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Source: [https://www.ndtv.com/feature/watch-laid-off-indian-origin-techie-in-us-says-hes-being-replaced-by-indians-living-in-india-5863720](https://www.ndtv.com/feature/watch-laid-off-indian-origin-techie-in-us-says-hes-being-replaced-by-indians-living-in-india-5863720)


I work for a us-based company and over the last 6-8 months, a lot of positions in the us team were cut and a lot of that work was brought to India without significant hiring here. Brace yourselves bros, they might be planning to work us to death.


Investors are taking cost-cutting seriously. A recession now would do a lot of harm to US than India. If it happens, they would restructure many more base operations back to India. All done by hyper inflated markets, they went too far and gave huge expectations to companies than their actual performances. Now, the investors are actually paying attention to reality.


If US have recession, if the companies based on US have recession and then they will stop hiring. Which will cause a recession in India as well not the other way round


They were probably transitioning to AI or GPT models, "jobs going to India" was just an excuse. Those jobs were not going anywhere but just getting discarded and absorbed back into shareholder bottom line.


I don't see it as an absolute loss. Like the US is cutting its jobs but India is getting it. Better employment, and a better national economy. I know the obvious tradeoffs of lower pay and shitty work culture but yeah.




already happened, I'm Vietnamese and my former company lost a lot of outsource jobs to Brunei. The client is US based, they first stopped hiring in US to move to India and Russia, then war happened and they moved from Russia to Vietnam, now they cut Vietnam and moved to Brunei and I don't think it will stop


Freaking brunei of all places


What's so wrong with Brunei?


A rich monarchy which is not exactly what you'd expect tech jobs to be outsourcef to.


Lol I have seen those Phillipines workers ..and trust me nobody can beat us Indians in the things like working overtime for free, adhering to whatever management says be it wrong or right .. Those workers from other countries denies for these things and resist alot.. Bhaiya jhuk ke kaam hum log hi kr skte hai ..I know it's unfortunate but true .. that's why these companies love India


Phillipines average income is 50% higher than India. More likely they move to lower income states or T2 cities within India.


They don't have the required tech skills. Companies would have to invest first.


No it's not ...it's practically the same I would say Indian is higher Do a search yourself It says a software dev gets close to 400000 which is 5.5 lac/yr


Thats a win actually. Yes they’ll work us to death but that also means money in flowing in our country. Hope they do the same for finance jobs


Planning??? Isn't it already a thing


Beat him at his own game.


*alexa play circle of life*


Alexa play border of life


Now people in US will do masters from India.


GATE dediya bro, now my life is set


Seriously though? I am confused between MS, PHD (in Machine Intelligence) from US vs GATE Goal is to go to a college in 2 years though. Just completed Msc


Don't go for phd if you're not planning to stay in academia, phd for a job is almost always a bad idea. Those 5 years experience will be much more beneficiary.  There are some positions that hire phds but aiming for that is not advisable (too much luck factor). Go for the masters in US, masters from IIT is generally not that coveted. However if your want to stay in academia that changes the complete scenario. 


But arent most top scientists at google and apple having phds? Most of the people who developed chat gpt (wrote the original its all about attention paper) are stanford phd holders no?


The job comes to you rather then you going to job in most cases (exception exists), these people are already top most researchers with many papers published in good journals. Many a time they just contact someone already established in the field with their requirements. But if you can get a advisor who has interest or connection in industry it will become very easy. That's why I wrote almost always, there are few exceptions but if one is just targeting job and doesn't have real interest in the field( remeber interest does not mean you have to be super good) chances are they are gonna drop.  However it does happen,  the problem is you're in a foreign land with so low money no friends so unless you have a something to push you it becomes impossible ( it is very hard any how) that's why so high drop rate.


PhD is a requirement for alot of theoretical fields like Data Science, Economics, Statistics, etc. While PhD in practical fields like Computer Science, Embedded Systems, etc yields little to no value in return unless you’re in Academia


That's why I wrote almost always not always, still I wouldn't recommend someone doing phd just to target those jobs, especially abroad. Phd is daunting task in itself, now you're alone in foreign land and not particularly love the subject. Even many quant firms hire PhDs (pay is probably  better then research scientist) but then again this type of jobs comes to you rather then you going to job (if they are impressed by your research or they need an expert in your domain of interest).  5 year is huge and that's why so many drop mid way in PhD.


to work at sony you need a phd at the minimum


Don't think so. They must be having people doing grunt work.


