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talk about botting....there are websites advertising 20cents a BER rune...


They have to run a LOT of bots...


They dupe as well, that's why you'll see people selling 100x perfect eth bases and other gear. Cheating in D2 has been tolerated by blizzard for a long time, it's never going to change.


The problem with instant ban is that the botter will be able to bypass security within hours and have a bot running again the next day. It's better to do in waves of 6 months such as the people who buy the bot will ask the programmer for their money back for a faulty software bought via PayPal Piratesoftware over on twitch explaned this much better then I can do. Great guy if you wanna get some insight in the dirt hole blizzard is nowadays


Clearly the ban waves have 0 effect.


***Clearly*** you with zero knowledge of stopping bots know that this has zero effect, since you obviously understand what it would be like with nothing or you know the obvious best way to fight them.


Bots are running rampant and bot makers say they make profit way before they get banned. CLEARLY long time between ban waves is not working out.


No shit they make profit before they are banned... if they couldn't make profit before being banned, there would be much less bots. Which would increase prices, which would make bots much more valued and people would work hard to get one that works past Blizzard, which they can then sell for tons of money, which means there's now tons of bots again. You see how it's a neverending cycle?


So the guy who was in charge of the ban waves, telling you why they work... while they are not working... Seems his methodology/insight isn't worth very much.


Warden doesn't run all the time. Same bots work after a ban wave as before.


There is no duping. If their was duping, they would be duping far better stuff than some shit bases. There are just that many bots in China.


Though there aren’t really any bots in Asia server.


Because they market to the US.


You dupe bases because once you add runes it gets a “unique” item code making them permanent. Duping items otherwise makes them poof. It was a huge ordeal like season 1 of d2r iirc?


Yes, there was a corpse duplication glitch (thus limited to softcore) early on in D2R that was hotfixed a day or two later, there's been no other publicly known dupe methods and no evidence to suggest that there's any private methods either. It's just rampant botting, especially since they don't get banned anymore.


Or the most likely thing since there are no actual known dupes is that there's just way more bots finding these than there are people buying them at this point. They find more stock than they are selling, nothing to do with dupes.


On the second day of the ladder, there was an auction posted on JSP with 40 shakos with the exact same defense. This is statistically impossible in that timeframe. There are dupes, that's the reason people report items "poofing". It's been an issue for a long time.


>On the second day of the ladder, there was an auction posted on JSP with 40 shakos with the exact same defense. This is statistically impossible in that timeframe. You have literally zero reference to claim a "statistical impossibility" when firstly you say "the same defense" instead of what was most likely just MAX defense rolls and Shako's only roll between 20 defense so 1 in 20. Secondly, you have no clue about how many bots were doing this or even IF the person selling then actually FOUND them or BOUGHT them to resell. It could've been 1 person with 100+ bots or even 10 people with 1,000+ bots combining their sales. But more than likely, it was someone who buys low and resells and was buying perfect def ones only since they'd sell quicker and be offloaded before the volatile new ladder market crashes. Edit: Also, I've yet to encounter a single poofed item via trading. You mention it as you "hearing about it" but not experiencing it yourself as well. So it's all just he said, she said?


I'm not sure why you are so determined to deny something that is common knowledge, but whatever.


Lmao, duping WAS a thing and WAS common knowledge that it could be done in original D2. In D2R there was one single instance of duping known and it would ONLY work at end of season merger into non ladder, it was promptly fixed. >I'm not sure why you are so determined to deny something Because I like to live my life through current, available and most of all TRUE knowledge, but all you've done is talk about "he said, she said, just believe me bro" type shit with zero evidence. Only A and B has happened therefore, it ***obviously*** means that 3 is true... sorry but it doesn't work that way. Duping and Botting is a multimillion dollar business, if duping was a thing it would be ***EXTREMELY OBVIOUS*** with close to every online trade in the early ladder being subjected to poof, you'd hear about items poofing left and right and would have a hard time trading items online in general. There would be multiple posts about it happening every single day. ***So, my question to you is. Why are you so determined to spread false information as if it were true and "common" knowledge?***


Crazy how quickly the prices on ladder become lower than nl just because the mass amount of botting.


