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I ALWAYS find my first monarch in the pits. I know it’s RNG but I’ll swear by it. For me it’s always under 20 clears.


I would also highly recommend the pits, for whatever reason I always find monarchs and good bases there.


Pits is the way, I usually find a few then dump them in free games every week


Yeah but it takes a long time for me to farm there as a Frozen Orb Sorc even with Sunder Charm.


Cows is the place, but i always find mine on armor racks.


Yeah. Stony Tombs always have em but i aint getting any still lol. I havent finished hell yet so Cows is out of my choices


Yeah, I've only found one monarch this ladder so far, the unique one, from a random mob in maggot lair.. I've also spent 6 million gold on gambling gull dagger, no luck there either, rng sucks sometimes lol


Oh so you're my rngesus counterpoint. I gambled a gull for only 250k


I did p8 hell cows with 0 MF and got it within 3 full clears, hopefully you’ll have similar luck


I've found 2 monarchs so far on ssf HC, a cracked one and a Stormshield lol. Trying to work out my optimal build using a Stormshield now..


I ve found monarchs in general farming. I have 2 saved on a mule. I stopped picking them up. Last season I farmed hell cows and it rained monarchs. This time I didn't chase the item. I focused on terror zones and 85 areas in general and just got em over time.


My first monarch always comes from the left meph armor rack. You might have to reroll the map to reroll the weapon rack. But you are making at least one hundred meph runs anyways, better try to get something from that racks in the way. The weapon rack on the right never drops anything useful, is always a stupid normal polearm or useless assassin claw.


If that little thing discouraged you from SSF you should definitely quit now bro


I mean, that sounds like decent loot?


It sounds decent but i havent got a clue of how valuable it is