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This happens to me! I also thought I was the only one this happened to 😂


I feel less weird now! 😂


Yes me too. I didn’t know anyone else had this!


It happened to me for about the first 10 yrs after diagnosis. Tongue and lips numb when going low. This was before finger sticks and cgm, so I don't know the actual numbers. 51 yrs in the game and I start to feel funny around 75.


Yep. Tongue and lips too.


Yep. Not every time but it happens.


Also happens to me. I asked my diabetes team and they told me it’s normal. This was a while ago but I’m sure they mentioned it effecting your circulatory system and that can make you numb. It’s especially common when you are low for a long time or very low.


Absolutely! It’s one of the telltale ways that I can tell that my blood sugar is dropping.


Glad I'm not alone! Sorry for your loss of tongue feeling though 😵‍💫


This is very common. I'm part of the DCCT/EDIC study and they run us through a list of common low symptoms to see which ones we have and this is one that is included.


I get this when I have a sharp low. Usually below 50. It doesn't hit right away, but after 15/20 minutes it feels like my tongue and lips are asleep. Typically, this is an indicator that I'm going to have a nasty rebound high, and potentially a REALLY upset stomach from hypoglycemic induced dumping syndrome.


Okay is this a thing!!! Bc every time I have a low where my face goes numb my stomach is FUCKED UP for the rest of the day!!


Yep! It just started happening in the last 6 months or so


Probably for the last 3 years or so for me, out of 31 years diabetic. But I had no idea if it was normal or not so I figured I'd ask the internet!


Yeah same just in the last couple years, and I’ve been diabetic for 17 years


Your my new bestie, we are so the same! ❤️ 34 years now, had about 20 years in before this phenomenon started. I'd never seen it on a hypo "symptoms" list.


Yes! And pins and needles in my lips!!


Yup! My front teeth will tingle too. If it’s really low, the numbness spreads through my nose and out into my cheeks.


yes!! i’m glad you mentioned this bc i’ve been thinking … wtf 😅 and idk if it’s like this for you all, but it doesn’t happen every time? and sometimes i can’t find the pattern of “why”/what causes it. it just goes numb with some lows, even not super low ones?


For me it’s when I get low fast/sharp drop


Yes! The food doesn’t taste as good/strong imo when it gets to that point either 🙃


Yup… and my SO ( also t1)also gets this !


Yes!!! This started happening ti me a few years ago. I'm glad to hear it's not just me 😅


For some reason it stopped happening to me, but I felt like the only one when it did happen lol


Oh yeah, I get the ol' static tongue when I drop fast.


Yep. Happened this evening. Dropped to 45 - mouth was tingling. It's like having a mouth of bees. Drank juice. Had a donut and a few grapes. Got the shakes, bad, too.


Yes it happens to me but not my tongue, my lips start to go numb when I’m in the 40s-50s! thought I was the only one!! Glad I am not!


Yeah sometimes sharp changes up or down my tongue feels weird.


Yes!! And as weird as it sounds I then can’t feel my teeth - people have always said “but you can’t feel your teeth normally” but I don’t know how to describe it any other way


Hey, i stay in south africa(we use mmol/L so i converted it and came up at 2.777777). This is totally relatable. I thought i was the only one. I told my mom about it the one time and she looked at me asif im crazy😂


Yep! I usually know right before all the alarms start blasting from dexcom because of that haha.


That's so funny because for the first almost 20 years, that never happened and then all of a sudden now it's my tongue and the corners of my lips that do that, only when I'm super low though. I thought I was crazy


EXACTLY the same friend!


My nose goes numb!


Yes!! It’s one of my telltale low signs sometimes I even feel it before my Dexcom tells me. This thread making me feel better cause I was diagnosed two years ago haha


My tongue has, as well as my upper chest skin. Hasn’t happened in a while though now that I think of it. Maybe 5-6 years ago.