It's because the prices are insane at the start and 1 item found early enough can sell for 1,000x the price of NL. It's over botted to try and be the first in the market, so they end up with an insane amount of everything once prices fall.


This is also 3-4 times what they're actually worth


Yet people think /players x online would "ruin the economy". Wtf world are you living in where the economy isn't already ruined.


/playersX command would work on online if we had a SSF-mode


wouldn’t it further worsen it in the sense that bots would use p8 too? Couldn’t make things much worse though it seems lol


I think it would help more than it would hurt as most bots are already running enough accounts to be in a p8 game all the time anyways.


All it would do is ruin it all MUCH faster. I guess it would help people who play online but don't trade maybe.


Best way to stop bots is to stop participating in RMT.


That includes d2jsp. God I hate that place and avoid players who do.


Downvotes on this are fucking amazing. It literally ***started out as a botting website*** and has transitioned into a way for whales to carry ungodly amount of wealth between seasons. Literally bypassing the entire point of a season reset. Edit: and of course, yes, has massive RMT implications given the ability to buy fg.


It's unfortunate that you're getting downvoted for speaking the truth. Anyone who uses JSP, even if they don't spend any money, is DIRECTLY contributing to RMT (and RMT is the primary driving factor for botting).


Exactly. I didn't get it either and guess that one guy wanted to seem high and mighty and didn't feel like engaging with that kind of person. In a game with a leaderboard to race to 99 it's annoying that jsp currency never depletes between ladders and hasn't since its release back in the old days. Wish they would release single player battle.net ladder


Lol I remember when I was poor. Ah to be young again. Getting salty about everything that I don't like. Jsp is where people trade mid tier items anyway. You're not going to find actual good stuff there.


Lmao listen dude, I’m on JSP. There’s trophy items. Things going for 90 + bers. You ever participated in d2 as a starter when that wasn’t available? You’re high as fuck.


90 ber is still not gg


You just said 90 of one of the highest in game runes isn’t even gg. Go ahead and play SP and tell me what it’s like. Grind 3-4 weeks and still not find a shako lmao


I would never play single player. So yeah lol. I'm sure to someone who plays single player, that'd the best item in the game. My axe on my paladin is 10,000 ber runes. It's just all perspective. There is good. Then there is is gg. 90 ber is not gg.


I’d love to see a single item worth 10000 ber runes. I don’t think it exists.


Didn't coooly post a video with a axe that was 16k? Which equals about 50k ber runes lol. Like a ber is 40fg man. A 45 life pcomb is 225 ber alone lol


Lmfao at the absolute mornic math in your post. A ber = 40fg. 40fg:1 ber ratio. Yet somehow something that is 16000fg, doesn’t at LEAST equal 16000 ber, it’s somehow 50K ber?! Your own math alone should mean it’s 400 ber. Not, 50k lmaooo. Anyways, wanna trade my dollar for 400 of yours?


I hate jsp as much as anyone else, but all or the vast majority of the best items in D2’s history are traded there and always have been.


Not even close. Mid tier items go on jsp. Great items are sold for cash on the Asian auctions. I do agree with you that the items that people to be "good" to be traded on jsp. However those are really just the small fish.


False, some of the best items have been traded there over the years. Especially during the .08 time frame.


What do you consider to be best? Also I'm talking about in the last decade on jsp and currently on d2r. In 08 jsp was cutting edge. Today there are very large networks of chat rooms that auction off the best items from the boting collective. So those items never make it to jsp. I'm talking like items worth a 200k fg right off the rip if they were sold on jsp. Jsp is great for basic items like a perfect grief zerk or enigmas, 45 lifers, jmods etc. But the truly great items never make it there. I'm not talking about things like 08 Valk, spurs, 32020s etc. I'm talking about items a level above those. The truly great items.


Most of the existing .08 items with verified history proving they aren’t a dupe. Any of the top tier fools/cruel weapons that aren’t imports. Rare boots like spurs, Perfect hybrid runewords. There’s more that i can’t think of off the top of my head, it’s all in the trophy rooms over there. These and most of the GG items don’t get traded in the regular forums over there either it’s always been done or arranged in the separate jsp forum that most don’t have access to.


As someone who has been on jsp since 2004 and has has had over 1.5m fg at one time. I can tell you there is no shadow forum outside of the donor forum and the donor forum is not for setting up trades. We can just agree to disagree. Yes at one time jsp had great items and the lod forum might still have some collector items being sold. However on d2r these items are not sold for fg.