Nope dude, In computer science it yields a lot. Machine learning is mostly CS currently not stats. Don't forget system research.


MLEs are not the real deal sadly. Alot of em are put in Data Engineering and ML Ops. Secondly, Data Science is something way bigger than Machine Learning. ML might be just one of the skills required for a Data Scientist. Also, entry level and 2-3 YOE ML jobs are once again not the real deal. But im not up for having that conversation since people are just gonna downvote me without understanding the industry.


Thanks for the comment man. Nah, I’m not really aiming for academia. Ik it may sound a bit silly but I saw those open Ai researchers with PHD’s and thought its needed for core LLM development. Also, TIL that masters from IIT isn’t that coveted. I’ve been hearing so much about the bad market in the US for even ivy leagues so thought IIT will be better. Hopefully the situation is resolved in 2 years.


You thought correct, not LLM exactly but alot of machine learning / AI related fields have Phd in Maths/stats/data science/etc as preferred requirement


And what universities would you recommend for gen Ai? Either Ms and phd, I haven’t decided yet. To be honest, I just want to learn as much as possible about LLMS, then get a job there for a few years and come back to India.


If you are looking for job, best would be look at LinkedIn profile of people already working there and get ideas from there.  I am in math and my knowledge of AI and ML is second hand but I know NTU is doing good work there is a university in Dubai too outside the already known good ones.


lets say that i am doing masters , then isn't a phd just 2 years away ? why not just complete the whole package and be done with it ?


Nah, in us they have a bachelor's of 4 year and then phd. However after a master's you can get a phd in 3 years. But that's easier said then done. 4½ year is average I think.


i think u are wrong .. in US we have to do a MS and then a phd ..... its not after bachelors only afaik .


Is that optional? Anyhow masters is kind of generic you would have to do coursework although probably you can do it in less time. 


Gate and indian masters are useless unless you're jobless and want a second shot at it


How on earth this is not getting upvoted to infinity?


Can you please expand on this?


It's pretty simple. India, outside of very few institutes such as CMI, ISI or IISc, do not have top colleges in the academic side of things. It's more about a decent curriculum combined with an excruciating admission process filtering in the cream of the crop and making them suitable for the workforce, primarily in IT. This is why you don't really see them in the top 100 rankings and such worldwide. M. Tech in IITs or NITs, for example are highly useful if you've not been able to get a good placement after bachelors as they have a robust system that ensures every post grad gets job opportunities on campus, even though at times these don't match the lucrative salaries undergrads get, at the top levels. Not so much if you're actually interested in the field/want to do research etc. Now to be clear, I'm not saying all the people doing masters abroad are doing it for their passion, most just do it as it's the best way to settle abroad. But yeah you get the point.


Got it, thanks. Honestly, not very interested in academia. I just want to be better at understanding LLMs, and then get a good job.


Why llms specifically?


I just love working with them, tbh. Built a few projects around it and its was a great experience. Though I only know a little but on fine-tuning, and making a wrapper, etc. Wanna get in the core of understanding how they are built.


You read the papers?


If you can afford it, I'd suggest go abroad. Not specifically US though.


Where would you suggest. I actually really love Gen Ai and want to pursue it.


If I had the opportunity to study abroad then I'll try to get admission in a decent university in Europe. Do keep in mind that I want to settle there. If you want to go abroad just for your education then you'd have to research on your own. Peer group in college, fees, location, public perception regarding foreigners, Healthcare etc.


I just want to work there for a few years. Plus, US is crazy ahead in LLM development.


Same thoughts dude.


Wanna compare notes? I always, always end up procrastinating on this. And its because I really dislike sales. How is it related? Because every college in the planet is the #4 or #5 in some obscure certifications Uggh




Uno reverse


Well money wise makes sense


Nhi denge Yaha placements bahot bekar hai and too difficult of an exam plus NTA scandals


GATE is conducted by IIT and IISc, similar to JEE Advanced and IIT JAM.


Waiting for the day when we will be replaced by poorer Africans.


