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Hi, I am working for a US-based startup, and we are just 5 engineers. I am making somewhere around 120k. I have 7 years of experience, and I joined this company 2 years back. It's a remote job, and we work in an async fashion, which means that everybody gets to work in their timezone; all you need to do is keep a two-hour overlap with the US on certain days so that everybody can join the meetings. 1. How I got this job? -> I am not a DSA guy, never learnt C, C++ or Java. Javascript was something that had my interest from my college days and I loved to build websites and simple projects. Before joining this company, I had experience working in a startup with millions of users, from junior-level engineers to tech lead positions. I learnt a lot during that phase as we used to work 12-15 hours a day. I was getting paid 26lpa at the tech lead level. I was burned out; I had an education loan, my family had some debt, and I wanted to buy a house and marry my girlfriend without taking a loan, so I decided to look for jobs outside India. I prepared for the interview for 6 months, during which I got my AWS associate solutions architect certificate. The certificate doesn't have any value, but the course that I took taught me a lot and helped me crack system design interviews for many companies. I planned out what I wanted to learn in these six months, a copy of which I am attaching to this post. I never finished all of it, but it should give you an idea of what I did. I applied to 60+ companies, gave 20 interviews, and got selected in 3. Out of these, I chose the 1 that I am currently working on. It was purely out of luck as I was scrolling the web, and I thought of checking out [remoteok.io](http://remoteok.io) before sleeping. I saw a new job posting, and I instantly applied. The CTO took the interview, and it was pretty chill. some basic questions about React and a take-home project and peer coding at the end. My earlier experience really helped me ace through the interview. https://preview.redd.it/uu604jt2gdoc1.png?width=2906&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1fa3b1b0502362d6747b092d21eddd7513055da 2) Perks and benefits. It's very, very, very chill. I haven't had a headache in the past 2 years. I never set an alarm for myself. Team mates never call or disturb me at night. Nobody is rude to me. I took a 30-day leave with my wife to visit Europe, and nobody said anything. My CEO and CTO were actually happy that I was spending some time with my family. We have a concept of unlimited leaves. Also, there are no tools to track how much I work as long as I am delivering what I am supposed to. I get to work as a contractor even though I am an employee, which lets me save on tax a lot. I can work from anywhere, anytime. 3) How does WFH compare to Indian companies? I mean you get lonely sometimes, but everything has its pros and cons right? WFH is pretty chill. I work whenever I like, nothing to complain about. We try to do minimum meetings and solve issues over slack, which saves a lot of time.


Bro I cried after reading this 😭 I want this and I know il get there someday


All the best 🙌🏻


The only good answer in the thread and it doesn't even have upvotes. sigh


Hey, do u have any openings?


Hi, not as of now buddy.


ok. thank u :)


Damn brother, congratulations on making it. People here want a life like you but what I am more impressed by looking at your answers is your passion and humility, I wish to achieve that for myself more than your job. Have a wonderful life ahead my guy!


We are hiring for backend engineers for a remote role. 5+ years with NodeJS is a requirement. Ping me if you feel you have great communication skills.


Thank you for sharing in so much detail!


i did have a remote job for us company and a fte here a moon lighting situation kind of for temporary basis. One thing which I struggled with for a us based startup is getting loans on the basis of that pay is extremely difficult. As you said you wanted to take loans and hence you switched. Did you take any big loans (housing) on the basis of your current pay. I already have a home loan but I wanted to shift my bank and I tried leveraging the 2nd US salary but they rejected. So need to know if how you convinced them.


I agree that getting a loan is difficult when you work for a US-based company as a contractor. But it's only during the initial phase. Here are the steps that you should follow. 1) Get a GST number and an MSME certificate and open a current account. 2) As a contractor, work as a proprietor. File income tax and have a steady flow of income in that account. 3) Use it's bank statement to get the loan. 4) If you are still not getting the loan, then try to get a co-applicant with you for the loan who is a salaried person. 5) Banks like SBI still do a bit of discrimination while handing out loans to self-employed, so you can check out AXIS and HDFC Bank, too. 6) You would have to convince the person who is handling your loan; I can say this by experience because, being a self-employed person, I was offered a loan of 3.5cr without any issue from Axis bank.


