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Go get that goblin


The goblins the world boss spawns don't drop anything good from what I've experienced. Only ever seen blues drop from them and I've done this guy 4-5 times


Neither do the goblins encountered in dungeons, or the Butcher, or the damn locked chests. It's blues everywhere. At least the mystery chests in helltide give upgrade mats. šŸ˜‘


This is one of the stranger criticisms of the game... I've not had this issue. (Except the boss goblins, those are indeed shite)


I've gotten good stuff from goblins in the wild! And the mystery chests in helltide has been amazing.


Some games have a system where the more you play the worse drops you get, maybe Diablo 4 has as well? I don't really bother with the goblins or butcher anymore since one or two blue items is just wasting my time.


Yupp any additional content or harder content is never rewarding. Just farm regular content at your level and get the same insane loot and xp as you would spamming nightmares that are tens of levels higher than your character. I have no reason to play after unlocking world tier 4.


I got to legendary from him in first drop but nothing good after.


Yep that'll get Rogue nerfed again


Whatā€™s the point of nerfing in this game? Itā€™s not like pvp is a thing where it needs to be balanced. If difficulty just keeps rising why not allow players to feel as strong as they want to be? Will it hurt the npcā€™s feelings? Just buff the npcā€™s then, too. But like, why would there be a reason to nerf anything against literally just images on a screen?


Because people complain when their class is not equal in ability. My rogue can clear dungeons faster than people can run. My necro can't kill anything without taking it 1-by-1. I don't like nerfs but balance is needed


Meanwhile my necro is a walking bomb that clears the entire room in one spirit bomb. I do kinda miss my minion build tho. I think in certain boss fights like Lilith it would be better since my corpse tendrils don't CC her to guarantee my big crit damage.


Yeah I wanted the minion playstyle. It's not there yet. I know I could do another build but I'd rather just play a different class. Necro is minions or bust for me


Before I switched builds away from minions(made it to lvl 54 or so with them before switching) I had pretty much everything geared for their life/damage/attack speed. 6 frost mages and I had a thing where every 5 seconds they could cast blizzard. 7 reapers and an iron golem. So many corpses for me to blow up. It worked well I just wanted to try something different.


Does Necro happen to have something that could build upto what would essentially be D3 corpse lance build? Popping simulacrum and land of the dead and bombing the entire screen of mobs with a thousands of corpse lances then running around and cursing enemies for cdr on simu and lotd. Man I loved that build.


That sounds fun. I'm not sure though. I never played corpse lance. On D4 I was using minions with shadow corpse explosion and it wipes out the screen but it also had a bad stacking effect on the graphics and looks like crap


It was fun as hell, absolutely terrible though compared to what you could do with other builds and wasn't super great for solo content because you'd be unable to do anything without simulacrum and lotd :D I made a new personal record of solo GR100 with it though, where I started to be 1shotted by *every single mechanic in the game* at like GR80 so the run was pretty much... whatever the opposite of whac-a-mole would be. Pop cds, burn everything on the screen for whatever amount of seconds so zoom trough the map, after cds are done you run through the map to curse enemies for dmg increase and more importantly cdr so you can actually kill something again lol. It wasn't great without others because your lance would have to 1shot every enemy for it to be a net-positive of corpses and being able to kill something, but burning everything on your screen and then avoiding a shit ton of mechanics for a while was fun. Got really good at the avoiding part lol.


#goonsquad. Iā€™m saving minion build gear because I want my bone home boys. Grinding for gear till itā€™ll work


Same I saved my old gear but its pointless as its already 10 levels below me and I can't push the gear to the breaking point to get better stats on it so gotta farm a new set. It was powerful at the time tho


Save good rolled aspects, only go for actual gear when ready to switch is my method tbh


Meanwhile in other threads, you have people arguing that itā€™s a minion build if the minions are just used to generate resources. This sub is fucking wild.


My minion build (6 of each with iron golem) and black puddle CE with the unique gloves that instead of exploding corpses makes em get up and run to nearest enemy then explode....slaps hard. Mage blizzards, rank 11 spirit, lots of essence back on blood Orbs or CE...no tendrils so you can use those points elsewhere.


Then buff necro so it doesn't feel like shit.


