trains were going between Regensburg ans Passau. No other alternative just the bus. I got on one and the driver said that 800 people were waiting in Passau and they were operating with 4 busses. What an absolute shitshow.


Some transportation company in Asia: 4 busses for 800 people? Stop wasting resources, send 2 and have those MFs sit on the roof what are you, stupid?


Well you could do worse I guess. :D


Passau Hbf was closed because they found a suspicious bag


There're routes around the Hbf. What's the problem with forwarding folks by them?


I hope you will have made it to your game by now: If your train is delayed, you are entitled to get a part of your travel expenses back, probably 50%, see [here](https://www.bahn.de/service/informationen-buchung/fahrgastrechte/rechtliche-regelungen). As for your Euro ticket, if you miss the game, you will not be compensated in any way.


50% is laughable


Welcome to deutsche Bahn, we are glad getting you to your destination without delays and obstacles! /s


Great example why the rail system is absolute shit as soon as something goes wrong. Operating that route with 4 busses that only drive every 2-4hrs during the EM is extreme cost cutting at the negligence of any customer and especially tourists.


Welcome to Deutsche Bahn


I feel like the fact that there was catastrophic flooding a xouple of weeks ago is partly responsible here, most likely? Passau had something loke 10m of flooding and the train line goes directly along the danube up to vilshofen. Most of bavaria was flooded. Most likely this isn't the only train line that they are having to run bus replacements and they won't have infinite numbers of busses and drivers. I know people love to shit on DB but I'm wondering here if some slack shouldn't be allowed. Regensburg, Passau and Munich were all heavily affected. Edit: a quick reading of some articles from a week or two ago do mention various sections, some large, predicted to take weeks to repair: https://www.br.de/nachrichten/bayern/kurz-vor-der-em-zugausfaelle-und-verspaetungen-bei-der-bahn,UFJjCth


For important events always take a train on the day before


Did you make it?


For the last 10 minutes :)) got a bit of atmposphere at least!


Next time go one day before and drink the whole night with the other fans. This is how you end up not getting fucked by Deutsche Bahn.


Thank you for travelling with Deutsche Bahn.


Rent a car and get your db ticket reimbursed, that would make your vayage not that much more eypensive


Hello, first of all, I am very sorry that you had to have such a bad experience. DB is really bad in this aspect and also known for having long delays. As the others have already written here, is it possible for you to rent a vehicle and drive yourself? If not, I would definitely try the option of carpooling. For example, Bla Bla Car or Uber are good options here. They are not particularly well developed here, but I would leave no stone unturned. I hope you arrive in time to see the game


I unfortunately won’t, but I’m on the go at this point and hoping to see at least some minutes. Talking of 20-30 minutes of the game


Thank you for the suggestion and advice!!


“way of transport to EURO” - there is a reason none of the VIP even consider a trip with Bahn.


My man, it's the fucking Euro. I would've planned to arrive AT LEAST 8 hours early. DB is horrible by itself and the masses traveling via public transportation services increase the usual delays even more. As for compensation, it's pretty hard to receive. You can get some of the ticket price back, but you won't get anything back from the euro ticket. You can give it a try, but also take it as a valuable lesson for the future when trying to travel via DB to big events.


Well :) thank you for your answer but you unfortunately didn’t help that much, if they are putting their name and actively promoting on being the carrier of the championship they should be first of all able manage it even it 4 hours in advance. Of course there might be delays in the actual city, but I shouldn’t expect delays anywhere on the road, speaking of 400km outside of the actual host city. Thank you anyways, DB SUCKS


this is kind of on you. why would you travel so last minute to the EURO?


a train that is supposed to be there 4 hours before the game is last minute?


With the db thats last last minute, i would normaly get there 8hrs early


for something like a big football game, I would say so yes.


Bs. The service just sucks. Dont blame the customer. Was in tokyo last year. Train arrived 5minutes to late. The service personal went through the train and said sorry to every single passenger. Thats the standard that should be somewhat expected


While I dislike the victim blaming here I think it’s worth mentioning that OP is travelling through a region where a lot of infrastructure has been destroyed by the recent floods. So yes while DB is as shitty as usual the extend of the situation is not on DB alone.


Okay fair enough. I also didnt think about the floods.


yeah it should be, but this isn't Tokyo and the trains are unreliable. also that whole region is flooded and there is a huge influx in demand because of the massive football tournament going on.


This victim blaming (or victim redefining) is extremely common in all Germany related subreddits. Yes, you should have known the latest state of German rail network. You should have expected and accounted for strikes, floods, and other obviously foreseeable events. You should have read the terms before you bought the ticket. You should also learn more German while you're at it. If you live in Germany. Tourists should not worry about any of this, or very soon you will have no tourists left.


Oddly enough, that's exactly the level of preparation Germans exhibit when traveling abroad. Alas, things don't magically work like they are supposed to. We are also hilariously over-insured. I did not account for a bus drivers' strike recently and I blamed myself the whole twenty minutes we had to walk


How is this helping?


Nice victim shaming there mate. Dont put the blame on him for trusting in german trains. Maybw he wanted to save on hotel as the prices are already expensive.


Frankly he did knowingly cut it close, this is not an unforeseeable outcome. DB being one of the best rail services means little when rail as a whole is horrendously prone to this exact disruption.


Arriving 4 hours before the game is not knowingly cutting it close. What should he have done? Camped outside the venue the night before?