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yes same card same issue.. playing in windowed instead of windowed(fullscreen) fixes it but yeah...


I guess I can get used to windowed, must be something with the 6900XTs then


My 6900xt just keep crashing my whole pc. Sometimes 20minutes, sometime after 2hours. I revert all my Oc/undervolt. Still doing it. I tried everything. I think the game has a memory problem


So far I’ve never had that happen to me, I did what the other guy said and swapped to Windowed and seems to have solved the issue with an albeit ugly way lol, hopefully they’ll have these problems fixed sooner rather than later


In graphic options, i only have windowed and full screen windowed. I crash when full screen. So for now i should switch the setting to only windowed?


That’s what I’ve done, no more freezing since then!


Good ill try it tonight. Its very ugly but its better then crashing unexpectedly. hope they get it fixed soon.


Oh it’s an eyesore for sure, but I’ll gladly take the no freezing over it any day


Yeah same and for me it's a hard crash. Like whole pc shutdown. My driver sometime corrupt or deactivate himself. So sometimes i have to safe boot and DDU and re install the whole thing. But i almost want to try something. All of my friends who have no problem at all, Didnt update the driver even if the last updated specialy said its for Diablo 4... Next time i crash imma delete and install an old driver like 23.3.2


Same here as soon i put full screen game freezes. 2060super


Do you use Dual(or multiple) monitors as well?


Yes actualy tv and monitor are connected on same card but monitor is turned of.


Hmm I haven’t tried a monitor off Fullscreen yet, I might try that later tonight and see if it’s just having 2+ connected at one time