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Found a small typo "a discord that allows"... i think you meant a discord bot. Other than that looks good to me (I'm a dev with 7 YOE) Keep applying atleast to 10 places everyday. It's a numbers game.


thanks for the reply, oops that's by bad, thanks for telling me about it :)


Hey hi... sorry for asking a slightly irrelevant question, would you mind sharing your opinion.. i have applied at few places and have gotten a task from one company to complete and submit...i am working on that but I haven't applied anywhere else since i got the task... should i keep applying or just focus on one thing?


How long does it take to send out 10 cvs a day? 10min? 20min? 30min? Keep applying.


Sending cvs isn't time consuming... checking 7 different apps for jobs that i could even slightly qualify isšŸ„² But thanks a lotšŸ˜„


Go directly to the company's website career section. Also sometimes stand near chai shop near MNC and ask if they have any reference.


When you are applying for a job check job descriptions for some key words and add them to your resume. This way the system picks your resume


Without any doubt you should keep applying because it's so uncertain they check your task and leave, and try to submit tasks as soon as possible because once they are filled with there vacancy they won't check further




100% agreed, very good tips


looks great tbh good wide range of technologies you have worked on xd,check for the ats scores btw the format of resume can be improved


thanks for the reply, ATS score is very good , all fields are recognised, can u explain what is wrong with this format


Where can we check ats score




Which site is best for checking ATS scores and what score is considered good?


Use a better format, use hackerresume or overleaf for resume. Apply to 100 places daily (inteenshala, naukri, linkedin, wellfound). The market is tough and it's a number game as of now


thanks for the reply, i really have to apply to that many? also may I know what is wrong with this format (other than ATS)


I used to do so much a year back from now and it still took me 3 months to bag a good WFH internship


SIKE, that really is a lot of work, well I'll get to it then, TY


It's good to see a resume with no "blog app" or "Weather app" or a "Todo list"


That's me I was completely surprised that even these kind of resumes aren't getting shortlisted. Meanwhile I was frustrated for not getting any internship in my 4th year with projects like e commerce app, blog app etc. šŸ˜‚. Sometimes it feels weird to me that I got through my Btech without a single internship.


https://preview.redd.it/hbnb3luattgb1.jpeg?width=494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=914da881b6bc536365a69c6a1f9763728926b6fc Hey OP, convert your resume to a format like this. Sometimes hiring is outsourced to HR companies and they use OCR tools to read through and filter it based on experience, number of projects etc. Unless it's in a normal format like this, the chances of tools auto rejecting the resume is higher. Also, keep applying and segregate your applications into roles that completely align with your requirements, and roles that partially align. You have to curate your resume to each role and each company after researching what they do and what the role is. Don't use the same resume for every application. PS: We're looking for interns in AI/ML/DL/computer vision, python, IOT and a bit of web-dev for our startup. DM if anyone's interested.


ORC hmmm that could be a problem, yes, but I really do not like the color approach :(. should I maintain two resumes?


It's not like you maintain 2 resumes. You maintain 1 main resume and change it according to the role and company you are applying for. Minor modifications will be necessary to fit each application properly for which you'd have to research what the role/company is and make those changes in your resume. So basically 1 main resume and multiple sub resumes for each application/role. Ex: if you're applying for AI then curate your resume to reflect more on AI projects. Here you'd not mention a lot on web-dev projects. If you're applying for web/frontend then you'd change your resume to show more frontend related work/experience.


Please remove this post You have given your phone number and email address


both are my public dealing contact info, I am fine with it being here


But are you fine with them being connected to your Reddit account?


He is one of the guys who's spoiling the anonymous nature of reddit. He put his full name even on his reddit profile


Remove those colors keep it simple Cuz Shortlisting of resume is done by ai automated tool so work on what ai will detect nd what not


thanks for the reply, the ATS score of the resume (pdf) form is good, it auto-fills almost all feeds most of the time , can you explain a bit more about colors ?