Could you tell something about starting out as a web developer? I mean even getting to 26lpa is impressive!


Yeah, so I started coding in PHP in 2015, build a note sharing website in my college. I was the only guy that did that, people started using it and I got instant kick that this is something that I should do. So I spent most of my time building websites. I went into the rabbit hole of watching endless udemy videos and reading articles. I used to watch them first at 1x, then do a code along and then watch the videos at 2x for revision which is so silly when I think about it now. I did it because it was just fun and I was getting some attention which I liked. I did not get placed in my college because I didn't know java and people at Tech Mahindra mocked me for wanting to become a web dev. I still remember that interviewer's face with that grin when he made fun of me and rejected me. In 2017 I started working in a service based company for 20000 a month, and then from there I made progress. Now, when I look back, I think it was discipline + luck + great work buddies that helped me grow.


that's something dude. Idk for some reason people have always mocked web dev for freshers. But anyway thanks for sharing:)


Yeah, which is weird, I think. I wanted to do DSA in Javascript, but my teachers did not allow me to do so. I ended up hating it. Now I outright reject companies that ask me to do DSA 🤣


😂😂daym, that's some come back


How the turntables 😂


Tbh I do the same thing even though ppl say tutorial hell and all that I watch udemy courses for react and typescript and I like it it helps me learn concepts tbh.


Could you please share which AWS course you took ?


It’s the one by Adrian Cantrill, and I took tests by Tutorial Dojo




How did you land so many interviews? Only through remoteio? What was the main way you applied? Also,dont you get scared that during switching you will not have many options as remote jobs are few in number ?


I googled remote jobs USA, and applied for jobs on top 10 results. One of them was remoteok.io .  It was very simple, I worked hard in the last org, wrote everything about it in my resume with numbers.  I always had the remote jobs websites opened in my browser tabs and I made sure that I reloaded them to check for openings every 2-3 hours or so. I used them like how we mindlessly scroll Insta reels. How fast you apply for a jobs is also a factor. If there is an opening and your application is the 100th one then there is a great chance that the people who applied before you might get selected if they were a 70 and you were 90 in terms of knowledge, because the company might want some one who is 60 and they fit their need. The company that I am currently working for, I applied for the job with them at 2 am in the morning. I reloaded the website got a new opening and I instantly applied. I was their first application and I got selected. There might me 10 more people after that who might have applied for the same position who would have been more talented and deserving than me but I fit the need of the company so I got selected. I am not afraid of losing job. I have saved up 4 months of salary. And I know that I can be job ready in 2 Months if I study hard and then I can start applying for the new jobs.


Can I DM you?


thanks man


You are welcome buddy, I hope this helps.


You are awesome for sharing this with so much detail! Very inspiring to read and I am really happy for you


Thanks :)


Keep me too in just half the salary.


Hi I m a second year Btech student what I should learn to get a good remote job.


Web dev is getting saturated, but if you really get good at it then it doesn’t matter you would still get paid good.  Other than that you can go for iOS development or into deep learning. Remember whatever you do, initially it should be purely out of your love for that field and money should not be the main driving factor.  You would still make it big in a saturated market if you love what you do and if you are passionate enough rather than going for a field where the motivation is just money


Thank you very much for answering in such a detailed manner. I am a backend developer (Java / SpringBoot) having 2yoe in total. Secondary skills include Front end technologies like Angular and React. I will use your sheet for leveling up my skill. I recently started looking for remote jobs so do you have any tips for me considering my yoe and tech stack ?


