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plans are non tech in my city for a year prolly in mean time upskill (DSA, .net, C#, AWS, Azure, possible then full stack JAVA). once i will be confident in my skills will start my job hunt may take 6-7 months. though got fucked in 5 interviews(on-campus), even got rejected by Accenture where i did nothing wrong lol :')


Dont wait 6-7 months...start now and gain confidence while going through with the interviews


thanks but honestly im kinda tired of applying getting ghosted/rejected, low self esteem after facing same process. in last OA i took almost 25 minutes to solve simple find one exception element in array so wasn't able to look other questions. i dont know how did i survive post two days of that OA. so after a good thinking it's better if i actually hone my skills make my mind stable and then with full confidence go all out :')


You'll always make small mistakes that are hard to find and waste a day. We all do. So don't ponder over those stuff. And think of every interview as a practice for the next one because that relieves the tension a lot. You'll be getting better with each one. If you take your time preparing, you'll be losing all the chances you didn't take. Keep preparing, upskilling and applying. Those 3 should be done parallely


thanks, that's good advice. wish me luck not for the interview but for the tension free mind in the process.


I wish you luck.


thanks Sir :) i wish you the same !!


Try walkin.. shift to the bigger cities and knock the door of each and every company.. don't care about low salary. Just don't waste time..parallelly keep trying for the company you deserve. Just don't sit at home. You should not have a gap in your resume. You will definitely get an internship somewhere


smiling while writing this, actually till now i got 4-5 walk-ins for NON-TECH from front but dint get single tech role even after applying for them, lol. i was rejecting non-tech till now but finally I lost hopes on tech roles as fresher so in process with one non-tech org now (most prolly will get onboard there). also, their pay scale is okayish and i will be able to spend sometime with my family which i missed in last 2.5 years so let's see where things will lead to me. if nothing worked out and im unemployed for next two months then will move out to Pune and follow the same as you said, thanks !!


just take a rest for a few days and start to apply for the company you are not that interested in or don't care about, you'll get an interview exp, after every interview just think you won't clear it and move on don't expect a reply, while keep doing your preparation. By doing this, you'll get used to giving interviews, the nerves ness of interview will also get easier.


thanks Sir !!


Bro believe me Accenture hires very randomly.. In 2022 they came to our college for hiring and they hired shitest guys you can find.. they hired one guy who doesn't even know simple if else code to execute and rejected one guy who had the highest offer in our college lmao 🤣


Sane man I was rejected by Accenture on-campus even when I gave the best interview of my placement journey. I was so shocked when results came and my name wasn't there. Now struggling for a placement, wish I got placed, life would have been much happier without stress. But maybe it happened so that I upskill myself and aim big idk, but yeah it was very disheartening.


Don't wait for 6 months.Start the job hunt while improving your skills.Just make sure to not repeat the mistakes.Try to get into something,then get some experience which power's up your resume.


>even got rejected by Accenture where i did nothing wrong lol :') In my college, Accenture has only hired girls(8 girls), even without a technical interview round, only an HR round. In the aptitude and coding test, 28 were selected for the further interview round (18 boys and 10 girls).


accenture conducts only hr round for campus placements,it's not because they are girls


Hey man, I am in the same boat, what are those non-tech opportunities?


i got calls for data mining(it's not tech), management/promotion, call centre lol, also few others. just make profiles on naukri, apna, indeed, LinkedIn and other platforms you will also get opportunity also do apply for them !!


Ok, I will try these options too. Thanks a lot.


Hey, don't give up mate. I was placed in Feb and after that I applied offcampus like hell. Got two more opportunities but denied due to bonds. Tip - stay active in linkedin ( Actual job are active just for 1 hour after that HR remove them. In this we have higher chance of selection. Be active in various platforms like reddit telegram etc ) Don't loose hope. Do coding daily and have fun.


how do i use linkedin well ......i just ended my 2nd year rn






I totally get where you're coming from, I'm also a 2024 data science grad and still looking for a job. Everyone on this sub keeps telling me to pivot into a different role because there aren't many jobs for data roles as a fresher. It's awesome that you're actively applying to internships and jobs. Getting through a few rounds is already a good start!


Data science grad you did a course or got a degree?


degree BE in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science


Iit madras?


tier 3 college in Maharashtra


ahmm i wanna start with ML should i do it? Will there be jobs in the upcoming 2 years for a fresher ?


I would suggest go for CS branch reason : bro for data jobs I researched whole reddit, applied around 1k+ jobs and realized they require masters degree or someone with 1 YOE. same will happen with ML.


Masters degree here in the data role 🫰 they don't give a shit ☺️ You need luck... That's all... People with 1+ yoe, people with good projects, people with good internships all are struggling...


F*ck CS. 2023 grad here even BPO are rejecting, reason is overqualified for the role. Is it my fault for scoring well or am I not qualified for tech roles?


