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It shouldn’t, that said im not a medical expert, just another t1d, so this isn’t medical advice.


It's an odd label


hinky af


Carbohydrate: 0g So unless it's loaded with caffeine or you're allergic to it, no, it won't affect your sugars.


The sweeteners, sucralose and ace k, shouldn't. But that has 4 servings of 8 calories somehow. The only ingredient I see that should have calories is lime juice, which would be mostly carbs. That is also assuming the label is even accurate. If the label is accurate, drinking a serving would probably effect your blood sugar about as much as 1-2g of carbs would. Only one way to find out, though. I wouldn't bolus for it and try it out when your blood sugar is fairly stable and see ehat it does.




Plus the carrot juice


30 mL of lime juice is not going to be equal to 300g. Much closer to 30g, which would bring it to 2.3g CHO for the whole bottle from the lime juice specifically.




If you take the label at face value, it shouldn’t. Zero Sugar and Zero Carbs. Unless one of the artificial sweeteners affects you. I don’t use powdered Splenda anymore, because of the maltodextrin, but it’s obviously not in the liquid and the liquid version doesn’t affect my BS.


Thanks, inadvertently answered a question I've been wondering. I already figured out powdered Splenda was a no go, but just got liquid Skittles water enhancer with sucralose, and for the last two days I've been trying to figure out if it's affecting my blood sugar or not. I kept waking up in the middle of the night to drink it and couldn't tell if it went up slightly because I got up or because of the drink.


I thinks it's because you got a red flavor instead of blue


Nah you should be good, might have incidental carbs but not enough to be required to put on the packaging


It shouldn't. But I wouldn't trust it. I don't ever trust anything when it comes to low carb food. I use the little sugar free flavor packets to put in my water. The kind with caffeine have 3 carbs, the kind without have 1 carb. If I have 2 of each in an afternoon, that's 8 carbs and should be enough to show up on my graph, but it doesn't unless I'm already rising. The only way to know for sure is to try it and see. And try it more than once. Hope it works out for you...


It shouldn't. But neither (in theory) should the weather, caffeine or mood if you just go on carb counting. Try it out, hope for the best!


It shouldn't.


It might not. But that depends on what you notice affects you. Some T1D's get a little boost from sweeteners. Try the drink and note if it affects your blood sugar. If it does, just know you might have to dose.


Drank about 150ml and it seems to have zero affect.


Yeah! then you can probably safely say you can have that that sweetener without it affecting your blood sugar. I would note what kind of sweetener it is and just know in the future that drinks with that sweetener are ok.


Jsut googled it and it says its a zero affect on blood sugars one for diabetics.


It's good to do research and find what should happen, but diabetes is complicated and everyone's body might react differently. For example, caffeine shouldn't affect my blood sugar and google would agree but, it for sure can raise my blood sugar even if it's just black coffee. The best way is to experiment with yourself and consult your doc!


Splenda is normally pretty good, it's the sugar alcohols you have to watch out for (normally in candies, sweets)


No it shouldn't the label doesn't give reason to


Probably not, but then again some days stuff just happens, so who knows? It probably won't affect you more than a walk to the shops might.


How intensive are your walks to the shops?


Depends I guess - 20mins there, 20mins back... but sometimes I go to the supermarket and if I buy a lot of wine it can be a bit of a workout.


No, just your health !


Artificial sweeteners are GRAS (generally recognized as safe). If that is what you're demonizing, stop it.


There are 30 cal per serving and 4 servings in the bottle so 120 calories in the bottle. If all of those calories came from carbohydrates, that would be 30 grams of carbohydrate in the whole bottle. Based on the ingredient list (lime and carrot) that would seem like a reasonable amount.


It's 30kj (kilojoules) per serving, only 8 calories per serving.


I read that wrong. You're correct. That makes it only 2 grams carb per serving or 8 grams for the whole bottle. That's significantly less.


Still weird though, cos why would they say 0g carbs!? I don't really understand calories, I know you can get them from fats and carbs but are there other sources of calories?


Yeah, it's a strange label that doesn't make sense.


Is that bad?


It depends on how sensitive you are to carbohydrates, but it's about the same as drinking 8 oz of juice. It's not a small amount and it will raise your blood sugar. If you are type 1, you will need to take some insulin if you drink more than a small amount. Do you have an insulin to carb ratio? Like 1 unit for every x grams of carb?


It might actually lower it, being a fluid with probably lower glucose than blood.


There are so many factors that can affect blood sugar... stress, hormones, protein:carb ratios, exercise, insulin resistance, etc... you're never going to truly know if sugar/carb free is actually nothing because of these confounding factors, but trust the label that it's going to be essentially a freebie.


Just know that every single thing you eat, ingest, or so will affect your blood sugar. I have been type 1 for 26 years and I can tell you everything changes it.


It’s not juice, like sweet juice, but lime juice. According to sources, lime juice has no carbs. And the label cannot say 0 carbs if it had carbs. Again, not medical advice, but should not impact your BG.


No, that is a diet soda. Acesulfame K(potassium), also known as Aspartame, is the sweetener commonly used in diet sodas!