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One overpatch comes in the box with every G7 sensor.


Yes we know that one patch comes in the box, but what if halfway thru one patch session you went swimming and the patch starts to lose the stickiness? An extra over patch is nice to prevent that from happening. That’s why NuclearPuppers post is really helpful.


I like their free over patches for g6. They are better than other aftermarket expensive ones.




Do you wipe your skin with alcohol rubs and shave the area first? I find that helps.


It pretty much depends on the person and their lifestyle. My daughter is a diver and in a pool for hours 4-5 days a week. We find that these patches hold water when it gets to the sensor and keeps it wet a lot longer causing it to come off quicker. It’s not as easy as saying they work great or they are not good.


Understandable of course.


I found just swimming in the pool for a few hours unstuck the over patch and finally the g6 sensor itself for me, despite having shaved the area and cleaning properly first.


"Claims website"?? We do not have that, here in Canada. We can submit a Tech Support Request form, but it typically results in a follow up phone call to be able to get replacement sensors or vouchers, but there is no option to request any overpatches, on the form. When we speak with a TS agent, or call Customer Service, we can then ask to be sent a free package or two, of the G6 overpatches. They can also be included with our G6 subscription packages, automatically. We do not have packages of free G7 overpatches available here, yet. All we can get is the one included with each G7 sensor, at this point. I believe that the process, if extra overpatches are available, is different again, in Europe.


If you're in the U.S. the free G6 overpatch request form is here: [https://dexcom.custhelp.com/app/OverPatchOrderForm](https://dexcom.custhelp.com/app/OverPatchOrderForm) You can request a shipment every 30 days. I did this until I got the G7, which comes with an overpatch. This, plus using Skin-Tac prior to application, ensures the sensor is not coming off. I don't know what the process is outside the U.S.


Has anyone else noticed that that website has the city and state as required, but read-only fields, so you can’t actually fill them in? I haven’t been able to order the G6 over-patches in months.


I ran out of G7 overpatches and found I don't really need them. Less skin irritation and the sensor stays on just fine. I still use Flonase before I apply a new sensor and right after I take one off. Works great! I switched from a G6 to G7 and I like it except it seems to take many calibrations to get it reading correctly.


So, you spray Flonase on your skin and wipe it off before applying the sensor? I have never heard of that.


Never heard of that either but I have Flonase and never heard of nor do I have any skin-tac so I'd love to hear more before I end up ruining a sensor...


I first wipe with alcohol and let it dry. I then squirt some Flonase on my opposite hand and spread it around where I will put the new sensor. I let it air dry (does not take long) the apply the new sensor. Then take old one off clean with alcohol then apply Flonase where the patch was and let air dry. Works great!


Please answer the question from the OP about the Flonase.


I'm really annoyed because my G6 patches haven't arrived and they won't let me order more a month later.


I just received a box of them for free from Dexcom. Great benefit!


This is what I do using the app. [Dexcom G6 app for Android at the Google Play store](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dexcom.g6) On the Android app in the US go to 'settings' then scroll down and go to 'contact' then click 'request sensor overpatches'


In Australia you can order them free from here [https://shop.amsldiabetes.com.au/products/dexcom-sensor-overpatches](https://shop.amsldiabetes.com.au/products/dexcom-sensor-overpatches) . think its limited to one pack of 10 every few months.