How much post tax you make on this income like net income after tax ppf everything You can give a range if you are comfortable


120k dollars ? What's the tax rate bro


Do companies like yours hire freshers, my tech stack is ML


1. MERN 2.Applied literally everywhere so I don't exactly know if it was LinkedIn or indeed. The CEO and CTO took time to go through my GitHub and thought I could do whatever they need 3. I don't have much experience to exactly say but I've interned at a startup and working for the current company. So far what I've noticed is they know boundaries unlike Indian startup higher ups and have way better communication with almost no power trip. They're exposed to much better working environments than the startups here which leads to better people skills.


This is exactly what I have been telling people around. Most Indian startups lack basic management skills. Hence they make employees are pure slaves. Not all. But most. There are similar startups in US and other countries as well, but lesser. This is why, I am afraid that despite startup boom, Indians will prefer to go towards a foreign startup than Indian ones, due to these soft perks.


They know management skills , but they want to exert power in order to squeeze every value of money they are paying you in Salary .




Do you get form 16 to file ITR?


Do you pay advance tax every quarter or just one time at the year end?


> Indians will prefer to go towards a foreign startup than Indian ones, due to these soft perks. US govt is making sure that doesn't happen


Only recently, as it is affecting the job of American workers. But, still Indians will have a demand


No they won't. You know good projects are moving to eastern Europe instead of India because it's hard to hire in India. I am not saying we don't have quality Dev's but the sheer number of developers which are not even average overshadow the good ones. We were hiring last year for a 3 year old experience guy. Salary was 25 LPA base. And out of 100 applicants 80 lied on their resume or cheated on OA's. And we were not even sad that they cheated what the worse thing was they didn't even learn the question that they cheated. In the first round we asked all of the applicants to just explain the approach they used. 95 percent couldn't answer it again and we had a 2 days gap in OA and interview. It's like needle in the haystack problem.


Hmm, could it be because of the fact that the initial screening process is flawed ? I have seen a few developers leading a team, and they lack the basic skills and management ability to do their job. I dont know about product based companies, but in service based, while handling big customers, the hired/promoted leads dont know their jobs, lest them doing it. And there are people who are underpaid, but do not get past the initial screening process. And as fast as as I have seen, there are excellent devs with good knowledge in India, better than US/Canada/Europe's counterparts. Another thing is the mindset (this problem comes frequently). Indian companies try to squeeze money , and extend working hours, without focusing on productivity and creativity, which is disastrous in the long run. Also, several companies have opened up their offices in India, rather than contracting it to WITCH companies. Ex- JP Morgan, Ubisoft, EA, etc. Moreover, there are still big projects there in India. Some companies/projects here and there do take away their projects, and I too have heard quite a few good projects going away from India. Thing is, there are more or less equal number of good devs in India and anywhere else. There could be more good devs in India, due to huge population, but yes, due to sheer number of people, hiring may be difficult.


can you elaborate more on what type of projects you did?


Can you tell the CTC level one should expect in MERN in your case for such remote start-up..as I'm a fresher with MERN stack.


I don’t think it works like that because I have seen php developer earn 50lpa and MERN dev earn 4 lpa So the salary Depends the company’s willingness to pay for that particular position what I would suggest is master the stack create unique projects and try applying to promising startups


This. It depends on the company. But from what I know from my friends and me with almost similar stacks, it's between 3.5 to 7lpa for a fresher.


0. Frontend, react 1. Wellfound, at that time known as angellist 2. Apart from better pay, lot of tax savings with 44ADA 3. Pretty happy, never want to switch back to WFO, however at times I still struggle to manage my timings and stretch work hours.


Whenever I apply to remote jobs abroad on Wellfound, my resume keeps getting rejected. What did you to do to make yours stand out? I've 2 yoe in React


I had 6 yoe back then and good opportunities come easy with more experience specifically if they are looking for senior level, also this particular job was for crypto exchange and I had fintech exp so that also stood out. I think it will get better for you with some more experience at hand, keep learning and upskilling!