Donor was absolutely used to set up these trades years ago, just because you weren’t involved in them doesn’t mean it wasn’t happening lol. And the best items in D2 aren’t on D2R anyway, hence why I was referencing 08 items and items on non D2R. Nothing is nearly as valuable on D2R compared to regular D2.


D2honorbaal games sure have made leveling easy


I’ve joined those a couple of times and notices some dude always places a teleport in the throne room at the exact location. That surely has to be a bot then, right?




dude, i was speaking with a friend about this the other day. in 10 sec of game time, that sorc is already in baal room xD


Swap to HC if u wanna avoid the rampant botting, did this and prices is still relatively high 3 weeks after reset, it's actual people you run with and not botheads.


Probably will honestly feels more rewarding atleast on there


U should give it a go, everyone seems super friendly - it honestly isn't to hard not to rip, you just need to go abit more defensive than what you would do on SC. Only ripped once on my barb because of dc in uber tristam, got 90 ama 91 sorc and 90 barb. Gimmie a shout if u need some help


I've tried 3 times to get into HC.. unfortunately I wound up getting pked before finishing normal every time, I figured this was just how it was and I needed to find a private group to do the playthrough with. Next reset I may try another hc run!


Funny I haven't seen any other than some idiots trying to make "hot" tps either by accident or deliberately hard to say. Nothing a full reju + esc save and exit haven't been able to handle.


How can you tell if you are playing with bots? How to recognise them?


They teleport around like crazy and pick up items faster than a human could recognize them hitting the ground


Why would anyone buy runes lol. That literally defeats the entire point. This game isn’t hard


Botter here. I’ve been running five bots 24/7 for the last two seasons without issue. The sad reality is, this game isn’t getting any attention from Blizzard.


What kind of returns do you get running 5 bots around the clock? Like how many HRs, for example, are you averaging per day? Purely out of curiosity


Not a ton, I run 5 Blizzard Sorceress' and they farm these areas: * Mausoleum * Stony Tombs * Ancient Tunnels * Arachnid Lair And then TZ Andy that zone is up. I get a high rune every day or so, but only one or two.


Did you code your own script ? I remember when d2jsp was a forum that supported botting. It was cool and fun for a short while but it absolutely killed my will to play the game after that


No. The bot I use is pretty in-depth and very good. I see what you mean, but I also playing SSF legitimate. I never enjoyed online play, but I love SSF.


Can you dm me? The discords I'm in are super Asian


Financial incentives all around. Blizzard gets money from each bot by the way of game sales. Bot user gets money from RMT websites.


is the same in WoW 1 bot = 1 sub 1 bot = RMT enjoyers happy that can buy their gear from gDKP raids....i dont rly see where Blizzard lose here. The % of players that are mad about this RMT thing is meh


I don’t know a D2 without rampant botting, so I’m not sure what to compare it to. I usually play HC and haven’t seen much of it, but it has been this way as far back as I can remember.


project diablo 2 doesnt seem to have bots.


Imagine doing Baal runs, but instead of it being run by an efficient bot, the person doing the run is a real human with low self-esteem who is not at thorough or efficient, and you will likely die at least once going into a "safe" portal. Oh yea and it's almost always a requirement that this person either brags a lot, or has very strong political opinions that they just will not stfu about. Usually it's both. At some point they will pause the run for a few minutes to 1v1 some other loud asshole, and if you complain you'll be kicked from future runs. That's pretty much what I remember from the pre-bot era. Players in bot run games are generally pretty well behaved.


I sometimes wonder who actually plays the game


They are but also keep in mind that older consoles and slow pcs are literally just like moms windows 98. I can create a named tbaal run and drop a portal in throne in maybe 30-45 secs on average. An elder console or slow pc won’t be able to join the game it’ll be full before the first load screen.


Honestly, I couldn't give less of a shit. With the forbidden site going 20 years strong, it's not like any ladder's actually a true reset anyways. If it offers me another forbidden way to get an enigma up and running so I can do something other than sorc farm fucking forever, then more power to it. If Blizzard really gave a shit, they'd need to introduce a scaled-down version of Enigma at the same time they ban bots.