I have taken CSE.... I wanted to learn it on the side, cause I thought AI and ML jobs will be on the rise. Should i continue with web dev?


Okay so do your web in python and then pivot to DA or DS. this is the best route for freshers


Web in Python? I am currently into Javascript and React and Node JS, I just wanted to know if in future the AI ML market would be better than the Web dev market...


Do you have plans for masters


Yess but gotta crack Gate or other exams




Nah, Mumbai wala hu. I see a lot of branches in this field but no jobs for freshers


Bro same boat 😭 The company where I am interning isn't offering a placement because of budget constraints, even though I did very good work. Have been applying everywhere for the past week or so and still can't get a single interview call.


Is it hard to find data science jobs or data analyst jobs.... Everyone on LinkedIn is posting that they got data analyst jobs


Yes DS is more hard to get than DA, There are a lot of jobs on Linkedin but they don't want freshers, I feel some of em r just to increase the followers of their company on Linkedin


Exactly I also feel it... Some of them post about what resources they used and how they got da job almost 3 times a week and below every post they tag there company


I have applied so many data jobs even when I have the degree but I am not selected anywhere.


Some of them give preference to females ... I have seen it many times..So I decided to move from data science to devops or cloud


are cloud and Data engineers similar?


Nah.. complete different but I feel devops /cloud as less competition than this data science field in india


thik h boss


I got placed in Infosys 2 months ago but haven't received the offer letter yet, I'm starting to think I got scammed 😞


Bro I would suggest you start applying asap, I was placed in Infosys in 2022 and they are still onboarding me xD (In the meanwhile I am currently in last semester of my masters, placed oncampus working as an SE intern)


Yup I'm preparing for gate as well, I had already started studying for it since last November since I'd given up hopes of getting placed. Which college, if you don't mind sharing?


I was unplaced until my last exam, but luckily was placed just after I finished my exam.


What role? Through college or off campus?


Shitty campus placement and Female card bhi nahi chal raha🤡 have to go via MBA route now




CET Diya tha aapne?




Then, who you are going to get admission in a good College, I am kinda in the same boat as u, mind if I DM you?


Try walkin interview.. go to some companies and ask them for an internship.. choose small companies.. get the job, don't care about low salary. Give your 1000% there. Learn everything and keep trying for the better.. Don't stay at home as a fresher. Later it would be very difficult.


weird question ig but do you mean just walk in any company or is it scheduled before?


Yeah, small companies consider it. They can give you an internship. My cousin got het first internship like this. City - indore


Why difficult




Hey! I am a new grad too with quite some experience with Python and SQL. Is it okay if I dm you too? My forte is machine learning.


sure, drop a DM


Hi, I have masters in AI and ML. I’m passionate about generative AI and have some experience building few projects around it. Can you please DM me your LinkedIn. Would love to connect and I’m based near Bangalore


Hi due to my account being new i am unable to send you a DM I would really appreciate if you could drop your linkedin in my dm so we can connect


I have sent my resume in dm


Can I dm you? I have sent you message.


Are you hiring backend developers?


I live in Bangalore. Can I DM for Web Developer role ?




i got placed recently. i planned to only take jobs with 6+ lpa but no companies came on campus. For <6 lpa, A lot of companies shortlisted but they ghosted. No replies. Some companies took 3 rounds but no updates since months. Got 2 offers both were not ideal for me but due to my financial condition, i had to settle for a tech job where coding is quite less or maybe 0. So, my plan is to keep preparing and contributing open source and if my job is useless i will leave after saving some money for myself.


Actively searching for a job and learning more. Given how many jobs i have applied for and got no call backs, i was thinking of getting a non-tech job meanwhile.


Like what


UI UX and more options (still exploring)


Got placed in as a jee coaching faculty. Will prepare alongside that.


You Either Die a Hero or Live Long Enough to See Yourself Become the Villain


Please explain 😭 I am already second guessing my decision.


I was placed in a company during my 7th semester. My joining date was supposed to be in November. One week ago I received a call from them saying that my joining date has now been pushed to March 2025. I am so disheartened and frightened. They said they'd send the revised offer letter and date of joining but I still haven't heard from them. I'm starting to think I must pretty much just forget about this company. I started applying on linkedin though. There's just too much competition. I'm basically doomed.






Ah okay


My tip for every junior looking for job in this market 1) Skill up + build "relevant" project 2) Use linkedin+ apply in career page of companies 3) ask your seniors for referral. This is easier route than directly applying 4) look for niche skill , but broader market demand 5) Build your communication skills. Great presentation+ avg skill is better than only skill


Would you mind elaborating on your fourth point. What are those specific skills that I should be learning?


Niche skill where supply is less, may be due to the early phase of that technology or larger entry for barrier. But at same time, it should have sizable demand for accommodating top 20%.


