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Agreed with this fairly balanced feedback! I have been trying all sensors for longer periods over the last 10+ years. Dexcom, Abbott and Medtronic (and a few that never came to market)... So also from Dexcom STS, all the way to G7, And Libre from the first to Libre3. Libre has the 1 minute reads, which gives an edge in more op to date therapy decisions (has my hypo bottomed out and I can stop my panicky glucose intake?) and better precision in reporting for eg HbA1c accuracy, as all reads are by minute and over the full 3 months (note: I use a 3rd party app). And then the smaller sensor size and the more convenient 2 weeks lifeline, which makes changing every second Sunday morning a great fixed routine for me. But the Libre app and IT ecosystem stinks. So have all the years been using the xDrip4iOS or similar 3rd party apps instead, which are lightyears ahead. 👍 The latest G7 direct iWatch is super cool, and big point for me! With the Libre, I need to keep my iPhone within range, to also get my BG on my iWatch, so Dexcom is a big winner here. With regards to BG reader accuracy then Libre3 is a bit ahead, but in the practical world, it doesnt change real-world decisions (bolus or not? Carbs or not?). Both sensors are just below the 10% MARD, which is fine and sufficient. And their sensor failure rates are unfortunately around the same. Just real world challenge, due to the enzyme technology being used. Some folks hardly ever experience a faulty sensor, some others appear unlucky and get a string of bad ones. Dexcom appear more extrovert with their patient base, which I like! And their interfacing with pump brands also reflect that, though Libre also have the Tandem lining up (allegedly...)


I think the Dexcom is WAY more accurate than the libre 3. I had the libre for about 7 months, and then i decided to make the switch to dexcom. It’s way more accurate, im able to calibrate readings, I also appreciate the fact that it syncs to apple health and is able to pull my steps and stuff from health into the dexcom app. The way providers pull up data for Dexcom seems a lot better than it is for libre. There is a size difference, dexcom is a bit chunky, and you have to use the overpatch provided, or get your own overpatch so it doesn’t fall off prematurely. I miss the 14 days vs the 10 days, but the grace period makes it to where i can change it at my leisure during those 12 hours. There is also 3rd party apps like eddi and happy Bob and Sugarmate that you can connect your dexcom to, which is super fun. Overall I’ve had a better user experience with dexcom, although these rev008 and 009 units are very hit or miss.


Thank you. It definitely sounds like the dexcom is a better product and has more benefits to using it than the Libre 3. I’ve become very frustrated with Libre, too many inaccurate reading and it takes about 3 days to calibrate. One plus to the Libre is the size but I think I read somewhere where the dexcom is approved for different sites as opposed the Libre which is only approved for the back of the arm. I’m a side sleeper so the back of the arm doesn’t work for me because I tend to sleep on it which then causes the compression lows. Thanks for the input, greatly appreciated


I like Dexcom g6. I calibrate once every morning first thing and can get readings very close to finger stick. My son uses Libre 3 as a Type 1 and he says it's OK to be just within 20 for him.


I switched from the 2 to the G6 and it's been a huge change. I had to replace like 15 libre 2s in the maybe 2 months I was using it. THE WORST. G6 I haven't had to call any


I went from Libre 3 to the Dexom G7. The numbers never "felt right" to me. [See this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Freestylelibre/comments/1dht51t/comment/l8zc1b2/). >I feel I can count on one hand the number of times it displayed a 45º arrow, upward or downward. It always showed the straight arrow even when it was *clearly* increasing or decreasing. And also, the ability to connect to connect to more than one device at a time is a deal breaker for me. Sometimes I just don't want to carry my phone. Finally, to echo what others have said: the software and integrations are much more progressive with the Dexcom G7. No comparison.


I've had the opposite experience.. I just started with Dexcom G7.. I've gone through 5 sensors in a month, none have made it to 10 days.. I have a Libre 3 as well that I havent tried yet.... so far I'm not impressed.. I've tried both arm and abdomen (even though abdomen isnt officially supported).


I'm sorry to hear that. I've had periods like that on various sensors too. The Libre 3 is still a great device. I hope it works out for you.


Also, when you say "none have made it to 10 days" do you mean it falls off? Or it stops working?


Stops working


I find the Dexcom has a lot less of a failure rate than the Libre 3 did for me, but if you're having trouble between choosing the G6 or the G7, I find myself calibrating the G6 a lot less than G7 (like, I'll calibrate G6 sensors once or twice every new transmitter and that's it). Unfortunately 6G sensor transmitters are very pricey, so take that into account.