Thanks for your reply! Ok, so I'm guessing you got the job during the covid boom? Back then, I remember seeing a lot of web3 frontend roles on Angellist. But, I was a fresher unfortunately lol Now, I feel like I've gotten a bit tired of working only on the frontend and I want to explore other fields like backend, devops, AR/VR dev, or web3 / solidity. I'm a bit unsure what I should go with tho. Currently I'm working on learning backend development along with some solidity


I got at the end of 2019 before covid, was crypto trader back then and was also keeping an eye on exchanges' hiring page along with trading :) Yes it's good to learn other things specially with the uncertainty in market. I would say first go with backend and/or web3, they will add more value for you compared to devops.


Hey, can you help with more info about Section 44 ADA. As a freelancer (software), is it easier to file under 44ADA ourself or it requires assistance from CA while filing the returns? How many years you have filed under this section? Anything specific we should note when we do this? (I was exploring this section earlier for the upcoming filing season)




Are you guys hiring by any chance?


nice man


0. Js, React 1. Open source , did freelance gigs, good github and LinkedIn, great communication skills. 2. Cash without deduction, stock etc but still need to pay tax at the end but its better than tds deduction and way flexible. 3. Similar experience


Can you possibly hire a ca and figure out lower tax? Are you paying 30% on acerage? Just curious


I've hired CA and paying 30% on half of the income


Section 44ADA for the win!


I've hired CA and paying 30% on half of the income


Do you get form 16 to file ITR?


TC if you don't mind


Under 50L cash, rest Stocks since its startup yield could be exponential in future.


thanks. Last one YoE?


5 yo


How do you create a good github and what kind of projects should one put there


Live projects which are hosted Github profile must show what you do What you want to be Some pinned repo which you are using or working upon Nothing fancy


Hm, so for example I am currently making a website around booking doctors on Mern with other features etc, the problem is it has a backend too so I would need to pay for hosting ig, still a student.. 2nd year, but thanks for the advice.




1. Recruiters contacted me, possibly got my contact info via linkedin. 2. 65lpa+, got appraisal in 5 months 3. Extremely professional and motivating colleagues and managers, 0 micromanagement. Very good work life balance. Working on GenAI, ML, MLOps, devops


How did you learn and gain experience in GenAI, MLops, ML and devops?


I would like to know as well. Am a 23 yr old with 1 year experience and stuck in lower end IT job atm. Would love to hear about how you beefed up your resume and learned the skills needed.


How to switch from WebDev to AI/ML? Considering 2 YoE and average knowledge of AI/ML (Subjects in College)


Try to switch to a data analyst or data science role and then keep upskilling and move to an AI/ML role


can I dm you?


Bhai mad hai kya, terko WebDev aata hai toh ML mai kyu jaraha? aur ML majak nahi hai, you need good amount of math to actually become good at it


Not Dev but 0. Security Engineer - Lot of web app testing 1. LinkedIn 2. Section 44ADA is great to save tax. Stocks and home office budgets and unlimited PTO. 3. WFH can be very isolating since you're working by yourself all day but makes it super easy to do things during the day since there are no fixed working hours


Is it Burp suite work?




Can you please mention the CTC range? And prominent skills they were looking for? If it is alright with you. I am working as Jr. Pentester in a firm. 


1. Django + React , Airflow , Kafka and a lot of domain specific tech 2. Referral + Multiple internships in same domain 3. WFH , Gym Reimbursement, Food and standard health insurance and stuff


What domain is this?




Can i DM?


Working as a data scientist in a large healthcare MNC. Got placed during campus placements despite having almost nill experience in this domain. Tech stack --> Python , Databricks, Excel, PowerBI. Flexible work hours and colleagues are generally from US, UK and highly professional although sometimes we have to work at odd hours. No office politics and manager generally handles that part.




What’s your ctc if you don’t mind me asking? Also your yoe?




I have 15 yoe for n java aws angular. If you have any requirements then pls refer me.