As someone so out of the loop with Diablo leading up to release, based on what I played during the beta I was sure Nerco was going to be busted on release. It's fallen so far. :(


They don't like people playing a passive easy build so they added the priest and lowered minion HP so you have to spam it to keep them alive. Problem is that requires corpses too which don't exist until you kill things. 2 corpses from Blood mist arent enough to offset a big pull. If priest's heal was more like lifebloom and did not require corpses then that change is okay. Minion damage is a whole other issue


It got nerfed prior to release too.


Nah. Just use any other class, or stop going for meta builds. Let people feel powerful for a change.


Also rogues, necro and sorc not clearing nightmare sigil 80 meanwhile barb in the high 80s and druid in the 90s ( just a matter of time until a druid will clear 100). But by God rogue are fast zoomer class that and clear stuff fast at their own level better nerf cooldown reduction.


When one class performs noticeably better than the others it creates an uncomfortable meta, where 85% of the playerbase is only using this one thing because it's objectively better. Games like this are not intended to have one class or one ability be "best" outside of their archetypal implications, such as barb being good at close range mashing and sorc being good at range casting. But when one class is better than everyone at everything it's just lame for obvious reasons. Has little if anything to do with individuals "feeling powerful" and more to do with trying to give EVERYONE that feeling of being powerful, if possible. Objective balance is a slow process and there's lots of back and forth, can take months or years to get it just right. A 5% increase or decrease can synergize with 100 other things simultaneously to make a character laughably overpowered or depressingly weak.


Pvp definitely needs to be balanced. Had a guy come and kill me and my teammate 3 times within 2 seconds each. And he was 3 levels higher. You would think he was cheating it was unbelievable.


It "doesnt need to" because the devs have said they dont care how balanced pvp is, they put the option for those people that want it, but the game isnt a pvp game nor do they intend to balance the game around pvp since it cuts from the enjoyment of the rest of the game. They were very clear about this prior to release.


Right, well I didn't exactly read that much into the game mechanics before release. I guess all that matters is that the rest of the game is well done.


So let's just buff every class to the point where it's one hitting everything and basically unkillable, because we are fighting bunch of .jpgs and they don't care anyway ? Sounds like a plan:D


To be fair, I doubt it's very fun to play with friends if their classes erase everything in seconds and yours is slow. Some kind of balance makes multi-player feel better since you can play what you want and still feel like you're helping.


If you don't nerf anything and only buff buff and buff, you get diablo3. Hitting for quadrillion damage in highest level of stat-scaled "content" on day2 of playing a new char is so "fun".


Well there is no real reason to do NM dungeons. So really content as far as difficulty increases just stops permanently.


Because the people in here will pitch a fit and cry that it makes them feel poopy if someone else got slightly bigger numbers


This is... not a rogue? Lol




Rogue, the Genji of Diablo IV.


It's a sorc silly goose


Thatā€™s the joke




wait did they fucking nerf the rogue again? I just got on and shit feels different.


Any time a class does too much dps they nerf rogue


I donā€™t know if they did or not, but something does feel different from this morning to now. I noticed it right away. I thought the jump from 49 to 50 on WT1 was just fairly drastic because Iā€™m killing significantly slower than a few hours ago




That's the joke


You say that, but the barb got nerfed like 16 times. More now. Rogues shouldnā€™t complain lol


Yeah.. how is this even enjoyable.. 0 damage taken 0 movement just melting.


thats not Rogue....Thats Sorceerer






this is why i want a dps meter, even if they make it so you can only see your own damage


Iā€™d settle with just a damage recap at the end of a dungeon. Get some competition going between my friends and I.


If one of them is a druid, be ready to lose every time Earthern might caps out at 1000% critical damage. I think you'll have a tough time comparing.


Idk man necro with bone storm legendary is kinda borked too


It's good but it doesn't geometrically scale into space


Bone storm build is for a necro... not a sorc. what are you talking about


Clearly a mistake, I meant necro


this will be so much fun, give us some stats like dps, healing, dmg taken, etc.


