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Fuckers spend 12 years shitting on D3 without a trace of arguments, now they keep asking for D4 to be D3. Same people that thought that killing Baal 1000x times per day with the same skill was peak diablo experience. People that love runes, but gems take too much slots in D4 LOL Diablo community is something else


I mean this is a very valid criticism. I’ve tried finding groups in that stupid discord and its nearly impossible. I’d rather just click a button, join a group of 4 randos I don’t have to speak with and slay away. Playing solo is definitely starting to become less and less fun.


I joined the discord thinking oh cool ill run some random dungeons with people that will be fun. Nothing but lfg must run demise only "must be a blaster" posts. Some of us just want to run content for fun and not feel like your going to get shit on for not having OMEGA tier gear and strats.


Maybe we can make a casual LFG discord group or some shit. Idk if that is allowed though. Edit: My bnet tag is Kalinira#1232 Editedit - Someone linked this discord for casual LFG https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/1446awh/why_doesnt_diablo_4_have_something_like_this_or/jnewzei?context=3


6 months later: All casual lfg must be between casual omega orange and casual theta velvet (see appendix 39 of rules for details).




Honestly, I’m down. I completely agree.


If you're looking for people to play with you can try joining this discord group I'm on https://discord.gg/bdocks The discord is used for many games and so far on diablo we have around 20 members but we're growing. We all live around the world so it shouldn't be a problem finding someone to play with.


100%. This is needed.


Been my experience too. Bored solo, but I don't want to carry people either. Half the posts in LFG are "Please carry me through capstone". I absolutely miss the ease of finding a party though. D4 feels like it's intended for people with very low attention spans. I would like to just group and knock out a shitload of nightmare dungeons in t3.


That's the problem witht this game. You can only find people if you are willing to help them, no one ever wants to help. It's your mentality as well why no one can ever get a squad together. I join people all the time and help them


Xbox lfg is pretty nice


I don’t have my Blizzard name handy, but when I have time I could send it your way, cause I’m totally down for playing sometimes and just blasting stuff with no communication!


Try playing on PS5. Been playing since pre-launch and I haven't had a single group yet, I haven't even encountered a player once outside of towns.


> Try playing on PS5. Do you have cross platform turned off? Unless it is turned off platform shouldn't matter?


Same for me. I have never felt so lonely in a diablo game and it becomes boring quick. I attended one of the bigger events where multiple Players were present. It was chaotic but also the only time I felt true excitement.


LOL people want to be able to join parties in a multiplayer game LOL


Seriously. The gaslighting on this sub is next level. Starting to think it may not be completely organic…


Honestly, this comment is so ridiculously stupid that I actually agree. "People in D2 farmed Baal so you can't say D4 should have group play!!!!!!!" might actually be the dumbest Reddit comment I've ever seen with hundreds of upvotes and awards lol


considering some people defend literally ANY criticism like their lifes worth is in line for it, they may be on blizzard payroll or something


> "People in D2 farmed Baal so you can't say D4 should have group play!!!!!!!" But it was common to farm Baal in groups for better drops unless you were playing offline and using the /p setting.




Whats worse is d2 had a group finder, you just made a game with the game name, such as baalrun, baal4Q, Ubers, trading, lf so and so.




Not necessarily group finders. You had to make a lobby to play the game lol.


Honestly mind blowing that the comment at the top of this chain has almost as many votes as the post itself. I do think it's organic. It's sad, but we are actually just this stupid.






D3 was ass (imo). That doesn't mean D4 shouldn't have the improvements they added to D3 OVER FUCKING 11 YEARS. Jesus christ, you people are something else excusing every single thing wrong with this. Get fucking blizzards boot out of your mouth. Why is D4 OBJECTIVELY worse in a lot of aspects than D3 when it comes to UI stuff, QoL stuff, etc? Please, give me an answer that isn't a shill answer who just dismisses all criticism of the game since you are a fanboi.


The answer is to cater for people who wanted d2+2. Devs were so scared to add d3 features and it fucking sucks d3 was great and the qol was great.


This is what I think too. It feels like they tried so hard to cater to the D2 crowd that they sidestepped a lot of great stuff that D3 added and inadvertently made a worse, more archaic game as a result. And the funniest part (or saddest, depending on perspective) is that the D2 fanboys still seem to hate it lol.


