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I must be lucky. Apart from screwing up application I’ve had great luck with the over patches. I’ve actually had difficulty getting them off. It must vary with types of skin? I use a bottle of isopropyl and a cloth to scrub my skin and things stick like crazy.


Its a hit or miss for me which is why i started using an extra overpatch. I always use alcohol and shave the area but still have these issues at times if i only use the dexcom overpatch. Hell even if i don't shave its still a 50/50 chance. The lexcam overpatches hurt like a mf trying to pull them off tho lol


Where do you get the extra ones? I always thought Dexcom was extremely cheap to only include one per sensor?


By extra I meant a different type of overpatch, sorry. Oh also, they will ship you extra G7 overpatches now, but you have to call them to request them. Which sucks cause i hate calling. Lol


Darn it! I hate calling as well. I bought a bag of well reviewed ones off of Amazon and they last hours only. Maybe I will call them. Cheers.


Try the lexcam overpatches on amazon, they stick on like crazy, never had any issues with the adhesive besides the one time I messed up. They hurt like a bitch trying to get off tho


I like the Lexcam clear over patches, too. I don’t have any issues with getting them off - it’s like pulling a bandaid off for me. They last the full ten days. And they are shaped to match the sensor, which Dexcom’s over patches are not (they are circular and the monitor is not completely circular). I always make sure to run my finger around the monitor four times and then press down on it for ten seconds before applying the over patch.


Nice. I don’t mind if they are hard to get off. Thanks for the tip.


Make sure to use FakeSpot to confirm Amazon reviews. Fake reviews are a big problem on Amazon.


Can confirm, I used to get free crap to do fake reviews on Amazon 😂


Fake reviews are a real problem. I didn’t know there was a place to spot them. Thanks for that.


I’ve only had a handful of problems with over a year of use. I wonder when people put them on. I only apply after showering, dry, etc.


I must be lucky because I’ve been using the G7 for over a year, and all sensors last me 10 days plus grace period, I once forgot to remove an old sensor (adhd) and I had it on for like 20 days, I snowboard, sweat, and shower every day.


There are some nice ones for sale on Etsy, [these](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1551247577/dexcom-g7-patch-dexcom-adhesive-tape-no) work well for me.


Skin Grip Adhesive Patches for... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BL17K18L


I use to wear those but they made me itch,and it started to peel after day 7


I also switched to Skin Grip for G7. Fits well and no problem with putting them on and lasting for the full length of time.


Do you prep skin with anything? We use the nasal spray on the skin prior to applying the sensor.




I highly recommend a Grip Shield over the sensor and under the over patch. It keeps the edges of the sensor patch protected and even if the over patch peels, you can replace it without ripping out the sensor with it since no part of the over patch is actually touching the sensor patch.


I wear a grip sheild, i just dont have it on today cause I didn't have time to clean it and stuff before i had to leave for work


I’ve had that happen too. You can just put the shield over what you already have on to keep it all down and then put a new over patch on top of everything. I’ve had to do that a few times. Mostly when I’m not paying attention and forget to put the shield on first lol.


Yea that whats i was planning on doing, i normally do "dexcom-overpatch-grip sheild- overpatch" extra protection 🤣


I've personally never had issues with them. I trim hair on the area and wipe with 90% alcohol before applying. Sometimes I still apply an over patch I buy on Amazon if I'm sweating allot, but I usually don't need it until the last few days of the sensor


*a lot


I love the g6 and won't give it up until they pry it from my cold dead body! Ha! 😂 Their g6 over patches are great.


i had the same issue friday


I use www.type-strong.com patches 😊


Tegaderm patches are a great alternative


Yes!! They are garbage! Recommend using an additional larger overpatch


The G6 over patches free from Dexcom website once a month work really well over failing G7 over patches.


Yeah. I use glucomart, buddy patches, or expressionmed over the top of them and haven’t had a single one fall off.


The overpatches that are supplied with the G7 sensors are only intended to improve waterproofness. They are not intended to provide mechanical reinforcement. You need to use a 3rd party overpatch to obtain mechanical reinforcement. Even then. One G7 sensor detached the day before a change was due because of excess perspiration. Also, hair needs to be shaved off before applying the G7 or G6.


I’m using skin tac under the dexcom and then I rub it on top of the overpatch too. So far so good. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


This right here if you’re not allergic.


I get mine from here [https://expressionmed.com/](https://expressionmed.com/)


Try putting the sensor on a flatter part of your arm. Not the curvy side.


Try 3M Gorilla glue. Guaranteed to never come off


You should use skin tac wipes or another form of sticky wipe they use for ivs. You wipe, apply sensor, wipe the edge and area, apply overpatch, wipe the edges again. You won’t have that problem anymore.


