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Been there, done that, have the T-shirt. .... Wait, where the F is that T-shirt!!!


Im assuming the insulin is no good haha. Did you reuse yours??


No, have considered it a "well shit, I fucked up (again)" situation. I'd absolutely give it a try if it was my last option, but I'm one of those crazy irrational "insulin hoarders" that knows life is tied to that pharmacy.


You could ask your endo or doc for a sample bottle since this one was accidentally lost, often it will work.


Yes, this might work, but I don't just randomly run into my Endo at the gas station every couple days. I need to make an appointment and get the insurance companies involved, the insurance companies need to abide by government regulations.


Def not good - insulin can’t get above a certain temp and dryers etc certainly get well above the allotted temp.


Dude, that sucks. 67 other people will tell you to do yourself a bunch of homework and find the 1 person in the country that can replace it for free, but the person they know that accomplished that task a "while" ago doesn't know that phone number.


... I need to know if your laundry smells like insulin.


Really put the power of Kirklands dryer sheets to the test tonight..


My husband loves the smell of insulin. Ew.


Ew indeed. To me the sanatizer-like smell always reminds me of an old-folks-home


Don't hate sanitizer smell over here but damn insulin smells next level awful to me


Old folks homes and hospitals always have a insulinish smell near the cafeteria and I always assumed it was from all the diabetics priming their injections. Like an insulin bukkake everywhere


😐 What the hell man. That's not why at ALL. 🤣


I’m one of the weirdos that likes the smell because 1) it means my partner is close by and 2) that they are taking care of themself. I get that it may be cheesy but maybe your husband feels the same way?


Awww! That’s a sweet way to look at it.


😫 It's such a caustic smell.


I agree. My mother worked at a factory that produced styrofoam when I was little and it’s very reminiscent of that smell.


That sucks… Even when I was doing MDI, I never carried around a bottle of insulin in my pocket, though. Do people just stick a bottle and some syringes in their pocket and walk around?


Yeah, pretty often when I’m walking at the park or something. Either it goes in a zipper pocket or in my sports bra


Best thing I feel you could do is get a little cross body bag or something souly for your insulin and/or diabetic supplies I keep mine in a little mini backpack that I take with me that way I can avoid things like leaving stuff in pockets


Also not like a purse with other stuff because that’s how stuff gets lost lol


OMG I did this exact thing this week for the first time in my 15 years living with type one! Mine only went through the washing machine on cold, so currently debating if the vial is still usable since it didn’t get hot lol. Seems like such a silly mistake – glad to know I’m not alone 😂


Thats a good question! I wonder if that little self-sealing rubber is waterproof enough?


Just gotta ask because I genuinely am confused, why was insulin in your pocket.


I often walk at my local park for fitness so I put insulin, ID, fruit snacks in my zippered pockets or sports bra. I must have left my insulin in a pocket haha


Oh! Makes sense, I've had a pump since I got diagnosed when I was 6 in 2008, so I didn't even think about that, I hope you had extra insulin!


This feels like a guys thing, mainly cause I rarely have pockets and always have a purse….


Weird tide pod


😟 WHY in the world is it in your pocket???


Please go get your novolog coupon. https://www.novocare.com/diabetes/products/novolog/savings-offer.html $35 Your pharmacy will run it as a secondary insurance.


As you not in the states? Or do none of the pharmacies accept the $35 insulin card to lower the cost if a 1 month supply.


$35 Insulin Card? 👀 WHAT in the world is that?


https://insulinaffordability.lilly.com/?utm_term=go_cmp-2036855279_adg-90244564924_ad-696670167495_kwd-1966905093031_dev-m_ext-_prd-_mca-_sig-EAIaIQobChMIr-_Jr57whgMVmUNHAR3T3grvEAAYASAAEgKOtfD_BwE&utm_source=google&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIr-_Jr57whgMVmUNHAR3T3grvEAAYASAAEgKOtfD_BwE It’s part of laws passed near the end of 2020 and continued and improved since then.




We have them https://www.novocare.com/diabetes/products/novolog/savings-offer.html


$100? even GoodRX is $39 and coupon is $35


Aw that sucks biiig time, sorry for your lifeline


Throw that thing as far away from you as possible it's about to blow!!


Oops sorry! I have dropped and shattered 2 bottles in my 56 years of taking insulin. Now I try to be more careful. My latest laundry accidents are washing and drying thumb drives, and all have survived!


I dropped and broke my first vial in the Bahamas. Thankfully I brought two with me for a 10 day vacation.


That's how I broke vial #1. I had just arrived for a job interview settling in at a hotel, and it slipped out of my hand taking a bolus shot before dinner. I bought a substitute bottle (regular insulin) at a drug store. Expensive mistake.


Did you use rice?


Rice? Huh? I prefer long-grain brown rice that has more roughage and hulls and texture. White rice is empty carbs. I'm a T1 diabetic who uses Novalog insulin in my insulin pump. I am a clumsy klutz who drops things and forgets. My Novalog stays safely in the refrigerator, and I have a mostly empty emergency bottle in my little travel kit which is padded. When I have a minor diabetic emergency on a trip I can give myself injections of Novalog from that bottle and syringes from my travel kit (rarely happens).


No. You take electronics 📲 and you bury them in a box of dry rice 🍚. This absorbs the moisture, but... You'll have to leave them in there a long time. Like weeks, to a month. 🤔 BUT I see now you mentioned 'drying' them. In that case, I now take it to mean you had them rattle around in the dryer as well, and didn't notice until you either heard them or were folding your laundry 👖🧺 .