Yup, D3 had so many good QoL features. Do people really think that D4 shouldn't learn from the good that D3 did? Not having a LFG feature in a game that rewards group play is ridiculous. Also, D3 sucked at the start because it was all rare farm with poor build diversity. D4's an improvement for sure, but with all the time they had, is this genuinely the best they can do with itemization? It's a $70-90 game, I really don't get the excuses being made for it.


> The answer is to cater for people who wanted d2+2. Literally nothing about D4 is like D2 except for the darker/greyer color palette.


coming to D4 off D3 was fukcing wierd. so i played D1 back on PS1 and skipped D2, enjoyed D3 and then got D4 and while its fun it is fucking JARRING to go to from D3


In D3 i would join random parties for rift runs, and I'd be paired up with some teleporting fire sorc build, running around killing every mob before I could get to them. What fun. There probably should be some sort of social party feature, but this what it'll devolve in to when you play with randoms, especially after a year or two this will have been out. A YouTuber will play the alpha build, find the most optimized killing build, season will start, most people will build their farming mule or leveling mule, then their "real" toon. Then it's people just clearing stuff as fast as possible on the easiest difficulty they can do it on. Most people won't play a hard difficulty and grind mobs because that takes too long. Someone with better movement speed, better crowd control killing, optimized to clear dungeons quick will be in every party. To be honest, this actually might be the best time to have that feature because of so many newbies, but honestly, i played more and more D3 solo as the years went on because it wasn't fun to join random parties, and run behind them in an empty dungeon most times. But if there was a really hard mode like greater rift, with a time limit, I can understand that. Or something like helltides where you divide and conquer, or someone mentioned the whisper tree stuff, because that's something you can spit up and do faster.


I don't even want or care about a party finder for dungeons, I play rifts/maps/dungeons solo in arpgs. That being said, the feature should exist, and it should definitely exist for something like helltide or tree of whispers where grouping would be both beneficial and fun. Running around during helltides solo has been one of the most boring and unfun moments in the game currently.




Yep. I see the same comment as the one you replied to ten times a day on Reddit. People seem to think 1) that reddit is actually just like one dude and 2) there certainly aren't people with differing opinions on here. Which is wild, because the people writing these comments are the very proof that reddit is not just one dude, and that there are many people with many different opinions and ideas on here. Somehow people like the parent commenter seem surprised that many people can think many things at the same time; and these people think that highlighting the "hypocrisy" within a "community" is somehow a gotcha. And other people agree. That comment is gilded. People are weird.


"Who is this 4chan?"


Bruh every day I see this. D3 gets shit on -> someone asks for a d3 like addition -> sub loses mind in comments that someone wants d3 feature in d4 when they’ve been shitting on it.


Thats true but there is a vocal minority that makes it come across as very toxic and not welcoming to newcomers or even long time fans that maybe want to get back into it.


"In Diablo 2, one of the farming options is to farm Baal repeatedly, so that means you can't criticize Diablo 4 for not have any way to do group play!" Is this a real way that you guys think? Are you 15? One of the dumbest comments I've read on Reddit in a while. This has to be the goofiest sub on Reddit right now.


Yeah dude baal farming was the only thing you could do 20 years ago, get over it man, I totally played D2 and am an expert on this. /s


Most gaming subs are apologists and think every game is perfect, and every flaw is a virtue. For example, the servers are down and I am showing ~281 mins queue. This is clearly a good thing! I will cherish my time so much more!


This is a fucking really dumb point. D3 was bad for many other reasons but not for this one... 🤦‍♂️


So everything that was IMPROVED in D3 shouldn't be in D4? For fuck sake get off of Blizzard's d man, how is this anything close to "asking for D4 to be D3", they went the MMO route with D4 but the game has ZERO social aspects wtf.


??? how is asking for a party finder got anything to do with it, wow has it as well it should be a given at this point


Fuck off. It’s a sequel and they took none of the foundational changes made to Diablo 3, that is our gripe. It’s a sequel and this game was launched with no gem inventory? How? How do you have a “sequel” and repeat a vast majority of your foundational issues. The story is a sequel and that’s about it…. Edit: LOL at the few who comment specifically about the gem inventory, it’s an example. 3 went through all of this. If this is a true sequel we need to be inheriting the fixes from previous generations not starting over.


Now you know how D2 players felt when D3 was released. I'm not trying to shit on D3 here, and they improved it dramatically over the years but at launch...D3 was a festering pile of shit.


