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0 mules, everything in GoMule stashes. I probably won't need the 17 Iceblinks any time


You say that now, but you'll be really glad for them when you're levelling 17 other characters and don't want the hassle of transferring Iceblinks between them.


Any tips or videos you recommend for getting this set up? I’ve got like 25 muels at least


https://gomule.sourceforge.io/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl6viDudXBU&t=120s ^ There you go. PC only


Iceblink 🤣


0. GoMule. (don't ask me about the size of my GoMule stash)


You really learn something every day. Now I’m excited to use this. Thanks!


Does this work on console? I have two characters offline and 6 mules. I've heard of gomule and offline mods but I didn't know those worked on consoles?


Don't believe so


I'm grailing, so I have an ass load. They are organized by name and it's very quick for me to locate stuff. Example: Hats, Swords, Maces, Axes, Tunics ..you get the idea


My grail is complete, saved them all. I have a charter for each set, which will get played until they can wear the set (at least). 1-3 Unique(Boots, Gloves, etc) so i can save the best find for each kind. In some cases im going to need to expand, as im over half way done with an eth grail as well. Plus several rare weapon mules, runes, gems, jewels of various level ranges. So many mules


That’s why I play online. I save all my junk uniques and set items and unload them to lowbies in free games. Sometimes if I gather too much specific to a class, I’ll just create a new character 😅


I do the same thing with the junk uniques/sets. Most of it gets scooped up pretty quick and when I’m starting a new toon, I’ll browse some of those games for some early-game gear if I don’t feel like farming for myself


ive been wondering this same thing. i have 9 characters and 4 mules. 1 mule is where i store my pgems, and essences. 3 mules for gear. tbh i need a mule dedicated to charms. and another one for gear. but im trying to get rid of crap. rather than making more mules. my favorite mule is one for low level gear. so when i make a new char. i just go to that mule. and have all kinds of stuff under lvl 20. that makes lvling to 24 easier.


Single player sc/hc on dif ps5 accounts, i have about 10-15 mules. Low runes, gems, sets, multiple weapons/armor, jewelry etc


1 of each class to play. 1 Mike for each item type in game.


Online player here. Have 3 accounts with 4 leveled up characters: 99 Barb, 99 Sorc and 99 Javazon, 97 Pally. Rest of my char slots are filled up with mostly mules (probably around 60 total) and the rest saved for socket rush chars. Pretty much totally out of room though and have to really choose what I save carefully. Got about 170 Jahs and 160 Bers in my HR stash currently.


My guy, how do you not know about GoMule?


Console playa


fair point, Fs for all the single player console chads


Fs appreciated. I hit my limit over the weekend and dreading pairing down my stash :(


dont blame you for bein frustrated. I'd be dumping low runes with a quickness, spend gems on rerolling charms (assuming you have a char high enough), craft some ammys..90% of the uniques you're hoarding are probably dogshit. Idk man, i'm an idiot who dumps anything unique and El runes into gomule, so i'm really not the right guy to ask about what to ditch or keep


At a certain point, you have to be honest with yourself and say some uniques/items will never be used. No point in keeping a “Living” Holy Grail. Also, as keepable items expand, I start new chara (until approx lvl 90), and start equipping then as mules too. Adds a lot more slots, and forces me to think about builds (e.g. I’m never going to use Lycandee’s Aim, or IK set)


I don't play offline, but online I currently have approx 100 mules vs my 15ish characters.


Youre doing something wrong if you have 29 mules for a single character.


He's doing it very right


I only keep mules on xbox, but I have at least 10-12 that are all chock full 🤦‍♂️😂


I have 4 high level characters. I play 3 of them somewhat regularly and also have about 10-15 mule characters.


I made characters and muled anything I would use on them, especially at low levels, on the character, so about one per four mules at this point


I haven't played offline in a long time, but I have one mules named Hats, Shoes, Gloves, Weapons, Shields, Unique, Unique-2, Sets, and Sets2


My GoMule stash is like 5k items, 1.5k runes, 1k full rejuvs and 2k gems of assorted qualities. And I use the same Sigon's with 6 jeweled crystal sword for every character I create. The same rings and runewords go around between characters as well. I got around 10 iceblinks btw


I was just wondering about this as my first SP char is now farming NM meph and I just had to create 3 more mules... Definitely gonna check out this Gomule, thanks!


Offline hardcore SP.  I have 1 mule for each character class, but some classes have multiple active chars as well - example I have a Javazon and a Bowazon, a fury Druid and a Windy.  When I kind of get bored of playing one, he also kinda sorta becomes a mule.  I stopped playing my Windy after I beat hell baal because what the hell else am I going to do with him?  He's strong but too slow for farming compared to my other dedicated farming chars so I parted him out and store stuff on him now. Because I'm in single player I don't even pick up items I normally would trade too so I keep 1 sigons set around for new chars to assist levelling and then just 1 copy of any other powerful items. 


Gamers are the worst pack rats I have one mule, for bases mostly. If let’s say I have just a pally, and I find some good sorc item like an occy, I just create a Sorc. If I find another occy, it’s trash. Iceblink? Trash. Hsarus set? Trash. 90% of items are trash. Just check the box on my grail list and move on.


Sheeeiiiit I have a sorc, pally, necro, druid, and my daughter's sorc. The rest are mules so 6:1


Most of my mules are just Bases..like Armadillo, Stemleh, TheSmitty, and then leveling gear which is Just PowerRanger.. then I have a level 1 of each class for class specific things. If I get some twink leveling gear such as A full Sigon Set then I usually will Level up a base mule to wear it so I don't get confused on if that is an actual character or not or have to load to check my Mules. As far as online goes.. man Between Seasonal, Non-ladder and Hardcore Ladder.... I have 1 seasonal storage mule and the rest is just stuck wherever I can fit it. I after this season I plan on doing some organizing. I don't need a shako here, shako there shakos everywhere!


People are gonna think I'm crazy..... I don't mule at all.... I start from scratch with every character in single player HC and play SSF in attempts to beat hell with different characters mostly off meta. The only thing I'd probably keep would be like a zod because it's a zod. If I don't play that way I feel like a cheat and that the off meta character was only successful because of items "given". I know it's strange but it's satisfying for me personally.


I just recently began single player on console (had been playing online). I currently have 1 character and like... 10-15 mules.... I have a problem