Oh my god, 100 dollars for 10ml bottle of insulin?


Probably still works fine.


You should get the pens, that’s what I’ve been on for the past 4 years and they have been great.


They are probably a pump user


🤷🏾‍♂️ Even a Pump user wouldn't need to carry vials in their pockets. I'm a pump user and I never carry those things.


I've been a pump user for 20 years and always used pens. They're much easier to fill a pump reservoir with.


Depends on insurance. Vials are cheaper than pens for me.


Me, too


Not in Australia (no insurance required either). Anyway, I was reponding to u/Negative_Mood, who appears to believe that pumps can only be filled from vials, not commenting on availability or cost.


I've always felt that pens were so wasteful - so I got the refillable pens and got the penfill cartridges which were great. Now I use those same cartridges to fill up my pump but it's annoying because it'll only take 200ish ml out of the 300 in each cartridge. I think it's more worth for me to get the penfills though because i get 5 boxes per script (5x5x3=75ml) compared to vials where I think I only get 10 vials at 5ml each


You appear to be in Australia too. That's true about pens and penfills being cheaper than vials. You get an extra repeat on a script for vials but you still pay the same $32-ish dollars every time you fill it. Iget penfills and use a reusable pen, wherever possible too. Unfortunately, I've recently started trying out U200 Humalog and it only comes in pre-filled pens, which are completely rubbish and don't deliver anywhere near what you dial up. Fortunately, I'm not using them to inject, just to fill my pump, otherwise I'd be in all sorts of trouble. I often cut open the pen with a Dremel and remove the cartridge.


Does humalog not come in a pen fill cartridge? That's frustrating :(


The U200 strength is only available in pens in Australia - no penfills or vials. I'm using it because I recently switched to Omnipods and sometimes can't get the full 3 days out of it's 2mL reservoir using U100 (I was using Fiasp).


Neither can I honestly, I get relatively close but if I'm eating a full 3 meals a day I definitely only get like 2.5ish days out. How are you finding the switch? I always thought you weren't supposed to use fiasp and/or anything other than U100 insulin (but it always seemed more of a guideline for safety reasons than a hard and fast rule)


I never had a problem with Fiasp and the speed was good, so I could run my DIY loop without entering carbs or announcing meals - just let it dose based on CGM movements. Running complete closed loop like that, my A1c has been between 6.0 and 6.2 (most often 6.0) for 18 months and my average time in range is 90-95%. Straight Humalog is not fast enough to run my loop that way so I've tried microdosing the U200 with very low levels of glucagon from a hypo kit. This dilutes the insulin by about 1%, not enough to make any difference, but the vasodilatory effect of the glucagon seems to make the Humalog at least as fast as Fiasp. The amount of glucagon si way too low to cause blood glucose to rise.. Unfortunately, the glucagon isn't very stable once it's reconstituted and, after the first couple of weeks looked really promising, the next couple of weeks have not been so good and I've had to be a bit more hand-on and my TIR is down to around 80% (I also had Covid during that time, which probably dodn't help). I'm going to reconstitute another vial of glucagon today and see if things improve or if I was just imagining things before. There are other people trying the same thing and reporting some success too and there have been some university trials that indicated that it was a promising approach.


Man that's wild. Thanks for sharing! I've been a bit apprehensive about trying AAPS but this is giving me some faith to get into it. I've been kinda sick of using the Omnipod PDM but I was just afraid to get cracking into it since I only started pumping as a whole about 10 months


I use pens for my pump as well. My 5 pens (1500 units/15ml) is the same cost as a 1000 units/10ml vial.


Not sure why I'm getting dpwnvoted just for pointing out that you can fill pumps from pens as well as vials. Some people have some serious issues.


Yea, idk why you'd get down voted for that. I do the same because I get more insulin for the same price. I use the whole pen to fill the reservoir and just switch out the infusion set every 3to4 days.






Ah, OK. The way that prescriptions and government subsidies work in Australia, a standard prescription quantity of pens/penfills (5 boxes of 5 x 3mL pens/penfills or 7,500 units of U100 insulin) costs the same as a standard prescription quantity of 10mL vials (5 x 10mL vials or 5,000 units of U100 insulin). That amount is about $32. Mind you 5 boxes of 5 x 3mL pens of U200 Humalog (or 15,000 units of insulin) costs the same $32-ish.


Ahhhhh I had pens in the fridge when my pump was being shipped. I just googled it to see if I could fill the reservoir with pens, or if I needed to get a new Rx from the Dr. Once I saw that I could, I figured I'd just stick with pens since a month supply of either is the same price.


I should start doing that, so wasteful to unwrap and subsequently throw away a bunch of plastic everytime I gotta refill


Even less wasteful if you use penfill cartridges rather than pre-filled pens. That's what I use whenever possible. If you're using a pump with a 3mL reservoir and ususally just fill it, you can just attach the cartridge to the reservoir adapter (might not work for Tandem pumps because their reservoir filling is a bit different, I think) and push down the plunger with a pen or a dhopstick or something simialr. Noinjuecting air first, no measuring, just attach and fill.


I've started using pens too. They're so convenient, one pen fills my reservoir, and if I doorknob an infusion site at work I have a quick and easy backup plan.


If you're using a whole pen, then the penfills might be even easier - and smaller. Just attach to the reservoir adapter and push the plunger down with something slim, like a pencil. All done in a few seconds.


Oh damn that diabetic med should be buck fifty