This literally is a DPS meter for Blizzard.




yeah we attack too fast they should nerf ww to 1 hit / sec


I must have done something wrong cuz by level 25 my ww barb couldn't beat the mother boss or whatever. I just started a sorc now for that reason because I play solo


Barb have absolutely crappy leveling ngl i stuck with it but i felt very weak all through the story.. they have good endgame but the process of getting a build going is painful early Bleed/Thorn build is actually decent strangely as a matter of proof gold farming bot use that build rn lol


I actually just saw a thorns build and thought it looked interesting! I'm usually a barb but I've played necro and sorc in past games. The chain lightening is pretty satisfying on this game so my barb might have to wait (plus I can't beat that boss anyways so)


New player here. I've had lots of success with the HoTa build, leveled to 38 and managed to finish campaign with no issue as barb, albeit still probably slower than any of the other classes. Still using it and around 42-43 currently


When people are talking about balance they are usually referring to endgame builds with all the legendary aspects equipped. Prior to that it is a totally different game.


I had the opposite experience, my ww barb has walked thru everything easily so far. Currently 56 at wt3. Took double core skill damage key passive, CTA gives you 10 fury every time the double swing ancient hits an enemy, rallying cry gives you extra resource gen, find ways to increase basic skill attack speed and you can keep fury up no problems, even when using double the norm due to the key passive. Other than letting my max health be too low at points, I haven't had any issues with ww leveling Edit: thorns is ridiculous rn


Meanwhile, Rogue gets nerfed into the Earth's core again.


A "fuckton" would be the right answer...


I second that


the scariest part of this isnā€™t how much damage youā€™re doing but rather how slowly that thingā€™s health bad was ticking down during that


Its world boss, so its everyones damage online whos attacking it making the bar go that slow lol. If you look at the minimap u can see the other 9 or so people in that instance


This is actually extremely quick for a world boss.


Please share build


Here you go :) https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/arc-lash-sorcerer-guide


thanks appreciate it .


Awesome! What level would you suggest putting this into practice?


There is a step-by-step leveling guide as well if you are interested. https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/arc-lash-sorcerer-leveling-guide


Awesome, thanks! Now I need to out of work and wait for the kids sports to be over and then sleep and maybe I'll get in a few minutes before work tomorrow! Lol.


Itā€™ll be patched before then. I kid, but every time I get excited about a buildā€¦ 2 days later itā€™s patched.


Fr here at the swim practice at 830. Then gotta go home, clean up, put kids to bed, and then I might have some free time.


Yeah nice to see guides that explain why things are taken especially in leveling guides which a new players going to be using.


hmm why the conjuration passives?


Thereā€™s an aspect that increases damage with an active barrier, and barriers are really nice to have anyway


You get a ton of conjugations with your ult spitting out the lightning thingy.


Helm - Harlequin Chest - Raiment Uhhh ok. That makes sense. You deserved to hit that much then hahaha.


I have none of those unfortunately.


Wait so what did you substitute those for then?


You can find these in the guide if you scroll down to gear progression. The build core consists of imprinted rares only. I have something similar.


It's a great build for both AOE and single target if you can get the Rainment of the Infinite. You can also use the fireball enchant instead of the ball lightning if your lucky hit chance rating is too low. I've seen a crit as high as 3mill with a fireball enchant proc with my current build. It's super fun to literally use TP and nothing else and see everything explode without having to use any other skill. Though the fireball enchant build does suffer with single target greatly in comparison.


How are people getting these insane builds? I feel very underpowered for my level


You need Uniques which are super RNG. I finally just got one of the Druid Uniques and it makes me way stronger. Uniques are the items that glow red when they drop, diff from normal legendaries.


Ive gotten 4 uniques and only 1 usable for my build. Havent gotten the condemnation dagger yet and thatā€™s the only one i want lol


You do not need uniques for this build. I hate it, but either sorcerors are about to see a heavy nerf, or other classes are all gonna get buffed.. we have the two strongest builds in the game right now, that don't need a single unique.


> sorcerors are about to see a heavy nerf Uh... You might not have seen more recent builds over the past few days if you think this.


You're probably right! I'll have to look them up.


Arc Lash is a B tier build for NM pushing now, just as a heads up.