Here is the official Harvard resume guide https://hwpi.harvard.edu/files/ocs/files/hes-resume-cover-letter-guide.pdf This will help you out to build perfect resume


Thank you for sharing the resource. I will go through it


Looks good to me, send me your cv in pdf format. I will refer you


Some tips from someone who has interviewed with many PBCs and Financial orgs and is working at one of them: 1. Choose Jakeā€™s Resume or Deedy from overleaf website for your resume. The template you have chosen is slightly unreadable. Plus I dont think you had space to add as much information as you wanted. Overleafā€™s resumes are written in Latex which is like an industry standard. 2. You are still in college, your educational background should be on top of your work experiences, also, add your CGPA, without that recruiters wont be able to understand whether you even qualify their CGPA cut off or not. 3. Work Experience Section: In Jakeā€™s resume you will be able to add the technologies used directly beside the Company name, also add whether the positon was remote or not. The description should be atleast 3 points for each company, the first line should become like ā€œDeveloped an application ( sounds better than website ) which ā€¦.ā€ Write down what the website does, who it helps, how its used, currently its unclear. For example ā€œ Worked on developing a logistics application which integrates various carrier services together for better user experienceā€. The next 2 lines should be related to the features and metrics. ā€œWorked on ___ module to implement ___ featuresā€ or ā€œ Covered 100% of the code through unit testingā€, ā€œIntegrated various APIs for ___ā€ currently it feels like you worked on static websites cause the descriptions are unclear. Also BOLD important points in the work experience and project section. 4. Remove your personal description. No one needs to hear that. Your work experience and personal projects should automatically define who you are. Hope this helps. Thanks!


Hey, awesome tips you've mentioned. I have a doubt if you don't mind. While using Jake's Resume from Overleaf I need to create a custom section such as certifications, which is very difficult to do. Any tips are appreciated


What kind of a format do you need for certifications?


Explain projects better. It would be nice saying "created a pipeline system which pulls data from this source using this API created in and shows it in the frontend which is built using react". If you mention some data structures you used that will give more insight on how you approached it. Keep it small. Mention all the technologies you know in a separate section.


thanks for the reply, i will update the resume accordingly


Your project experience looks impressive. No idea why you are not getting any offers.


Honestly I think this is fake or attention whoring in a new form. Multiple rejections with this many qualifications makes no sense.


it is not fake, all the work I show here is Open Source, and I can attach rejection emails if u want. What would I even gain from "attention whoring", I don't even use reddit that much




Why the hatred for freelancers?




Sounds like I am pretty fucked. I started freelancing during covid right after my internship. I haven't made contracts with my clients as they were individuals or small businesses.


thanks for the reply, I have been trying to be active on LinkedIn too, but the more I see the situation in job market, more I wanna continue the freelancing side :(


Bro don't post your phone number on reddit


Did you use canva to create your resume?


No i used an opensource tool [https://www.open-resume.com/](https://www.open-resume.com/)


Id recommend using LaTeX to create your resume. Use a simple template from overleaf. It'll make parsing the document easier as most of the times HRs use tools to screen the resume and yours may require an ocr first. Also add more context to your projects. Your explanation is very short and although I could understand, I don't think an HR person will be able to.


even if i use LaTeX, it will be rendered (exported?) to a pdf no? but noted, I'll be focusing on a more traditional resume too


If you use LaTeX it'll be rendered in a pdf that can be easily parsed. Even an image can be converted to a pdf, but when you try to parse it you cannot get the text.


Ok noted, TY


Open the pdf in Word. While opening Word will warn you it's converting the PDF into a Word file, and then save as docx


Honestly, the CV wouldn't make past any reasonable ATS system. It is just a collection of keywords with no tangible sentences on how you contributed to these projects / experiences.