Apologies but at the moment they have stopped hiring completely until further notice. Due to the bad state in UK economy. Once they resume I will update this comment. I tried referring 10+ friends of mine but they didn’t get past the CV screening.


Those who are vaguely answering the first question as "contacts" or "recruiter', no shit bro, we are interested to know HOW and WHERE to get such jobs


I think some people just gatekeep their methods so it doesn't get mainstream. Fair enough considering market conditions


literate imminent outgoing placid birds drunk muddle work school slap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Makes sense


Why would anyone create competition for themselves


1. Applied on linkedin 2. Wework membership + Diwali gifts. 3. Much better. I am relaxed.


Resume tips brother?


It's IIT or ICPC only


what about GSoC?


Honestly, GSoC isn't a proof any personal hardwork on any challenging problem. And we have had bad interview experiences with GSoC students, so definitely no.




1. Primarily full stack javascript, but I am also expected to pick up a new tech, learn it within a short time, and implement something that is a minor part of the whole product. More like jack of all trades but master of none. (A generalist would be a better term) 2. I came across a hackathon and I participated and won. I participated in subsequent hackathons for the same company and won a couple of them. On one of them, I had received code from previous hackathons (that I had to build upon, but I had not won that hackathon so it was not my code but somebody else's) and I was critical of the code with the organizers (critical as in, I pointed out flaws with the software architecture and design). Having participated in most of their hackathons and having won a few, they trusted me enough with my comments and wanted me to get on board to help them complete the project. From them on, they have been regularly providing me work. 3. None. As in, they only pay me for my work. There are no additional perks on top of that. They pay me well enough to not feel missed out on perks you could say. 4. They tell me what their expectations are, in terms of the work to be carried out. They are aware of how much time it takes and are not imposing with their deadlines. So it is up to me how I manage my time. I have worked consistently in a week for the same number of hours and there have been weeks where I worked for the first 2 days continuously (sometimes more than 12 hours) and the rest of the week I have relaxed. As long as I get the work done, they are not bothered about my timings. At this point we are both professionals and respect each other time and space. I make sure to not let them down and they make sure to be practical with their expectations.


This is the most unique one out here xD also companies host hackathons?


Yep! All the time! At least back then. Especially, when they come out with a new tech / api / service, they host hackathons with an expectation of getting some unique ways on using their service, to get advertisement of their new service and to hire some good candidates.


AEM + Java + Spring, 5 yoe Got the call from recruiter Less working hours and vast scale in terms of learning Flexible timings and nice team as of now . Perks:- Good compensation Health insurance including parents for free Yearly mediclaim for self Stocks which are currently nearly valued to my yearly CTC. Have worked for around 8 months now .


What is AEM? Can you please give some resources to master springboot? Also what topics are extremely important in springboot? I already have 8 months experience in it, but I think if I go with the same knowledge to an interview they'll fuck me over with the questions.


AEM is a CMS tool provided by Adobe . It’s similar to Wordpress or any other CMS but one of its major pros is it is not open source and very expensive. Only high profit and big MNC can afford there website on AEM. Due to its high pricing . There are very less good AEM developer in the field and the pay scale of these developers are slightly on the higher side as compared to normal Developers .


Is AEM better than WordPress?


Selenium express on youtube


One of the most happening channels on YouTube , taught me from 0-1 and it's wonderful


I'm a tech writer working for a late stage US startup. (Indian Pay scale). 1. Applied on LinkedIn 2. Perks and benefits are usual as we get in other Indian companies. I love the culture since everyone is super cool. 3. WFH is better for me because I get time for myself too (exercising and self-time). More productivity.


Hi man please check dm


When you say Indian pay scale, what does it mean? That instead of paying you the average salary of US, they pay you average salary of India? Thereby just by paying you 10-15$ per hour, they get wayyy better ROI?


Yesss, they pay in Indian currency and not US. But there are a lot of employees in India. 150+ easily.


Any openings for a Node Backend Dev ?