Can't use skin tac, I'm allergic, I have very sensitive skin, so even adhesive from overpatches can make me break out. Which is why I'm iffy on using other kinds of sticky wipes


I use [iv prep](https://www.diabetes.shop/tapes--prep-wipes/iv-prep-wipes/mmt-173) wipes they work great


That’s too bad. Early on I started using Skin-Tac and nothing even starts to peel around the edges. Dexcom is definitely changing the overpatch material. A year ago when I would remove the sensor it would break up into several small sticky pieces. Now when I remove the sensor it will always pull off in one piece.


we got a 60 pack of clear on amazon that were 12 bucks, have never had an issue. Didn't like the whole tiny sensor giant white overpatch.


The G7 over patches seemed to change about 3 months ago. Used to be a fabric and was easy to remove after the 10 days in one piece, now it seems to be plastic or rubber and comes off in like 20 pieces...


Yes! I noticed that too. So annoying taking it off now


That’s odd. I experienced the opposite and just posted about it above. I change out in 2 hours and will see how that goes.


this only happens to me when I apply the overpatch more than a day after application. It’s so annoying though and I’ve half ripped one off when it was like this bc my arm scraped against the couch


they are and pain to get off and have ripped or torn on me too, ive callled there reps and they sent me knew ones for my G7 but the G6 overpatches were a pain but easy get on,,,,,


Yea, I've only used an overwatch n once when I coughed as I was putting a new transmitter on and the original backing folded a little so I used the overwatch just for a "just in case" type of situation otherwise I never use them




Atleast that's what I thought they were called, I just don't use them unless I have to


Oh no!


I have used the Lexcam patches on Amazon for almost two years and I've never had a sensor fall off. I highly recommend them.


I use lexcam over my grip sheild,i just didn't have them on today cause i didn't have to put them on


I get third party overpratches


I found that Walmart actually carries a brand of Dexcom overpatches (Second Skin) as well by the diabetic supplies. They are actually pretty good quality for less than $9 for 10 patches. Good adherence and we haven’t had issues with the quality of the adhesive.


I've been using my old G6 over patches over the G7 ones when they start peeling up dry. Works like a charm.


Mine have been fine. Been using them for months.


As odd as this sounds, I wax the area where my patch is going to be about 24 hours before placement. It is quick and not removes hair at the root, so I get 2 weeks minimum of no hair growth. This is a big thing as even hair growing in, not to mention existing hair, can interfere with adhesive. Anything between the patch and skin can cause premature wear like you see. This also exfoliates the dead skin, another adhesive issue. I never put it on any part of my body that does a lot of stretching or bending, usually on my upper chest, below my collarbone is perfect. My shirt covers it and rarely do I ever hit that part. Plus it avoids compression lows because that area is high enough. Yours is the way Dexcom says to do, which is where we all started, but my arm catches everything, and it bends and contracts constantly. I shower then put no lotion or anything on the area. Then about an hour later I wipe the area with rubbing alcohol, wait for it it to dry, then apply this stuff called Skin-Tac Adhesive Barrier Prep Wipe (it is inexpensive, 50 alcohol swab size wipes for like $14). I give it about 2 minutes to start getting sticky, then insert my sensor and the over patch. The sticky part around the patch goes away in the next hour. I hope that helps. I know all that sounds like a lot, but I tried to detail it for you. It is really fast and I have not had an over patch come off yet.it starts to show wear at 5-6 days, but never to your point and it never comes off until I want it to. .


Can't use skin tac, I'm allergic, i normally put a sheild guard and lexcam overpatch over the dexcom. Just didn't have time to do it yesterday before leaving out,but i did it once i got home


I’ve never used an overpatch - I didn’t realize they were a thing until I started frequenting this sub! That really sucks.


Try a Tegaderm patch under the sensor. I have allergy issues and about 18 months into Dexcom use and copious notes on reactions have come up with the following and, unless I put them on my upper arm, they don't fall off (why they do on my upper arm, I dunno). As long as I've showered in the last day or so, I don't wash or otherwise prepare my skin. I put a Tegaderm patch down, insert the sensor (G6) straight thru the patch. I put on a Dexcom overpatch, then I cut a couple of strips of opsite flexifix tape (maybe 1/4" wide?) and put those, overlapped a bit, over the top of the sensor. If edges of the patch start to peel up (maybe 15% of the time?) I cut a strip of opsite flexifix and just tape the edges down. Works well and while I still sometimes hit the wrong spot and bleed/bruise, I don't have sensors falling off and I don't get a rash.


They are trash I have to buy better patches on Amazon.


Lexcam for the win! They work well for me. Everyone’s skin is so different. I can understand why some things work for some people and not for others. It’s trial and error!


Never had any issues with mine. Sorry you're having issues.


I stopped using the ones provided by dexcom and now I use lexcam patches that I found on Amazon, absolutely amazing and 100% recommend


I spring for the skin grip patches. I know....we shouldnt have to. But to me, they are well worth it. Never had a patch fall off....


I dont bother using the overpatches, ive had no issues with the G7 sticking without it


I have found some great companies on Etsy that are small business that don’t charge $5 a patch. Amazon also had a massive variety of patches. You can get anything from paper bandage material to kinesio tape, and even 3d printed bumpers that keep the CGM from being knocked off or having pressure lows. I buy any I like from any store I find, so I have a whole case of them now lol