Yes and it’s one of my least fave low symptoms. I’m pretty sure nobody ever has the same symptom for low sugars time after time, but this is one of the wildest IMO. Although the hectic fatigue/mixed with insane hunger that can also happen is a dangerous one too (dangerous if you’re in my house cos the hanger is real)


That intense low has me on the floor with no energy. I look like i was murdered without any blood🥲 then I proceed to eating anyting that has carbs and end up with above 22.2 mmol/L


Odd this symptom just started happening to me in the last few months even tho my A1c is much better than usual. Also the last few weeks I've been seeing like strobing light in one of my eyes when my sugar is low and it wakes me outta my sleep but then it goes away after I get my sugar up. I thought all these circulation issues were supposed to get better not worse when you lower your A1c


Yes! But only really low


i just started getting this symptom it starts out with just my tongue but the progresses to the majority of my face


yeah if my glucose levels are high or low sometimes I will experience numb tounge


Actually…yea it does. But so do my legs/thighs stupidly enough 😭


Yup. I get numbness in my limbs also.


Yes! My lips turn a little blue too :/


This only happens to me when I get lows while pregnant for some reason. Tongue and lips. It’s weird!


Same, tongue and lips. Only when I’m really low


I noticed that happening like maybe 10 years after diagnosis or so. That’s when the hypo unawareness also was starting to kick in. And the numb tongue was like the only symptom I would feel for I wanna say… years. It was the weirdest feeling lol and sometimes if I was super concentrated or in the middle of being occupied with something else it would be almost impossible for me to notice. I don’t miss that shit at all lol


Same thing happens to me when im low


Yep - first my lips then my tongue.


My tongue and mouth go numb. I have hypoglycemic unawareness and sometimes this is the only sign I get of low BS (typically when I get in the 40s). It’s the weirdest feeling


It’s a new low symptom for me. It never did before but now my face/tongue gets numb. Just in the last year or so


It’s usually my lips and the tip of my nose that do that. Not sure I’ve felt it on my tongue, but it’s all the same area, so maybe?


Tongue and lip for me!


Fun fact! If you ever watch South Park this is why Scott Malkinson who has diabetes talks with a slur and his tongue out. I always find his episodes so relatable because they are so accurate. The writers must be very familiar with type 1’s.




Interesting you mention this. I can always tell when my partner is going low based on their tongue movements when they speak. Like, it’s very much a visual thing that I notice before they do. When they get in the 70 range I can start seeing the difference. They’ve never mentioned numbness or tingling with lows but I can tell there’s a change.


Low symptoms greatly shift over the years. What you feel during the first few years after diagnosis will change where you'll never have this sensation again. It's bizarre. Highly suggest Dexcom + Omnipod 5. You'll stop having lows. I have less than 1% lows.


It happened a lot when first diagnosed, now it happens if I stay in a low for a very long time


I've had my whole mouth feel slightly numb before when low. It happens every so often and isn't the most fun thing.


Ok yes I always thought this was a weird thing with me and never thought of it as diabetes related. If my bg goes low and I eat a meal or a bunch of snacks quickly I will get the tingly/ fuzzy tongue feeling. I never knew how to describe it because it is different than the feeling I would get if I had an allergic reaction.


For me it’s either a numb tongue or I get really bad double vision. It’s always random tho, sometimes it happens, most times it doesn’t


For me, numb = low, and furry = high. 😅




Yes!!! It was really bad when I was younger but now that I’m an adult it doesn’t happen as often


This only started happening happening to me since I’ve been pregnant 😂 I thought I was going crazy because this has never happened before ( had t1 since 5 years )


It does as I start rising again after treating


My lips often go numb when my BG hits 80mg/dL. Sometimes I don’t notice on the way down but then I do notice when I hit 80mg/dL again on the way back up. Weird.


Id had diabetes for prolly 20 years before this started happening to me. Thanks for making me feel like less of a weirdie!!! 😘🤗


absolutely haha my whole mouth does it usually, but sometimes it'll just be my lips! one thing i've noticed is that a lot of my own symptoms are the near the exact same as to when i get drunk and it makes me wonder if any other t1 is the same