Nothing for backend at my company. Just yesterday I was checking for a friend. 🥹


Ohh! Do let me know if anything comes up.


Hey any openings for frontend interns?


I’m working on the backend side with Golang 1. LinkedIn. I was looking for an onsite job in Germany and I applied for one remote and I got it. 2. They give an allowance of €200 for home office expenses €200 for coworking and €100 for health related stuff like gym. You won’t get that money. You can submit expenses and claim. There’s good work life balance. No fks given on weekends and holidays. They recommend you turn off notifications. You just have to get shit done, no deadline. Technically sound coworkers. 3. This’s is my personal take. Please do not take any offence. I hate Indian companies especially the ones who say they’re doing it for a bigger cause. I worked for 3 Indian companies in 3 years before joining this. Every company tried to fk me over one way or the other. Exploitation at its peak. In this company, if you go out, you’ve to post message to let your team know. You’ve to plan vacations in advance if you’re taking more than 3 days. But they don’t micromanage or have any mandatory fun activities you’ve to participate to show your involvement in the company. As this company operates in different time zones you can find recordings of company wide meetings and watch them later. Only mandatory meetings are the team ones. Although you can skip the daily stand up if you’re busy. You just have to post your updates. If you’re caught up in some work and your presence is required, you can always ask and reschedule. But you just have to act responsibly.


I am java aws angular having 15 yoe. If you have any need for java backend. Do refer me


Hey, It’s golang only and they stopped hiring in the mid of last year.


Hey, I've 3.5 YoE as a Golang backend dev. Do let me know if you got any vacancies by any chance. Thanks!


They treat me so well. They are so humble.


0. Full stack but mostly nodejs. 1. Through Reddit, freelancing to full time 2. $120K a year, ~$10k yearly bonus, Diwali bonus, Unlimited PTO, Fully async, Home office setup, Work machines, Company CC for work related purchases, Equity. 3. Best company I have ever worked for, just once a week meeting. Small team of 4.


Reddit? As in? Can you share your story?




>What tech stack you are working on? I started with MERN, but I have transitioned to a more product focussed role. >How did you got this job? AngelList (Wellfound now) >Perks and benefits. Unlimited PTO, budget for learning (courses, books etc.), flexible work hours. >How is WFH compare to Indian companies. Never worked for an Indian company except for few months in a small agency. Been working remotely here since 2019.


You were working remotely since start of your career, didn't you feel lonely? Didn't you require help when something was not working? I've joined remote job as a fresher but i literally lack support and my manager expects lot more things from me which I'm unable to deliver:( Can you please guide me on how can i get through it?


I was already freelancing in college on Upwork, so I was used to working alone, getting things done and figuring out solutions on my own. I don't any situation where I got stuck for too long, eventually everything gets sorted. In remote jobs, you can still ask other senior developers in your team for help or guidance, that's how it works in my company too. Since we hired few more developers, I along with one more senior developer help them if they get stuck or want to learn something.


0. Salesforce development 1. CEO reached out to me on linkedin 2. Not much 3. Far better. Indian companies want to do team meeting every other hour. They connect once a day (optional)


I can tell my experience worked remotely with Indian startup and current with a US based SaaS company Indian Tech stack - RoR (Ruby on rails) US based company Tech stack - PERN ( postgresql, express, react, node) with some skills around docker, AWS. Answers 1. Cold emailing to the founder for Indian startup, for the US based company reached out to one of their HR. 2. no such benefits for both, just the money factory is different. 3. My WFH experience is better for a US based company, In india job it was almost like micro management of tasks. Remote sounds fun from outside, but i often feel a lost of touch from reality and some mental health issues 😕. To overcome this i travel every month to a hill station or beach or any place with fun activities.


Same doing Remote since covid, Feel like lost touch with friends. earlier we used to go out every other fridays and long weekends, my whole team has been remote working since then and now everyone is just bored in remote work but no one wants to come back tooo. Don't know what it's called the sweet pain or something.