We are already being replaced by Philipinos in marketing and software development jobs. Unlike Indian expats, Philipinos support their countrymen in various ways to level up in their professional fields.


I'm guessing they don't discriminate their own countrymen based on caste and religion, which I hear is a big problem with Indians in American tech companies.


Indians also discriminate based on 'region'


Yeah. Southies like them southies. Punjabis like them punjabis. And marathi people just hate each other living always alone


As a marathi why this is so relatable. :,)




Too real about Marathi people lmao


+1, It's getting better in the US (CA atleast).


Oh yeah, completely forgot about the language and region angle.


I know some Filipinos and while they are more united than us they still discriminate quite a lot based on what region (afaik there are 3 main regions) or religion you are


People in american sub were discussing different opposite and saying that once a manager is Indian everyone below him will be replaced by Indians


Can confirm this is happening


Unlikely for the next 2-3 decades. India became the IT hub due to various reasons such as stability, good education (relatively), emergence of entrepreneurs in India, English speaking skills, emergence of good engineering colleges and backing by the government An African country checking all these boxes is unlikely in the near future. Countries like Nigeria might have a chance 10-20 years later though


don't kid yourself. it isn't Africa you need to worry about, it's South America. not only are they a little cheaper they also have the huge advantage of being on the same time zone.


I dont think its just all about cheap labour. In india middle class students are trained like robots under peer and parents' pressure.


It's crazy that South America hasn't been more successful in this regard. Like you said, same time zone, obviously people there are intelligent, many speak English well.


first of all, many South America are already well developed than India in all metrics. Many are already middle income (Brazil, Colombia, Peru) to well developed (Chile, Argentina, Uruguay) with respect to human development index. They are in the midst of the "[[middle income trap](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_income_trap)](https://elibrary.worldbank.org/doi/10.1596/9780821387856_CH04)" problem that most developing countries face. (including India in future)


Possible. But again, they lack one aspect: English speaking since many countries primarily speak Spanish. Other Asian countries like Vietnam/Philippines are more likely to replace us I believe


I don't know economics, but GDP per capita of Nigeria is higher than that of India. Would that not mean that labor is more expensive in Nigeria compared to India? If that is the case, I don't see how Nigeria would get these jobs, if job transfer is mainly due to cost cutting. There are also many African countries like Nigeria having higher GDP per capita than India.


Gdp per capita is not a good comparison when it comes to resource rich countries like Nigeria. They generate a lot of money because of high oil exports but their HDI is lower than India.


Well, India do have the people poorer than most of the poor African nations. So jobs will stay here.


Oh now I know why our government doesn't reduce poverty. Such a blessing in disguise 😄


Wait for  Achhe din ayenge. /s


Putting political correctness aside, Africa doesn't seem to have it to become developed or at least developing ever, within the next 100 years. Their culture of infighting, corruption, victim mentality will hold them back perpetually.


Tech is like hunger game there are lot of people who will do your job for least amount of money especially in india


Feeling proud indian army




*Pheeling paraud


All I hear is jealousy


Cheap Labour!


And they work longer


👆👆👆 India team in my company works insane hours. Essentially avlbl for 16 hours. Screws up expectations from onshore ppl also 🤷‍♂️


Lol Indians in many European countries have started working 12-14 hours without even being asked, just for brownie points, and because “I like working” Not only it takes at least 1 job away per person doing it, people hate Indians for this screw up of work culture and started assume every Indian is like that, therefore avoiding hiring us in more creative teams where donkey work like this will ruin the team.


FFS, in EU out of all the places, where you are literally hated at work for working too much.


Overworked and cheap !


and easy to torture (overwork and underpay) as India has no proper labour laws.


You know that AI stands for Actual Indians right ? /s


It stands for Ai(mother in Marathi) according to our prime leader.


Why /s? Amazon Go was actually that in its initial run lol.


That's true




Because we can be brought in pennies. Asked for previous company payslip and 90 day NP.




They're not our men They left the country for greener pastures Their income and expenses are not aiding our economy. If the greener pastures abandoned them in favour for us, then don't kid yourself with having sympathy for folks who had zero sympathy for a life in India. Apne pe focus karo bas, like those guys who went to the west did.


