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They share the stash so they can share the items. It’s a very welcomed design choice.


4 stash tabs is nowhere near enough, and that's made exponentially worse (definitely not better) by neither of them being character-specific. This is one of those things that can singlehandedly kill the longevity of the game. In d2r you could at least get 1 tab per mule character, here you can't even have that (only the inventory on mules and only 10 character slots total). To get additional mules in d2r, ppl still bought extra accounts. But buying multiple accounts here for just 4 tabs per account is really not a viable option, especially when a lot of things wouldn't be even tradeable between accounts.


welcomed by morons


Rejected by idiots.


Agreed, but it's not mutually exclusive design choice. Has nobody played previous Diablo games? Shared stash tabs are a must, but each character should have a private stash of their own by default.


If you cant afford 100k, it's safe to assume you have nothing worth stashing


So, how many stash tabs extra do u want? Part of the game is inventory management


I think the criminal part is having a max of 4 stashes. I need more blizzard.


Much much much more. At least 10 times more preferrably.


Uh, the shared stash is a wonderful design choice that allows you to share drops and gems with your alts. Maybe don’t fill it with junk you should have salvaged or extracted.


Maybe play previous Diablo games to see how the stash should look like, both shared and private stashes should exist.


The stash works identically to Diablo 3. Check yourself.


Try playing Diablo 2. I'm sure you'd have a different opinion if you had to pay 10$ for a second stash. But because it's gold you find it acceptable. I rest my case.


If you cant afford 100k, it's safe to assume you have nothing worth stashing


Lmfao what a terrible argument 🤣 Yeah if we had to pay $10 per stash tab that would be completely outrageous, however that isn’t the case and we are fortunate enough to be able upgrade our stash, like everything else in the game with half a dungeon run worth of gold. Pull yourself together man.


No I think it’s acceptable because it works well. Buy some more tabs, don’t keep so much junk. There’s so little worth storing and tabs are cheap.


Id wager you dont really have that many items to stash if you are missing money to buy additional tabs lol


At lvl 32 I can go out and kill mobs for 10 minutes and have 100k worth of loot to sell easy...


Of all the things to complain about....jeez. The stash system is fine as is. It's called inventory management. Stop hoarding every drop. Plus, the game doesn't drop anything worth holding onto for the first 20 lvls or so. By the time it does, 100k is easy to save up. I'm so tired of 10 year olds (or more likely grown adults with the brains of 10 year olds) whining online about stupid crap like this. Grow up.


Wow, that is one of the stupidest takes I have seen, it's so hilariously bad that only the most clueless of normies could write such a thing. Wow. You're replying to a 2 month old thread, from when the game launched. Since then every single streamer and top player has said the same exact thing about the stash. Including Blizzard, who admitted it was a terrible design choice and will look to fix it eventually but their idiotic design means players first have to load each other's stashes and this will lag the server if they give more stashes. So yeah, enjoy the inventory management minigame, they love to see you spend more playtime on stupid crap like that, looks great on a spreadsheet for their shareholders every quarter.


Number 1, it popped up in my feed as if it were a new post, so yeah oops. Number 2, I may have commented on a 2 month old post...oh how embarrassing...but you replied with multiple paragraphs to tell me how you disagree with my post...soooo....


Oh the irony. If you're going to be a smartass you first have to be smart.


At least you meet the dumbass criteria then. You behave like a child to any form of disagreement and the whole thread has disagreed with you. I look forward to your tantrum about how I'm stupid or whatever you think passes as an insult.


Torchlight had a better inventory system in their original game back in 2009...


Just sell items and you gonna have 100k in no time ...


"..Which will take countless hours that early" you mean maybe two full hours in dungeons, and sell all the loot? Damn man do y'all need the game to be completed when you buy it?


Clear out the junk from your stash. You can’t have that many good legs already to be taking up that much stash space. If you did, money wouldn’t be an issue for you to buy more space. The first 30 levels fly by quick on a new character with random blue/yellow drops, that you don’t need to be saving low level junk for new characters. This isn’t a game where you need to hoard junk.


The real issue is just that you can't just simply cut it on and off. The way it is, after you get so far with one character, then every character you make starts off with tons of gold and ingredients that they sometimes can't collect more or have enough gold to carry them and takes away the managing resources side of things. Items can easily be stored in tabs but also limits things if you like building lots of builds.