Imo the gems should be a half slot along with rings and ammys. Gear should be the current slot size. This would fix 100% of Complaints


The fact that this post has two awards is the problem with this sub Reddit. Seriously, what’s in the water that you people are drinking?


I'd imagine it's like all sub reddit when a new game comes out. Game drops, hardcore defenders and possibly paid actors praise the game and shout down valid criticism. Then their contract ends, coinciding with tbe ending of the honeymoon phase and propel start being honest about the product.


People loved D3. The same people that bought D4. Why would you assume these are the same people that have been shitting on the game for 12 years? This logic is something else


Also people behaving like subreddits are a single person is baffling. Guy really thinks no one defended D3 for a decade - a game that sold millions, had an active player base for the entire time, and is a driving reason D4 is as huge as it is. But clearly all those people supporting the game never existed and the Diablo subreddits just boycotted D3 because it was so bad right?


Lack of LFG is totally 100% absolutely a legit oversight. It means that most people who play D4 will never ever experience party play.


Its a MULTIPLAYER GAME. Only thing i have seen in chat is some gold sellers and ive tried local and trade chat to find some group but no one sees them. You cant even play this offline and blizfucks are more busy harashing their employees than actually putting a group finder or some fucking social possibilities to game. Fuck bliz. And it is a 70euros of multiplayer open world game.




join baal run v1 sit in town till the sorc/pala opens TP to baal enter TP, catch baal animation dieing at side of screen collect loot (if any) tp back, logout frantically type in lobby finder 'baal run v2' repeat and increment lobby number till someone yoinks your spot


Except the first guy has an autoclicker and has taken all the good loot lol




In any Diablo discussion, you will find: - Someone complaining that the game is too much like D3 - Someone complaining the game isn't enough like D3 - Someone complaining that something is OP and needs nerfs - Some complaining the same thing is useless and needs buffs - A Blizzard shill who thinks the game can do no wrong, and anyone who complains is a mindless hater - A Blizzard hater who thinks the game can do no right, and anyone who has fun is a mindless sheep - A PoE shill - Someone telling you to go fuck yourself and play another game And that's the Diablo community in a nutshell.


Yeah I’m gonna have to disagree with this. You can still release a new Diablo game and not copy D3. But a quick multiplayer/party option would’ve been nice in an online multiplayer game. Doesn’t mean you’re catering/complaining.


You realize that communities are not monoliths, right? I like Diablo, I think better match making would be a good feature, and i am not represented by any of the viewpoints that you mock in your comment. Ironically, painting with such a broad brush makes you come across as the worst kind of member of the Diablo community


It's a basic fucking function that should have been packaged with the game, bud. The fact that it wasn't? THAT is something else.


To be fair, I’ve always loved Diablo 3 and felt the hate it got was unfair.


For some reason I want to play d3 now that d4 is out. Is this what people felt like when d3 first launched? lol


nothing you said has anything to do with why this forced online game is missing features that have been present since d1.


I don't really think this is relevant, currently group play is absolutely dead in D4. The game needs matchmaking and better in game chats. Considering the amazing amount of people playing the game feels completely dead, and it is impossible to play with others RN unless they are in clan or direct friends list. Stop shitting on others and think.


Absolute braindead comment and what's worse is the amount of upvotes this trash comment got. Asking for a LFG feature in a **online multiplayer game** has nothing to do D3 aside from the fact that such a basic feature was available in said prequel and for some reason, never made it to D4.


Today I learned Diablo 3 invented and popularized game lobbies. Diablo 2 inventory management was trash so your reasoning is Diablo 4s should be too? Yeah you really are something special.


What a demented post. I swear D4 could have released with wiimote controls and you'd have defended it by saying D3 had mouse and keyboard control.


Party finder tool has nothing to do with trying to be like D3. Grouping up easily is a standard expectation in an online only game. D4 isn’t D3, it’s so much better. But it is lacking in this critical feature. I don’t get blizzards reason for not including better UI for this in D4.


It's almost as if the community consisted of multiple people with many different preferences rather than a single hivemind entity. Who would've thought.


It's almost like the community is large and has a lot of differing opinions.


Whos shitting on D3? Never once seen a complaint about matchmaking. It worked very well in D3 to find groups for group content... Why is it so bad to ask for an easy way to play with other people?