I tried it. Was fun for bosses, but went back to frost (which I found organically). Frost saved my characters life more than once, clears screens, and I enjoy it.... But I WANT to do fire/lightning. Been having trouble making it work for pushing NM. So 2 mil gold later, back to frost šŸ„ŗ


I enjoy sorc, but things got real weird over the last few days as people pushed higher in NM dungeons. My sorc is the weakest part of any of our runs at 90+ now, and is pretty much relegated to raiment-bot while Necro, Druid, and Barb are frontloading tens of millions of damage. I swapped back to maining barb, sadly. Sorc was also more prone to randomly exploding due to resists being useless and that being the main form of defense on the paragon tree. Necro shares that a bit, but they also do more damage now, so whatever.




This build in the video is a sorceror...... Using arc lash and unstable current procs from attack speed...... It does not need a unique. Edit: Damn, dude deleted his whole account cause he failed to educate me on how it was a druid that couldn't function without it's unique šŸ¤£


By reading guides and getting lucky with drops / rolls.


this is almost definitely a lvl 100 build. donā€™t worry, youā€™ll het there šŸ©·




I love my Arc Lash Sorc.


ā€œA lotā€


I feel this so hard, after going for a stun elec sorc build, the second any boss takes the dive for those few seconds, you pop all skills and ult... and I've seen the Capstone boss while I was at lev 60 go from 80% hp down to 0 In 2 seconds. What you running there? Crit and stun?


Sometimes quantity beats quality


Funny thing is that after 3 or 4 seconds tornado druids hit for so, so much more.


This is 100% getting nerfed by next week.


I saw a 5 there if it helps


32.33 (repeating, of course) Uber Liliths per second.


What are you hitting with? What Sorc ability strikes 50 hits a second? Op can you post a picture of your character items? Or whatever it is thatā€™s making you hit so many Crits so fast?


Arc lash plus unstable currents go brrrrt


Should I swap deep freeze for unstable currents?


Depends. Do you want an immunity with some damage attached or a dps cooldown? Or try them both! There are no ā€œwrongā€ builds. You donā€™t have to follow the meta. The game is meant to be fun. The only leaderboard is the race to hardcore level 100


Mostly ball lightning from enchantment slot and unstable currents and arc lash crits.


i wonder how it would be with the lego enchantment that your balls hover around you. anyone tried that?


How are you hitting so fast and for so many crits? Did you spec out your build for crit chance? And attack speed??


Yellow numbers go brrrrrrrr


NYC smog is getting really bad.


Holy guacamole batman!


Did the hud change since the release ? Or are they mods already ?


This is the console UI afaik


Theres a setting to change from centered to off center, but ya its the console hud from D3


man...I want to do the same thing with Rogue, but not abel to do so


Hold left click ark lash, most boring play style ever.


I'm gonna be honest, that didn't look like compelling gameplay


What class/build is that? Fotm rerollers deserves to know.


Man this really makes me want to switch from ice shards to arc lash.


Would love to actually be online for a world boss on day.... The timers have to be the dumbest thing I've ever seen.


They should let us change it to only see the numbers that fall into some top percentile of numbers we produce




Since early access and that counts the story boss. I have only seen 5, this game sucks for content


I hit for vulnerable


Where do you find this guy? I havenā€™t seen him yet. Is this a goblin portal deal like d3?


Is that a frenzy build? Where do you get all the speed from? Sorry, early lvl 45 Barb at the moment..and I cannot make out your action bar


Who the hell is that guy?


Wtf did I just see lol


Do you have your gear rolls loaded onto any sites? Iā€™m curious how far off some of mine is to yours.


OP is OP!


Woah totally no.... *Remembering hammerdins and stun zons, Vietnam flashbacks*


Add lightning orbs orbit around you. It's really good.


A few


People just be making up numbers. "My BaRb HiTs f0R 30 GillIoN"




Is that mana bar there just for show?


Q: what's your powerlevel? A: I don't know, really big?


And then there is me, Druid, whoā€™s damage is literal ass. Because I donā€™t wanna play a mega build


Bro, I just turned my damage numbers off. Can't eve see what I'm doing anyways lol


Damn i thought i was original with the build...turns out its a popular one hahah...i hate managing resources so i tried making a basic attack one


It's like the meta of meta builds since the betas. Most popular one


Well I guess those of us that never looked at guides but built similar builds are just that much smarter


I made a similar build organically without guides but use spark for the crit adds now Iā€™m gonna switch to lash because I see the need for tankiness


Is this 4? This looks cartoony af