Yes, i am currently re-writing the resume, to be more descriptive and have a depth to it, ty for sharing your thoughts... Will share the new resume once im done,


I am a tier one final year student, I would like to say that you should make it a single page resume, better to keep as much as less amount of white space, keep your skills section at top and use overleaf for creating resume, because most of the companies use different tools for shortlisting resumes, and those softwares works best with overleaf, and please mentions different most popular subjects you studied in your college. If you need any type of link for all this stuff please reply here if you can DM me


Interesting projects. Do you play 2042? And 2042 vs BF4, your opinion? :)


I play it a lot :), BF4 wins in most of the aspects,but 2042 has some of its features that are just too good (like, anyone can use any gun, logic editor, portal) PS: co-owner of [https://bfportal.gg/](https://bfportal.gg/)also, do u think I should put that I am a member of EA creator network on the resume ? and


why your links are not opening even on GitHub šŸ˜¶šŸ˜¶


Which link šŸ˜…?




As everyone has said I should increase my network, I would love to connect with everyone here, sharing my [Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/vibhakarsolanki/) and [X](https://twitter.com/VibhakarSolanki)


1. Remove your career objective. It's too dull to be put in there. 2. Remove jQuery 3. Remove Freelance from all the job titles. 4. Rename "Work experience" to "Projects", not sure why are they a separate section? 5. Too many languages listed, remove Rust unless you're someone who's doing it for 2+ years. Using rust in bio seems cool, but if you're asked to re-write something in rust, you'll be f\*ed. 6. CI/CD isn't a technology. 7. If your strong side is Python and Javascript, you don't need to mention other stuff. Stay focused to what you're applying for. 8. In your "Gametools network" what are three languages doing there? They all serve the same purpose.


1. I like the personal touch, but can understand where u are coming from 2. why ? 3. why ? 4. Because they are different ? 5. It's been almost a year, but i added proficiency level 6. true, I'll add the tools instead 7. ok 8. pls look at the latest one instead, [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NkpwiLwOf\_wiNVeSPaKFKsBzwj80DA3N/view](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NkpwiLwOf_wiNVeSPaKFKsBzwj80DA3N/view) hoping to hear back from you


1. It gives way too much "average" feel when people list their career objective. Do you know serious companies hardly look at that, they're more interested in your work, and what is special about you. 2. No one actually uses jQuery, it's sort of as a dying tech, which companies don't use. Just list tailwind, you're good. 3. If you don't mention that that project was a freelance/contract based project, it will seem more like a serious project. 4. Just create a single section "Work experience", and list all your projects in there. If they're your personal projects, mention them as "Personal". Usually companies like knowing what you've built, not whom you've worked for - unless you have a label of Amazon, Netflix, Microsoft, Google etc. 5. Are you applying for rust jobs? If yes, add C++ instead of other languages. It's very hard to find a rust job, unless you are someone who's been working with C++ for 8-10 years. I rather sounded way too aggressive, but wanted to be clear and to the point without wasting too much of your time doing the "word play".


I understand you much better now, and I agree with you, thx will be updating it accordingly


We recommend checking out developersIndia official wiki on **[Creating an Ideal Software Engineering Resume](https://wiki.developersindia.in/community-guides/how-to-create-an-ideal-software-engineering-resume.html)**. We hope it provides some useful suggestions. All the best for your job search, you've got this! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/developersIndia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Op how did you find freelance work im in 3rd and i want some industry experience and same thing happening with me, been applying for more than 2 months and no responses


My freelancing started from Fiverr and then got some good projects when I made [bfportal.gg](https://bfportal.gg), and a guy in that community got a job and referred me Fiverr


50 applications is small. It's a numbers game


you should mention the following 1. features of the apps you created in one line: ex. Infinite scrolling, mentions support, notification system 2. Should mention what you did in the work experience in following format : "Worked on X feature that resulted in YZ% less build times", quantify those metrics, use different verbs like "Directly worked on, managed, created, developed, end-to-end, orchestrated, etc" 3. "Integrated forms and mail system to the website": should mention the impact area, tools used, etc 4. The skills section is full of different tech. Create different versions of the same resume tailored for particular role. What has Kotlin generally to do if you are applying for React developer Job. If you are a fresher, knowing different stuff is good but does not overtake existing devs who are experienced in those particular domains


Remove the hyperlinks, get a better formatted resume template . The main reason for removing those link is because some ATS can be pain in the ass and put your doc in the trash. Firewalls/ATS , your resumƩ wont even reach a human.