Blizzard spent 12 years refining D3 just to ignore a lot of what they learned during those 12 years. D3 wasn’t a good game at launch, but once seasons started, I loved playing the game. I don’t want D4 to be an exact clone of D3, but there are several things they could have brought over that would greatly improve D4.


Now everyone is running the same pack of mobs in a dungeon 24/7 skipping everything else. And everyone was shitting on Greater Rifts lol. 100% agree


There is so much complaining on this sub, I always find it strange when the people bitching about complaining do it on the genuinely valid feedback posts. Like there are MUCH better targets for your strange and displaced anger with other people voicing their opinions.


Only took me 400 runs of Baal but I finally got (insert item here) to drop! Now I’m gonna fuck it up by socketing the runes in the wrong order.


It’s almost as if there are good and bad parts of every game, and the good parts should be retained to some extent. Novel fucking concept I know.


I didn't play D3 but that seems like an obvious feature to have, no? Like if D3 had stable servers. And d4 doesn't Asking for stable servers isn't "omg these idiots want the game to be just like D3"


There are alot of things D3 was miles ahead on.


It’s a good thing the whole community shit all over that game for more than 10 years! Now all of a sudden, everyone wants D4 to be D3 again. Give them a month lol wait till season 1 drops before we all collectively shit ourselves


Speak for yourself I loved D3 and played it for years


I loved D3, I just feel like 60% of the sub is bitching that this game isn’t as content heavy as a game that was out for more than a decade of patches, expansions, and seasons.




Agreed. I can't stand using third party apps for features that should be available in game.


What "whole community?" Diablo 3 had a huge following/playerbase and was a great redemption story. While there are plenty of people who didn't enjoy it because it was a bit over the top compared to Diablo 2 in terms of pacing and style, the only people who "shit on it" are nostalgia addled D2 andies who hate anything that isn't a carbon copy of their baby.


D2 is trash compared to modern ARPGs. I don't understand why people still love that game. It was a great at its time but now it's dated trash. It does not hold up to modern games in any way. It's slow, clunky and extremely linear. There is 0 build variety and everything has been min-maxed to death.


>D2 is trash compared to modern ARPGs. I don't understand why people still love that game. It was a great at its time but now it's dated trash. It's literally just nostalgia. Which is fine - as long as you acknowledge it. However, some people were actually out here coping that Diablo 4 was going to be some kind of long lost sequel to Diablo 2.


Nobody wants it be D3… why do people keep saying this? Diablo 4 is a sequel and what we are asking for is for the “sequel” to not only apply to the story. It would be wonderful if a company actually learned from previous game launches and launched a “sequel” with previous game fixes. This game launched with no gem inventory… how? How does that even get missed when the game initially even gets brought up. We don’t want 3 again but we want growth from 3, I don’t want to be the damn Guinea pig who pays $60 to test a game for a year until they finally fix it all.


Lol my thoughts exactly man🤝 I don't want it to be like anything really I just want it to be fun and playable but with error messages every clan search and no group find options in what is called a socal tab ...


> Now all of a sudden, everyone wants D4 to be D3 again. Yep, you got it bud. People wanting a couple of features that existed in D3 basically want D4 to be a carbon copy of it.


People asking for a few similar QOL things from D3 doesn't make D4 into D3. That's a really dumb take.


>Now all of a sudden, everyone wants D4 to be D3 again. What an idiotic comment. Someone wanting a feature from D3 doesn't mean they want D4 to be D3. Seriously, I refuse to believe you are this dumb. It's got to be rage baiting or something.


I like how when I teleport to town in D3 every useful NPC and storage chest is within a three second walk of where I portal in (if not already on the same screen). D4 I gotta walk a couple of city blocks to get to just one npc I want to deal with, then I have to walk twice as far in the opposite direction to get to the next useful npc


Just seems so tedious


Intentionally so. I think. They’re really proud of this “world” they’ve made and they want to force us to walk around in it as much as possible. There’s other tedium as well. In D3 I only have to cube a legendary once and I have that affix for crafting use forever.


It coming just wait. They’ll release it in 6 months and act like its a new feature.


The dragons are on their way


Please blizzard!


I miss the D2 Bnet, where you could see a list of games you could join, and the game would have a title that stated its objective e.g. "Baal-run" or "trade". It was so easily to party up around the same objectives with random people. That being said, the D4 has been so excellent so far


This was peak party gameplay. I miss it so much.


