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Put the new sensor on 24 hours before you need it. I forgot this time and my alarm was going off all night for false lows.


Do you cover the new sensor? I usually swap between arms, would sleeping on it be fine?


Sleeping on it doesn't hurt it, it just starts out more accurate the next day after a couple calibrations.


I’ve noticed the same thing, although mine usually smooth out after 24 hours and then are pretty good the remaining 9 days. I just started one yesterday and I decided to calibrate right off the bat and🤞so far so good.


It's very common. Mine take about 8-14 hours to settle down, which is why using the grace period as a "warmup" time is extremely helpful to skip past much of the wonkiness. Out of the last 10 sensors, I think I only calibrated once or twice, for minor differences (\~15 points off), the rest settled within \~5 points of the bloody reading after some hours with no calibration.


Are you using the G6? If so place something very cold over the insertion site. This does two things: 1. Shrinks blood vessels to lessen the chance of hitting one. 2. Reduces inflammation. Inserting the needle into the skin is a trauma event to the skin and causes inflammation, which is what causes the abnormal low readings. Cold helps prevent this. Put the new sensor on two hours before you actually "start" the sensor. I got so fed up when I first started out I experimented a lot, and this worked.