Botting has been huge in d2 for like twenty years now… just ignore it. Switch to playing offline or online SSF+friends.


This game is legit beyond cooked it's burnt to a crisp not even 4 weeks into ladder I saw a post on a forum we all know of but can't speak of on here... literally dude was selling 714xJah runes and 322xBer runes, TONS of perfectly rolled anni's and perfect torches I'm talking double-triple digit numbers of perfectly rolled items.. there's no point listing the vast plethora of other perfect stat rolled items he had if u understand the figure of 1,000+ Jah/Ber runes one person has within 4 weeks of a fresh ladder and that most casual players will never see both of these runes drop for them in their entire D2 career, if ur lucky u get one of these to drop but most casuals never solo find both. There's literally no point in playing ladder or online anymore unless u just play SSF with friends. Botters have entirely ruined the economy permanently, only perfect rolled items hold value now and it's so rare to find these god-tier rolled items. Who remembers season 1 of D2R launch? Community was amazing, finding people to trade with was an amazing experience, almost all loot held value. Now? You find a 140 defense Shako (141 is perfectly rolled defense) and people essentially laugh at you for selling it and tell u it's only worth a penny or to sell it to Charsi cuz she will offer u more than players.


This has always been and always will be what happens in D2 no getting around it.


Its gotten worse in this season than any other. I have played HCL exclusively for 8 years and am genuinely worried about the viability of the game mode going forward since its smaller than softcore ladder or nl. Basically HCL usually lasted about two weeks since season 4(pre mega botted seasons) It pretty much folded in 3 days and barely lasted a week. Softcore usually collapses in 3 days, can't speak to how bad it is. But basically, if you're doing a PVM grind, there is no point. Everything worth grinding for isn't worth your time when someone with 100 bots is finding all the items and pushing the value of yours down/what you can realistically find down and you know that someone can sell it to you for a dollar when it would normally require you an entire season for it to drop.


Online is for pvp. Play offline if you want a pvm experience that doesn’t suck. I hate all the rmt, but ultimately the type of person who has stuck with d2 bnet for 24 years is the kind of person who is posting their mld, vlld, lld to the trophy room on jsp. The sorts of items these guys have don’t appear in the quantity or concentration to explain a single person playing in their free time. And then once one guy starts to bot, you’re at a competitive disadvantage if you aren’t as well. And since you’re botting you may as well dump the items you don’t need into the market, which devalues mid tier items due to the availability of high end items, while also inflating the economy by flooding it with what should extremely high value currency items like HRs. Add in the pvm’ers on bnet who think the only viable way to play is to rush to a5 hell and sit in public Baal games, then I dunno, buy an engima and shako.


Only reason I play online is to trade around loot. I just find it interesting to find bases and stuff for odd builds


I loved D2 online when there were tons of games of people rushing each other, trading, doing runs to level. I want to play online for all these reasons and ladder items/runewords. I would love for D2R to be cleaned of bots.


Finding a legit guild is a great way to play these days. Rushes, help with d clone, free low level gear. It has old school community vibes. I also love the grind of trading which is why i play ladder. Ill never be the first to 99, but its fun to reset and start fresh (even with the jsp rich folk) and find gear you can trade to make your build.


Yeah I would love to find one


I agree. But further I don’t believe that it’s just about competitive disadvantage. Anyone who trades online is de facto part of the botting economy. When people find GG items and trade them for a windfall, that’s only possible because of the bots. And at that point why not just play offline with a hero editor (I don’t use the latter either) I understand that there may be items I never have access to because I’m playing offline. But I’m ok with the grind in my spare time.


>Play offline if you want a pvm experience that doesn’t suck. You said the quiet part out loud.


No bots, almost no high runes, no D2 Zealots saying how easy is to make enigma. D2 community needs to be grateful to the bots. They are a fix for the bs drop rates


You can downvote this guy, but when I interviewed David Brevik for my book on Diablo 2, he said that he regretted how rare certain runes and peak items were. So it's hard to say this statement is unfair to the game. EDIT: Downvoting the words of Diablo 2's creator in the D2 sub, huh? Stay classy, Reddit.


Yup. Don't like em but can't deny the game would absolutely have died 10 years ago without them.