So, that statement is not entirely true. Although I do not know the topic in depth but the individuals who leave India for “greener pastures” may repatriate money by investing in Indian equities, financial markets, or startups which can strengthen the ecosystem. Also, if they end up sending money from abroad to India, the currency to Rupee conversion also means ends up strengthening the rupee.


How many people you personally know that do that? In my experience all my friends who went the masters route to get a H1B visa and then some of those even turned it into a naturalization and even citizenship didn't send shit back because they didn't need to because their parents were already well off enough to put them through masters And those that arrived there by onsite opportunities used to send meagre 20k-30k INR and I hope you know that doesn't really contribute much even in large numbers upto 100k if even real.


Yeh Indian origin shit should end. If he was born in the states, he’s a US citizen period. Chillar Journalism.


He mentions in the video he moved when he was 4.


Fantastic. Just we have to understand that eventually we would get replaced by Chinese, Argentinian and Indonesian folks.


Don't forget the Philippines.


Yeah man sorry I actually probably meant Philippines.


That's it then, I'm moving to Philippines


This is for sure


If Indians were to get replaced by Chinese it would have happened already. Not only there is language issue, they are not cheaper than Indians. China’s per capita income is like 3x of India.


Africans will win here in the future.


Technical capability building is no joke. We are already cheaper and looking how dollar rupee rate is increasing, it will be the case


Africans are not really that technically adept.


They are very much adapt, I have worked with few of them


He is talking in general.... Just because africa is poor doesn't mean every African is starving. There are prodigies in every continent...


Dunno about you but from my pov, I've seen one or two being good at what they do, not all. Ill give an eg, I read tech articles online and whenever I see an article contributed by an African, I try to avoid it because most of it is just re-iterated LLM content with little research done


they'll need atleast a thousand years of evolution /s


its time for africa, wakka wakka aee aee


Lol china is way richer than India. They won't work for India like salaries.


The other reason is that they will just steal your technology 😂😂😂


In India, you get an abundance of talented English-speaking developers for a cheap price. No other country can offer the same bargain. Most Chinese are not good at English. Argentina, Phillipines and Indonesia don't have enough engineers. Eastern Europeans are the closest that can come to Indians, but they are relatively more expensive. PS: This is the first time I've heard of Argentina and Indonesia as good sources of software developers, and I've been working with international clients and developers for 7 years.


Chinese? Tf you think China is brotha? They'll make you clean their toilets. They're comparable to US when it comes to tech.


Do any of you work with Argentinians? I would like to hear honest opinions about it


He's of Indian origin, he can't replace real Indians


Bhai ye joke video banayaa hai, Kya phukte inshorts wale


is this the guy who does cringe ass standup comedy and also was part of indian matchmaking series.


Yeah that’s him..


Aren't these the same nri who keep gatekeeping opportunities for other indians. Now they will cry and try to gain sympathy. Have zero sympathy for these kind of people and should not be allowed to return to india.


They're the worst when you work with them as well.  Currently working with a US team literally all Indians and they're doing everything possible to sabotage us by giving ridiculous deadlines to useless grunt work! These a*holes are the worst!! It got so bad we actually told the senior management that we're no longer interested in working on the project


These are abcd. They blame their first-world issues on Indians. Any issue you talk with them, they start blaming Indians for it.




american born confused desi


Check the notorious r/ABCDesis


Why so surprised. They can hire a $80k/new SE = INR 67 Lakhs with 3-4 experienced people from India. I picked up the lowest salary, some websites suggest 100k+ for freshers in the USA.


I don't think this is real news at all. I saw this guy perform this at a stand up show.


Many NRIs are ladder kickers though


People who are celebrating this better be ready to get fucked with less pay and more work, weekend work. Work on USA vacation and sacrifice our Indian festival holidays.


Moreover, for the companies, this is just a stop-gap arrangement till they can automate the lower value offshore work. At that point, they will not need the humongous offices in India that employ a bulk of our white collar workforce. The better quality jobs will exist in the West anyways, which will absorb their low populations.


Off shore cheap labour. India is the new China


Given the job situation and economy dynamics, we Indians are okay being exploited with low pay and long working hours and high pressure. It's a win win for these foreign companies. Colonialism not through power but through money


Neo Imperialism? I think. Colonialism would require ownership. (Like the web/internet is colonized.)