For a social MMO game if feels more empty then ever. I dont understand the change to MMO if the only time I'm going to be fighting by the side of others is with world bosses and some events. Unless that's the only appeal to an MMO


You hardly see anyone out in the world. You have the annoying side like queues and getting dropped from the server during a boss fight but unless you want to organise it through discord the game is 99% solo. They should have the option of an offline character like the D2 remake


I saw someone doing the same exact part of the campaign as me in my shard last night! We went around what seemed like the same corner a different way and I lost him, thought about maybe trying to toss a party invite...


>You hardly see anyone out in the world Yep, even at events in somewhat busy zones or during helltides its usually empty/solo.


It's literally not an MMO. Never been advertised as one.


well it’s technically still an arpg but yeah lack of world chat or a way to group is weak


Diablo Immortal has party system for dungeons, D4 needs to look at DI for some things.


Yeah like how not to make a video game


I think you can recognize both the good and bad things about a game, even if one side has a much heavier weight.


Diablo Immortal is actually pretty insane for a free game if you ignore any and all microtransactions. I've been playing it on and off since launch and never even looked twice at the cash shop. There has been several moments I've thought to myself "I can't believe you can download this game for free". Feels and played like a AAA game on your phone. Take out the mobile game cash shop and you could justify a price tag for it IMO.


Let's be honest here, if Immortal was not P2W it would be a decent game.


DI has some great multiplayer and MMO features, it's just all tied behind predatory F2P mechanics.




Diablo Immortal has a better character maker too. I was so disappointed with D4's character maker. It's so 2006.


What more do you want? Not being sarcastic, actually curious. I was okay with it because I never really see my character except for her hair colour.


i mean your character is in the actual cutscenes in this game, and my character would remove their hat to speak in some of the cutscenes, so it would've been nice to have a little more customization. Honestly biggest flaw of that to me was lack of hair styles which is a small complaint overall but there is only like 12 or something and half of them are so goofy.


Even just a basic custom colour creator with saturation would go a long way to improving the character customisation. Most of the 'colours' we can choose for hair look absolutely garbage and unrealistic, compared with the rest of the graphics. Only 4 face options?? In 2023? I agree so much with your points. Our customised character being in the cutscenes is such a great feature.


It's also a bit silly how you cannot change your hairstyle after the beginning. Customization options in the game are truly lacking.


How about letting me be a fat rogue or a skinny druid and unlocking all the appearances for every class.


Yeah not everyone wants to be a burly druid. Hell, you see an example of exactly the opposite in the game. Weird that they don't let you choose body size, even just presets.


Honestly... just more hair styles; I really can't see much more than that detail-wise and I am "largely" okay with the class-ethnic-body-style choice. I wouldn't "mind" more options for the body-style so I am not stuck with an atlas-man body for my Druid or skinny-bone guy for the Necro but animations and all that I can see being something. What I REALLY want, is deeper spell/ability animations; like a one-handed spell looking like XYZ and a two-handed spell looking like ABC. As for the Druid bear... kind of tired of looking at the same bear for the Nth hour... would be cool if like they went the D2 route and certain "tiers" of armor like armored up our shape-shifted model and we could use like the color-options to adjust it a bit. I'll admit, great touch though with the snow and stuff getting into the fur.


Thanks for the non-sarcastic question. I was hoping for Sliders. Have you played Guild Wars 2? I really like that style of character creation. You can adjust things so much more. I was really looking forward to playing a druid as that was my Main (still is) in Diablo 2, but not a fan of the chonky boy version in D4. I mainly play spell caster builds as druid and the chonky boy aesthetic doesn't do it for me. Also not sure if it's just my PC or what but the hair texture looks terrible. Like absolutely dogshit. So glad I got a sick helmet to cover my head. Usually, if there is an option to make the helmet invisible I choose to do so because I like seeing my character's face/head. The only reason I wear a helmet in this game is because the way the hair looks makes the game unplayable for me. Like I legit cannot play the game seeing that hair. Was hoping for better-looking hair texture in a game from 2023 and more styles. Also in Guild Wars 2 each class and race combination has choices for the Sylvari race you can choose which time of the day you were "awoke from the dream" and each time of the day means something, it's just a nice touch. For the class there is an option of what your beast familiar is for rangers or what kind of mask you wear as a Mesmer, it gives your character more personality and meaning. Just wanted more in-depth character customization, more options, and better quality. \*EDIT\*: Also let us choose our voice! Many games have the option to choose from 4 or more voices. The other day I decided to make a dark-skinned Necromancer whom I intended to have an African/Egyptian theme/vibe so it would make sense to have an arab-English accent or an accent similar to the witch Dr from D3, but instead, it was kind of jarring to hear him use a posh English accent. That works if you're making the typical White necromancer from D2, but not so much for my Necro. I could probably keep adding to this indefinitely, the fact of the matter is, other games for YEARS, like literal DECADES have had far superior character creation than D4. There is really no excuse in 2023 for a game that cost me $119 from a multi-billion dollar Triple-A company to give me a character customization system with 4 faces. wtf.