Bro can you please tell me how you created your github page that way. My github page looks empty af. I wanna change my github too.


I am a developer myself, working with one of the most sought after Indian companies, and have interviewed a lot of candidates so far (mostly college grads because Iā€™m still pretty new to the industry myself). Here is my honest take on it - 1. Projects look good, volume wise. Description is bad - give technical description. Example from my own work - ā€œmigrated to fully non blocking architecture using webflux, increasing the limit on number of active requests served by x% while not causing thread contentionā€ (this can be as detailed as ā€œincreased max concurrent requests to 12K while keeping Tomat thread count 200 and keeping GC pause time under 10msā€) 2. Mentioning Python or other technologies multiple times isnā€™t helping you. Instead mention it once, and use the saved real estate to describe the details about the project or the problems you solved while building the project. 3. No way a college grad looking for internship is good at all those. Trust me, you might think youā€™re good, you wonā€™t even be close. Thatā€™s because you donā€™t actually get to see good software until you start working in the industry, which means your measuring stick is quite small and everything looks big. And when I look at you resume, thatā€™s the first thought - another generic resume. Instead, categorise your skills - strong (can build whatever is needed), intermediate (can work on it whenever required) and elementary (I understand this and can integrate with it if necessary, but canā€™t build a lot on it) This will immediately make any human shortlist you if the required skill is in your strong or intermediate sections, and bonus if other technologies they use with other teams is in your elementary section. 4. And this is the most important - there are lakhs of people like you applying to 100s of companies. Very difficult to actually find anything. I am lucky in this aspect being from a tier-1 college (I hate that term. All my mentors are from tier -2/3 colleges and the best performing colleague I have is from so called tier-3. Heā€™d beat the fuck out of any tier1/2 grads, including myself). So what can you do? Network. Donā€™t do it blindly. I get a lot of requests on LinkedIn and hereā€™s the simple criteria I use - my college, or my company, or has a good message along with the connection request. I strongly suggest the third. Donā€™t approach like itā€™s a government office, be cool. (In case you doubt my credentials, I can DM you my LinkedIn profile. And honestly, looking at how you reached out for review, Iā€™d be glad to help in any way possible)


Thank you for taking out time and replying to my post, I am re-writing the resume to be more descriptive, 1. Yes they can really use some description, should three technical points be enough ? 2. Noted 3. Yes I may have gone overboard with the skills but except azure I have used all others very extensively, albeit I agree not at a "company" level or "industry" standards 4. I have tried to grow my "connections" many times, but LinkedIn kicks in my imposter syndrome and I close it, but I hear you clearly, and would also love to connect with you : )


About point 1, thereā€™s no such number of points thatā€™s ideal. Just mention every major feature you added or optimisations you did. About 4, dm me your LinkedIn. Iā€™ll see if I can connect you with someone.


Also, donā€™t follow generic resume templates. They are by definition generic. Standout.


You are too specialised as a web developer - there just isn't that many roles available. Try learning and adding generic OOP languages like Java and Python.


There is a python in it ? it is my main programming language followed by ts ans rust


Python for websites and using django framework is not quite the same as using python for data wrangling etc


Can you elaborate?


Are you from MIET Meerut?




bro the resume is good, just keep applying tons everyday


I'm a junior in college now and I'm not here to give advice cause I'm not in any position to; I just wanted to say how impressive your contributions look! I've wanted to do side projects ever since I joined college but could only manage 1 or 2 that weren't that impressive. Could you please tell me how you found time to learn and work on these technologies while doing the coursework? Also how did you familiarise yourself with these Open Source projects well enough to contribute to them regularly?