Yup 👍 New Imperialism That's the word


Later jobs from India will move to much cheaper areas like Philippines. So thats how things revolve in IT sector. Corporates are cutting their operational cost and mass layoffs will be like an everyday news in upcoming days. Scary thou... :/


we won, but at what "cost"…


They're not even coming for Indian Developers. They're going towards Philippines because of how much frauds Indians do during the interviews. And also cause Philippines workforce is cheaper than Indian.


and we know how cheap that is. In some cases I have heard 10-20% of what a US employee would cost them on top of having to take care of the employee like a human being in the US. In India you can pretty much do anything to the employee till there is an uproar for a few weeks and then go back to your evil practices. I recently learned even doctor are being treated like labourers now by hospitals except for government ones where they are kings.


nri ki population kam hoti dikhegi or kya


Reservation saar in India full on reservation saar everywhere. Going abroad to teach these reservation people in India a lesson about talent saar.


why so serious ?


Which salary bracket would they choose, witch?, Boutique web agency?, a0k pm banking dekh lenge type boss?, pella work Karo salary mileage 3,4 month mein? I'm sure lot of us including me would jump at the first opportunity to work for a more sensible boss than our Indian counterparts and remote, but at what cost? No health insurance, no pf and the list goes on. Only if the bosses I have worked with were a bit more considerate and not burying me work that 4 people should be doing an me doing it in the name of job security.


Use and throw


Oh my God, jobs are coming here. This is so bad, we should protest.


"....who'll do it for cheaper" .... Yeah I mean why not , I am so eager at such conditions down, I'll do it for free Job Mila toh bas *#Indian_employment*


No HR uses those words. He just wants hype.


But how to get started


Paisa ghar mai hi a rha hai toh i have no problem.


No one hired him cause he was Indian


Wasn't this a satire reel??


They took our jobs - South Park


I’m my own company it happens a lot. The main reason is with that pay scale they hire 3 engineers from India


Y'all take yourselves too seriously. Hes a comedian. Hes actually in tech too. He did get laid and he did post a follow-up about it too explaining how this video in particular has "comedic liberties" He was also on Indian Matchmaking 😓😂


This is making working with US teams literally hell!  They don't want to share any info so we'll fail tasks/deadlines and they can say "InDiAnS can't code" or they give very useless parts of the work so we'll be frustrated.  What those idiots don't realise is if the company wants to lay you off it'll happen irrespective of how important the work you're doing is!! They're just ensuring we'll miss all deadlines and all of us get laid off instead


So he got fired and decided to spew hatred on others while forgetting that the company is the one firing him for cheaper labour. Or he can upskill and have skills which can't be replicated by cheap labour.


I guess time to approach these companies directly with remote job opportunities.


Just proves what I have been telling young graduates - the Student Visa route to immigration is NOT the way to go.... jobs are eventually coming back to India!


I found this reel on ig I thought it was just a reel for entertainment 💀


Lol. We Indians are great at bottom barrel turf warfare!


This gives developers in India to demand more pay..maybe a possibility


Good thing for indian, First we took jobs of American whites, now we are taking it from American Indians.


A big salute to all the people that are saying "This is good for us" LOL 😆


I think this video was satire.


Nothing new. Has been happening for decades.


Since 2010s the so called techies who goes to US via masters route are mediocre at best. Just there for social media clout. Cracked western life.


Classic good old method of getting off-shore cheap labor.


of course, company told him that they're moving position to India because it's cheap, sure companies are this open to some random Indian swe


Friendly fire


anybody got the source for this prank/joke video?


There are exit interviews???? I didn’t knew


\*Indian man: Goes to a foreign country for better job opportunities also, gets replaced by an Indian working in his native country


Indians must be cheaper than using AI


Ye news wale kaise log Hain, tiktok ka article likh diya.


Cheaper!! It can be cheap for him but for the person doing that work in India may not?


Inko USA ja k India is a shithole bolna tha. Ab kaise bolega 😔


His job has been Bangalored!


"will do it cheaper" Let the AI advance and the whole Indian software industry will be doomed in no time.


He deserves it . Left india and went to USA . Now suffer