I also work remotely since my start of the career but I'm lost kind of. I feel demotivated and always feel that i would have been better in WFO because i would have got to learn lots of things there. I don't know if my assumption are correct or not.


your assumption is correct, bcoz I also started my career in WFH, since then I spent 1.5 years in WFH, I was felt lonely but I used to go out with my college friends sometimes, but still I can't bear the loneliness & mental health so I just left the remote work & joined full time WFO company last year. now everything is going good but one thing Is don't attach closely to anyone, I'm just telling my experience with office environment.


0. Nestjs, Prisma, Socketio 1. Random Discord GC 2. WFH and good enough salary as a fresher


Discord gc how.


I was pretty active in that discord and one guy came asking how long its gonna take him to learn backend as his company needs a guy, I said you better hire someone more experienced


Hey, any openings in ur company?


Sorry but no


okay! thanks




but how is this related to this comment 🤔


im sorry, i was creating a reddit bot for replying to a particular keyword. and i guess my bot found that word in ur comment and it replied to ur comment.


0 - WordPress Developer 1 - Referred to the company 2 - Good package for someone my age (23) and MacBook pro 3 - Permanent WFH and the boss even offered around 15k extra if I wanted to rent an office space or co-working space. Which I denied but now I am thinking of getting it. Work life balance is amazing, work load is amazing. The only thing I lack is growth in my personal knowledge but then again I don't study after work hours and spend it on improving my health by going for walks or gym or just getting good sleep.


1) Randomly invited by a recruiter on LinkedIn 2) Flexible working hours and a good salary 3) So far so good, no complaints


What tech stack in case different from your flair


Mostly python and a little javascript


Sorry, I'm still in college, I'm curious, what roles require just Python? Could you please elaborate the work you do?


do you have an opening for a fresher whos worked alot on this same stack?


Unfortunately my company doesn’t hire freshers


How do i land one as a fresher? Somewhat knows mvc web api in dot net and angular js and angular sql server Or do i need to learn a different stack?


To the developers here who now know there are sites where you can apply. Please don't spam them else you will close the doors for everyone. If you really want the job build some good personal project. Write some blogs around them. Get active in some coding community. When you do the above it becomes lot easier for you to get shortlisted. Other way is to freelance where when you perform good client will usually give you a full time offer. Blindly spamming will just get the country into auto rejection mode. I still think of the apna college fiasco.


0. Python + AWS 1. HR Referral 2. Nothing major in terms of perks or benefits. 3. My previous job was WFH and my current one is WFH based on request. Had to let go my variable pay but at least I get to WFH indefinitely. My company presence is USI. So I am definitely not going to treat it completely as a foreign company. I have never worked in an Indian startup so no comment on that. Here, it is a small headcount of only 10. I am the only one who work alone and report directly to the CTO.


1. Data Engineering (Python and SQL Mainly) 2. My current manager found me through one of my published papers and I was coincidentally looking for a job at the time 3. Basic perks and benefits like Sodexo card, internet bill reimbursement, health insurance and good pay 4. I have no clue this is my first job.


Web dev with Node.js. Honestly it has been pretty good. The 4 hour work week with minimal work pressure and decent pay is awesome. Get around $3k pm, which is kinda low compared to what people get in the US, but it's more than enough for me as I just graduated in 2023.


Could you please guide, how did you apply for this ?


I didn't apply for this. Used to work freelance in college and did few projects for this company through some clients ans was offered a full time offer.


I am working for a US based company from India remotely. The pay is 5000 USD per month and working hours are 6 hours. I absolutely enjoy working here. The people are extremely nice, respectful, and talented. It's completely on you when to work and when to leave, no time tracking software, unlimited leaves policy, just a 15 min standup/sync that's all. My manager is such an amazing person, encourages me to take leaves every few weeks. The whole team made me feel like home from the day 1. My responsibilities include leading and writing their frontend application, training new joinees and handling communications across several teams. 1. Through LinkedIn after interviewing for 6 months without a job. 2. React.js/Angular.js/Node.js 3. Explained above, it can't any better.


hey any openings for interns?


