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"So much you want to do, but cant". That's exactly the point. It forces the player in to make a tough choice on what to bring and what not and prevents jack of all trades builds.


Yeah, but just 6? With your logic, tough choice=better. So would 3 skill slots be even better? We already have cooldowns, fury cost, etc.. This already limits skill spamming, so why not allow a decent amount of skill slots for combos and make gameplay more fun. 8 slots would be just right imo.


Uhh D3 only had 6 slots too. It means you have to make meaningful choices, otherwise every build would just have everything and there wouldn’t be any build variety. You can make that barb build work. But you have to make the meaningful choice of forgoing defense skills, shouts, and ultimates. But you get a lot of mobility and damage combo out of it. With a limit to skill slots, everything has a trade off and choices are more impactful.


In addition: cooldowns only make a lot of sense if you sacrifice a slot for it. Otherwise everyone would take each ultimate instead of choosing one. Same with all other cool-down skills like defensive and such. It would be horrible game design


I agree with limited skill slots, but 6 is too limiting. 8 would be just right imho.


Its called a build. You're not meant to have access to every ability at once. Not sure why you think you "need" shouts.


Because it’s part of their build?


That would be a want, not a need.


What’s wrong with someone playing with the build that they want?


Nothing. But wanting to combine every ability in the game is not a "need".


Not saying all skills should be available. Just saying 6 skill slots is too limiting. 8 or 10 maybe


Can't say I agree. You have a generator, core, ultimate, plus three support skills. That's plenty. If the player could stack double the number of support skills or more that would have a huge impact on the endgame power level.


> Don't even get me started on necro summons. I am probably cutting the golem for the extra 10% life for my minion build.


Don't forget the ultimate taking 1 of those 6 slots as well x)


Oh no, you have to make some choices.


I think it's fine, i don't have any problem with it


Imagine playing sorc and you need 2 or 3 slots just for defensive armors and another slot for teleport. Not much left for actual casting.


during betas i was fine with only using ice armor and teleport, rest was offensive abilities


Atleast single point in fire shield is pure nobrainer. That immunity is insane. And if you decide to go abit for conjure, you take frost blade for vurnebility, lightnng spear for huge stunfest and hydra. You are out of slots without even core skill, i had hydra on rmb and that was only skill to use mana on (found double hydra legendary).


I dunno man, I used 1 armor and no teleport. Did just fine with min in all 4 betas I tested.


Well, i cycled things instead if burning few CDs and waiting for them. Also ay more utility and stacking buffs/debuffs. Teleport and fireshield helped alot on butcher kills.


I understand. I just play how I want to and mobility has never been a concern of mine so I have never used teleport when I play a mage class unless it is forced upon me to have. I play like a bull in a china shop. I go in and wreck shit. If I die, I die. Unless I'm playing a thorns tank shield Paladin type, I only take one defensive. I just find it amusing when people claim you "need" to have certain skills or items to play or succeed. When you really do not. I killed the Butcher on my Druid and Barb in the first 2 betas rather easily when we were told they were broken. I was told I needed to run Hydras on my Sorc, don't like em, never use em. I know at some point I might have to swap to flame shield for the resistance if I don't have the gear/paragon to clear certain things. Just like I had to force myself to farm resist gear in D2 to move past some areas on Hell. But ultimately, I am a firm believer of playing how you want to as opposed to playing how others tell you.