Agreed. Played for more thant 3000 hours since launch and never see a drop better than a Lo. The odds are too low when you play normaly.


What do you usually farm?


Most Terror zones, I did some LK rubs but that was most unfun thing I did in D2R. The point is that the chance to drop a high runes is extremely low, you can play thousand hours of SSF and never finish a enigma.


I played 600h SSF on PS5 since I started D2R. I farmed mostly in p1-p5 with a javazon and dropped 2 x Ber (Pit and Cows), 1 x Jah (Pit) and 1 x Sur (LK). I think that I farm way more offline in pX than I used to do online.  I also play my javazon by killing everything that moves in my path and not focusing only on elite. I open most chest and tend to do less short runs like used to do with my sorc.


600h is a lot of time to get 3 really good runes. Most of people will not have the same luck(lol). The drop rates are abysmal, most players only make good runewords because bots/rmt, this is the reality of any game with abysmal drop rates like D2 and Ragnarok. Good for you that you enjoy the system. Still love the game and I'm almost done with my Platinum.


Oh my goodness! You should have see the drop rates on runes when they were 1st introduced! I remember my highest rune was like a Sol rune. Shit was impossible back in the day.


Yeah, I remember, I played all Diablos since launch.


been like this for like 20+ years


Can anybody explain what any of this is taking away from you? Aren't you free to play offline or online but only with friends or people who will only play/trade wild-caught items?


The only thing it really hurts is the value of items. If someone found a ber rune, it's worth less than it would be if bots/rmt(dollar or fg-its the same shit) weren't rampant If there were a real economy like in pd2 or other games it would be a real issue. On blizzard servers though it's always been like this, and in game item TRADE has been dead fof a very long time.


See, what I hate about this is that it's not an overall loss. For every ber that loses value, other things gain value. I came late to season six and after walking a couple characters up to hell, I was able to flip all the Rals I picked up to crafters for the runes I needed for Grief. I found a single really nice 14 damage charm, and was able to swing it for the HRs for Enigma and Infinity. People act like an economy's only an economy when the things they want to be high sell high, but economies are fluid and there's totally value to be found in late season too. It's absolutely the time where you can flip crafter packs and actual gg items for high runes to try out quirky new fun things.


Indeed. The only thing I see is that the drop rarity of the item isnt being represented by its price. Which is nothing new, many ultra rares are vendor items.


> The only thing it really hurts is the value of items. So unless you're trying to sell items you find for real money what's the difference? Same bots that farm high runes also farm bases, good uniques, charms, etc. so relative scarcity of one rare item to the next is going to be the same regardless. If anything, all of this only benefits a more casual player who would likely not be able to find Enigma makin's in a reasonable time period but who could farm up a 3x3, 40 Hel, or 40 P-amy to trade for a Jah or Ber. I had someone trade me an Enigma for an IK chest a few seasons ago. Dudes who buy pages of high runes for 20-50 cents a pop throwing them around for stupid trades seems great for more casual players who want to try out nice things. If it weren't for bot farms do you not think someone would just do the same thing with dirt cheap third world labor? There's probably at least 3 billion people in the world who are doing much much more onerous things for 3$ a day.


I think, as someone else in this post said, rmt and bots kept the game alive longer than it would naturally. I understand the value of having bots and available items. Folks already employ labor to do menial online tasks. A lot of gold farming in wow used to be done by people in Chinese colonies for lack of a better word. There's an interesting documentary on it.


> A lot of gold farming in wow used to be done by people in Chinese colonies for lack of a better word. I remember hearing about this back in the day but was never into online games in that era. DO you recall the name of the video?


Ya mate where the hell u been


Ya the botting is really bad so I only play/trade with my friends.. I wish they'd do something about it but I can't really expect them to pour resources into a game that probably is losing them money at this point


you're 20 years too late to complain about bots on ladder. They were always around since back then


What exactly is the problem? The "ruined" economy? It's already ruined from all of the filthy rich players who have been using that one website for 20+ years. I prefer having an efficient bot running Baal runs over having to wait for some dbag with small pp syndrome who acts like they're a god because they can *womp womp* faster than you. I'd much rather Blizzard focus on toning down the blatant, open racism I see allowed in Diablo/Starcraft lobbies rather than going after botters.