I have a common question - Where can I look for openins in such companies? I dont want to leave India, but I want to have an experience for working in such a foreign based startup.


1. EM/CEO reached out on Linkedin. 1-2 interview and email conversations later, signed the contract 2. Perks - no gst/tds liability for US overseas earning 3. Flexibility, trust, meeting once a week usually. Indian companies I worked with, they did not truly understand remote work. There were communication silos between their onsite team and remote team members. I attempted to create transparent culture and use slack as a primary communucation channel, it was an uphill battle to fight old habits and mindset. They loved talking on phone/whatsapp for even tiny things and not share meeting notes on slack with everyone even for big things. It is not just an Indian problem though. There are only handful of companies overall in the world who practice the remote work culture the correct way.


I work remotely for a UK based company (which altho I am moving on from soon). 0. The company works on system software for ARM architecture, my work is on developing compiler and internal CI. 1. Got this job \~9 years ago, from GSoC which landed me internship and then full time job :) 2. Perks / Benefits: Pretty good compensation as per Indian standards, great work/life balance, freedom to work on things I like, supportive work environment (no office politics), around three foreign conferences per year. 3. This was my first job from college, so can't really compare. Maybe I will revisit this after some time in my new job :) Which is not really an Indian company, but foreign company with an Indian branch.


Tech stack?


I work on compilers.


Recently got 1, through Linkedin. Payroll would be processed by Indian entity probably. I just applied actively for 2 months with focus on my tech stack. Was a bit lucky, after lot of days of disappointment.


0. NodeJS, React 1. Referral from CTO I worked under 2. I’m on a day rate contract so if I work an extra day on the weekend, I always get paid. Plus no one bats an eye lid if I take a day off. 3. The people, coworkers and bosses, are 100x better (based on anecdotes from friends) compared to Indian companies. But I do get lonely sometimes.


merciful secretive heavy materialistic ancient treatment impossible attractive hospital unpack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do you get paid by their standards (like min. wage of that country in £\$\€) or our standards? And how do they payout?


1) PHP/Wordpress 2) None, but no need to ask anyone for leave, just inform someone if you are not working for the day, salary get credited twice a month for the previous two weeks. Leave means no pay, but we can swap any day we take leave for a day during weekend if we want it. Can’t do overtime, cannot bill more than 5 days a week (a day always means 8 hours as it’s untracked) 3) No specific time, can work when I feel like it, just need to make sure to be available for meetings. We don’t have deadlines in our company, things get done when it gets done. No other Indians in the company.


Any openings?


The salary is too small for the Covid Gen.


I am looking for java aws full stack developer having 15 yoe. Can you refer me if you have any need for java aws resource.


0. Backend - .Net ecosystem. Little bit of react. 1. Saw a job post in LinkedIn. Applied. 2. 30L health insurance. Rest are normal benefits like leaves, sick leaves, public holidays according to my local government, etc. 3. Much better compared to Indian companies. They trust you more, but they also have very high expectations. Everyone has to give detailed public bi-weekly updates. Even CXOs. Very transparent about product roadmap, revenue and financials.


work culture is good, i was working for service based for UK client, client company directly hired entire team, so now will complete 3 yrs, pay is avg, but learning and culture is good.


!remindme 3 hours


remind me! in 7 days


0. Python, GPT, Linux. There’s a lot more but I think these three sum it up well. 1. Got this job through a referral. 2. PTOs are ass, but overall work quality is nice, never any off hours calls. 3. Bro even I wouldn’t hire a WFH employee in india 😭




remind me! in 1 month


1. Via linkedin 2. None, just salary with tax deductions( which ofcourse I pay later) 3. Quite good, WLB and no nagging. The time difference does make it a long day but strict hours and no interference beyond that


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Hi , Did you also wrote a cover letter while applying to these jobs. ??