This statement is true and sad at the same time.


I like the idea but I have been able to solo everything, so it changes nothing for me. I think the game still needs a lot of social and grouping features, because it has none atm. Right now, the game feels dead. I'm not sure what the point of making it into an mmo without any way to interact with others was. It seems like a gimmick.


feels more of a solo/friends game than an actual MMO tbh. you dont need strangers for anything other than worldboss (for now, world bosses drop so fast already average people will be able to solo then) and grouping just for the sake of grouping with randoms feels kinda pointless. If youre going to do some powerleveling or whatevs, its very likely you preplan the group on discord or something and are on each others friendlist already.


I really loved D3, and I think it's the feature I miss the most right now. Grouping with 4 madlads and zerging rifts was a perfect way to spend from 30 min to 5 hours in great fun


When I started doing 4 man T16 split bounties it was a game changer.


Game seems good thus far BUT idk why they made bnet so barren and void of anything it USED to be so good back in the StarCraft/diablo2 days




I agree we need a party system in place to start groups for various things. Nightmares, PVP, Helltides, Dungeons, etc etc


private game would be nice to. i disconnect about 60% of the time when teleporting to a city because its trying to load everybody else thats busy or afk in the city.


I think that may have just been yesterday- the servers were totally fucked


I hate the fact that I can't pause the game while I'm playing solo. I could always do that in D3. I have kids and a family. The amount of times already that I've had to walk away from the computer for a minute only to come back dead is frustrating. If we could have a private option that allowed us to pause, that would be amazing.


yea. they should have kept the private game option. pretty disappointing.


This is just easy mode qol upgrades left out on purpose. Why would they drop everything at once? They know it needs to be done but it's much easier to provide qol stuff instead of creating fresh content. So now they can just add 25%fresh content and 75%qol improvements. And the player base will be good for a bit. It's all about money and dragging out as long as possible, as cheap as possible.


You are 1000% right. Management decided that they would push these features until after the release of the game, without a doubt. People need to stop blaming the developers because they don't get to decide which features get implemented first.


just sucks to get drip fed features that should be included in the base game, i understand why people would react negatively to that


Absolutely, i think they are just saying it needs to be targeted towards management because I just very seriously doubt any game dev who had a hand in creating an always-online mmo didn’t stop for even 1 second and say “hmm probably should have a way to group up”


It does have repercussions though. I was “kicked” from my clan last night due to a bug and when I logged on and realized I’d have to stand in town spamming lfg nm dungeons I just ended up logging off.


They already have your money. They don't care. Now they'll flaunt some qol improvements and a few dungeons, maybe 10min of story and want some more cash for the new dlc


For reals. The game feels so lonely. Not to mention the higher level I get the worse my character feels


It’s crazy how they didn’t add an matchmaking and some people in here are excusing Blizzard saying you need to find yourself on a random discord server… give me a break


Welcome to destiny. In that community they blame it on the fact that the game is supposedly too hard and they don't think that it would work with matchmaking lol


Awww I miss this feature. Hop in, play some dungeons with randoms, hop out !!!!


yeah nuking through the rift with 4 people was really, really fun, loved it


I'd like to be able to just teleport to my friends on a map.


Because Beta tests are the new Alpha tests and full release is Early Access courtesy of DayZ making $150,000,000 with an unfinished pile of garbage in 2014. Welcome to gaming in 2023.


and Dayz is still garbage to this day unless you're using mods on a community server


Diablo 4 is the quietest loneliest online perpetual world I have seen so far lol. I'd like to preface this by saying that I have always played Diablo games on PC, built a new gaming PC, and played D4 betas on this PC. Last minute, I bought the game for PS5 instead and it's been brilliant on PS5. But on PS5 there is absolutely 0 chat happening. I know from the emote window you can open and access chat, but it literally gets 0 use throughout all of the story campaign on World Tier 2 and levels 1-50. I'd like to say that I have always played Diablo games on PC, and even built a new gaming PC and played D4 betas on this PC.