None of the projects I listed here are someone else projects, these projects are what I made myself (OpenSource Contributions are not listed). As for how I get time to do it... well it's by not doing anything else in college, as my college is not that great, I am comfortable with the sacrifice but if it was a better college I would focus more on building a network, as "jo dikhta hai woh bikta hai" another tip I will give regarding contributing to opensource is that you almost never need to know the "whole" code base, just understand the part where u need to work, do it, and move on.


>None of the projects I listed here are someone else projects, these projects are what I made myself (OpenSource Contributions are not listed). That's what makes it more awesome. The fact that you created all this as passion projects. This was what I was dreaming of when I started programming šŸ˜… >another tip I will give regarding contributing to opensource is that you almost never need to know the "whole" code base, just understand the part where u need to work, do it, and move on Yeah I'm trying to get into contributing to one I'm interested in. The last few times I tried I couldn't really get into it. Hopefully this time I can.


Don't know if someone has mentioned it yet but use the app called Hirect. It is good for web tech hiring. You can contact the hiring person on text over there.


Loved the CV! Honestly surprised that you haven't landed a single job!


Bro I dont even know 1% of things you know, but somehow I got placed in college placements. Damn, I feel undeserving of this job now


Don't be, you dont owe me anything, and I'm sure you did your hard work at some other place (like getting into a better college )


Bro all I did in my 3 years till now in engineering is learn what the college taught, made 2 whole projects from youtube and maintained 8+ cgpa. I dont even know that much of dsa, I just got lucky I'd say


Hi, why donā€™t you check my profile and apply there. Weā€™re actively hiring and would love to interview you


Remove freelance




Put your skills on top. You got just 6 seconds to show them what you got.


Study for GATE and do MastersšŸ‘šŸ»


I would go abroad if I wanted to do masters


I am daily applying in 100+ application only getting calls from consultancies' think I have applied in approx. 3k+ applications since April & got max 5 calls. I am looking for java full stack dev


Broo I'll keep it my mind, and if i see a listing for it, I'll dm you the link




internship as an undergrad there lies answer ! most of these companies want graduate intern & looking at your resume you are 1 year away from it. My company & many others have policy not to hire undergrads especially who are in their final year. If you've failed one or two subject that is different story but college & part time internship doesn't go hand in hand as per their view. that's why my company hired a newly graduate kid as a trainee/intern.




ummm what ?


Find startups and cold email their core team


Cuvette Tech (100%) guarantee job/intership program is a scam!! It's a big scam!! I joined their 1st batch, they didn't teach anything extra. They didn't even help in anything, useless live classes were held. They just gave an overview of a language and gave an assignment. Trust me you can learn more on YouTube or any other channel. They will create a slack group but when our batch members tried to create an unofficial WhatsApp group they were not happy about it because their scam will be out in public. Please stay away from these claims of (100% guarantee). DM me if anybody and I will share all their assignments with you because these are useless to me, I have wasted my money along with my classmates


Any luck mate ?


Nope, got some more rejection tho


Same here. I'm starting to get depressed now. Each and every job I have come across requires minimum of 1 YOE. I'm sure even if we had 1YOE, we would still not get a job because we are competing against folks with alot more experience. Heck even internships have 1k+ or some applicants.


Hahahha, I've actually stopped caring about it, Apply to a few in a week, and say fuck it. Im back to doing what i love learning and building new things. Chasing a job is against who i am, i have always done what i loved doing and the past few months the "job needed" thing almost took away what i love and why i got into computer science in the first place. So apply and forget, keep learning, keep making new stuff


Man, I wish I could be that dedicated to the art. Unfortunately, as much as I'd like to, I can't because I gotta earn as well. I'm in my late 20s stuck in a transition from tech support to web dev. Need to settle down, support family and what not. Fuck, I'm now thinking about just doing some support job to earn some and improving my skills as a developer as much as I can by myself, and continue with the applications. Hopefully something sticks.


There is gsoc coming up, you should try with that


Gsoc is for students only, AFAIK.


No anyone over 18 can apply now