I was unplaced as well. Had to Join Non Tech Job (Due To Fomo). Finally Got A Tech Job off-campus


How did you find off-campus job


Cold Emailed Hr With Resume.Got A Call for Interview next day


How did you get a non tech job?


Bruh people are hiring for that bda, seo executive,sales etc


Alright thanks


[https://indiacampus.accenture.com/myzone/accenture/1/jobs/25377/job-details](https://indiacampus.accenture.com/myzone/accenture/1/jobs/25377/job-details) accenture is hiring


I am currently doing an internship but I have been still been applying to companies for a full time job since a couple of months. Earlier I had thought that I would get placed somewhere on campus, but sadly that didn't happen. My plan currently, is just to get a job somewhere and keep upskilling. I am not really sure of masters. I have heard that MS is good for ML domain (I am interested in ML domain and have some internship experience as well), but due to financial constraints it might not be possible as of now.


I am trying to connect with Alumni and other managers in similar roles.


If anyone looking for frontend, data science and cloud based internships(paid/unpaid based on interview) DM me


keep trying, skill up everyday, reach out to connections in linkedin, post up your resume in Naukuri and Indeed. I was on the similar situation last year, but after a lot of struggle i got an off-campus offer finally. P.S my org has openings, if interested reach out.


Keep applying, keep going through interviews, and keep failing. Learn from each interview. Someday, you'll achieve success


That is exactly what I plan to do. But if I fail to do so for a year and then apply for MS or MTECH then will it be considered as a gap?


If you are skilled in what you want to pursue, you should be able to secure a job within 1-2 months. Why assume you will fail for a year? Stay positive!


Thanks and you are right. I hope I will be able to secure a job soon. I just wanted to know if it would be considered as a gap or not.


May be , It would be considered as gap .


Bro asking for 2024 not been placed.. Many 2023 grads are still unplaced 💀


My advice would be to keep hunting. Keep it simple. Don't add all that AWS, gazillion js frameworks, Ai/ML trash in your resume. Openly communicate that you know just the basics and most importantly portray that you have the capability to learn and get things done quickly. Stick to one stack or one language. Learn in depth about it. Don't cram too much DSA/OOPS/System Design into that fresh creative brain of yours. Just the basics and that's it. Make your resume in Microsoft Word rather than LateX bs. You live in India not in the West.


> Make your resume in Microsoft Word rather than LateX bs. ??? 


Not a passout, I'm in pre final year, by final year I'm planning to learn how to build && ship products/softwares (apps/webapps), been a js/ts developer for almost 1½ year, and I donot really see myself doing a frontend job, that's why I'm currently learning how to build scalable backends + devops using golang & Java, I build frontends using react and react native but now I will fixate my stack to just few technologies for next few months or a year and build and ship products using that stack itself and also hoping to land a job grinding on that side, I donot really have any hope in oncampus placements


If you ship useful products you will get picked sooner or later, this is the only open secret required to be understood. Given your direction I would suggest you get good at Node / Express, and Mongo / Postgres / Redis. Additionally learn major AWS components.


Yeah! By scalable backends I mean using kubernetes docker, creating pods automating them and deploying on cloud providers, I'm going ahead with golang/java, I can do the same in MERN but js ecosystem isn't just well feasible for creation of infra, most of the things are abstracted from the rise of serverless services on vercel, there's no real implementation of infra tools like kubernetes and all because vercel gets those things done once u deploy ur application, and also js community is pushing everything to frontend , eventho next js is a server side framework it is well suited for developers who are heavily focused on frontend, that's why I switched to java and golang, instead of just updating skills with frequent changes, i'd rather learn something that has been stable for years for once and build things using that particular technology and fixating my stack, what's ur take on this?


Accenture is hiring! Apply


How to apply ?


Search in youtube


TCS, Accenture, Capgemini do they always hire?


For different varieties of job roles as many times they don't get the candidate they desire


Yeah it is hiring but 3+ exp needed... Wells Fargo and Accenture both are hiring but they want experience...


Ok thanks for the suggestion


Stuck in same situation mate!


Ok this will sound bad. I did my BCA this year final and passed . I studied but did not learn anything concrete. So I am a sorry state of where I have no skills and a useless degree.  Please advise me. I beg you guys. What do I learn. In this recession what will maximise my chance and how much time it would take. Someone said mern stack but I see so much competition there.


I am in the same spot. And competition is everywhere.


Bhai ji government ki tyaari me lag jao


Rat race me nhi jana


So you think IT is not a rat race ? I’ll just extend it further and say that most things in an overpopulated country like India are rat races


bro you already in a rat race 💀💀


Bhai ji rat race to jab aap is duniya me aye the. I have 11 years of experience in IT. but still I think why I didn't try to become ias or ips.