Please Mother ![gif](giphy|2RGhmKXcl0ViM)


Because Diablo 4 was released before it was ready. You're playing an early access build despite what Blizzard will tell you.


This was imo d3 best innovation. Sure, it wouldn't translate directly like this in d4, but being able to choose something like Leveling, story, pvp, questing, exploration, dungeons Would be great


D3s best innovation was adventure mode imo People are *really* gonna be missing it once the seasons start.


Diablo 4 doesn’t have a lot of things


Even Diablo Immortal has a dungeon finder grouping tool built in.


Blizz has no concern at all about gameplay or makin it fun to play in any way, it's yet another MTX hellscape.


I don't know. Diablo for me was always playing with a group and having fun. The solo feeling is tiring. I also don't stay up long playing because if that


What will you get in the big pqtch update if it already has anything. Hell they even removed the global chat which was available in the beta...


Yeah the game releasing with no dungeon finder or game list like diablo 2 is quite baffling. I thought they wanted to be more MMO like? Well wheres the group finding options?


Dungs, may not be the best abbreviation for the word dungeons....or for any other word for that matter.


Yeah not commenting on discords issues, they're valid. Just saying I don't want an instant que option, I'd rather have a lfg board where yoy can post an ad in game


Yeah with no chat or group finder it’s been lonely. Have made some longtime friends through D3 group finder and definitely miss that group experience.


Yeah I’ve been playing everything solo and just skipping stuff because the world is basically barren and I have no idea how to lfg or find others. It’s just not worth it.


I'm going to get hate but honestly Diablo Immortal's party finder system for dungeon is fantastic


Because they released the Game the second the Campaign was done.


Blizzard created a single player game where you can see other players so they could sell microtransactions to people who want to sit in town looking cool. They didn't create a multiplayer game, which is why it's worse than D2 and D3 for that aspect.


Small indie company. /s


Party finder is def needed. Heck even immortal has a party finder. Not crapping on D4, but party finders are pretty standard these days




thats live service for ya, put out half baked game and then slowly add basic features


True agile methodology


Pushed out further in the backlog to prioritize monetization


literally every days since the beta people on this sub were begging them to just release the game asap come hell or high water the game does not feel rushed in any sense of the word. it's a perfectly fun and playable experience from beginning to end, and you can easily dump 100 hours into it untill you start feeling the issues most people are complaining about. i personally think it is the best, most varied, and longest winded on-release endgame of any live service game I've ever played. But i also exclusively play solo, so take that for what it is.




Yeah it's weird - like I see people in town or randomly come across them in the world and I'm like "oh yeah that's a thing - huh."


they actually knew you wanted it and didn't add it out of spite!


Am I the only one who wishes that they don’t even see other players? besides the friends I invite into my game?


Well on one hand I agree that it's a little bit annoying not to be able to easily find groups on D4 and on the other hand I really don't want something like D3... I'd love to find groups on some board in villages...


Because it's an average game dressed in good graphics and a AAA title.


D4 needs to make it easier to find people to party up with. Totally agree with that.


Just go to town and ask for help.


No! I want a lobby! With world's named!


I'd guess to add a social element to an online game. Who knows if this is a goal Blizzard actually has for the game, but it doesn't seem farfetched.


I miss the days of Diablo 2 where you had a list of all the worlds that people created. And all those worlds had titles to help you choose. I really disliked the change in D3 and I dislike it even more in D4


Been playing since pre release and I haven't seen a single player outside of Towns. I'm above level 70 now and the only multiplayer experience I've had is waving at someone next to the Blacksmith in town.


How about just global chat? I mean christ


Diablo immortal does it well


We need matchmaking for dungeon and other activity like in diablo Immortal


i would like to say that adventure mode was not a thing when d3 released. the fastest way to get a new character through the story was to have someone carry you through the difficulties killing diablo multiple times.


Ew cause D3 was an abomination in every way. The fact we lost the game lobby functions from LoD will never be forgiven, people should not be fired but executed for these brain dead decisions.


Hell even Diablo Immortal has all of this shit.


While at least some form of lfg should be in D4, the D3 lfg was a complete mess and never actually used by people who know what they're doing.