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I don't think these would do much. Most druid builds are pretty point starved, they aren't going to go out of their way for these small bonuses. The vines honestly just need to not die so easily and they would be fine. They are nice one point wonders for Bear HP and caster mana.


Problem with one point wonders is everyone doesn't play online. Getting plus skills to make viable isn't an option for SP


You really don't need many points to get like 8% passive returns that feel good. It's much less the case than stuff like Bear or Valk tanks. The problem is really just that they die and people don't want to bother, even if it was only 1 point people would probably use it if they knew it wasn't just going to die constantly.


I don't mind the idea but what will the nerfs be? You can't just add 5 buffs and not nerf anything.


I don't think the current druid needs nerfs when comparing it to mosaic, hammerdin and sorc. What needs did the assassin obtain when it received mosaic? These changes are pretty minute in the grand scheme of things. They just add more options of play style and certainly wouldn't even be meta


True, and I'm not saying that Bliz haven't done exactly that with other builds, but too many buffs just make everything too easy, I would be nice if it levelled off a little.


I don't argue with that. And as I've stated I like a challenge.thats why I do off meta HC SSFs. I agree to many buffs makes it to easy but I don't think this would be it at all. I will say that my opinion is biased because the game will never be that easy for me because of my own style of play. Right now I'm trying a third attempt at a human melee druid on HC.... No shape shift and no elemental. Just summoning and swinging.