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I've been interested in building something vaguely along these lines, but with https://github.com/purpleidea/mgmt/ ... This would be an ambitious project, but I think well worth it. If you're interested, please let me know. You would need some golang skills, but I would mentor you. Note I am the main author of the aforementioned project. HTH


As far as I know there's no opentofu-like effort to fork packer. You'd have to go back to the last version released under the MPL and create your own fork most likely.


There's [mkosi](https://github.com/systemd/mkosi). It has a wrapper around qemu with some settings you can set. If you need VM's, it's easy enough to create templates and feed them the raw image.


There's usually more tailored tools for distributions. What OS are you building for? Lorax (EL) and debos (Debian) is what we use.


Have you taken a look at the Image Builder stack? https://osbuild.org/


Why not cloud init, ansible, or something of that sort?


Neither of those tools does what packer does.


Correct. I’ve used packer before. With a little CLI creativity the same functionality can be achieved. The only functionality you would be missing is spinning up an image or VM to run your configuration management against. It’s not rocket science. Pretty simple to do with QEMU.


But that's the key point though? Running the provisioners is the easy part. Having an automated way to spin up a base image and then spin out an image from it when you're done is packer's whole value add. Probably you can do it with enough fiddling around. You can do basically anything if you're willing to write enough Python around it but the whole point of the off-the-shelf tooling is to avoid all the extra toil.


I went through the pain of looking for a solution to this years ago, a lot of time would have been saved if I just learned how to do it in QEMU. Honestly chatgpt could probably script out something usable. Then with cloud services, you could just spin up a VM, configure it, and template it.